Умумжаҳон ўргамчак тўри
World Wide Web
Ахборот алмашишнинг Америка стандарти
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ekspert tizimi
muayyan oz tuzilgan va murakkab bilimlarini o'z ichiga oladi sun'iy aql tizimi tor mavzu maydoni va oqilona hal taklif va foydalanuvchiga bayon qobiliyatini rasmiylashtirishda. Ekspert tizimi bilim bazasi va xulosa Dvigatel quyi tushuntirish o'z ichiga oladi.
artificial intelligence system that includes knowledge of certain poorly structured and difficult to formalize a narrow subject area and the ability to offer and explain to the user a reasonable solution. The expert system comprises a knowledge base and inference engine subsystem explanation.
Mantiq dasturlash tillari
asoslangan tillar deb atalmish ekspert tizimlari uchun, xususan, mumtoz va mantiq xulosa tizimlari uchun amal.
Languages based on classical and applicable for logic inference systems, in particular, for the so-called expert systems.