Congress of psychiatry

Schumann: bipolar disorder and the creative process

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Schumann: bipolar disorder and the creative process
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  17:00 – 18:30 
 Hall B
The great 19th century German composer Robert 
Schumann (1810 – 1856) represents one of the best ex-
amples of the complex relationship between creative 
genius and mental illness. A prominent figure in music's 
Romantic era, Schumann ignored traditional styles and 
wrote compositions that were based purely on a desire 
to express his inner state of mind. While it is challenging 
to do retrospective psychiatric diagnoses on historical 
figures, Schumann wrote letters and kept detailed dia-
ries which strongly suggest that he suffered from bipo-
lar disorder. 
Psychiatrist and pianist Richard Kogan will trace the 
course of Schumann's psychiatric illness and will ex-
How Schumann composed voluminously during 
hypomanic periods but stopped writing completely 
toward the end of his life when a severe depression 
culminated in a suicide attempt and eventual self- 
starvation in an insane asylum.
How Schumann used musical composition to soothe 
his intrapsychic distress.
How Schumann wrote powerful music at the urging 
of inner voices but was ultimately tormented by his 
auditory hallucinations.
Kogan will perform some of Schumann's most mag-
nificent piano music to illuminate the discussion. He 
will analyse how extreme fluctuations in mood can be 
both potentially beneficial and harmful in the creative 
process, explore Schumann's fascinating relationship 
with his wife the virtuoso pianist Clara Wieck and will 
describe the nightmarish conditions in 19th century 
psychiatric hospitals and contrast this with 21st century 
treatment practices.

© Roadshow Berlin
Music: The Bipolar Roadshow
With “The Bipolar Roadshow” the German Association for Bipolar Disorders (Deutsche 
Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen e.V., DGBS) would like to draw attention to the  
particular problems of people with bipolar disorders and their relatives. The illness 
often has devastating social consequences: many people with a bipolar disorder can no 
longer work; friendships, marriages and families break down. However, with the proper 
care bipolar disorders are generally highly treatable.
The Bipolar Roadshow – an anti-stigma and informational project
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
  17:30 – 19:00 
 Hall A4
The Bipolar Roadshow presents information about bipo-
lar disorders in a way that is easy to understand and 
entertaining. Bipolar disorders are often associated with 
creativity. Many distinguished artists had or have a bi-
polar disorder: Robert Schumann, Hermann Hesse and 
more recently Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and Bruce 
Springsteen. The Bipolar Roadshow also wants to build a 
bridge between art and the illness. It does so by showing 
works by fine artists with a bipolar disorder as an accom-
paniment to a book reading and musical entertainment.
The Bipolar Roadshow also sees itself as an anti-stig-
ma project: three artists with a bipolar disorder appear 
in public and talk or sing about their experiences with 
the illness and thus show that there is no reason to be 
Introduction and presentation of the concept: 
Andreas Reif, Germany 
Songs from the Inside: 
Martin Kolbe, Germany
Reading “Papa's Fluttering Finch”: 
Sebastian Schlösser, Germany
A Bit of Blue: 
Emily Maguire with Christian Dunham, United Kingdom

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Author readings
Mental disorders are also an important topic in literature. The congress offers the 
opportunity to personally get in touch with a series of authors. As patients or family 
members, they set down their own personal story to share valuable insights. 
Reading Sessions and author table on Tuesday and Wednesday:
The author table in Hall 2.2 will be staffed from 10:00 – 17:00.
The readings either in German or English language will take place parallel from 12:00 – 13:00  
in Room R2 and Room R3 (Tuesday, 10 October 2017), Room R4 and Room R5 (Wednesday, 11 October 2017).
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  12:00 – 13:00 
 Room R2
Hans-Otto Thomashoff, Austria 
Beschreibt in Das gelungene Ich – Die vier Säulen 
der Hirnforschung für ein erfülltes Leben, wie stark 
wir von Emotionen bestimmt werden – und wie wir sie 
nutzen können. 
Christof Held, Switzerland 
Das Buch Bewohner erzählt an Hand von sieben 
spannenden Geschichten über Veränderungen von de-
menzbetroffenen Menschen, lange bevor sich erste 
Krankheitssymptome zeigen und berichtet auch litera-
risch über das Leiden und die Not der Bewohner, ihrer 
Angehörigen und der Pflegenden bei fortgeschrittener 
Stefan Lange, Switzerland 
In einer tagebuchartigen Rückblende erzählt Stefan 
Lange in SUICIDE die Geschichte einer passionierten 
Liebe, eines Lebens zwischen Manie und Depression. 
Die Sprache besticht durch Klarheit; schonungslos offen,  
zynisch-brutal und sehnsüchtig-hoffnungsvoll.
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  12:00 – 13:00 
 Room R3
Jim and Mary Maddock, Ireland 
A touching and finally encouraging story Coming off 
psychiatric drugs – chapter "A Couple's Slow Awak-
ening": for the first time a family member, in this case 
the husband, reflects critically his point of view, after his 
wife was treated with neuroleptics and antidepressants.
Peter Maeck, USA
Writer and photographer Peter Maeck approached an 
extremely difficult time of life – caring for an aging fa-
ther diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Remembrance 
of Things Present is an important book for our time 
as dementia nears epidemic proportions; it is wisdom 
gleaned from facing one of life's most horrific afflictions 
with word, image, and love.

Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
  12:00 – 13:00 
 Room R4
 Bodo K. Unkelbach, Germany
Der Psychiater schreibt in Heute liebe ich mich 
selbst! In 7 Schritten zur Resilienz über das Wesen 
der Selbstliebe und deren Bedeutung für ein glückli-
ches Leben. Detailliert werden die einzelnen Schritte 
dargestellt, einfühlsam und mit Fallbeispielen aufbe-
 Kerstin und  Friederike Samstag, Germany
Wahnsinn um drei Ecken – Eine Familienge-
schichte  ist ein Buch über Angehörige, die durch die 
Erkrankung eines nahestehenden Menschen selbst zu 
Betroff enen werden und über die Konsequenzen für das 
System Familie. Ein unverzichtbarer Erfahrungsbericht 
über das (Selbst-)Verständnis von Menschen im Umfeld 
der Erkrankten. 
 Christian Discher, Germany
Die tagebuchartige Erzählung Die Stimmen der 
Übriggebliebenen beschreibt die Begegnungen mit 
den Menschen, die in der umstrittenen Psychiatrie Ue-
ckermünde zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten und in verschie-
denen politischen Systemen behandelt wurden. Nach 
ihrem Aufenthalt haben sie nie wieder den Weg zurück 
in die Gesellschaft gefunden.
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
  12:00 – 13:00 
 Room R5 
 Darby Penney, USA
The Lives They Left Behind gave rise to a successful 
campaign to commemorate patients who had been 
buried in unmarked graves on the grounds of the Wil-
lard State Psychiatric Hospital New York and creates a 
moving and devastating group portrait of 20th-century 
American psychiatric care.
 Peter Lehmann and  Volkmar Aderhold, Germany 
Die aktuelle Publikation von Peter Lehmann Neue 
Antidepressiva, atypische Neuroleptika – Risiken, Pla-
cebo-Eff ekte, Niedrigdosierung und Alternativen be-
richtet alles über die Wirkungsweisen neuer Antidepres-
siva und atypischer Neuroleptika, ihre Risiken, Schäden 
und Kontraindikationen. 
 Kirsten Becken, Germany
Die Tochter einer seelisch erkrankten Mutter, hat 
Seeing Her Ghosts herausgegeben, um sich selbst et-
was von der Seele zu arbeiten und zu zeigen, was sie im 
Innersten bewegt. Kunst und eine Auseinandersetzung 
auf Augenhöhe stehen im Vordergrund dieses Buches.
Author readings 
on Tue and W
ed from 
12:00 – 13:00

© vasakna -
Film Sessions
Experiences with mental illnesses provide abundant material for film works. The WPA 
Congress offers its own platform for diverse genres and invited filmmakers to show 
their work. All congress participants are cordially invited to join the screenings followed 
by a moderated panel discussion.
Mon, 9 Oct 2017
Mon, 9 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 15:00 
 Hall London 1
The Wounded Healer
(30 min followed by a discussion)
The genesis of this half hour film is an innovative anti- 
stigma lecture targeted at healthcare professionals 
and students given by medical practitioner Dr. Ahmed 
Hankir. Although targeted at this audience the Wounded 
Healer also has appeal and relevance to service users, 
carers and family members and broader society.
Produced by Raw Productions Ltd and funded by the 
University of the Arts London.
Sal Anderson, United Kingdom
Ahmed Hankir, United Kingdom
Rashid Zaman, United Kingdom 
Dolly Sen, United Kingdom
Mon, 9 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 16:00 
 Hall London 3 
(96 min Deutsch / Schweizerdeutsch mit deutschem 
Untertitel mit anschließender Diskussion)
Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft die sich mehrheitlich 
nach Außen orientiert, das Innere ist nicht mehr so 
wichtig, es ist eher störend. Wer innerlich nicht mehr 
ordnungsgemäß funktioniert, soll so schnell wie möglich 
wieder funktionsfähig werden. Mit allen Mitteln. Doch 
geht das? Und falls ja, welchen Preis zahlen wir dafür? 
Betroffene erzählen von ihren persönlichen Erlebnissen 
und Fachleute berichten von ihren Erfahrungen und 
Kenntnissen. Kenntnissen, welchen in der Psychiatrie 
und in der Öffentlichkeit kaum Raum gegeben wird.
Brigitte Zürcher, Switzerland
Peter Lehmann, Germany
Mon, 9 Oct 2017 
  15:15 – 17:45 
 Hall London 1 
The sky and beyond / Himmel und mehr 
(90 min subtitled in English followed by a discussion)
The film reflects on the remarkable life of the 100-year-
old sculptor Dorothea Buck who cured herself from 
schizophrenia. During the Third Reich she was forci-
bly sterilized and barely escaped „euthanasia“. Buck's 
younger sister provides an outside view, reflecting on 
the dismay and helplessness most families experience 
when mental illness strikes in their midst. By accentu-
ating the narrative Dorothea Buck's sculptures bear wit-
ness to an impressive body of work. 
Alexandra Pohlmeier, Germany
Thomas Bock, Germany

Tue, 10 Oct 2017
Cinema documentary
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 16:30 
 Hall London 1
Astu – so be it
(123 min Marathi with English subtitles followed by a 
Astu is a gentle, seemingly simple film that captures an 
old man in decline – degenerating physically and losing 
control of his mental faculties as well. It's about his grad-
ual fading away. It also captures the dilemmas of the 
family that is losing someone dear, bit by bit, minute by 
minute, to dementia.
Director and protagonist:
 Mohan Agashe, India
Frank Jessen, Germany
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 16:30 
 Hall London 3
Art of storytelling: The human experience of being a 
(75 min followed by a discussion)
The purpose of this film was to achieve a better under-
standing of who we are as psychiatrists right now. A 
committee of six psychiatrists took oral histories from 
twelve other psychiatrists spanning three generations. 
The stories are artfully woven together to create a cohe-
sive narrative. What emerges is unexpected and incred-
ibly moving. The stories are deeply personal and high-
light the differences and similarities we share as people 
in doing the work we do.
This documentary was produced by Mindi Thelen for 
the Southern California Psychiatric Society.
Michelle Furuta, USA
Mindi Thelen, USA
Tim Thelen, USA
Cast members:
 Mary Ann Schaepper, USA 
Michael Gales, USA 
Maria T. Lymberis, USA
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 15:00 
 Hall London 2
We are here!  /  Wir sind hier!
(45 min subtitled in English followed by a discussion)
A film about children of mentally ill parents, for chil-
dren, adolescents and adults. When a mother or a father 
breaks a leg, a family talks about it. But when a parent 
becomes mentally ill, it is often hidden. However, it is 
good for children to be taken seriously with their feel-
ings and problems, because it is not only difficult for the 
parents but also for the children. How difficult the situ-
ations are for children, and that they also may urgently 
need help, is not a topic known to many people.
Andrea Rothenburg, Germany
Susanne Simen, Germany 
Louise Larbanoix, Germany
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 
  15:15 – 17:45 
 Hall London 2
Die Mitte der Nacht ist der Anfang vom Tag
(78 min mit anschließender Diskussion)
Der Film soll das Verständnis für die Erkrankung Depres-
sion verbessern – für Betroffene, ihre Angehörigen, aber 
auch die Öffentlichkeit sowie aufklären, informieren 
und Vorurteile und Fehlwissen abbauen. Insbesondere 
möchte der Film auch die Perspektive des Umfeldes – 
vor allem der Angehörigen – berücksichtigen und deren 
Anliegen und Bedürfnisse miteinbeziehen.
Axel Schmidt, Germany
Michaela Kirst, Germany
Ulrich Hegerl, Germany
Andrea V. von Kopp, Germany
Wed, 11 Oct 2017
Episodes of a YouTube-series
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
  11:45 – 13:15 
 Hall London 3
Social media and suicide prevention? Introducing 
the YouTube-series “Komm, lieber Tod / Come, dear 
(33 min subtitled in English followed by a discussion)
The YouTube-series about the suicidal life of Stefan 
Lange has received an overwhelmingly positive feed-
back from the audience. The goal and method of the bi-
ography series is the “Learning From Life Experiences”.  
Six episodes with English subtitles are shown and the 
makers will talk about the Papageno-effect and its posi-
tive influence on affected persons.
Stefan Lange, Switzerland
Paul Lücke, Germany
Manfred Wolfersdorf, Germany

Film Sessions
Wed, 11 Oct 2017
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
  13:30   – 16:30 
 Hall London 1 
Away from her
(110 min followed by a discussion)
Away from her is a 2006 Canadian drama film written 
and directed by Sarah Polley and is based on Alice Mun-
ro's short story "The Bear Came Over the Mountain". 
The story centers on a couple whose marriage is tested 
when Christie's character begins to suffer from Alzhei-
mer's disease and moves into a nursing home, where she 
loses virtually all memory of her husband and begins to 
develop a close relationship with another nursing home 
Lutz Frölich, Germany 
Vjera Holthoff-Detto, Germany
History  film / Drama
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 16:00 
 Hall London 3 
Nebel im August
(78 min mit anschließender Diskussion)
Nach einer wahren Begebenheit – Süddeutschland, An-
fang der 1940er-Jahre. Der 13-jährige Ernst Lossa wird 
als „nicht erziehbar“ eingestuft und schließlich wegen 
seiner rebellischen Art in eine Nervenheilanstalt abge-
schoben. Nach kurzer Zeit bemerkt er, dass unter der 
Klinikleitung Insassen getötet werden. Er setzt sich zur 
Wehr und versucht, den behinderten Patienten und Mit-
gefangenen zu helfen.
Michael von Cranach, Germany
Wed 11 Oct 2017 
  15:15 – 16:45 
 Hall London 2
(26 min mit anschließender Diskussion)
Ein Tonstudio. Zwei Notenständer. Zwei Mikrofone. Zwei 
Männer. Der eine fragt: „Wann hast du deine Neigung 
entdeckt?“ Der ältere antwortet: Direkt. Offen. Scho-
nungslos. Er ist pädophil. Fühlt sich sexuell zu jungen 
Mädchen hingezogen. Jahrelang hat er gehofft, dass das 
wieder weggeht. Aber es ging nicht weg. Er hat eine The-
rapie gemacht und gelernt, seine Neigung zu kontrollie-
ren. Er kämpft, will ein guter Mensch sein. Doch er muss 
damit leben, was er seiner Tochter angetan hat.
Idee und Konzeption:
 Jens Wagner, Germany 
Peter Jeschke, Germany
Klaus M. Beier, Germany
Thu, 12 Oct 2017
Thu, 12 Oct 2017 
  11:45 – 13:15 
 Hall London 1 
Break out into art – The cell of Julius Klingebiel /  
Ausbruch in die Kunst – Die Zelle des Julius Klingebiel
(45 min subtitled in English followed by a discussion)
The history of the locksmith Julius Klingebiel comes 
alive in a thrilling documentary. His fate as a psychiat-
ric patient took him from being arrested by the police 
and held in psychiatric custody to being consigned for 
years to a mental asylum. He started to draw in 1951 in 
the Göttingen “Verwahrungshaus” (safe-keeping house) 
and by 1961 he had completely filled the walls of his 
cell with paintings. The author Antje Schmidt depicts his 
life, suffering and artistic liberation in a moving, scenic 
Thomas Röske, Germany 
Asmus Finzen, Germany 
Andreas Spengler, Germany
Documentary / Educational  film 
Thu, 12 Oct 2017 
  13:30 – 15:00 
 Hall London 3 
Through memories – the road to trauma therapy / 
Durch die Erinnerungen – Wege der Traumatherapie  
(40 min subtitled in English)
The film addresses patients who suffer from PTSD. 
Its aim is to help them muster up the courage to seek 
the best-suited therapy. Impressive examples of four 
patients are shown of how these people feel and most 
important of all, how they have been helped. Renowned 
experts explain what exactly PTSD is and the therapies 
available for its sufferers.
Christine Wunn, Germany 
Ingo Schäfer, Germany

Service Users, Family Carers, 
NGOs and NPOs

The congress is dedicated to promoting communica-
tion and networking between psychiatrists, nursing 
and allied health professionals and associations of ser-
vice users and family carers. Therefore a council has 
been founded that represents several associations for 
service users and family carers. It shaped the scientific 
programme by organising Joint Sessions with all three 
stakeholder groups and thus presenting the full range of 
perspectives and expertise. 
The following associations are members of the council 
(in alphabetical order):
 ADHS Deutschland e. V. 
Hartmut Gartzke, Germany 
Patrick Boerner, Germany
 AG BEZ – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bund der  
"Euthanasie"- Geschädigten und Zwangssterilisierten 
Margret Hamm, Germany
 AHA! – Angehörige helfen Angehörigen psychisch 
erkrankter Menschen / HPE – Hilfe für Angehörige 
psychisch Erkrankter e. V.  
Sigrid Steffen, Austria
 Aktionsbündnis Seelische Gesundheit 
Ruth Fricke, Germany
 Alzheimer  Europe 
Jean Georges, Luxembourg
 Angst-Hilfe  e. V. 
Diethelm Höcherl, Germany 
Christian Zottl, Germany
 Anonyme Alkoholiker Interessengemeinschaft e. V. 
Jürgen Hoß, Germany
 Antipsychiatrieverlag & Versandbuchhandel et al. 
Peter Lehmann, Germany
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