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Elektron ta’lim resurslari
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To`plam bu biz bir butun deb qabul qiladigan ko`plikdan iboratTo`plam nazariyasining asoschisi-Georg Kantor (1845-1918)-nemis matematigi cheksiz to`plamlar nazariyasining asoschisi. XIX-XX asr matematikasi rivojlanishiga xissa qo`shgan olim.TO`PLAM ELEMENTI, TEGISHLILIK
emasIf A is a finite set, we shall denote by |A| the number of elements in A. We often call |A| the cardinality or order of the set A. Now consider the finite set S = {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} (and so |S| = 8).To’plamning quvvati, yoki kardinal son tushunchasi to’plam elementlari sonini bildiradi. Har qanday n elementli A to’plam elemementlari soni |A|=n kabi belgilanadi. Bizning misolimizda |A|=6.¹¹David Surovski Advanсed High-School Mathematics. 2011. 425s. 188 -betAsosiy sonli to`plamlarga misollar: а) Barcha natural sonlar to`plami - N b) Barcha butun sonlar to`plami - Z c) Barcha ratsional sonlar to`plami - Q d) Barcha haqiqiy sonlar to`plami - R
A = {a; o; i; u; o’; e};To’plamlarning berilish usullari Elementlari ro’yxatiga ko`ra Xarakteristik xossasiga ko`ra
A = {a; o; i; u; o’; e};B={qizil, sariq, yashil};C={ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9}A — o’zbek alifbosining unli harflari to’plami; B — svetofor ranglari to’plami; C — bir xonali natural sonlar to’plami bo’ladi
To`plamlar elementlar soniga ko`ra 3 xil bo`ladiTo`plam turlari Cheksiz to`plam Chekli to`plam Bosh to`plam Teng to`plamlar. Bir xil elementlardan tashkil topgan to’plamlar teng to’plamlar deyiladi.Ta’rif: B to‘plamning har bir elementi A to‘plamdaham mavjud bo‘lsa B ni A to‘plamning to‘plam osti,(qismi, qism to‘plami) deyiladi, buni quyidagichabelgilanadi: В⊃А yoki A⊂ BA B
B A = B
Since Z is a subset of R we have the familiar notation Z ⊆ R; if we wish to emphasize that they’re different sets (or that Z is properly contained in R), we write Z ⊂ R (some authors write Z ⊆ R). Likewise, if we let C be the set of all complex numbers, and consider also the set Q of all rational numbers, then we obviously haveZ ⊆ Q ⊆ R ⊆ C.As a more geometrical sort of example, let us consider the set R3 of all points in Cartesian 3-dimensional space. There are certain naturally defined subsets of R3, the lines and the planes. Thus, if П is a plane in R3, and if L is a line contained in П, then of course we may write either L ⊂ П ⊂ R3 or L ⊆ П ⊆ R3. Note, of course, that R3 has far more subsets that just the subsets of lines and planes!22 David Surovski Advanсed High-School Mathematics. 2011. 425s., 187-188betlarEyler — Venn diagrammalariTo’plamlar orasidagi munosabatlarni yaqqolroq tasavvur qilish uchun Eyler — Venn diagrammalaridan foydalaniladi. Bunda to’plamlar doira, oval yoki biror yopiq soha shaklida, universal to’plam esa, odatda, to’g’ri to’rtburchak shaklida tasvirlanadi.Ikki to’plamning o’zaro munosabatidato’rt hol bo’lishi mumkin
Mustaqil o’rganish uchun savоllar1.To‘plam deganda nimani tushunasiz?2.Bo‘sh, chekli, cheksiz to‘plamlarga misollar keltiring.3.To‘plamlar necha xil usulda beriladi?4.Teng to‘plamlarga ta’rif bering.5.To‘plam osti tushunchasiga ta’rif bering va misollar keltiring.Download 333.68 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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