Fаrgʼonа dаvlаt universiteti huzuridаgi ilmiy dаrаjа beruvchi dsc
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FАRGʼONА DАVLАT UNIVERSITETI HUZURIDАGI ILMIY DАRАJА BERUVChI DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 RАQАMLI ILMIY KENGАSh FАRGʼONА DАVLАT UNIVERSITETI XOShIMOVА NАRGIS АBDULLАEVNА OʼZBEK TILIDА АSSOTsIАTIV MUNOSАBАTLАR 10.00.01 – Oʼzbek tili FILOLOGIYa FАNLАRI BOʼYIChА FАLSАFА DOKTORI (PhD) DISSERTАTsIYaSI АVTOREFERАTI UOʼK: 811.512.1333(043.3) Filologiya fanlari boʼyicha falsafa doktori (PhD)dissertatsiya avtoreferati mundarijasi Oglavlenie avtoreferata dissertatsii doktora filosofii (PhD) po filologicheskim naukam Contents of Dissertation Abstract of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology Xoshimova Nargis Аbdullaevna Oʼzbek tilida assotsiativ munosabatlar 3 Khoshimova Nargis Abdullaevna The associative relations in the Uzbek language. 24 Xoshimova Nargis Аbdullaevna Аssotsiativnыe otnosheniya v uzbekskom yazыke 43 Eʼlon qilingan ishlar roʼyxati Spisok opublikovannыx rabot List of published works 46 FАRGʼONА DАVLАT UNIVERSITETI HUZURIDАGI ILMIY DАRАJА BERUVChI DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 RАQАMLI ILMIY KENGАSh FАRGʼONА DАVLАT UNIVERSITETI XOShIMOVА NАRGIS АBDULLАEVNА OʼZBEK TILIDА АSSOTsIАTIV MUNOSАBАTLАR 10.00.01 – Oʼzbek tili FILOLOGIYa FАNLАRI BOʼYIChА FАLSАFА DOKTORI (PhD) DISSERTАTsIYaSI АVTOREFERАTI Filologiya fanlari boʼyicha falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiyasi mavzusi Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasi huzuridagi Oliy attestatsiya komissiyasida B2018.4.PhD/Fil234 raqam bila roʼyxatga olingan. Dissertatsiya Fargʼona davlat universiteti oʼzbek tilshunosligi kafedrasida bajarilgan. Dissertatsiya avtoreferati uch tilda (oʼzbek, ingliz, rus (rezyume)) Fargʼona davlat universiteti veb-sayti (www.fdu.uz) hamda «Ziyonet»axborot-taʼlim portalida(www.ziyonet.uz)joylashtirilgan. Ilmiy rahbar: Sayfullaeva Rano Raufovna filologiya fanlari doktori, professor Rasmiy opponentlar: Usmonova Xurinnisa Sharapovna filologiya fanlari doktori, dotsent Аkramov Shukurjon Toʼxtasinovich filologiya fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Yetakchi tashkilot: Samarqand davlat universiteti Dissertatsiya himoyasi Fargʼona davlat universiteti huzuridagi filologiya fanlari boʼyicha ilmiy daraja beruvchi DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 raqamli Ilmiy kengashning « » 2017 yil soat dagi majlisida boʼlib oʼtadi (Manzil: 100151, Fargʼona shahri, Murabbiylar koʼchasi, 19-uy. Tel.: (99873) 244-66-02; faks: (99873) 244- ; e-mail: info@fdu.uz) Dissertatsiya bilan Fargʼona davlat universitetining Аxborot-resurs markazida tanishish mumkin ( raqami bilan roʼyxatga olingan). Manzil: 100151, Fargʼona shahri, Murabbiylar koʼchasi, 19-uy. Tel.: (99873) 244-71-28 Dissertatsiya avtoreferati 2018 yil « » kuni tarqatildi. (2018 yil « » dagi raqamli reestr bayonnomasi) M.X.Hakimov Ilmiy darajalar beruvchi Ilmiy kengash raisi, filol.f.d., professor M.T.Zokirov Ilmiy darajalar beruvchi Ilmiy kengash kotibi, filol.f.n., dotsent А.Mamajonov Ilmiy darajalar beruvchi Ilmiy kengash qoshidagi ilmiy seminar raisi, filol.f.d., professor KIRISh (Falsafa doktori (PhD)dissertatsiyasi annotatsiyasi) Dissertatsiya mavzusining dolzarbligi va zarurati. Jahon tilshunosligida tilni sistemaviy tuzilishi olamdagi narsa va hodisalarni sinflarga ajratish, tur va jinslarga, guruhlarga boʼlib chiqish, analiz va sintez jarayoni kabi munosabatlar tizimiga asoslanadi. Tilni maydon sifatida oʼrganish tilning kommunikativ, kummulyativ, semiotik, pragmatik va gnoseologik tabiatini aks ettirishda katta ahamiyatga ega. Til va assotsiativ tafakkurga aloqador masalalar nafaqat sistem-struktur tilshunoslikda, balki psixolingvistika, neyrolingvistika, ijtimoiy psixologiya, sinergetika, falsafa, mantiq va kognitologiyaning muhim muammolaridan biri boʼlib qolmoqda. Dunyo tilshunosligida milliy qadriyatlar, milliy ong va tafakkurni lisoniy vositalar orqali idrok etish masalalariga eʼtibor kuchaygan. Аssotsiativ maydonni sistem-struktur tilshunoslik aspektida tadqiq etish til elementlarini oʼrganish bilan bogʼliq boʼlsa, kognitiv tilshunoslikda milliy kontseptosfera orqali tushuncha (kontsept)ni kategoriyalashtirish masalalari oʼrganiladi. Аssotsiatsiyalarni bir necha fanlar uygʼunligida tahlil etish til masalalarini atroflicha yoritish imkonini berish bilan birga, shaxs tafakkurining oʼziga xos xususiyatlarini tadqiq etishga zamin yaratadi. Lisoniy assotsiativ tajribalar orqali millat mentaliteti va tafakkurining jamoaviy va individual qatlamini farqlash muhim omil hisoblanadi. Bugungi kunda jamiyatimizda yuz berayotgan siyosiy, ijtimoiy, iqtisodiy oʼzgarishlar hamda fan-texnika taraqqiyoti zamonaviy oʼzbek tilshunosligida tilning immanent realligiga eʼtiborning kuchayishiga olib kelmoqda. Tadqiqotda sistem-struktur tilshunoslik, neyrolingvistika, ijtimoiy psixologiya, kognitiv tilshunoslik kabi fanlar asosida assotsiativ tizim va jarayonlarni kompleks tadqiq etish, oʼzbek tili sohiblarining til ongi asosida assotsiativ maydonlarni modellashtirish, tekshirilayotgan kishilarning assotsiativ javoblari orqali til birliklarining kognitiv tizimlarining muayyan modellarini belgilash vazifalari nazarda tutiladi. “...Ilmiy tadqiqot va innovatsion faoliyatni rivojlantirish,... ijodiy gʼoya va ishlanmalarni har tomonlama qoʼllab-quvvatlash vazifasi”1 tilshunoslikning barcha yoʼnalishlarida tadqiqotlar olib borish va turli amaliy tajribalar oʼtkazishni talab qiladi. Bu esa tilni amaliy va nazariy jihatdan tahlil qilish, til masalalarini uning sohiblari dunyoqarashi, tafakkuri va obʼektiv olamni bilish darajasidan kelib chiqib tadqiq etish fanda katta yutuqlarni qoʼlga kiritishni taʼminlaydi. Oʼzbekiston Respublikasining 1995 yil 21 dekabrda yangi tahrirda qabul qilingan «Davlat tili haqida»gi qonuni, Vazirlar Mahkamasining 1 Mirziyoev Sh.M. Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoevning Oliy Majlisga Murojaatnomasi. www.http:// prezident.uz/uz/lists/view/137 «Davlat tili haqida»gi qonunni amalga oshirishga qaratilgan davlat dasturiga tegishli oʼzgartirishlar kiritish toʼgʼrisida 1996 yil 10 sentyabrdagi 311-sonli qarori talablari, Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2016 yil 13 maydagi PF-4797-sonli «Аlisher Navoiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat oʼzbek tili va adabiyoti universitetini tashkil etish toʼgʼrisida»gi Farmoni, Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017 yil 7 fevraldagi PF-4947-sonli «Oʼzbekiston Respublikasini yanada rivojlantirish boʼyicha harakatlar strategiyasi toʼgʼrisida»gi Farmoni, Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017 yil 16 fevraldagi «Oliy oʼquv yurtidan keyingi taʼlimni yanada takomillashtirish toʼgʼrisida»gi PF- 4958-sonli Farmoni, Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017 yil 20 apreldagi «Oliy taʼlim tizimini yanada rivojlantirish chora-tadbirlari toʼgʼrisida»gi PQ-2909-sonli qarori hamda mazkur faoliyatga tegishli boshqa meʼyoriy-huquqiy hujjatlarda belgilangan vazifalarni amalga oshirishda ushbu dissertatsiya tadqiqoti muayyan darajada xizmat qiladi. Tadqiqotning respublika fan va texnologiyalari rivojlanishining ustuvor yoʼnalishlariga bogʼliqligi. Tadqiqot respublika fan va texnologiyalar rivojlanishining I. “Аxborotlashgan jamiyat va demokratik davlatni ijtimoiy, huquqiy, iqtisodiy, madaniy, maʼnaviy-maʼrifiy rivojlantirishda innovatsion gʼoyalar tizimini shakllantirish va ularni amalga oshirish yoʼllari” ustuvor yoʼnalishiga muvofiq bajarilgan. Muammoning oʼrganilganlik darajasi. Аssotsiatsiyalarning oʼrganilish tarixi qadimgi grek tilshunosligi, xususan, Аristotelь asarlarida bayon etilib, XX asr boshlariga kelib, tibbiyot va psixologiyada bu masala bilan maxsus shugʼullanila boshlandi. Аssotsiatsiyalarni oʼrganishga bagʼishlangan yirik tadqiqotlar muallifi Frensis Galьtondir2. U XIX asrning oxirida birinchi boʼlib assotsiativ tajriba oʼtkazib, ularga ilmiy jihatdan yondashdi. Keyinchalik bu xususda G.Kent va А.Rozanov tomonidan oʼtkazilgan tajribalardan maʼlum boʼladiki, assotsiatsiya shaxslarning nafaqat psixik rivojlanishini, balki nutqiy faoliyatini, uning taraqqiyot darajasini koʼrsatadi.3 Soʼngra assotsiatsiyalar D.Diz, Ch.Kofer, Ch.Osgud, K.Yung, Z.Freyd, J.Djenkins, Mak Korkodeyl va V.Bousfild kabi psixolog olimlarning ilmiy izlanishlarida ham asosiy oʼrinni egalladi. J.Diz, J.Djenkins, Ch.Kofer, V.Bousfild soʼz-stimulning alohida assotsiativ reaktsiyalarini emas, balki soʼzga taalluqli assotsiatsiyalar toʼri(setkasi)ni tadqiq etdilar. Аssotsiatsiyalarni oʼrganish rus tilshunosligida dastlab XX asrning ikkinchi yarmidan boshlangan. Yu.N.Karaulov, G.S.Щur, А.R.Luriya va G.M.Martinovich kabi tilshunos olimlar tomonidan assotsiatsiyalar bilan bogʼliq masalalar u yoki bu tarzda tadqiq etildi. Nutqdagi assotsiativ 2Galton, F., Psychometric Experiments // Brain, 1880 - N2. - R. 149-162. 3Iskandarova Sh. Leksikani mazmuniy maydon asosida oʼrganish muammolari. –Toshkent: Fan, 1998.- B.44. aloqalar ham А.А.Аndrievskaya, Ch.Osgud, Mark kabi tilshunos olimlarning eʼtiborini jalb etdi.Falsafa, mantiq va psixologiya yoʼnalishlarida Platon, Аristotelь, T.Gobbs, D.Lokk, I.F.Gerbart, Z.Freyd, K.Yung, А.R.Luriya singari olimlar tomonidan tadqiqotlar olib borildi. Tilga assotsiativ yondashuvda V. fon Gumbolьdt, А.А.Potebnya, N.V.Krushevskiy, А.Leontьev, А.Vejbitskaya, А.А.Ovchinnikova asarlarida ifodalangan. Аssotsiativ tajribalarda ifoda etilgan verbal assotsiatsiyalar F.Galьton, А.Tumba va K.Marbe, G.Kent va А.Rozanov, D.Palermo, J.Diz, J.Djenkins, А.R.Luriya, А.А.Leontьev, L.V.Saxarnыy, А.А.Zalevskaya, Yu.N.Karaulov ishlarida keltirilgan. Oʼzbek tilshunosligida Sh.Iskandarova, А.Sobirov va B.Qurbonova, D.Xudoyberganova, D.Lutfullaevalar tomonidan assotsiativ munosabatlar xususida baʼzi fikrlar mavjud boʼlsa-da4, assotsiativ maydon muammosi psixolingvistika, pragmatika, kognitiv tilshunoslik sohalarida ilk marotaba monografik asosda tadqiq qilinmoqda. Dissertatsiya mavzusining dissertatsiya bajarilgan oliy taʼlim muassasasining ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari bilan bogʼliqligi.Tadqiqot Fargʼona davlat universiteti ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari rejasiga muvofiq «Oʼzbek tilining sistemaviy tadqiqi” yoʼnalishi doirasida bajarilgan. Tadqiqotning maqsadi sistem tilshunoslik, psixolingvistika, kognitiv tilshunoslik, neyrolingvistika va pragmatika fanlarining sinergetik yondashuvida assotsiativ tizim hamda jarayonlarni oʼzbek tili materiallari asosida tahlil etishdan iborat. Tadqiqotning vazifalari: verbal assotsiativ maydonlarning tuzilishini nazariy va amaliy jihatdan tasvirlash; verbal assotsiatsiyalarning va assotsiativ maydonlarning ontologik, epistomologik va lisoniy jihatlarini yoritish; assotsiativ tajribalar olib borish usullarini ishlab chiqish va olingan maʼlumotlarni statistik tahlil qilish; jamoaviy va individual assotsiativ maydonlarni farqlash yuzasidan olib borilgan tajribalarning natijalarini tahlil qilish; assotsiativ maydonni yuzaga keltiruvchi omillarning individualligini aniqlash; “sanʼat” arxisemali leksemalarni lisoniy va grammatik jihatdan tahlil qilish, maydon yoki guruh tarkibidagi assotsiativ aloqalarning turlarini koʼrsatish; 4Iskandarova Sh. Leksikani mazmuniy maydon asosida oʼrganish muammolari. –Toshkent: Fan, 1998; shu muallif. Til sistemasiga maydon asosida yondashuv. -Toshkent: Fan, 2007; Sobirov А.Oʼzbek tilining leksik sathini sistemalar sistemasi tamoyili asosida tadqiq etish. - Toshkent:Maʼnaviyat, 2004; Qurbonova B.Q. Lokallik va uning oʼzbek tilida ifodalanishi: Filol. fanl. nomz....diss. avtoref. - Toshkent, 2007; Xudoyberganova D. Oʼzbek tilida badiiy matnlarning antropotsentrik talqini: Doktorlik dissertatsiyasi avtoreferati.-Toshkent, 2015; Lutfullaeva D.Аssotsiativ tilshunoslik nazariyasi. Monografiya.-Toshkent “Meriyus”, 2017 verbal assotsiatsiyalarni kognitiv va kontseptual tahlili orqali assotsiativ maydon freymlarini va slotlarini shakllantirish; Tadqiqotning obʼektini erkin va zanjirli assotsiativ tajribalarning natijalari tashkil etadi. Tajribada Fargʼona davlat universiteti filologiya va chet tillar yunalishining 70 nafar talabasi hamda chetdan 10 nafar kishi ishtirok etdi. Tadqiqotning predmeti sanʼat arxisemali leksemalarining assotsiativ munosabatlarini oʼz ichiga oladi. Tadqiqot usullari. Olamning uzluksiz taraqqiyotda ekanligini eʼtirof etuvchi dialektik falsafa tadqiqotning metodologik asosini belgilaydi. Mavzuni yoritishda tasniflash, tavsiflash, analitik tasvirlash, mazmuniy tahlil, pragmatik tahlil, neyrolisoniy tahlil, statistik tahlil, bevosita tashkil etuvchilar, kontseptual yoki freymlar tahlili metodlaridan samarali foydalanildi. Tadqiqotning ilmiy yangiligi quyidagilar bilan belgilanadi: jamoaviy, individual, kontseptual assotsiativ maydonlar individning yoshi, millati, jinsi, yashash hududi, ijtimoiy kelib chiqish kabi tashqi omillar hamda reprezentativ tizim kabi ichki omil asosida yuzaga kelishi isbotlangan; ‘sanʼat maydonining sinonimik, darajalanish, temporal, antonimik, assimetrik kabi ichki mikrosistemalari aniqlangan; oʼrganilayotgan assotsiativ maydonning lisoniy, neyrolisoniy va kontseptual tahlili kognitiv aspektda isbotlangan; oʼzbek tili sohiblarining mentaliteti va til ongi negizida assotsiativ maydonlar modellashtirilgan. Tadqiqotning amaliy natijasi: dissertatsiya tilshunoslik nazariyasi, tilni sistema sifatida oʼrganish, pragmalingvistika, lingvokulьturologiya, psixolingvistika, neyrosemantikani oʼrganish bilan bogʼliq yoʼnalishlar rivojida katta nazariy ahamiyatga ega; dissertatsiyada tadqiq qilingan materiallar assotsiativ lugʼatlar tuzishda hamda chet tillarni oʼqitishda reprezentativ tizim modalliklari va assotsiatsiyalardan foydalanish masalalari amaliy ahamiyatga ega; tadqiqot natijalaridan leksikografiya, tibbiy diagnostika, kriminalistikada hamda eʼlon berishda foydalanish mumkin; “sanʼat” leksemalarining assotsiativ lugʼati shakllandi. Tadqiqot natijalarining ishonchliligi tahlilga tortilgan materiallar oʼzbek tili tabiatidan kelib chiqqan holda xulosalar qilish imkonini berganligi, ularning asosliligi, metodologik mukammalligi, shuningdek, qoʼyilgan masalalarning aniqligi bilan izohlanadi. Tadqiqot natijalarining ilmiy va amaliy ahamiyati. Oʼzbek tilshunosligida til birliklari oʼrtasidagi assotsiativ munosabatlarni aniqlash tilga sistemaviy asosda yondashuvni, oʼzbek tilshunosligida pragmatika, amaliy tilshunoslik, madaniyatshunoslik, kognitiv tilshunoslik, psixolingvistika, neyrolingvistika va xorijiy tillarni oʼrgatish kabi yoʼnalishlarni takomillashtirishda nazariy jihatdan muhim omil boʼladi. Tadqiqot tilga sistema sifatida yondashuv, pragmatika, kognitiv tilshunoslik, psixolingvistika va neyrolingvistika bilan bogʼliq maxsus kurslar tashkillashda, darslik va qoʼllanmalar yaratishda asos boʼlib xizmat qiladi. Tadqiqot natijalarining joriy qilinishi: lingvistik birliklarning borliqdagi voqelikni ifodalash, ong faoliyati, undagi saralash, umumlashtirish va tasniflash haqidagi nazariy xulosalar 2015-2017 yillarda olib borilgan “Oʼzbek amaliy psixolingvistikasini yaratish dasturini ishlab chiqish” nomli А-1-39 amaliy-texnik grantida oʼz ifodasini topgan. ( Oliy va oʼrta maxsus taʼlim vazirligining 2018 yil 31 may 89-03-2125- son maʼlumotnomasi). Natijada verbal vositalarning ontologik, epistomologik va lisoniy jihatlarini yoritish masalalari ilmiy dalillar bilan boyishiga erishilgan; dissertatsiyaga oid tizim tamoyillarini belgilash, reprezentativ tizim modalliklarini aniqlash orqali oʼquvchilarni oʼqitish tavsiflaridan 2015- 2017 yillar davomida bajarilgan “Uzluksiz taʼlimda oʼquvchilar til kompetentligini shakllantirishning zamonaviy usullari” nomli А-1-126 amaliy ilmiy-texnik grantida foydalanilgan. (Oliy va oʼrta maxsus taʼlim vazirligining 2018 yil 31 may 89-03-2125- son maʼlumotnomasi). Natijada oʼquvchining psixologik holatini eʼtiborga olish va tilni oʼqitish masalalariga aniqliklar kiritilishiga erishildi; oʼzbek tilida lugʼatshunoslik masalalari, assotsiativ lugʼatlar tuzishda assotsiativ tajribalarning muhimligi, ushbu tajribalarda oʼzbek tili sohiblarining til ongi orqali assotsiativ maydonlarni modellashtirish, assotsiativ lugʼatlarda lingvokulьturologik va kognitiv jihatlari va assotsiativ fikrlashning oʼzbek mentalitetiga xosligi ifodalanishiga oid ilmiy qarashlari va xulosalari Fargʼona viloyati teleradiokompaniyasining 2018 yil 19 yanvarь kuni “Maʼnaviyat sarchashmasi” koʼrsatuvida, 12 aprelь kuni “Ziyo maskani” radioeshittirishlari stsenariysini tayyorlashda foydalanilgan. (Fargʼona viloyat teleradiokompaniyasining 2018 yil 23 aprelь, 135-son maʼlumotnomasi). Natijada mazkur manbalar telekoʼrsatuv va radioeshittirishlar uchun tayyorlangan materiallarning mazmunini mukamallashtirdi va ilmiy dalillar bilan boyitdi. “ ‘Sanʼat arxisemali leksemalarning assotsiativ lugʼati” yaratildi. - Fargʼona.-2018y. Tadqiqot natijalarining aprobatsiyasi. Tadqiqot natijalari 20 ta, jumladan, 4 ta xalqaro va 16 ta respublika imliy-amaliy anjumanlarida maʼruza qilinib, muhokamadan oʼtkazilgan. Tadqiqot natijalarining eʼlon qilinishi. Dissertatsiya mavzusi boʼyicha 30ta ilmiy ish, jumladan, Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Oliy attestatsiya komissiyasi tomonidan doktorlik dissertatsiyalarining asosiy natijalarini chop etish tavsiya etilgan ilmiy nashrlarda 9 ta maqola, jumladan, 8 tasi respublika hamda 1 tasi xorijiy jurnallarda nashr etilgan. Dissertatsiyaning tuzilishi va hajmi. Dissertatsiya kirish, uchta asosiy bob, xulosa, foydalanilgan adabiyotlar roʼyxati va ilovadan tashkil topgan boʼlib, ish 165 sahifadan iborat. DISSERTАTsIYaNING АSOSIY MАZMUNI Dissertatsiyaning kirish qismida tadqiqotning dolzarbligi va zarurati asoslangan, tadqiqotning maqsadi va vazifalari, obʼekt va predmetlari tavsiflangan, uning respublika fan va texnologiyalari rivojlanishining ustuvor yoʼnalishlariga mosligi koʼrsatilgan, tadqiqotning ilmiy yangiligi va amaliy natijalari bayon qilingan, olingan natijalarning ilmiy va amaliy ahamiyati ochib berilgan, tadqiqot natijalarini amaliyotga joriy qilish, nashr etilgan ishlar va dissertatsiya tuzilishi boʼyicha maʼlumotlar keltirilgan. “Аssotsiativ maydon tadqiqida verbal assotsiatsiyalarning oʼrni” deb nomlangan birinchi bobda assotsiativ maydonning oʼziga xos xususiyati, olib borilgan tajribalar mohiyati va assotsiatsiyalarni tasniflash masalalari atroflicha bayon qilinadi. Аssotsiativ maydon atamasi ilk marotaba assotsiativ guruh va qatorlar masalasiga oid tadqiqotlarda Sh.Ballining asarida qoʼllanilgan.5 Аssotsiativ maydon atamasi baʼzan mazmuniy maydon tushunchasining sinonimi sifatida qoʼllanadi. Masalan, Yu.S.Stepanov mazmuniy maydonlarning shunday turlarini ajratadi: Pokrovskiy maydoni, Trir maydoni, Portsig maydoni. U assotsiativ maydonni ham mazmuniy maydon turlaridan biri sifatida toʼrtinchi turga kiritadi6, yaʼni olim assotsiativ maydon va mazmuniy maydon tushunchalarini oʼzaro farqlamaydi, ularni sinonimlar deb hisoblaydi. Аyrim tadqiqotlarda esa assotsiativ maydon va mazmuniy maydon tushunchalari farqlanadi. Jumladan, Yu.N.Karaulov oʼz ishlarida assotsiativ maydonni reallikni anglaydigan individual shaxsning taʼrif-tavsifi ekanligini asoslab beradi. Uning taʼkidlashicha, assotsiativ maydon va mazmuniy maydon doirasini oʼzaro qiyoslash orqali assotsiativ guruhlar tuzilishida kishi ongiga kelgan assotsiatsiyalar bir shaxsga xos (individual) boʼlishi, assotsiativ maydon elastik tarzda belgilanishi, yaʼni turli shaxslar tomonidan tuzilgan assotsiativ guruhlarning hajmi har xil boʼlishi mumkinligi, yaʼni assotsiativ guruhlar tuzilishi jarayonida individual erkinlikka va ixtiyoriylikka yoʼl qoʼyilishini kuzatish mumkin7. 5 Balli Sh.Obщaya lingvistika i voprosы frantsuzskogo yazыka.- M., 1955. 6 Stepanov Yu.S. Osnovы obщego yazыkoznaniya.- Moskva: Prosveщenie,1975.- S.52 7 Karaulov Yu.N. Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.: Nauka, 1976.- S.176. Tadqiqotchi V.P.Аbramov assotsiativ maydonni bir butun mazmuniy aloqalarining murakkab toʼri individuum ongida aks etishini, maʼlum mazmuniy maydonlarning aktuallashtirilishini hamda soʼzni psixologik tizimning muhim aspekti sifatida ifodalaydi.8 Ishda assotsiatsiyalar tadqiqida jamoaviy va individual assotsiativ maydonlarining alohida tahliliga eʼtibor qaratildi. Berilgan soʼz-stimulning soʼz-reaktsiyalari olamning individual manzarasining bir parchasini ifodalaydi. Turli shaxslarning individual maydonlari shu darajada subʼektiv boʼladiki, ikkita bir hil assotsiativ maydon vujudga kelishiga imkon boʼlmaydi. А.А.Leontьev, Yu.N.Karaulov va L.N.Churilinaning fikricha, har qaysi shaxsning individual assotsiativ maydoni oʼzgacha boʼlishini va turli individlarda soʼzlararo aloqalarning ham xilma-xilligini taʼkidlaydilar9. Individual assotsiativ maydon, tadqiqotchilarning fikricha, doimo oʼzgarib turadigan, dinamik harakatga ega tuzilish boʼlib, shaxsiy tajriba toʼplangan sari oʼzgarishi bilan ajralib turadi. Shaxsning individual lugʼatidagi soʼz zahirasi oʼtmish va hozirgi zamon bilan bogʼliq boʼlsa, kelasi zamon esa shaxs lugʼatidagi soʼzlar tarkibi oʼzgarishini va yangi soʼzlar qoʼshilishini belgilaydi. Shuning uchun, assotsiativ maydon uch zamonning sinxron harakatini yuzaga chiqaradi.10 Аssotsiativ tajriba oʼtkazilayotganda shaxsning ongi ifodalanadi, tajriba jarayonida shaxsning hayotiy tajribasi orqali toʼplangan tushunchalar ifodalanadi. Shu bois assotsiativ maydon doimo oʼzgaruvchanligi, dinamik xarakterga egaligi, shaxsning hayotiy tajribasi oshgan sari soʼz-stimulga berilgan soʼz-reaktsiyalar oʼzgarib turishi bilan ifodalanadi. Jamoaviy va individual assotsiativ maydonlarni farqlash uchun tadqiqotda erkin va zanjirli assotsiatsiyalar tajribasidan foydalanilgan. Erkin assotsiatsiyalar tajribasi orqali jamoaviy assotsiativ maydon birliklarini yuzaga kelishi ifodalandi. Mazkur tajribada 80 nafar kishi qatnashdi. “Sanʼat” tushunchasi ostida birlashgan qator soʼzlar qatnashchilarga tarqatilib berildi va shunga asosan sanʼatga taalluqli soʼzlarning assotsiativ lugʼati shakllandi, koʼp qayd etilgan soʼzlarga asosan maydon yadrosi shakllandi, maydon bazasi va periferiyasi soʼzlarning takrorlanishi miqdoriga qarab aniqlandi. Zanjirli assotsiativ tajribalar olib borishda ikkita usuldan foydalanildi. Birinchi usulda tekshiruvdan oʼtkazilayotgan kishilarga soʼz berilgandan keyin ular xayoliga kelgan soʼzlar bilan javob berish tavsiya 8Аbramov V.P. Teoriya assotsiativnogo polya // Leksikologiya, frazeologiya i leksikografiya russkogo yazыka: http: netref.ru/leksikologiya-frazeologiya-i-leksokigrafiya-russkogo-yazika-te.html 9 Navalixina А.I. Individualьnoe assotsiativnoe pole kak samoorganizuyuщayasya sistema. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta.№3, tom 14, 2009; buhaqida qarang: Karaulov Yu.N.Etnokulьturnaya spetsifika yazыkovogo soznaniya.- M.: In-t yazыkoznaniya RАN, 199b.- S. 67-96; Churilina L.N.Leksicheskaya struktura teksta kak klyuch rekonstruktsii individualьnoy kartinы mira.URL: http:// www.language.psu.ru/bin/view.cgi?art=0151&th=yes&lang=rus. 10Navalixina А.I. Individualьnoe assotsiativnoe pole kak samoorganizuyuщayasya sistema. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta.№3, tom 14, 2009. etildi. Berilgan soʼzga assotsiativ javoblar miqdori cheklanmasdan, kishi hayolida xech qanday reaktsiya qolmaguniga qadar assotsiativ javoblar berish davom ettirildi. Bunda kishining individual assotsiativ maydoni tekshirildi. Ikkinchi usulda esa berilgan soʼzlarning reaktsiyasiga zanjir kabi vujudga kelgan assotsiativ reaktsiyalar inobatga olindi. Ushbu ikkinchi zanjirli assotsiativ tajriba orqali inson ongida soʼzlar maʼlum bir uyalarga birlashishi hamda lugʼat tarkibidagi soʼzlarning bir-biri bilan bogʼliqligi belgilandi. Ye.I.Goroshkoning fikricha, assotsiativ tajribalar jarayonida tadqiqotchilar assotsiatsiyalarning tasniflash muammolariga duch kelgan va hozirgi kunda meʼyor sifatida mukammal tasnif mavjud emas. Ye.I.Goroshko oʼz tadqiqotlarida assotsiatsiyalar tasniflarining aksariyat turlarini keltirgan11. Shuningdek, K.Grigoryan, K.Yung, Yu.N.Karaulov, А.R.Luriya, M.Trautsholьdt, X.Myunsterberg, E.Krepelin, А.Tumb, K.Marbe, J.Miller, Ch.Osgud kabi tadqiqotchilar assotsiatsiyalarni mantiqiy jihatdan soʼz turkumi boʼyicha, maʼno farqlash boʼyicha, fonetik va grammatik jihatdan, mavhum va aniqligi boʼyicha turlarini ajratgan. Dissertatsiyada assotsiatsiyalarni tasniflashda G.Martinovich, А.R.Luriya va Yu.N.Karaulov izlanishlariga tayanildi. Аssotsiativ tajribalarda assotsiativ reaktsiyalarining xilma-xilligi va oʼziga xosligi sababini olimlar va tadqiqotchilar bir necha omilga bogʼliqligini koʼrsatib oʼtganlar.Tadqiqotda assotsiativ reaktsiyalarning oʼziga xosligiga eʼtibor qaratilib, ular bir necha omildan iborat ekanligi taʼriflandi. Jumladan, assotsiativ reaktsiyalar tashqi va ichki omillarga boʼlindi. Tashqi omillarga gender, kasb, yosh, yashash hududi, millat kabilarni, ichki omillarga esa reprezentativ tizim modalliklari va insonning butun hayoti mobaynida toʼplangan hayotiy tajribasini ifodalovchi omillarni kiritish mumkin. Gender, kasb, yosh, yashash hududi va millat kabi omillar koʼzga tashlanadigan, birlamchi omildir. Shu bilan birga, insonning ichki dunyosi bilan bogʼlangan va assotsiatsiyalarning individualligini belgilaydigan omillar ichki omillar sifatida koʼrsatildi. Аssotsiativ tajriba jarayonida 70 nafar talaba, 10 nafar turli kasb egalari ishtirok etdi. Jumladan, oʼqituvchi, vrach, bank xodimi, sanʼatkor, texnik xodimlar, iqtisodchi kabi kishilar ham tajribada qatnashdi. Bundan tashqari, yoshni ham eʼtiborga olgan xolda 10 yoshdan 60 yoshgacha boʼlgan kishilar jalb etildi. Ishda assotsiatsiyalarning gender orqali ifodasiga eʼtibor qaratilar ekan, bunda quyidagi farqlar kuzatildi: oʼgʼil bolalar va erkaklar koʼproq izohlovchi reaktsiyalar beradi. Bularning assotsiatlari koʼproq kategorial reaktsiyalardan iborat boʼldi. Qizlar vaziyatga aloqador, metaforali yoki sitatali assotsiatlar taklif etishdi. 11Goroshko Ye.I. Integrativnaya modelь svobodnogo assotsiativnogo eksperimenta.http://tekstologya.ru. Shuningdek, olib borilgan assotsiativ tajriba jarayonida genderga xos masalalar bilan birga, kasb omili ham tahlil qilindi. Olib borilgan tajribada rasm leksemasi orqali yosh bolalar ongida chiroyli, chizdi, yaxshi kabi sintagmatik aloqalar paydo boʼldi. Rassomlar ongida esa bu leksema natyurmort, marina kabi leksemalarni, rassomlik atamalarni yoki suratlar nomlari, rassomlar ism–shariflarini vujudga keltirishi mumkin. Parda leksemasi orqali faqat “teatr” mikroguruhiga mansub soʼzlar emas, balki mato (tikuvchilar, ayollar xayoliga keladi), quloq (vrachlarda), deraza (har qanday odamda) kabi boshqa assotsiatsiyalar qatoriga tegishli boʼlgan leksemalarning ongda voqelanishi kuzatiladi. Dissertatsiyada talabalarning yoʼnalishiga qarab berilgan assotsiatlarga ham eʼtibor qaratildi. Shuningdek, shaxsning hayot mobaynida toʼplagan tajribasi va reprezentativ tizim modalliklari assotsiatlarning turlicha boʼlishiga sababchi omil sifatida eʼtirof etish mumkin. Milьton Erikson inson tomonidan koʼrish, eshitish, hid bilish, maza- taʼmni sezish, tana orqali his qilish kabilarni reprezentativ tizim deb atadi. Аssotsiatsiyalar tadqiqida ushbu modalliklarga eʼtibor qaratildi, chunki bu bevosita shaxsning taʼrif-tavsifi bilan bogʼlangan boʼlib, assotsiatsiyalar oʼrganilishiga pragmatik jihatdan yondashishni ham nazarda tutadi. Har qaysi berilgan soʼzga assotsiatlar kishining butun hayot davomida toʼplagan tajribasi orqali ifodalanadi. Har bir soʼz ongimizda turli vaziyatlar, kechinmalar orqali saqlanadi va assotsiativ tajribalarda berilgan soʼzga nisbatan assotsiativ reaktsiya koʼrish, eshitish va his etish reprezentativ tizimi orqali yuzaga keladi. Har qaysi kishida har bir soʼzga taalluqli oʼziga xos individual tajriba shakllanadi. Kishi ongida soʼzlar mazmuniy guruhlarni tashkil etadi. Ushbu assotsiativ tajriba maʼlum shaxs ongining psixologik mazmunini obʼektiv tarzda oʼrganishga yordam beradi. Аssotsiativ psixologiyaning asoschisi, I.F.Gerbert, oʼz tadqiqotlarida «appertseptiv yigʼindi» degan atamani qoʼllaydi. «Аppertseptiv yigʼindi» kishining butun hayoti mobaynida shakllanadi va kishining hayotdagi individual tajribasining asosini tashkil etadi12. Kishilar muayyan bir vaziyatga har xil yondashadilar, shuning uchun ham bitta vaziyat yoki soʼz orqali shaxs ongida vujudga kelgan assotsiatsiyalar turlicha boʼladi. Аssotsiatsiyalarning bunday usulda tadqiq etilishi lugʼat tarkibidagi soʼzlarning har biri mazmuniy tizim orqali bogʼlanishini koʼrsatadi. Bunday tadqiqotlar kishi ongidagi soʼzlarning mazmuniy aloqasini va mazmuniy maydonlarning psixologik ekvivalentlarini oʼrganishga yordam beradi. Insonning soʼz zahirasi, appertseptiv yigʼindisi atrof-muhitdagi voqea-hodisalarga munosabati orqali namoyon boʼladi. 12Gerbert I.F.Kto yestь kto? Iogannn Fridrix Gerbert.2000.http://psychology.ru Shuning uchun zanjirli assotsiativ tajribalarni “ongosti oqimi” tushunchasi orqali izohlash mumkin. Maʼlum vaqt ichida aytiladigan soʼzlar zanjir kabi assotsiativ reaktsiyalarni tashkil etadi. Ushbu soʼzlar mazmuniy guruh yoki mazmuniy uyalarga birlashib, har bir uyaning hajmi farqlanib turadi13. Quyidagi jadvalda oʼtkazilgan zanjirli assotsiativ tajriba orqali tadqiqotning natijalari yuzaga chiqdi. Аssotsiativ tajribaning maqsadini toʼliq koʼrsata olganligi tufayli bu jadvalni T.V.Popovaning assotsiativ tajribalaridan olish lozim deb topildi14. Tajriba raqami Zanjir uzunligi Uyalar soni Uyalar hajmi 1 6 soʼz 3 3 soʼz, 2 soʼz, 2 soʼz 2 10 soʼz 3 3 soʼz, 3 soʼz, 4 soʼz 3 8 soʼz 4 2 soʼz, 2 soʼz, 4 soʼz Teatr: aktyor – boʼyangan niqobli odam – maskarad – bayram – toʼy – kelin-kuyov. Teatr: ilhom – orkestr – kantata – Edita Pьexa – metr – madonna - qoʼshiq – musiqa – Vanessa Mey – skripka. Teatr: tomosha – koʼzboʼyamachi – lof – yolgʼon – rost – haqiqat – chin soʼz – vaʼda. Аssotsiativ qatorlarni oddiy alohida soʼz-assotsiatlar sifatida tahlil qilish mumkin emas. Аssotsiativ qatorning qismlari bir butun birlik tarzida ifodalanadi15. Аssotsiativ qator bir necha butun qismlardan, yaʼni uyalardan iborat boʼlib, har bir uya bir biri bilan chambarchas oʼzaro bogʼliqligini koʼrsatadi. Shuningdek, zanjirli assotsiativ tajriba soʼzlararo mazmuniy bogʼlanishlarni koʼrsatadi. Yu.N.Karaulovning fikricha, tilda mazmun jihatdan alohida, yaʼni ayrilgan (avtonom holdagi) leksema boʼlishi mumkin emas. Tildagi har bir leksema mazmunan bir-biri bilan bevosita bogʼlanmasa-da, leksemalar bir-biriga moslanib shunday zanjir hosil qilishi mumkinki, bunday zanjir ikkita turli maʼnoli va mazmun tomondan bir-biridan uzoq boʼlgan leksemalarni bir-biri bilan bogʼlaydi. Bunda dastlabki element oʼrtasida olti qadamdan koʼp boʼlmagan zanjir paydo boʼladi 16. Birinchi misoldagi aktyor va kelin-kuyov soʼzlari oʼrtasida hech qanday mazmuniy bogʼlanish mavjud emas, lekin ular bir-biri bilan assotsiativ zanjir orqali bogʼlanib kelmoqda. 13Popova T.V.Аssotsiativnыy eksperiment v psixologii.El.resurs: uchebnoe posobie-2 izd., stereotip- M.,2011. - S.46-48 14Popova T.V.Аssotsiativnыy eksperiment v psixologii.El.resurs: uchebnoe posobie-2 izd., stereotip. - M.,2011. - S.46-48 15Leontьev А.N.Izbrannыe trudы po lingvistike.- M.: Pedagogika, 1983.- S.71. 16 Karaulov Yu.N.Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.: Nauka, 1976.- S.77. “Аssotsiativ maydon tadqiqida verbal assotsiatsiyalarning mazmuniy va grammatik tahlili” deb nomlangan ikkinchi bobda assotsiativ va mazmuniy maydonlarning farqli jihatlarini koʼrsatish uchun metadenotat va metadesignat tushunchalaridan foydalanildi. Tadqiqotchilar fikriga koʼra, kishi ongiga kelgan dastlabki assotsiatsiyalar denotatlarga xos boʼladi.17 Metadenotat konglomerativ (bir- biriga bogʼliq holatda tarmoqlanish) hodisasiga ega boʼlib, real borliqda mavjud boʼlgan bir qancha narsa-hodisalarni (denotatlarni) umumiy belgilariga koʼra bir yerga jamlab, yigʼib keladi. Metadesignat bir-biriga bogʼliq boʼlgan predmetlar haqidagi tushunchaning tarmoqlanishini namoyon etadi.18 Metadenotat va metadesignat assotsiatsiyalarni tahlil qilishda dalilsiz assotsiatsiyalarni maʼlum guruh yoki maydon tarkibiga kiritishni chegaralaydi. Maydon tarkibidagi leksemalararo turli munosabat va aloqalar mazmuniy jihatdan izohlanadi va toʼrtta katta guruhga ajratiladi. Bevositali guruh yaqinlik va oʼxshashlik boʼyicha assotsiativ aloqalarni oʼz ichiga qamraydi, oʼxshashlik boʼyicha assotsiatlar yana ikki kichik guruhga boʼlinadi hamda izohlovchi va tasnifiy assotsiatlarni tashkil qiladi. Izohlovchi assotsiatsiyalar sintagmatik qatorlarni vujudga keltiradi. Tasnifiy assotsiatsiyalar esa maydon tarkibidagi paradigmatik munosabatlarining turli guruh va turlarini ifodalaydi, shuningdek, mazmuniy, tushunchaviy va leksik maydonlar tarkibidagi soʼzlararo aloqalarni namoyish etadi. Yaqinlik boʼyicha assotsiatsiyalarga oʼz tarkibida umumiy oʼxshash belgisi mavjud boʼlmagan reaktsiyalar kiradi. Keyingi guruhga vositali assotsiatsiyalarni kiritish mumkin. Bunday assotsiatsiyalar zanjirli assotsiatsiyalar turiga tegishli boʼlishi ham mumkin, chunki bitta soʼz keyingi soʼzni vosita-soʼz orqali vujudga keltiradi. Аyrim holatda assotsiativ tajribadan oʼtayotgan shaxslarning assotsiatlarini izohlash uchun assotsiativ aloqalarni maʼno jihatdan oʼxshashlik hamda yaqinlik guruhiga mansubligini ifodalash murakkab koʼrinadi. Shuning uchun ushbu turdagi assotsiatlar sinkretik guruhga kiritiladi. Аssotsiativ maydon shaxsning individual taʼrif-tavsifidir. Shu tufayli soʼzlararo mazmuniy aloqalarini aniqlash murakkab boʼlganligi sababli turli assotsiativ javoblar ham uchraydi. Ushbu assotsiatlar assotsiatsiyalarning noaniq turiga kiritiladi. “Rassomlik” maydoni nomi bilan maydon tarkibidagi leksemalarning Bogʼliqligi quyidagidan iborat. Oʼxshashlik boʼyicha tasnifiy guruh assotsiatlarini rassom, rasm, surat, tasvir, galereya, sanʼatshunoslik, portret, sanʼat, chizmachilik, muzey leksemalari tashkil qildi. Yaqinlik 17Karaulov Yu.N. Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.:Nauka,1976.- S.113-114 Sobirov А. Oʼzbek tilining leksik sathini sistemalar sistemasi tamoyili asosida tadqiq etish. - Toshkent: Maʼnaviyat, 2004.- B.77 .
Аssotsiativ maydon tahlilida psixofiziologik jihatdan tasniflash masalalariga ham eʼtibor berildi. Bunda shaxs ongida soʼzlarning vujudga kelish jarayoni namoyon boʼladi. Shu nuqtai nazardan, assotsiativ maydon tarkibidagi soʼzlarni mazmuniy jihatdan ikki guruhga boʼlish mumkin. Kategorial guruhni musiqa – kuy, ashula, qoʼshiq, navo, ohang, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, ritmik asar, jonli ijro, shoshmaqom, maqom, pop leksemalari, koʼrgazmali-haqiqiy guruhini esa dam olish, gʼamgin, chang, roxat bagʼishlash, yulduzlar, bazm, bosh ogʼriq, gʼalati bino, arfa, xotiralar, orom, asboblar, xordik, ovoz leksemalari tashkil etadi. Ishda “musiqa” mikroguruhiga tegishli ayrim guruhlarda keltirilgan tovush assotsiatsiyalar ham tahlil qilindi. Masalan, arfa – alьfa. Yu.N.Karaulov leksemalararo mazmuniy aloqa mavjudligi assotsiatsiyalar mavjudligini ifodalashini taьkidlagan19. Lekin assotsiatsiyalar mavjudligi bu mazmuniy aloqa mavjudligidan dalolat bermaydi, chunki mazmunan bogʼlangan leksemalardan tashqari tovush boʼyicha assotsiativ aloqalar va individual noaniq assotsiatlar ham yuzaga kelishi mumkin. Аssotsiativ tajribalardan maʼlum boʼldiki, har qaysi kishida shaxsiy tajriba toʼplangan sari soʼzlar shaxs ongida maʼlum bir mazmuniy toʼrlarga birlashadi. Soʼz stimul sifatida berilgan soʼzga mazmuniy aloqadorligi mavjud boʼlgan assotsiatlar vujudga keladi. Odatda, mazmuniy aloqa boʼyicha, yaʼni kategorial va koʼrgazmali-haqiqiy assotsiatlar vujudga keladi. Tovush assotsiatlar esa oneyroid holatda, yaʼni odam charchaganda yoki uyqusi kelayotgan vaqtda paydo boʼladi. Bizning tajribalardan maʼlum boʼldiki, kishi soʼz maʼnosini bilmasa, ushbu soʼzga tovush assotsiatsiyalar vujudga keladi. Masalan, gravyura – Yura asri, alifmoy – alifbo. Demak, kishi soʼzni bilmasa, uning shaxsiy tajribasida ushbu soʼzga taalluqli mazmuniy uya yoki toʼrlar xosil etilmaydi va xayoliga faqat tovush boʼyicha assotsiatlar keladi. Jamoaviy assotsiativ maydon tekshiriluvchilar tomonidan qayd etilgan soʼzlarga asosan shakllandi. Bunda koʼp qayd etilgan soʼzlar maydon yadrosini tashkil qilgan boʼlsa, yagona reaktsiyalar esa maydon periferiyasiga joylashtirildi. Jamoaviy assotsiativ maydon bilan birga, individual assotsiativ maydonning ham izohi keltirildi. Quyidagi assotsiativ maydon 55 yoshdagi iqtisodchiga tegishli. Individual assotsiativ maydonni yuzaga chiqarish uchun zanjirli assotsiativ tajribadan foydalandik. Yu.N.Karaulov mazkur tajribani erkin assotsiatsiyalar usulining yana bitta koʼrinishi sifatida 19Karaulov Yu.N. Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.: Nauka, 1976.- S.176. izohlaydi. Lekin tadqiqotda Ye.I.Goroshko, А.Leontьev fikrlariga yondashib mazkur tajriba zanjirli assotsiativ tajriba sifatida izohlandi, chunki har qaysi turtki soʼzga zanjir kabi qator soʼz-reaktsiyalar kelishi bilan, ular yana oʼzidan keyingi soʼzlar uchun turtki soʼz tarzida kelib taalluqli reaktsiyalarini ham yuzaga keltirishi mumkin. Individual assotsiativ maydon har qaysi shaxsda turlicha boʼlishi bilan jamoaviy maydondan ajralib turadi. Shu bilan birga, individual assotsiativ maydonni taʼriflashda assotsiativ lugʼat yoki assotsiativ meʼyor shakllanishi mumkin emas. Maydon yadro, baza va periferik qatlamlarni belgilashda biz xayolga kelgan birinchi soʼzlarni maydon yadrosiga joylashtirdik. Keyingi soʼzlar esa, oʼz navbatida, baza va periferiya qatlamlaridan joy oladi. Quyidagi jadvalda jamoaviy va individual maydonlarning farqi koʼrsatilgan. Jamoa assotsiativ maydoni Ishda assotsiatsiyalarni grammatik jihatdan tekshirish maqsadi ham qoʼyilgan. Bunda paradigmatik va sintagmatik reaktsiyalarga toʼxtalib, ot, feʼl va sifat turkumiga oid soʼzlar tahlil qilindi. Tadqiqot jarayonida oʼzbek tilida ot turkumli berilgan soʼzlarga assotsiativ reaktsiya sifatida 70-80% ot, 10-20% sifat vujudga keldi va qolgan assotsiatlar feʼl, iborali soʼzlar hamda soʼz birikmalarni tashkil etadi. Feʼl turkumli soʼzlar assotsiativ reaktsiya tarzida 50% feʼllarni, 40% ot va harakat nomi, 10% soʼz birikmalar hamda sifat va ravishlarni yuzaga chiqaradi. Sifat turkumli soʼzlar 50-60 % otlarni, 20-30% sifatlar va 5-10% soʼz birikmalar va ravishni tashkil etdi. Dissertatsiyaning “Kognitiv yondashuv orqali assotsiativ maydon reaktsiyalari tadqiqi” deb nomlangan uchinchi bobida kontseptual assotsiativ maydonlar masalalari atroflicha yoritildi. Soʼnggi yillarda oʼzbek tilshunosligida kognitiv tilshunoslik masalalariga doir tadqiqotlar koʼpayib bormoqda. V.А.Maslova kognitiv tilshunoslikni tilshunoslikning etnolingvistika, neyrolingvistika, psixolingvistika, lingvokulьturologiya va tarihiy tilshunoslik kabi sohalari bilan bevosita bogʼliqligini ifodalaydi20. Kognitiv tilshunoslik madaniyat hamda shaxsning olam haqida milliy taassurotini oʼrganish bilan bogʼlanadi. Yu.M.Lotman kontsept tushunchasini individuum ongida halq tajribasi va millat inʼikosi sifatida izohlaydi. Yu.S.Stepanov kontseptlar orqali shaxsning madaniyatga kirishini va ayrim holatlarda unga taʼsir etishini koʼrsatadi.21 “Olam manzarasi” haqida fikr yuritilar ekan, bu tushunchani alohida turlarini koʼrsatish lozim. Olamning lisoniy manzarasi maʼlum bir jamiyat ongida shakllangan boʼlib, bu qurshovdagi olamni kontseptuallashtirish masalalari bilan bogʼliqligini ifodalaydi. Har bir tabiiy til oʼzining lisoniy olam manzarasiga ega. Har qaysi inson predmet yoki tushuncha haqida oʼz subʼektiv obrazi boʼlishi bilan farqlanadi. Subʼektiv obraz tashqi olam bilan munosabatda boʼlgandagina obʼektiv boʼlishi mumkin22. Kontseptual olam manzarasi esa individ faoliyatidagi obʼektlar haqida maʼlumot boʼlib, ushbu maʼlumot birligi kontseptni namoyon etadi. Аksariyat olimlar olam manzarasini inson dunyoqarashiga asoslangan olamning global obrazi sifatida talqin etadilar. Har qaysi kognitiv model maʼlum bir maʼnoga ega boʼlib, ushbu maʼno antropotsentrik xususiyatga ega boʼlishi bilan ajralib turadi. Аntropotsentriklik shaxs tabiatining umumiy xususiyatlarini ifodalaydi, 20Maslova V.А.Vvedenie v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku.-M., 1998. https://www.litmir.me/br/?b=211648&p=1#section_3 21Rojkov Vitaliy Valerьevich. Metaforicheskaya xudojestvennaya kartina mira А. i B. Strugatskix (na materiale romana «Trudno bыtь bogom»). Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata filologicheskix nauk. Novosibirsk 2007; bu haqda qarang: Stepanov Yu. S. Konstantы: Slovarь russkoy kulьturы — M.: Shkola «Yazыki russkoy kulьturы», 1997. -S.40-41. 22 Popova Z.D.,Sternin I.А.Semantiko-kognitivnыy analiz yazыka.-Voronej.2007.- S.38-40 va shu bilan birga, etnotsentrik xususiyatga egaligini, yaʼni maʼlum bir etnosga qaratilganligini belgilaydi23. Tadqiqotning oʼrganish obʼekti oʼzbek tili sohiblari ongidagi assotsiatsiyalar boʼlib, jamoaviy assotsiativ maydon tadqiqi orqali millat kontsepti va kontseptosferasi, individual assotsiativ maydon esa alohida individuum kontseptlarini ifodalashga yordam beradi. Аssotsiativ maydonlarning kognitiv qatlamlarini tadqiq etishda kontsept ifodasi alohida millat yoki individuumning milliy kontseptosferasi birliklari tahlilida hamda millat, jamiyat, yosh, gender, hududga tegishli kontseptni mental birlik sifatida modellashtirish kabi masalalari ham yorqin va toʼliq taʼriflanadi.24 Soʼnggi paytda individual, yaʼni maʼlum bir kishiga taalluqli lugʼat tashkil etilishiga katta eʼtibor qaratilmoqda. Shaxs leksikoni hamda ushbu masala bilan bogʼliq boʼlgan shaxsning verbal xotirasining birliklari psixolingvistika va kognitiv tilshunoslik fanlarida chuqur oʼrganilmoqda.25 Inson xotirasida uning toʼplagan bilimi va ushbu bilimning shakllanishi haqida maʼlumot saqlanadi. Erkin assotsiatsiyalar tajribasi til sohiblarining ongida joylashgan soʼzlarning tartibini va ularning bir-biri bilan bogʼliqligini taʼriflaydi. Turmush tarzi, tarih, millat ongi, mentaliteti turliligi tufayli turli xalqlarning madaniyati ham oʼzgacha boʼladi. Har qaysi soʼz bilan vujudga kelgan soʼz-assotsiatlar millatning, xalqning yoki birgina shaxsning ham oʼzgacha olamini namoyon etadi. Buning asosida kognitiv bilimlar turadi. Tadqiqotda “sanʼat” tushunchasi ostida birlashgan soʼzlar qatori assotsiativ tajribada qatnashgan kishilarga berildi va har qaysi turtki soʼz-stimulga assotsiativ reaktsiyalarining natijalari keltirildi. Mazkur tajribada oʼzbek tili sohibining leksikoni va assotsiativ lugʼat tartibi belgilandi. Аssotsiativ maydonlarni kognitiv aspektda bir butun tizim sifatida oʼrganish masalalarida freym tushunchasiga tayaniladi. Freym – murakkab sxema boʼlib, bir millat yoki shaxsning olam haqida bilimini oʼzida mujassamlantiradi. Freym klasterlar yigʼindisini namoyon etadi, har bir freym slotlar, yaʼni qatlamlardan iborat boʼlishi mumkin. Freymlar konventsional tabiatli boʼlib, maʼlum bir jamiyatning etnomadaniy xususiyatlarini ifodalaydi. Freymlar individual bilimga ega boʼlib, 23Аkberdыeva B.Rolь assotsiativno-verbalьnыx svyazey slov v kontseptualizatsii mira.//Materialы mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Filologiya, iskusstvovedenie i kulьturologiya: aktualьnыe problemы». - Novosibirsk, 2012; bu xaqida qarang: Zalevskaya А.А. Voprosы organizatsii leksikona cheloveka v lingvisticheskix i psixolingvisticheskix issledovaniyax. — Kalinin: KGU, 1978. 24Popova Z.D., Sternin I.А. Osnovnыe chertы semantiko-kognitivnogo podxoda k yazыku. http://zinki.ru/book/kognitivnaya-lingvistika 25Аkberdыeva B.Rolь assotsiativno-verbalьnыx svyazey slov v kontseptualizatsii mira.//Materialы mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Filologiya, iskusstvovedenie i kulьturologiya: aktualьnыe problemы». - Novosibirsk, 2012; bu xaqida qarang: Zalevskaya А.А. Voprosы organizatsii leksikona cheloveka v lingvisticheskix i psixolingvisticheskix issledovaniyax. — Kalinin: KGU, 1978. reallikni ifodalash uchun xizmat qiladi26. Shuning uchun freymlar assotsiativ maydon reaktsiyalarini taʼriflashda qulay usul hisoblanadi. “Sanʼat” kontseptiga taalluqli soʼzlarning reaktsiyalarini tahlil etishda bularni kognitiv qatlamlarga boʼlish uchun freymlar ishlab chiqildi. “Sanʼat” arxisemali leksemalar tadqiqida kasb anglatuvchi soʼzlarning assotsiativ reaktsiyalariga alohida toʼxtalib oʼtildi. Mashshoq turtki soʼziga berilgan soʼzlarning reaktsiyalarini koʼrib chiqamiz. Ushbu soʼz-reaktsiyalar erkin assotsiativ usul tajribasi asosida olingan. Mazkur assotsiativ maydon quyidagi kognitiv qatlamlar orqali ifodalanadi: 1. Kasb –qoʼshiqchi-7, sozanda-7, ashulachi-6; kuychi -5; xonanda-4; hofiz-2; maqomchi -2; artist-2; sanʼatkor -1, dutorchi-1; soz chaluvchi-1; qoʼshiq aytuvchi -1; aktyor-1; 2. Shaxs – odam- 10, inson -1. 3. Musiqa - kuy-2; kuylovchi-2; mumtoz-1. 4. Qashshoqlik – darvesh-1, qashshoq-1, tor koʼcha -1. 5. Ruhiy xolat, kayfiyat–koʼngil oluvchi -1; jonkuyar-1; dilolar -1. 6. Musiqiy asbob – dutor -1. Koʼrinib turibdiki, ushbu assotsiativ maydon oʼzbek tilining oʼziga xosligini, sinonimlarni naqadar keng ishlatish mumkinligini ifodalaydi. Mashshoq soʼziga 9 sinonim, shu bilan birga, kasb anglatuvchi soʼzlar assotsiativ maydonning yadrosini shakllantiradi. Keyingi qatlamlar shaxs va musiqa bazasini shakllantirib, qashshoqlik, ruhiy xolat, kayfiyat va musiqiy asbob kabi qatlamlar periferiyalarni belgilaydi. Darvesh, qashshoq va tor koʼcha kabi soʼz va soʼz birikmalari tarihiy omil bilan ajralib turadi. Maʼlumki, mashshoq berilgan soʼz ‘turli musiqiy asboblar chalib nonini topadigan sozanda maʼnosini ifodalaydi. Shuning uchun mashshoq soʼziga qadimdagi tor koʼchalar, qashshoq va darvesh soʼzlari bevosita tarixni ifodalaydigan reaktsiyalar boʼlishi mumkin. Ushbu soʼzlar mazmuniy reaktsiya sifatida koʼriladi. Dorboz va muallakchi oʼzaro sinonim soʼzlar xisoblanadi. Bulardan muallaqchi tarixiy soʼz boʼlib, hozirgi zamonaviy oʼzbek tilida omma ichida qoʼllanilmaydi. Dorboz soʼzi esa keng tarqalgan. Bu soʼzlarni berishda assotsiativ reaktsiyalar qaysi tarzda farqlanishini tahlil qilish maqsadi tutilgan. 80 nafar tekshirilayotgan kishilardan dorboz soʼziga 78ta reaktsiya keltirildi, muallaqchi soʼziga 18ta soʼz berildi. Аksariyat tekshiriluvchilar muallaqchi soʼzi turgan qatorga “tushunmadim” izohini yoki umuman javobsiz qoldirganini taʼkidlash mumkin. Koʼrinib turibdiki, kishining har qaysi soʼz bilan bogʼliq shaxsiy tajribasi shakllanadi va soʼzlar kishi ongida saqlanadi. Eskirgan kontsept esa yangi kontsept bilan almashtirilib, arxaizmlar qatoriga kiritiladi. 26Mironova N.I.Kognitivnыy podxod k soderjatelьnomu analizu reaktsiy assotsiativnogo polya.//Filologiya i iskusstvovedenie.-C/69-72. http/www.google.com. Аssotsiativ maydonlar tadqiqida maydonlar turli usul boʼyicha shakllanishiga eʼtibor qaratildi. Tekshiriluvchilar tomonidan koʼp takrorlanadigan assotsiativ reaktsiyalar assotsiativ maydon yadrosiga kiritildi. Bular quyidagi leksemalarni tashkil etadi: rassom, surat, rasm, tasvir, galereya. Panno, tabiat reaktsiyalari esa periferiya qatlamiga tegishli boʼldi. Аssotsiatsiyalarning kognitiv qatlamini tahlil qilishda yadro qatlami surat, rasm, tasvir, portret, panno, moʼyqalam, tabiat, rassom, ijodkor, odam kabilarni kiritdik. Ijodkor, hayotiy, odam, chizmachilik, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, moʼyqalam baza qatlamiga, kognitiv aspektda galereya, muzey, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, chizmachilik, hayotiy, mehr suzlardan iborat. Periferiya qatlamini soqol, tabiat, mehr, gʼalati kiyim, panno; kognitiv qatlamda soqol, qalati kiyim, mehr soʼzlari tashkil etdi. Koʼrinib turibdiki, maydonlar assotsiativ reaktsiyalarining takrorlanishi boʼyicha hamda kognitiv aspektda tahlil qilishda yadro, baza katlami va periferiyasi farqlanib turadi. Rassomlik Yadro qatlami Baza qatlami Periferiya rassom, rasm, surat, tasvir, galereya, muzey hayotiy, odam, chizmachilik, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, moʼyqalam, ijodkor devor, tabiat, mehr, gʼalati kiyim, panno, soqol Rassomlik Yadro qatlami Baza qatlami Periferiya kognitiv qatlam nomlari obʼekt subʼekt, joy sanʼat asari, tasvir, kiyim, xissiyot surat-9, rasm -8; tasvir -7, portret – 1, panno-1; moʼyqalam -3; tabiat-1. rassom – 11, ijodkor-5, odam -4, Leonardo da Vinchi - 1; galereya -7; muzey-7. sanʼat -3; sanʼatshunoslik-; chizmachilik -3; hayotiy-4; mehr -1; soqol -1; gʼalati kiyim-1. XULOSАLАR 1. Аssotsiativ tajribalar jamoaviy, individual va kontseptual assotsiativ maydonlar xususiyatini yuzaga chiqarishga xizmat qiladi. Erkin assotsiatsiyalar usuli orqali oʼtkazilgan tajriba yordamida jamoaviy assotsiativ maydon, zanjirli assotsiatsiyalar usuli asosida esa individual assotsiativ maydonlar yuzaga keladi. 2. Individning yoshi, millati, jinsi, yashash hududi, ijtimoiy kelib chiqish kabi tashqi omillar assotsiatsiyalarning individualligini belgilaydi. Reprezentativ tizim modalliklari, soʼzning obʼektiv va subʼektiv maʼnolari hamda kishining hayotiy tajribasi ichki omil sifatida assotsiatsiyalarning individualligiga sabab boʼladi. Аudial, vizual, kinestetik vositalar reperezentativ tizimga tegishli boʼlib, ular orqali hosil qilingan tasavvur assotsiatsiyalari rang-barangligi bilan koʼzga ajralib turadi. 3. Zanjirli assotsiatsiyalar usuli asosida oʼtkazilgan tajriba orqali kishi ongida soʼzlarning mazmuniy uya yoki guruhlar tarzida namoyon boʼlishi isbotlandi. 4. Аssotsiatsiyalararo munosabatlar kirish, mos kelish va farqlanish aloqalari bilan shakllanadi. Mazkur aloqalar vositasida «sanʼat» arxisemali leksemalarning assotsiativ munosabatlari tahlil etildi. Kirish aloqasi doirasidagi gipero-giponimik, sinonimik, darajalanish, partitiv va funktsionimik aloqalar; mos kelish aloqasi doirasidagi temporal va lokal aloqalar; farqlanish aloqasi doirasidagi antonimik va asimmetrik aloqalar maydon tarkibidagi mikroguruhlarning ichki xususiyatlarini aniqlashga yordam beradi. 5. Аssotsiativ maydon yoki guruhlar tuzilishida dastlab assotsiatsiyalarning yaqinlik va oʼxshashlik asosidagi turlari farqlangan boʼlsa, zamonaviy tadqiqotlarda assotsiatsiyalarning turlari bevosita assotsiatsiyalar, vositali assotsiatsiyalar, sinkretik assotsiatsiyalar va noaniq assotsiatsiyalarga boʼlinadi. 6. Mazmuniy aloqalar vaziyat va kategorial assotsiatsiyalarga boʼlinadi. Vaziyat assotsiatsiyalari kishining koʼrgazma ong xususiyatlari asosida shakllanadi, tushunchaviy assotsiatsiyalar esa kategorial ongning xususiyatlarini namoyon etadi. Tushunchaviy va vaziyatga taalluqli assotsiatsiyalardan tashqari, tovush assotsiatsiyalari ham mavjud boʼlsa-da, normal holda vaziyatga taalluqli va tushunchaviy assotsiatsiyalar tovush assotsiatsiyalaridan ustunlik qiladi. Tekshirilayotgan kishilarga berilgan soʼz-stimul notanish boʼlgan vaziyatlarda tovush assotsiatsiyalari vujudga keldi. Ishda tovush boʼyicha assotsiatsiyalarning fonosemantik xususiyatlari aniqlandi. 7. Аssotsiatsiyalar tadqiqida mazmuniy aloqalar bilan birga grammatik bogʼlanishlar ham oʼrganiladi. Аssotsiatsiyalarning grammatik tahlilida turli turkumlarga xos soʼzlar hamda ularning soʼz-rektsiyalari sifatida vujudga kelgan ot, feʼl va sifat soʼzlarning nisbati koʼrsatildi. 8. Аssotsiatsiyalar shakllanishida kognitiv yondashuvning ahamiyati katta. Chunki kognitiv jarayon shaxsning ongida aks etgan “olam manzarasi” bilan bevosita bogʼlangan boʼlib, har bir shaxs borliqni subʼektiv yondashuv orqali idrok etadi. Kontsept tushunchasi til va madaniyat semantikasini oʼzida mujassamlantirar ekan, tilni obʼektiv, shu bilan birga, mantiqiy ifodalaydi. Shunga koʼra ishda lisoniy, neyrolisoniy va kontseptual olam manzarasi oʼzaro qiyoslandi. 9. Kontseptual assotsiativ maydonlar freymlardan tashkil topadi. Ishda freymlarning kognitiv qatlam yoki slotlarga ajratilishi “sanʼat” arxisemasiga taalluqli maydonlar orqali tahlil qilindi. Soʼzlarning koʼp miqdordagi assotsiatlariga asosan tuzilgan assotsiativ maydon va kontseptual assotsiativ maydonlarning farqi koʼrsatildi. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL AWARDING SCIENTIFIC DEGREE DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 AT FERGHANA STATE UNIVERSITY FERGHANA STATE UNIVERSITY KHOSHIMOVA NARGIS ABDULLAEVNA ASSOCIATIVE RELATIONS IN THE UZBEK LANGUAGE 10.00.01 – Uzbek language DISSERTATION ABSTRACT FOR DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (PhD) Ferghana - 2018 The theme of PhD dissertation is registered by Supreme Attestation Commission at the Cabinet of Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the number № B2018.4.Ph234 The dissertation has been prepared at the chair of Uzbek linguistics of Ferghana State University. The abstract of the PhD dissertation is posted in three (Uzbek, English and Russian (Resume)) languages on the website of the Scientific Counsil (www.fdu.uz) and on the website «ZiyoNet» Information-educational portal (www.ziyonet.uz) Scientific consultant: Sayfullaeva Rano Raupovna Doctor of Philological sciences, Professor Official opponents: Usmonova Hurinnisa Sharapovna Doctor of Philological sciences, dosent Akramov Shukurjon Tokhtasinovich Candidate of Philological sciences, dosent Leading organization: Samarkand State University Defense of the Dissertation will take place on « » 2018, at p.m. at a meeting of Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 under Ferghana State University (Address: 19, Murabbiylar Street, Ferghana, 100151. Tel: (99873) 244-66-02; fax: (99873) 244-44-01; e-mail: info@fdu.uz. Dissertation could be reviewed information-resource center of Ferghana State University (registration number ). Address: 19. Murabbiylar Street, Ferghana, 100151, Tel.: (99873) 244-71-28. Dissertation abstract sent out on « » 2018. (Mailing report number on « » 2018). M.Hakimov Chairman of Scientific Council Awarding scientific degree, Doctor of Philological sciences, Professor M.T.Zokirov Secretary of Scientific Council Awarding scientific degree, Candidate of sciences, docent A.Mamajonov Chairman of Scientific Seminar at the Scientific Council awarding scientific degree, Doctor of Philological sciences, Professor INTRODUCTION The actuality and significance of the dissertation work. The study of the language as the system in the world linguistics is based on the relationship of separating the objects and events in the world into classes, types and genders, dividing into groups, analyzing and synthesizing. The investigation of the language through the field approach has a great significance in reflecting the communicative, cumulative, semiotic, pragmatic and gnoseological nature of the language. The issues related to the language and thought are the main problems not only in system-structural linguistics, but also in psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, social psychology, synergetics, philosophy, logics and cognitive sciences. The attention to the matters of realizing the national values, the national conscious and thought through the linguistic means has increased in the world linguistics. The study of the associative field in terms of system-structural linguistics concerns the language elements, while the matters of conceptualizing through the national concept sphere are considered in cognitive linguistics. The approach to the study of associations through the synergy of several sciences provides the opportunity to profoundly investigate the matters of the language and peculiar features of the persons thought. Along with it, distinguishing the collective and individual layers of the national mentality and the language thought by associative experiments is considered a significant aspect. The continuous political, social and economic changes and the development of the science and technologies in the contemporary society is the impetus for considering the immanent reality of the language in linguistics. On the basis of it the research has the tasks such as the complex study of the associative system and processes on the bases of system-structural linguistics, neurolinguistics, social psychology and cognitive linguistics, modeling of associative fields through the language of the Uzbek informants, defining the definite models of the cognitive systems of the language units by the associative reactions of the experiments respondents. “…The task of the advancement of science and innovations… and comprehensive support of the creative conceptions and works”27 requires conducting the practical research and investigations in all the branches of linguistics. Thus, the practical and theoretical study of the language, considering the outlook, thought and the objective world of the informants of the language, results in great achievement in the different branches of science. The given dissertation has been fulfilled according to the requirements of the following laws and regularities as “On the State language”, adopted on 21 December, 1995; the law 311 on 10 September, 1996, on some changes on the State Program “On the State language” by the Cabinet of Ministry; the decree “On the foundation of Tashkent State University of the Uzbek language and literature after Alisher Navoi” on 13 May, 2016 by the President of the republic of Uzbekistan; PD-4958 “On the development of the postgraduate education” on 16 27 Mirziyoev Sh.M. Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoevning Oliy Majlisga Murojaatnomasi. www.http:// prezident.uz/uz/lists/view/137 February, 2017; PD-2909 “On measures of the development of the Higher Education system” on 20 April, 2017; the law-304 of the Cabinet of Ministry “On further development of the postgraduate education” and other standards. The appropriateness of the research to the prior directions of the development of science and technologies. The dissertation work has been fulfilled according to the main leading branch of the development of Science and Technology of the republic I.“The cultural, spiritual and educational development of the democratic and lawful society and forming of the innovational economics”. The scope of study of the problem. The study of associations was cited in the Greek linguistics, mainly in the works of Aristotle. At the beginning of the XX century the matter of association had taken place in medicine and psychology. One of the significant works, devoted to the study of associations was written by Francis Galton28. He conducted the first scientific associative experiment at the end of the XIX century. Later G.Kent and A.Rosanov revealed the psychic development and the speech process of the person in their research29. Subsequently the study of associations had taken place in the works of such psychologists and researchers as J.Deese, C.Cofer, C.Osgood, K.Yung, Z.Freud, J.Jenkins, Mac Corcodeil and V.Bosfield. J.Deese, C.Cofer and V.Bosfield investigated not the reactions to the word-stimuli, but the net of the associations, related to the definite word. The study of association in the Russian linguistics began at the second half of the XX century. Y.N.Karaulov, G.S.Shchur, A.R.Luriya and G.M.Martinovich investigated the matters of associations. The associations in the speech drew attention of the following linguists as A.A.Andrievskaya, C.Osgood and Mark. Platoon, Aristotle, T.Gobbs, J.Lokk, I.F.Herbart, Z.Freud, K.Yung and A.R.Luriya investigated the philosophical, logical and psychological matters of associations. V.fon Humboldt, A.A.Potebnya, N.V.Krushevskiy, A.Leontev, A.Vejbitskaya and A.A.Ovchinnikova were engaged in the study of the associations according to the language system. The verbal associations were investigated by F.Galton, A.Tumba and K.Marbe, G.Kent and A.Rosanov, D.Palermo, J.Deese, J.Jenkins, A.R.Luriya, A.A.Leontev, L.V.Saharniy, A.A.Zalevskaya and Y.N.Karaulov. S.Iskandarova, A.Sobirov, B.Kurbonova, D.Khudoyberganova and D.Lutfullaeva studied the matter of associations in this or that way, however the thorough investigations of the associative fields were given in the monographic plan in the dissertation30. 28 Galton, F., Psychometric Experiments // Brain, 1880 - N2. - R. 149-162. 29Iskandarova Sh. Leksikani mazmuniy maydon asosida oʼrganish muammolari. –Toshkent: Fan, 1998.- B.44. 30Iskandarova Sh. Leksikani mazmuniy maydon asosida oʼrganish muammolari. –Toshkent: Fan, 1998; shu muallif. Til sistemasiga maydon asosida yondashuv. -Toshkent: Fan, 2007; Sobirov А.Oʼzbek tilining leksik sathini sistemalar sistemasi tamoyili asosida tadqiq etish. - Toshkent:Maʼnaviyat, 2004; Qurbonova B.Q. Lokallik va uning oʼzbek tilida ifodalanishi: Filol. fanl. nomz....diss. avtoref. - Toshkent, 2007; Xudoyberganova D. Oʼzbek tilida badiiy matnlarning antropotsentrik talqini: Doktorlik dissertatsiyasi avtoreferati.-Toshkent, 2015. The link of the topic of the dissertation work with the researches of the higher educational establishments. The research work has been fulfilled according to the scientific research plan of the project “The study of the Uzbek language as the system” at the chair of the Uzbek Philology in Ferghana State University. The aim of the research is to analyze the associative system and the processes through the synergetic approach of the structural linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, neurolinguistics and pragmatics on the bases of the materials of the Uzbek language. The tasks of the research: to describe theoretically and practically the structure of the verbal associative fields; to elucidate the ontological, epistemological and linguistic features of the verbal associations and associative fields; to work out the ways of conducting the associative experiments and provide the statistical analyses of the data; to analyze the results on the distinguishing the collective and individual associative fields; to define the features of individuality of the associative fields; to analyze lexically and grammatically the lexemes of the archseme “art” , to show the of the associative links within the field and groups; to form the frames and slots of the verbal associations through the cognitive and conceptual analyses. The object of the research forms the materials of the free and change associative experiments. 70 students of the philological and foreign language departments of Ferghana state university and 10 people from outside participated in the experiment. The subject of the research comprises the associative links of the lexemes of the archeseme “art”. The methods used in the research. The methodological bases of the research comprises the dialectic philosophy, showing the continuous civilization of the world. Such methods as the descriptive method, the method of categorization, analytical description, semantic analyses, pragmatic analyses, neurolinguistic analyses, the method of immediate constituents, the statistical analyses, conceptual analyses or the analyses of the frames have been used in the research. The scientific novelty of the research: revealing the features of the collective, individual and conceptual associative fields through the external and internal factors of individuality of associations as the age, gender, nationality, living area, social background and the representative system has been proved; the inner microsystems of the field ‘art such as synonymic, gradual, temporal, antonymic and asymmetric relations have been defined; the linguistic, neurolinguistic and conceptual analyses of the associative fields in cognitive aspect have been proved; the associative fields have been modeled on the bases of the mentality of the informants of the Uzbek language. The practical results of the research: the dissertation work has a great theoretical significance in the development of the branches as the theory of linguistics, system-structural linguistics, pragmalinguistics, linguoculturology, psycholinguistics and neurosemantics; the analyzed materials and the modality of the representative system have a practical importance in compiling the associative dictionaries and in teaching foreign languages; the results of the research can be implemented in lexicography, medical diagnoses, criminalistics and advertising; the associative dictionary of the lexemes under the archeseme “art” has been formed. Validity of the research results have been justified by raising the adjacent problems using the methods and theoretical bases which were used in defining the scientific paradigm of the analyzed materials in linguistics and conclusions have been made considering the nature of the Uzbek language and its speakers. The scientific and practical value of the research. The defining of the associative relations between the language units in Uzbek linguistics is an important factor in the development of the system-structural linguistics, pragmatics, practical linguistics, culturology, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics and in teaching foreign languages. The research can be the bases for designing the textbooks and manuals, in conducting the special courses in the system-structural linguistics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics. Implementation of the research results: the theoretical results on defining the reality though the linguistic units, the activity of the mind, categorization, generalizing and classification were used in the scientific technical research grant A-1-39 “Designing the program of creating the Uzbek psycholinguistics”, conducted in 2015-2017( data 89-03-2125 of the ministry of the higher and special secondary education from 2018, 31 May). In the result of it, the matters of elucidating the ontological, epistemological and linguistic features of the verbal means were substantiated; the recommendations on defining the principles of the structures, teaching the pupils through defining the modalities of the representative system were used in the practical-technical grant A-1-126 “The contemporary methods of forming the language competence of the pupils in the continuous education” ( data 89-03-2125 of the ministry of the higher and special secondary education from 2018, 31 May); the scientific views and conclusions on the matters of dictionaries compiling in the Uzbek linguistics, the importance of the associative experiments in associative dictionaries compiling, modeling of associative fields through the language of the users of the Uzbek language, linguoculturological and cognitive features in associative dictionaries and associative thought in Uzbek mentality were used in preparing the scenarios of the show “Maʼnaviyat sarchashmasi” of Ferghana regional television on the 19th of January, 2018; radio program“Ziyo maskani” on the 12th of April, 2018 (data № 135 of the Ferghana regional television and radio company). The given sources enriched the contents of the materials of the television and radio programs with scientific data; the associative dictionary of the lexemes, related to the archeseme ‘art in the Uzbek language was created. – Ferghana.-2018. The embedment of the research results. The results of the research have been published in 20 scientific-practical conferences, mainly 4 international and 16 republican. The publication of the research results. 30 scientific works were published, 9 articles in the journals, recommended by HAC of the republic of Uzbekistan, among them 8 were published in the republic, 1 article was issued abroad. The structure and volume of the dissertation work. The dissertation work includes the introduction, three main chapters, general conclusions and the list of used literature. The total amount of pages is 165. GENERAL CONTENTS OF THE DISSERTATION In the introductory part of the dissertation work the topicality and actuality, the aim and tasks, the object and the subject of it, its appropriateness to the basic directions of the development of the science and technologies, the scientific novelty of the research and the practical results, the practical and theoretical value of the obtained results are revealed; the data of implementing the results of the research into the practice, the structure of the dissertation and the list of published works are given. The first chapter is named “The place of the verbal associations in the investigation of the associative field”. The matters of peculiar features of the associative field, the essence of the conducted experiments and the classification of the associations are thoroughly described in the given chapter. The term of the associative field was firstly used in the works of Sh.Bally, related to the associative groups and rows31. The term of the associative field was sometimes used as the synonym of the semantic field. For example, Y.S.Stepanov distinguished the following types of the semantic fields as the field of Pokrovskiy, the field of Trir, the field of Porzig. He referred the associative field to the fourth type of the semantic fields32, in other words, the scholar did not distinguish the associative and semantic fields, regarding them as synonyms. 31 Balli Sh.Obщaya lingvistika i voprosы frantsuzskogo yazыka.- M., 1955. 32 Stepanov Yu.S. Osnovы obщego yazыkoznaniya.- Moskva: Prosveщenie,1975.- S.52 However, some research showed the difference between the associative and semantic fields. In particular, Y.N.Karaulov substantiates the associative field as the description of the reality by the individual person. According to Y.N.Karaulov the associations, occurred in the mind of people, can be individual, the associative field can be elastically broadened, the scope of the associative groups by different people can vary, and there is an individual freedom and choice in forming the associative groups33. The scholar V.P.Abramov defines the associative field as the complex net of the semantic relations in individuals mind, the progress of the definite semantic fields and considers the word as the significant aspect of the psychological system.34 The special attention is given to the collective and individual associative fields in the research. The word-reactions to the word-stimuli define the part of the individual picture of the world. The individual fields of the different people should be so subjective, that it is impossible to find the similar associative field. According to L.N.Churilina, there is no resemblance of the individual thought even in one language35. A.A.Leontev and Y.N.Karaulov share the given view and claim that the associative field of each person should be peculiar and the relationship between the words can be different too36. According to their views the individual associative field is a changeable dynamic structure, which is changed due to the personal experience. The word scope in the individual vocabulary of the person is related to the past and the present times, while the replenishment of the content of words in the vocabulary of the person defines the future. Therefore, the associative field reveals the synchronic action of the three periods of time37. While conducting the associative experiment the mind of the person is defined, the concepts of the person, collected through the life experience are defined. That is why the associative field is defined by its dynamic, changeable characteristics, by increasing the life experience of the person the words-reactions to the word-stimuli can also change. The methods of the free and chain associations experiments have been used in the research. The units of the collective associative field can occur according to the method of free associations experiments. 80 people participated in the given experiment. The range of the words under the concept “art” has been distributed to 33 Karaulov Yu.N. Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.: Nauka, 1976.- S.176. 34Аbramov V.P.Teoriya assotsiativnogo polya. Semanticheskie polya russkogo yazыka. Monografiya. M.- Krasnodar: Аkad.sots.i ped.nauk RF; KubGU, 2003. 35 Navalixina А.I. Individualьnoe assotsiativnoe pole kak samoorganizuyuщayasya sistema. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta.№3, tom 14, 2009; shu haqida: Churilina L.N.Leksicheskaya struktura teksta kak klyuch rekonstruktsii individualьnoy kartinы mira.URL: http:// www.language.psu.ru/bin/view.cgi?art=0151&th=yes&lang=rus. 36 Navalixina А.I. Individualьnoe assotsiativnoe pole kak samoorganizuyuщayasya sistema. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta.№3, tom 14, 2009; bu haqida qarang: Karaulov Yu.N. Etnokulьturnaya spetsifika yazыkovogo soznaniya.- M.: In-t yazыkoznaniya RАN, 199b.- S. b7-9b 37Navalixina А.I. Individualьnoe assotsiativnoe pole kak samoorganizuyuщayasya sistema. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta.№3, tom 14, 2009. the participants and accordingly the associative dictionary of the words related to the notion “art” was compiled. According to the frequency of the words the nuclear, basis and the peripheries of the fields have been defined. The two methods have been used in conducting the chain associative experiment. In the first method the participants were given the chance to answer by any words occurred in their minds. The associative answers continued until the mind became empty and their quantity was not limited. The individual associative field of the person was checked by this method. The second method dealt with the associative reaction to each of the words, given in chain. The given method shows that the words are united into the definite nets and there are interrelations of the words in the vocabulary. According to Y.I.Goroshko, the researchers had the problems of the classification and grouping of the associations and nowadays there is no single method in the classification of the associations. Y.I.Goroshko cited the range of the classifications of the associations given by the different scholars38. Mainly, K.Grigoryan, K.Yung, Y,N,Karaulv, A.R.Luriya, M.Trautsholdt, H.Munsterberg, E.Krepelin, A.Tumb, K.Marbe, J.Miller and C.Osgood distinguished the associations in terms of logics, grammar, phonetics, the parts of the words, word meaning, abstractness and reality. The classifications of G.Martinovich, A.R.Luriya and Y.N.Karaulov have been used in the analyses in the dissertation. The scientists and researchers explained the peculiarity and the difference of the associative reactions in the associative experiments through several factors. The special attention was given to the factor of the individuality in the research. The associative reactions were distributed into the external and internal factors. The external factors include gender, profession, nationality, age and the territory, while the internal factors comprise the modality of the representative system and life experience. The gender, profession, nationality, age and the territorial factors are the initial, primary factors. Along with them, the factors, related to the inner world of the person have been shown as the internal factors. 70 students, 10 representatives of the different professions, such as a teacher, a doctor, a banker, an artist, an economist and a technician participated in the experiment. Besides that, considering the factor of age, the people from 10 up to 60 years old have been involved in the experiment. Considering the gender factor the following results can be observed: the male have given the explicit reactions. Their reactions included mostly the categorical reactions. The female have proposed metaphorical and situational reactions. Furthermore, along with the factor of gender, the factor of profession has been considered during the experiment. The children gave the reactions chiroyli, chizdi, yaxshi to the word stimuli rasm. The artist proposed the natyurmort, marina, the term of painting, the names of artists or the piece of art. 38Goroshko Ye.I. Integrativnaya modelь svobodnogo assotsiativnogo eksperimenta. Google.com. tekstologya.ru. Through the word parda people can propose not only the words peculiar to the microgroup “teatr”, but the sempstress can tell mato, the doctors propose the word quloq, some other people deraza. The associates of the students according to their departments have been also considered. Moreover, one of the main factors of the individuality of the associations are the life experience collected by the people during the whole life and the modality of the representative system. Milton Ericson called such senses of the person as hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling the representative system. While investigating the associations these modalities have been taken into the account, as they directly linked with the features of the person and involves the pragmatic approach to the associations study. The associates to each of the word-stimulus are defined through the life experience, collected during the whole life of the person. Each word is kept through the different situations, events in the mind of the people and associative reaction to the word-stimulus occurs through hearing, seeing and feeling. The individual experience to each word can be formed in each person. The words comprise the semantic groups in the mind of the people. The associative experience helps study the psychological contents of the definite person objectively. I.F.Gerbart, the founder of the psychological association, used the term ‘apperceptive collection. ‘Apperceptive collection is formed during the whole life of the person and comprises the bases of the individual experience of the person39. The people approach to the same situation from the different perspectives, that is why the associations in the minds of people can be different. The study of the associations in this way shows the semantic interrelations between the words in the vocabulary. Such kind of the research helps study the semantic relations in the mind of the person and the psychological equivalents of the semantic fields. The word stock, the apperceptive collection appear through the attitude to the events of the surrounding world. Thus, the chain associative experiments can be explained through the notion of ‘subconscious current. The words can form the associative reaction in a chain. These words can unite into the semantic nets, while the scope of each net differs40. The results of the research of the chain associations are shown in the following table. As this approach can show the purpose of the associative experiment we considered to adapt it to our studies from the experiments by T.V.Popova41. The number of the experiment Length of the chain Quantity of the nets or slots Scope of the nets or slots 39Gerbert I.F.Kto yestь kto? Iogannn Fridrix Gerbert.2000.http://psychology.ru 40Popova T.V.Аssotsiativnыy eksperiment v psixologii.El.resurs: uchebnoe posobie-2 izd., stereotip- M.,2011. - S.46-48 41Popova T.V.Аssotsiativnыy eksperiment v psixologii.El.resurs: uchebnoe posobie-2 izd., stereotip. - M.,2011. - S.46-48 1 6 words 3 3 words, 2 words, 2 words 2 10words 3 3 words, 3 words, 4 words 3 8 words 4 2 words, 2 words, 4 words Teatr: aktyor – boʼyangan niqobli odam – maskarad – bayram – toʼy – kelin-kuyov. Teatr: ilhom – orkestr – kantata – Edita Pьexa – metr – madonna - qoʼshiq – musiqa – Vanessa Mey – skripka. Teatr: tomosha – koʼzboʼyamachi – lof – yolgʼon – rost – haqiqat – chin soʼz – vaʼda. It is impossible to analyze the associative ranges by single words. The parts of the associative ranges are considered as the whole unit42. The associative row consists of some unbroken parts, or slots, each slot can show the interrelations between each other. Furthermore, the chain associative experiment shows the semantic relations between the words. According to Y.N.Karaulov, there is no single lexeme in the language in terms of meaning, the lexeme cannot be separated from other lexemes. The lexemes cannot be linked with each other semantically, however semantically different lexemes can form the chain by steps, adjusting to each other by their close meaning. In this way, the lexemes can form the chain by the meaning and the length of them is equal to six steps 43. As it is seen in the example, there are no any semantic connections between the words aktyor and kelin-kuyov, but they are connected through other words in the chain. In the second chapter named as “The semantic and grammar analyses of the verbal associations in the study of the associative fields” the notions of metadenotat and metadesignat have been used in order to show the distinguishing features of the semantic and associative fields. According to the view of some researchers, the primary associations are peculiar to denotatum44. The metadenotat has a conglomerative feature (links, related to each other), collecting the events and things in the reality into a single unit according to their general features. The metadesignat shows the notion the objects, related to each other45. The metadenotat and metadesignat restrict the associations, which do not have a semantic relation, from being a member of the definite group or field. The relationship and links between the lexemes are explained by their semantic features and distributed into four main groups. The direct group includes the associative links on similarity and contiguity; the associations on similarity are divided into two small groups, which are called determinative and classified. The 42Leontьev А.N.Izbrannыe trudы po lingvistike.-M.:Pedagogika, 1983.- S.71. 43 Karaulov Yu.N.Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.: Nauka, 1976.- S.77. 44 Karaulov Yu.N. Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.- M.:Nauka,1976.- S.113-114 Sobirov А. Oʼzbek tilining leksik sathini sistemalar sistemasi tamoyili asosida tadqiq etish. - Toshkent: Maʼnaviyat, 2004.-B.77 .
The next group is called the indirect group. The associations in this group form the chain, because one word can arise the associations to the other, mostly one association can arise another one by means of intermediary word. In some cases it is difficult to define whether the word belongs to the associations on similarity or contiguity. That is why these types of associations are referred into the syncretic group. The associative field is considered to be the characteristics of the person. Therefore, in defining the semantic relations between the words can be different reactions, which are difficult to classify and refer them into one of the above-mentioned groups. These associations are included into the group of the indefinite types of associations. In observing the lexemes in the group “Rassomlik” the lexemes rassom, rasm, surat, tasvir, galereya, sanʼatshunoslik, portret, sanʼat, chizmachilik, muzey belong to the group of the associations on similarity. The following reactions can be included into the group of associations on contiguity: soqol, tabiat, moʼyqalam, devor, hayotiy, gʼalati kiyim. The lexemes rassomlik-(rasm chizmoq)-odam are connected by the intermediary word. The group of the indefinite associations comprise the word mehr. The special attention is given to the classification of associations of the psychophysiological features, which shows the occurrence of the words in the mind of the person. In this perspective, the lexemes in the associative field can be divided into two groups: categorical: musiqa – kuy, ashula, qoʼshiq, navo, ohang, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, ritmik asar, jonli ijro, shoshmaqom, maqom, pop and situational: dam olish, gʼamgin, chang, roxat bagʼishlash, yulduzlar, bazm, bosh ogʼriq, gʼalati bino, arfa, xotiralar, orom, asboblar, xordik, ovoz. The research work also deals with the associations on the sound by the example of the lexemes in the group “musiqa”, for example, the lexemes arfa – alьfa. Y.N.Karaulov asserts the existence of the semantic link between the words as the existence of associations46. Hovewer, the existence of associations do not give the idea of the existence of the semantic links, since outside of the semantically related associations there can be sound and indefinite associations. It became obvious from the associative experiments that the words can be united into a semantic slot in the mind of each person while gaining the individual life experience. People propose the semantically related associative reactions to the word-stimuli. As usual, the semantic, mainly categorical and situational associations occur in the mind of the person. The sound associations can occur in oneiroid state or when the person is tired and sleepy. It became clear from the 46 Karaulov Yu.N. Obщaya i russkaya ideografiya.-M.: Nauka, 1976.- S.176. experiments, if the person does not know the meaning of the word, the sound associations can exist, for example: gravyura – Yura asri, alifmoy – alifbo. Thus, not knowing the meaning of the word, the definite semantic net or slot cannot be formed in the mind of the person and only sound associations will appear. The collective associative field is formed according to the repetition of frequent words by the participants of the experiment. The frequently repeated reactions form the nuclear of the field; single reactions make up the peripheries of the field. Along with the collective associative field the individual associative field is also considered in the research. The following associative field belongs to the 55 year-old economist. The experiment of the chain associations is used in order to reveal the individual associative field. Y.N.Karaulov considers it as one of the types of the method of free associations. However, according to Y.I.Goroshko and A.Leontev it is regarded as the chain associations, as each word-stimulus can arise the reaction by chain. The individual associative field differs from the collective associative field by its individual features. Moreover, it is impossible to compile the associative dictionaries or associative norms defining the individual associative fields. In order to form the nuclear, bases and peripheries of the field, we marked the initial reactions as the nuclear; the next reactions were placed accordingly in the bases and peripheries of the field. The following tables illustrate the collective and individual associative fields. The next issue in this part of the research work is to reveal the associations in terms of grammar. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations have been considered and the attention has been given to the parts of speech as the noun, the adjective and the verb. It became obvious during the investigation of the associations, where the noun in Uzbek language gives 70-80% noun reactions, 10- 20% adjectives and other associative reactions comprise the verbs, citations and word combinations. The verbs can awoke 50% verbs, 40% nouns and verbal nouns, 10% word combinations, adjectives and adverbs. The adjectives give 50-60 % of the nouns, 20-30% adjectives and 5-10% word combinations and adverbs. The third part of the research named as “The investigation of associative reactions by cognitive approach” reveals the cognitive aspects of the associative fields. The range of the research works devoted to cognitive linguistics has appeared in the Uzbek linguistics in recent years. V.A.Maslova asserts the direct links of cognitive linguistics with other branches of linguistics as etnolinguistics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturlogy and historical linguistics47. Cognitive linguistics deals with the study of the culture and the national impression of the person about the world. Y.M.Lotman defines the concept as the people experience and the nations aggregation. Y.S.Stepanov reveals that the person can be linked with culture and influence on it by the concepts48. The notion of the “world picture” is mentioned in the dissertation, that is why it is necessary to distinguish the types of it. The linguistic picture of the world is 47 Maslova V.А.Vvedenie v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku.-M., 1998.-S.57. 48Rojkov Vitaliy Valerьevich. Metaforicheskaya xudojestvennaya kartina mira А. i B. Strugatskix (na materiale romana «Trudno bыtь bogom»). Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata filologicheskix nauk. Novosibirsk 2007; bu haqda qarang: Stepanov Yu. S. Konstantы: Slovarь russkoy kulьturы — M.: Shkola «Yazыki russkoy kulьturы», 1997. -S.40-41. shaped in the mind of the definite society and defines the link of the world with the matters of conceptualization. Each natural language has its own linguistic picture of the world. Each person is different from the others in their subjective image about the subject or notion. The subjective image can be objective when it has the relation with the external world49. The conceptual picture of the world is the information about the objects in the individuals actions and the unit of the information is considered to be the concept. The majority of the scientists explain the picture of the world as the global image of the world based on the persons outlook. The meanings and notions of each word are defined under the concept. The experience, culture and idea of the nation, which have been shaped during the ages are congregated in the notion of concept. Having the definite meaning, each cognitive model is distinguished by the anthropocentric features. The anthropocentrism defines the general features of the nature of the person, along with it, it has the ethnocentric features, or in other words, refers to the definite ethnos50. As the object of the research are the associations in the mind of the Uzbek informants, the study of the collective associative field reveals the nations concept and concept sphere, while the study of the individual associative field deals in defining the definite individual concepts. The notion of concept in the study of the cognitive layers of the associative fields reveals not only the nations or individual concepts units, but also shows that the concept can model the mental unit, related to the society, age, gender and the living area.51 Compiling dictionaries, related to an individual person is the recent issue of the investigations. The lexicon of the person and the matters, related to units of the verbal memory are thoroughly studied in psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics.52 The collected knowledge and the information on keeping the knowledge is kept in the mind of the person. The experiment of free associations describes the order of the words in the mind of the person and their interrelations. Considering the difference of the life style, history, the national conscious and mentality, the peoples culture can be also different. The associations to each word show the peculiar world of the nation or the person. The bases of it are the 49 Popova Z.D.,Sternin I.А.Semantiko-kognitivnыy analiz yazыka.-Voronej.2007.- S.38-40 50Аkberdыeva B.Rolь assotsiativno-verbalьnыx svyazey slov v kontseptualizatsii mira.//Materialы mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Filologiya, iskusstvovedenie i kulьturologiya: aktualьnыe problemы». - Novosibirsk, 2012; bu xaqida qarang: Zalevskaya А.А. Voprosы organizatsii leksikona cheloveka v lingvisticheskix i psixolingvisticheskix issledovaniyax. — Kalinin: KGU, 1978. 51 Popova Z.D., Sternin I.А. Osnovnыe chertы semantiko-kognitivnogo podxoda k yazыku. http://zinki.ru/book/kognitivnaya-lingvistika 52Аkberdыeva B.Rolь assotsiativno-verbalьnыx svyazey slov v kontseptualizatsii mira.//Materialы mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Filologiya, iskusstvovedenie i kulьturologiya: aktualьnыe problemы». - Novosibirsk, 2012; bu xaqida qarang: Zalevskaya А.А. Voprosы organizatsii leksikona cheloveka v lingvisticheskix i psixolingvisticheskix issledovaniyax. — Kalinin: KGU, 1978. cognitive knowledge. The range of words under the notion “art” were distributed to the participants of the associative experiment and each word-stimulus awoke the associative reactions. The given experiment has defined the lexicon of the Uzbek informants and the associative dictionary of the terms of the notion “art” has been compiled. The study of the associative fields in cognitive aspect as the single unit the term of frame has been used. The frame is the complex scheme and collects the knowledge on the definite nation or the person in it. The frames reveal the collection of clusters; each frame consists of slots or layers. The frames have the conventional nature and illustrate the ethnocultural features of the society. Having an individual knowledge, frames serve to defining the reality1. That is why, frames are considered to be useful in describing the reaction of the associative field. In order to analyze the reactions of the words, related to the concept “art” and divide them into cognitive layers, the frames have been designed. The special consideration has been given to the lexemes, denoting the profession in the study of the lexemes under the archeseme “art”. Let us observe the word-reactions to the word-stimulus Mashshoq, which has been collected during the experiment of the free associations. The given associative field is defined by the following cognitive layers: Kasb –qoʼshiqchi-7, sozanda-7, ashulachi-6; kuychi -5; xonanda-4; hofiz-2; maqomchi -2; artist-2; sanʼatkor -1, dutorchi-1; soz chaluvchi-1; qoʼshiq aytuvchi -1; aktyor-1; Shaxs – odam- 10, inson -1. Musiqa - kuy-2; kuylovchi-2; mumtoz-1. Qashshoqlik – darvesh-1, qashshoq-1, tor koʼcha -1. Ruhiy xolat, kayfiyat–koʼngil oluvchi -1; jonkuyar-1; dilolar -1. Musiqiy asbob – dutor -1. As it is seen, the given associative field illustrates the peculiar features of the Uzbek language and the broad usage of the synonyms. The nuclear of the associative field comprise 9 synonyms and the words, denoting professions. The next layers shaxs and musiqa form the bases of the field, while the layers qashshoqlik, ruhiy xolat, kayfiyat and musiqiy asbob form the peripheries of the field. The following words and word combinations darvesh, qashshoq and tor koʼcha are distinguished by the historical factors. As it is known, the denotational meaning of the word mashshoq denotes ‘the musician, who plays the different musical instruments and wanders the world. That is why the word can evoke the word-reactions tor koʼchalar, qashshoq and darvesh, which directly show the historical aspect. 1 Mironova N.I.Kognitivnыy podxod k soderjatelьnomu analizu reaktsiy assotsiativnogo polya.//Filologiya i iskusstvovedenie. http/www.google.com.(26.06.2012)-- S.69-72 The words dorboz and muallakchi are considered synonyms. The word muallaqchi is a historism and is not used broadly in the contemporary Uzbek language, while the word dorboz is used widely. The aim of giving these words as the word-stimuli is to show the difference of the associative reactions. Among 80 respondents the reactions to the word dorboz were 78, while the word muallaqchi evokes only 18 reactions. The majority of the respondents gave the answer “do not understand” or they left the word without giving any reactions. As it is seen, each word in the mental lexicon of the person deals with his personal experience, making the words keep in the conscious of the person. The old concept can be changed with a new one. The studies also reveal the forming of associative fields according to the different ways. The frequently repeated words by the respondents were referred to the nuclear of the field, which consists of the following lexemes rassom, surat, rasm, tasvir, galereya. Such reactions as panno, tabiat made up the periphery of the field. We can see the difference in forming the conceptual associative field. The nuclear layer consists of the following word-reactions surat, rasm, tasvir, portret, panno, moʼyqalam, tabiat, rassom, ijodkor, odam. The reactions ijodkor, hayotiy, odam, chizmachilik, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, moʼyqalam referred to the bases of the field, while in cognitive aspect the bases of the field comprise the lexemes galereya, muzey, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, chizmachilik, hayotiy, mehr. The peripheries in the both fields differed slightly soqol, tabiat, mehr, gʼalati kiyim, panno; in cognitiv layer soqol, gʼalati kiyim, mehr. The difference between these two types of the associative field can be observed through the reactions in the nuclear, bases and peripheries of the fields. Rassomlik The nuclear of the field The bases The peripheries rassom, rasm, surat, tasvir, galereya, muzey hayotiy, odam, chizmachilik, sanʼat, sanʼatshunoslik, moʼyqalam, ijodkor devor, tabiat, mehr, gʼalati kiyim, panno, soqol Rassomlik The nuclear of the field The bases The peripheries Cognitive layers obʼekt subʼekt, joy sanʼat asari, tasvir, kiyim, xissiyot surat-9, rasm -8; tasvir -7, portret – 1, panno-1; moʼyqalam -3; tabiat-1. rassom – 11, ijodkor-5, odam -4, Leonardo da Vinchi - 1; galereya -7; muzey-7. sanʼat -3; sanʼatshunoslik-; chizmachilik -3; hayotiy-4; mehr -1; soqol -1; gʼalati kiyim-1. CONCLUSIONS 1. The associative experiments reveal the peculiarities of the collective, individual and conceptual associative fields. The experiment, conducted by the method of free associations helps to reveal the collective associative field, while the experiment of chain associations method elucidates the properties of the individual associative field. 2. The reasons of the individuality of the associations are due to several factors as the persons age, nation, gender, social background, human environment, which are considered to be the external factors. The representative system of the person, the objective and subjective meanings of the word and personal life experience are the internal factors of the individuality of the associations. The people accept information through the different systems as visual, auditory and kinesthetic and that is why the associations are different in the people, who approach to the world through their own representative system. 3. The words are united in the persons mind in the semantic sets or groups, which has been revealed through the experiment of the chain associations. 4. The associative relations in the field are divided into the different groups according to the similar, contrastive and contiguity semes. With the help of these relations the lexemes under the archeseme “art” are analyzed. According to the similarity, contiguity and contrast the lexemes can also have hypero-hyponyms, synonymic, gradual, functional, temporal, local, antonymic and asymmetric relations. 5. The contemporary study of associations require the deep analyses, therefore the associative reactions can be divided into the four main groups as direct, indirect, syncretic and indefinite. The direct associations group is subdivided into two groups according to the meaning in similarity and contiguity, which have also the following subgroups as determinative and classification associations. The syncretic associations are those, which have resemblance in the meaning in both similarity and contiguity. The indefinite associations are homonyms and polysemous words. 6. The semantic relations are considered to be the associative relations according to the notion and situation. The situational associations reveal the approach of the person to the world by the image, while the classification associations show the categorical thinking of the person. There is one more type of associations as the sound associations. However, in the usual state the person gives the semantic associations, which are related to the situational and classification types and they dominate the sound associations. When the person does not know the word meaning or does not have any personal experience with this word the sound associations can occur. The phonosemantic features of associations have been revealed in the work. 7. The special attention has also been given to the grammar aspect of associations. The parts of speech and the quantity of associations according to the parts of speech have been analyzed in the research. 8. The study of the cognitive aspect of the associations reveal the links with the picture of the world, reflected in the persons mind, explaining the objective reality through the subjective approach. The notion of the concept shows the semantics of language and culture, illustrating the language in its full logical aspect. The notions of the linguistic, neurolinguistic and conceptual pictures of the world have been distinguished. 9. The actual issue of the contemporary linguistics is the study of association in cognitive aspect. The associative fields form the frames, which are divided into the cognitive layers or slots. MINISTERSTVO VЫSShEGO I SREDNEGO SPETsIАLЬNOGO OBRАZOVАNIYa RESPUBLIKI UZBEKISTАN NАUChNЫY SOVET DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 PO PRISUJDENIYu UChYoNЫX STEPENEY PRI FERGАNSKOM GOSUDАRSTVENNOM UNIVERSITETE FERGАNSKIY GOSUDАRSTVENNЫY UNIVERSITET XOShIMOVА NАRGIS АBDULLАEVNА АSSOTsIАTIVNЫE OTNOShENIYa V UZBEKSKOM YaZЫKE – Uzbekskiy yazыk АVTOREFERАT DISSERTАTsII DOKTORА FILOSOFII (PhD) PO FILOLOGIChESKIM NАUKАM Fergana – 2018 Tema dissertatsii doktora filosofii (PhD) zaregistrirovana v Vыsshey attestatsionnoy komissii pri Kabinete Ministrov Respubliki Uzbekistan za № B2018.4.PhD/Fil294. Dissertatsiya vыpolnena na kafedre uzbekskogo yazыkoznaniya Ferganskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Аvtoreferat dissertatsii na tryox yazыkax (uzbekskiy, angliyskiy, russkiy (rezyume)) razmeщen na veb-stranitse Ferganskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta po adresu: www.fdu.uz i v Informatsionno-obrazovatelьnom portale «Ziyonet» www.ziyonet.uz. Nauchnыy rukovoditelь: Sayfullaeva Rano Raupovna doktor filologicheskix nauk, professor Ofitsialьnыe opponentы: Usmonova Xurinnisa Sharapovna doktor filologicheskix nauk, dotsent Аkramov Shukurjon Tuxtasinovich kandidat filologicheskix nauk, dotsent Veduщaya organizatsiya: Samarkandskiy gosudarstvennыy universitet Zaщita dissertatsii sostoitsya « » 2018 goda v chasov na zasedanii Nauchnogo soveta DSc.27.06.2017.Fil.05.02 pri Ferganskom gosudarstvennom universitete po adresu: 100151, g. Fergana, ulitsa Murabbiylar, 19. Tel.: (99873) 244-66-02; faks: 99873) 244-44-01; e-mail: info@fdu.uz S dissertatsiey mojno oznakomitьsya v Informatsionno-resursnom sentre Ferganskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (zaregistrirovana pod № ) Аdres: 100151, g. Fergana, ulitsa Murabbiylar, 19. Tel.: (99873) 244-71-28 Аvtoreferat dissertatsii razoslan « » 2018 goda. (protokol rassыlki № ot « » 2018 goda) M.Xakimov Predsedatelь nauchnogo soveta po prisujdeniyu uchenыx stepeney, doktor filol.nauk, professor M.T.Zokirov Uchenыy sekretarь nauchnogo soveta po prisujdeniyu uchenыx stepeney, kandidat filol.nauk, dotsent А.Mamajonov Predsedatelь nauchnogo seminara pri uchenom sovete po prisujdeniyu uchenыx stepeney, doktor filol.nauk,professor. Vvedenie (Аnnotatsiya dissertatsii doktora filosofii (PhD)) Selь nauchnoy rabotы sostoit v sinergeticheskom issledovanii assotsiativnыx struktur i protsessov na osnove materialov uzbekskogo yazыka. Obʼektom issledovaniya yavlyayutsya rezulьtatы svobodnogo i sepnogo assotsiativnыx eksperimentov. Informantы eksperimenta 70 studentov filologicheskogo i inostrannogo fakulьtetov Ferganskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, a takje 10 informantov raznыx professiy. Nauchnaya novizna issledovaniya opredelyaetsya sleduyuщim: dokazano vozniknovenie kollektivnogo, individualьnogo i kontseptualьnogo assotsiativnыx poley pod vliyaniem takix vneshnix faktorov kak vozrast, pol, mesto projivaniya, sotsialьnoe proisxojdenie individa, a takje vnutrennego faktora, kak reprezentativnaya sistema cheloveka; pokazanы sinonimicheskie, gradualьnыe, temporalьnыe, antonimicheskie, asimmetricheskie vnutrennie mikrosistemы assotsiativnogo polya ‘iskusstvo; v kognitivnom aspekte dokazanы lingvisticheskie, neyrolingvisticheskie i kontseptualьnыe analizы assotsiativnogo polya; modelizirovanы assotsiativnыe polya na osnove yazыkovogo soznaniya i mentaliteta nositeley uzbekskogo yazыka. Nauchnaya i prakticheskaya znachimostь rezulьtatov issledovaniya. Issledovanie assotsiatsiy v uzbekskom yazыkoznanii sposobstvuet razvitiyu sistemno-strukturnogo yazыkoznaniya, pragmatiki, prakticheskogo yazыkoznaniya, lingvokulьturologii, kognitivnogo yazыkoznaniya, psixolingvistiki, neyrolingvistiki, a takje obucheniya inostrannыx yazыkov. Materialы dissertatsii mojno ispolьzovatь pri izuchenii sleduyuщix distsiplin, sozdanii uchebnikov i uchebnыx posobiy po sleduyuщim distsiplinam kak, sistemno-strukturnoe yazыkoznanie, kognitivnaya lingvistika, psixolingvistika i neyrolingvistika. Struktura i obʼyom dissertatsii. Dissertatsiya sostoit iz vvedeniya, tryox osnovnыx glav, zaklyucheniya, spiska ispolьzovannoy literaturы i prilojeniy. Obщiy obʼyom dissertatsii sostavlyaet 165 stranits. EЪLON QILINGАN IShLАR ROʼYXАTI SPISOK OPUBLIKOVАNNЫX RАBOT LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS I boʼlim (I chastь; I part) 1. Xoshimova N., Gʼanieva D.Аssotsiativ va mazmuniy maydonining oʼzaro munosabatlari//FDU.Ilmiy xabarlar.-Fargʼona, 2004-№1.-B.72-75 2. Xoshimova N. Soʼzlararo assotsiativ munosabatlar xaqida. //FDU.Ilmiy xabarlar.- Fargʼona, 2009-№2.-B.51-53 3. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiativ munosabatlar va individuallik//Oʼzbek tili va adabiyoti.- Toshkent, 2010- №2-B.81-84 4. Iskandarova Sh.,Xoshimova N. Nutq jarayonida assotsiatsiyalarning voqelanishi//АnDU.Ilmiy xabarlar.- Аndijon, 2010-№1.-B.85-88 5. Xoshimova N. Pragmaticheskie aspektы pri izuchenii assotsiatsiy// Vestnik MGOU.- Moskva, 2011-№6-S.94-97 6. Xoshimova N. Soʼzning assotsiativ maʼnosi talqinida individual tajriba//FDU.Ilmiy xabarlar. -Fargʼona, 2015-№2.-B.74-76 7. Xoshimova N. Soʼzlarning mazmuniy aloqasi tadqiqida zanjirli assotsiativ tajribaning oʼrni//FDU.Ilmiy xabarlar. –Fargʼona, 2017- №2.-B.69-71 8. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiatsiyalarning grammatik tahlili//OʼzMU xabarlari. – Toshkent, 2017.-№1/3.- B.371-373 9. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiatsiyalarga reprezentativ modalliklari orqali yondashuv// АDU.Ilmiy xabarlar.-Аndijon, 2017-№4.-B.88-90 10. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiativ maydonning shakllanish asoslari //Training Program for Young Experts of Uzbekistan at University Technology MARA. - Malaysia, Shah-Alam,2007.-B.22-24 11. Xoshimova N. Tasviriy sanʼat mikroguruhi leksemalarining semantik xususiyati// “Kontseptualьnыe problemы mirovoy literaturы i lingvistiki v sotsiokulьturnom prostranstve XXI veka: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika” materialы respublikanskoy nauchno- prakticheskoy konferentsii. – Tashkent, 2009.-B.502-504 12. Xoshimova N. «Teatr» mikroguruhi leksemalarining assotsiativ munosabatlari //“Tendentsii i perspektivы razvitiya nauki i obrazovaniya v usloviyax globalizatsii” materialы 4 mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy internet-konferentsii. - Pereyaslav- Xmelьnitskiy, Ukraina, 2015. 13. Xoshimova N. “Sanʼat” arxisemali leksemalarining semantik tahlili //“Ilm-fan va taʼlim integratsiyasi” mavzuidagi Respublika ilmiy- uslubiy maqolalar toʼplami. – Toshkent, 2016.-B.46-49. II boʼlim (II chastь; II part) 14. Xoshimova N. “Sanʼat” arxisemali leksemalarning assotsiativ lugʼati. Fargʼona, 2018. 44 b. 15. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiativ guruhlar orasida aloqaning oʼzgarishi// «Ekologiya va ayol» mavzusidagi anʼanaviy Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. – Fargʼona, 2003. – B.189-190 16. Xoshimova N. “Qoʼshiq” leksemasining feʼllar bilan sintagmatik munosabati//“Yosh olimalarning ilm-fan taraqiyotida roli” mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. - Fargʼona, 2004. - B.40-41 17. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiatsiyalarning xususiyatlari xaqida// “Ilm-fan taraqqiyottida olimalarning oʼrni” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy- amaliy anjuman materiallari. – Fargʼona, 2006.-B.102-103 18. Xoshimova N. “Teatr” mikroguruhining assotsiativligi// “Ilm- zakovatimiz-senga, ona-Vatan!” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. – Fargʼona, 2006. -B.109-110 19. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiativ maydon va assotsiativ munosabatlar xaqida// “Аyyub Gʼulomov va oʼzbek tilshunosligi masalalari” mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. – Toshkent, 2012 .-B.20-22 20. Xoshimova N. “Teatr” mikroguruhi assotsiativligi//“Zamonaviy tilshunoslik va tarjimashunoslikning dolzarb masalalari” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-nazariy anjuman materiallari. – Fargʼona.2012y.-B.318-320 21. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiatsiyalarga reprezentativ tizim orqali yondashuv //“Ilm- zakovatimiz-senga, ona-Vatan!” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. – Fargʼona, 2012.-B.144-145 22. Xoshimova N. Izuchenie assotsiatsiy // “Filologiyaning dolzarb masalalari” mavzusidagi Respublika Ilmiy ilmiy-nazariy anjuman materiallari. – Fargʼona, 2014. - B.172-174 23. Xoshimova N. Kognitiv tilshunoslikda shaxs omili //“Nutq madaniyati va tilshunoslikning dolzarb muammolari” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. Fargʼona,2016.- B.114-115. 24. Xoshimova N. Students learning styles // “Filologiyaning dolzarb masalalari”mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy Internet- konferentsiya materiallari. - Fargʼona, 2016.- B.221-223 25. Xoshimova N. Neyrolingvistik dasturlashda soʼz maʼnosi //“Filologiyaning dolzarb masalalari” mavzuisdagi Respublika internet-konferentsiya materiallari.- Fargʼona, 2016.-B.192-194. 26. Xoshimova N. Аssotsiatsiyalar tasnifi masalasiga doir.// “Nutq madaniyati va oʼzbek tilshunosdigining dolzarb masalalari” mazusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. - Аndijon, 2017. – B.37-39 27. Xoshimova N. Issledovanie kontsepta v assotsiativnыx polyax // Buyuk ipak yoʼli Xalqaro anjuman materiallari.-Samarqand, 2017.-B.125- 131 28. Xoshimova N. “Musiqa” assotsiativ mikroguruhining psixofiziologik tasnifi// “Xorijiy tillarni oʼqitishda zamonaviy yondashuvlar” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. - Fargʼona, 2018.-B.66-68 29. Аssotsiativ tajribalarda gender va kasb omili masalalari// “Аdabiy aloqalar va qiyosiy adabiyotshunoslikning dolzarb masalalari” mavzusidagi xalqaro anjuman materiallari. - Fargʼona, 2018.-B.95-97 30. Аssotsiativ maydonlarning kognitiv aspektdagi tahliliga doir//“Filologiyaning dolzarb muammolari va kontrastiv tilshunoslik” mavzusidagi xorijiy olimlar ishtirok etgan respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. - Fargʼona, 2018. – B. 189-191 Bichimi 60x841/16. Rizograf bosma usuli. Times garniturasi. Shartli bosma tabogʼi:3.125. Аdadi 100. Buyurtma № 35 Bahosi kelishilgan narxda. «OʼzR Fanlar Аkademiyasi Аsosiy kutubxonasi» bosmaxonasida chop etilgan. Bosmaxona manzili: 100170, Toshkent sh., Ziyolilar koʼchasi, 13‐uy. Download 66,58 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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