Tense degan atama bilan ifodalanadi. Macmillian English Dictionary for Advanced Learners lug'atida zamon, ya'ni tense

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Hamdam Atajanov

ear (have an ear FOR) - qobiliyatli boʻlmoq
ear (play BY) - vaziyatga qarab hal qilmoq
eat OUT (ph.v) - tashqarida ovqatlanmoq
effect ON sth -..ga ta'siri
email (contact sb BY…) - email orqali aloqa
emigrate TO smwh -…ga koʻchib ketmoq
end up IN -…bilan tugamoq
end OF sth (AT the) -…ning oxirida
end UP (ph.v) - oxiri...bilan tugamoq (yomon)
end WITH quarrel - janjal bilan tugamoq
engaged IN sth -…bilan band
engaged TO sb - ...ga unashtirilgan
enter INTO (agreement) – muzokaralarga
envious OF sb/sth -...ga hasad/havas qilmoq
equal TO sth - …ga teng
estimate AT sth -…da baholamoq
event OF (IN the) - …sodir boʻlganida
example (FOR) - misol uchun, masalan
example OF sth -…ning namunasi
excellent AT sth - …da a'lo, benazir
exception OF (WITH the) -…dan tashqari
exchange…sth FOR sth - …ga almashtirmoq
excitement (WITH/IN) - hayajon bilan
excuse FOR sth - …ga sabab/bahona
expedition (ON) - ekspeditsiyada
experience OF sth (n)-…ning tajribasi
experience … sth (v)- boshdan kechirmoq
expert ON sth -…da mutaxassis
explain sth TO sb -…ni…ga tushuntirmoq
extend FOR sometime -…ga uzaytirmoq
Hamdam Atajanov

face UP TO sth (ph.v) - toʻqnash kelmoq
fact ( as a matter OF) - aslida
fact (IN) - aslida
fail (WITHOUT) - muvaffaqiyat bilan, xatosiz
fall DOWN - pastga tushib ketmoq, qulamoq
fall IN love WITH sb -…ni sevib qolmoq
fall OFF - yiqilib tushmoq
fall OUT WITH sb (ph.v) - munosabatni tugatmoq
familiar WITH sth -bilan tanish
familiarise yourself WITH sth - bilan tanishmoq
famous FOR sth -…uchun/bilan mashhur
fashion (OUT OF) -modadan chiqqan
favour OF (IN) -..ga moyil, yoqlaydi
favour OF sb (May I ask…) - yordam soʻrasam
fax (contact sb BY…) - faks orqali aloqa qilmoq
fear FOR sth (worry) -…dan tashvishlanmoq
feature OF sth -…ning xususiyati
fed UP WITH sth - …dan toʻygan
feed ON sth - ovqatlanmoq
feel LIKE sth/gerund - xohlamoq
feel sorry FOR sb - achinmoq
Fifth Avenue (ON) - Beshinchi Avenyuda
fight AGAINST sth (bad) -…ga qarshi kurashmoq
fight BETWEEN two people -orasida kurash
fight FOR sth (good) -…uchun kurashmoq
figure OUT sth (ph.v) - tushunmoq
fill IN a form (ph.v) - toʻldirmoq
fill sth UP -…ni toʻldirmoq
fill sth WITH sth -…bilan toʻldirmoq
find OUT sth (ph.v) - bilmoq, oʻrganmoq
first person (IN the) - birinchi shaxsda
first sight (AT) - birinchi koʻrishda
first time (FOR the) - birinchi marta
first year (IN the) - birinchi kursda
fit FOR work - ishga mos
fix the date FOR sth - …ning sanasini belgilamoq
fix UP a meeting (ph.v) - tashkillashtirmoq
flow INTO - quyilmoq
fond OF sth/sb -…ni yoqtiradi
forgive sb FOR sth -…ni..uchun kechirmoq
frank WITH sb -…bilan samimiy
freezing point (BELOW) - 0 gradusdan past
frightened OF sth/sb -…dan qoʻrqadi
front OF sth (IN) -…ning oldida
full (IN) - butunlay, toʻla
full OF sth -…ga toʻla
fun (IN/FOR) - hazillashib, hazil uchun
furious ABOUT sth -…dan jahli chiqqan
furious WITH sb FOR doing sth -…dan…uchun
jahli chiqqan
future (IN the) - kelajakda
game OF tennis/cricket - kriket/tennis oʻyini
gaze AT sb/sth -…ga tikilmoq
general (IN) - umuman
get AWAY (ph.v) - qochmoq
get AWAY WITH sth (ph.v) - qutulib qolmoq
get ALONG WITH sb – yaxshi chiqishmoq
get BACK (ph.v) - qaytib kelmoq
get BACK TO sb (ph.v) - telefonda qayta
murojaat qilmoq
get BY (ph.v) - amallamoq
get IN (ph.v) - ichiga kirmoq
get IN/INTO a car -mashinaga kirmoq
get INTO habit - odatlanmoq
get ON (ph.v) - bajarmoq (imtihonni)
get ON (ph.v) - rivojlanmoq, ketmoq (ish)
get ON WITH sb (ph.v) - chiqishmoq
get ON WITH sth (ph.v) - qaytadan davom
get OUT OF doing sth (ph.v) - qochmoq,
get OVER sth (ph.v) - tuzalmoq
get rid OF sb/sth -…dan qutulmoq
get sb DOWN (ph.v) - koʻnglini qoldirmoq
get THROUGH sth - …ni tugatmoq
get TO (a place) - yetib bormoq
get UP - oʻrnidan turmoq
give AWAY (ph.v) - sotmoq/hiyonat qilmoq
give IN (ph.v) - taslim boʻlmoq
give sth AWAY (ph.v) - berib yubormoq
give sth OUT (ph.v) - bermoq, tarqatmoq
Hamdam Atajanov

give UP (ph.v) - tashlamoq
glance AT sb/sth -…ga koʻz tashlamoq
glory IN sth -…da shuhrat qozonmoq
go AHEAD sth (ph.v) -boshlamoq, sodir boʻlmoq
go BY - yonidan oʻtmoq
go FOR a drink - ichishga chiqmoq
go FOR a swim- choʻmilishga chiqmoq
go FOR a walk - sayrga chiqmoq
go IN FOR sport -…da qatnashmoq
go OFF (ph.v) - portlamoq, achib qolmoq,
go OFF the idea - fikridan qaytmoq
go ON (ph.v) - davom etmoq
go ON (ph.v) - sodir boʻlmoq
go ON WITH sth - davom ettirmoq
go OUT - tashqariga chiqmoq
go OUT (ph.v) - oʻchib qolmoq
go OVER sth (ph.v) - koʻrib chiqmoq
go THROUGH sth (ph.v) - boshdan kechirmoq,
topshirmoq (test)
go THROUGH WITH sth (ph.v) - bajarmoq
go UP TO sb (ph.v) - yoniga kelmoq
good AT sth -…da yaxshi, mohir
good marks (WITH) - yaxshi baholar bilan
good time FOR (IN) - ancha oldin
graduate FROM university - bitirmoq
grateful TO sb -…ga minnatdor
greet...sb WITH sth - …bilan kutib olmoq
grow UP (ph.v) - katta boʻlmoq
guilty OF sth - …da aybdor

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