The ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic of uzbekistan termiz state university the faculty of foreign philology the department of foreign language and literature course work theme

The principles of teaching foreign languages in kindergartens

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Chorshanbiyeva Kimyo

2.The principles of teaching foreign languages in kindergartens
1. Possibility of preschool English for pre-school education in recent years for learning foreign language is increasingly reduced. Typically, a child of four years is considered quite prepared for school, some parents want to give a child to a group for three years children . What age is the most suitable to begin training? It is known that from an early age in mastering a foreign language speech is truly unique. Even K.D. Ushinskij wrote: '' Child becomes accustomed in a few months, so to speak a foreign language, nor can it in few years '[2;10]. Unique predisposition to a speech (as well as most-favoured-nation treatment in mastering a foreign language is age between 4-8-9 years), the natural mechanism of learning speech plasticity as well as a certain independence of the mechanism of action of hereditary factors linked to membership of a particular nationality,-all this gives the child an opportunity under appropriate conditions have foreign language. This ability with age fades. Therefore, any attempt to teach a second foreign language (especially separated from culture), older children tend to be associated with many difficulties.mastering a foreign language speech makes it possible for children because children (particularly pre-school) are more flexible and faster than in later stages, remembering the age material; the existence of a globally operating model and naturalness of communication; the so-called language barrier, the fear of causing discomfort to braking communication in a foreign language even if you have the necessary skills; experience relatively small voice communication in the mother tongue, etc. In addition, the game, being the main activity of pre-school children, allows you to make the communication with virtually any language units. All this enables early outstanding communication needs and possibilities of expression in a foreign language in children of this age, thus avoiding a substantial controversy, which occurs when a later start of teaching this subject between the communication needs of the trainee (desire to know and say a lot) and limited language and voice experience (ignorance, as many express low vocabulary). So, for how many years you want to start learning a foreign language? According to the author tutorial "how to teach children to speak English ' Sholpo I.L., the best way to start learning a foreign language. Learning six year children, in its view, of course, but counterproductive. Olds learn at a much slower pace than five years. Their reactions are emotions beat over the edge, attention constantly switches from one subject to another. Children this age not attending kindergarten, hard to do without the presence of their parents, they had not yet formed a sense of the ridiculous, and it is important to the learning a foreign language. In addition, olds was not yet sufficiently fluent language: they have not developed communication, not a regulatory function speech and internal it. Did not reach developed forms and RPG, which is the largest value in teaching preschoolers. Experiment would be inappropriate to start learning a foreign language in age, according to the author of the books received Z. Futerman, comparing in two groups of children, one of which began to be engaged in a four-year, and another in the age of five. Olds not only left behind five year in the first year of studies, but also for the second year was slower than in the first five-year period, allowing the teacher to conclude ' some negative impact of early learning a foreign language in the further education ''. The optimal age Z. Futerman considers a five-year; to the same conclusion comes from practical experience and E. Negnevickaya [5;28].to three year children, it is not necessary to tell about conscious learning in a group At this age the child only begins with an authenticated speech in their mother tongue, dialogue speech was in its infancy. Vocabulary child under three years of age is almost exclusively through the accumulation of words, and only after three years begins to grow rapidly through mastering the word-and shape laws. Neither the training nor the collective's work, they are not yet available. Experience has shown early child development (in particular teaching kids swimming), children under 3 years are able to learn anything only in close contact with parents. However, the author of an article from a journal '' Foreign languages at school '' No. 2 of 1997, '' English speaking children in the kindergarten ' Ŝebedina V.V., shares with the readers information on the successful completion of a four-year experiment in English kids age, held in 1994 in kindergarten No. 14 of Syktyvkar. The author concludes that, "now it is safe to say that children's early learning a foreign language speaking children in this age in a group is legitimate because it gives you the flexibility to move towards greater learning a foreign language at primary school, and deepen positive motivation study subject at school ''. The author notes that children of this age are very curious are inexhaustible need for new impressions, lust for studies and all of these physiological characteristics used by teachers to help educate English speaking. However, as it is to use all these features, the author of the article leaves the secret, but the author reveals another that each lesson was based on the communicative teaching that itself self evident, since article called ''English speaking children in the kindergarten. I would like to point out an interesting fact that every other month in the kindergarten interesting classes were held; different tales, kids sang songs, read poetry, and all such activities were recorded on video. We believe that teachers have created a new interesting for learning foreign language for babies, although the author sees a deeper meaning to use video, namely, '' Video allows them to see themselves analyze errors, point to their feats. ''. Again, the author has not specified how children of three years will analyze their mistakes. It is necessary to remember that children of three years take so-called ' crisis of three years '' hard that influences learning a foreign language. We can conclude that the author's claim that the three-year age is right for learning foreign language is not supported by facts, namely, are unsubstantiated. , Arkin provides a five-year age as the most appropriate (in both physiological and psychological sense) to begin any training activities [3;17]. At this age, the child is capable of more or less lengthy concentration of attention, it has sufficient vocabulary and speech models to meet their communication needs. Five -year children has a sense of the ridiculous, role-playing games are developed, complex. It is obvious that for a conscious learning all the requirements are generally sentenced to five years. Why parents have a strong desire to send children to learn a foreign language as soon as possible? Mostly, because of popular imitative theory of learning and the faith of many people in wonderful language obtaining at an early age.unconscious, spontaneous learning is, in fact, only in a context of permanent residence in the language. So dose the process of learning language mother tongue go, the same is with bilingual children, grown up in a bilingual families the child hears one language, and in the yard, on the street - another (for example, in the former Soviet republics). We know of cases of bilingualism in an artificial conditions, when the father spoke with his son, from his birth, and to five years a child spoke equally well as in Russian as in English. At the same is based the'' method governess '', but it requires many hours of the day to contact with the child in a foreign language. In a group of kindergarten, at home this method is not possible.. In addition, not all children can succeed in an involuntary remembering. Studies have revealed the existence of two types of students by Kabardov: communicative and not communicative [6;25]. If the first type is equally successful in an involuntary remembering then in the situations of involuntary remembering, 2 (30%, regardless of age) are capable to productive activity only when remembering with the help of Visual support and verbal material. Speaking about imitation, the acquisition of knowledge, we automatically include 30% children become unable to successfully master the language. But this is unfair: the same children may reach not less success than the communicative type if will be put into a situation of conscious knowledge., mastering a foreign language at pre-school age must take place in any game.. And children must be physically and psychologically be ready for it. And this usually comes to five years. 2. The problem of linguistic abilities of a child exciting for both parents and is just as important for the teacher is the ability of the child to learn foreign languages. Are there specific abilities in this area, and if so, how they are related to other properties of the individual, and can be adjusted? How can one talk about linguistic abilities, as we're talking about the Endowment's musical or literary? M.M. Gohlerner and G.W. Ejger emit the following linguistic abilities:verbal memory;and easiness of education functional-language summaries;simulation for phonetic and grammatical, lexical and stylistic levels;ability rapidly learn to new psycholinguistic perspective the objective world as you move from one language to another;to formalize the verbal material.statements aren't quite clearly right criticized A.A. Leontief, which makes a bold statement that '' capabilities to the language '' existent[8;76]. '' Overall language ability … from many components are usually non-specific, non-specialized '' believes the scientist. The unspecific abilities A.A. Leontief categorizes a common type of central nervous system, temperament, character, individual differences in the mental processes (memory, thinking, perception, imagination), as well as the specific features of the individual involved. I.L. Sholpo fully agrees with A.A. Leontief, who argues that '' there are no restrictions, known as ' nature ', the ability of the child ''.
However, I.L. Sholpo believes that talk about some specific abilities towards the language is still possible, it identifies the following key parameters that can be used to judge the varying abilities of the human language:comprehension supposes sensitivity to phonetic, rhythmic intonational speech. Language memory that allows you quickly recharge, acquire new vocabulary and grammatical structures forms, translating words from a passive to an active dictionary.flair to communicate the meaning of the word and its form to other languages, feel the importance of individual word-building suffixes and prefixes, define the meanings when you select a Word from several synonimical. Grammatical (constructive) flair to create a harmonious whole of disparate elements common grammatical constructions, feel like the Web, and harmonizing how forming words per sentence.push the perception of language that includes subjective evaluation of speech, the feeling of ' taste ', the language, its beauty connects words and concepts, fulfilling lives an abstraction.stylistic language, which is right and wrong perceptions of his style and ability to assess the specific speech situation. Important non-specific personality traits necessary for successful mastering a foreign language, are a positive, interest for life and culture of different countries, as a sign of any active interest in the world, as well as communicative person, i.e. the desire and ability to enter into communion with others and the ability easily adapt to different situations. Children five to six years have good hearing tenacious voice language memory. It is highly developed emotionally-push the perception of language. Form of the word, his sound shell, and Cadence speech, beauty and expressive sound for children in this age group is more important than lexical and grammatical completeness. word attracts them, especially their sound. Children five to six years are particularly sensitive to phonosemantic patterns. Experiments by A. N. Negnevickaya, Shahnarovich show, for example, that sound is associated in the minds of the young and the <о>-with a large group of children are unaware that this kit were asked the question: "what more-Kit or a cat?": an absolute majority of the children replied that a cat is bigger. An absolute result showed the experiment in the process of which wooden figures of different sizes were divided into two groups - "BIM" and the "BOM". Associations of this kind are natural for the adult who consciously or unconsciously perceive phonosemantic patterns, but it does not produce a rapid and sure answer as a kid. For a child it is natural the same characteristic attitude towards lexical and phonetic value, that with great observation expressed in the poem I. Tokmakova Plim": Spoon is a spoon. Soup is eaten with a spoon. Cat is a cat. Do cats seven kittens. Rag is rag. Cloth clean the table. Cap-Cap. Dressed up and went away. I coined the word Funny Word plim. I repeat again - Plim, plim, plim ... That's jumping and jumps - Plim, plim, plim, Nothing Plim, plim, plim. foreign language teaching preschooler In fact, the word "phonosemantic characteristic plim" is given very precisely because the word "plim" really means "jumping and running. '' Link things and words is base on similarity which a child watches between material Shell Word and material, sensually perceptible signs items ... so no child, and there are so many onomatopoeia and shaped words ' ' write Negnevickaya and M. Shahnarovich Other skills: lexical and grammatical flair, functionally-stylistic language - are perceived in pre-school children at the formative stage and are not enough. The ability of this kind depends largely on the level of communicative practices. The more this experience (including mastering foreign languages), the more developed the lexical and grammatical flair, so each subsequent language pass easier.interpersonal skills and a good Setup, children between five and six years for the most part fairly to degree level and the many complexes and clips that are psychological hurdle for many adults learn foreign language as a means of communication (e.g. adult much more afraid of making a mistake); they are curious and eager for active cognition of the world; and this process direct cognitive is complemented by verbally. In order to identify the level of development of language skills, you can use a simple testing. Must be concluded that the capacity for language, like any others, are only relevant activities and because '' any normal child can and should learn a foreign language and to use them in communion "(Leontiev, A.A.), but will it or not - is largely dependent on the Organization of its activities, teacher of methodological approach to learning. 3. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching of pre-school children of pedagogical work is defined by the object and purpose of the teacher. From the point of view, the main objectives of Sholpo in learning preschool language are:basic social skills in a foreign language; ability to use foreign language, an expression of thoughts and feelings in a real communication situations arise;a positive setting for further study of foreign languages; the awakening interest in the life and culture of other countries;for active and creative and emotional and aesthetic relation to a Word; development of linguistic abilities of students age structure's of preschoolers; decentration of personality, that is able to look at the world from different perspectives. 4. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency and duration of sessions , a very important concern is that of pupils/teachers. Z. Futerman, referring to the foreign language classes in kindergarten, insists on working with a group (25-30 people), arguing that children are accustomed to each other, as well as more efficient mass games in learning [9;48]. teacher was not demonstrated efficiency classes in a division into two groups. However, I.L. Sholpo questions these conclusions and writes that perhaps kindergartens habit children each other really so strong that turns out to be a decisive factor, however, in the case of other structures, where groups are full of children, the lessons with a group of 25 persons are ineffective or even 15 people in a group is a serious test for teacher. I.L. recommends that create groups of not fewer than five and not more than ten people, on the grounds that a common conversation (as prescribed psychologists), organized by the joint activities are possible in the group, consisting of a maximum of 8 persons. But given the fact that in winter, children often get sick and drop, you can dial in group up to 10 people. next issue is the length and frequency of sessions. Z. Futerman argues that art classes should not last longer than twenty minutes, and for children six years of twenty-five. approval is also based on the results of the experiment, however, I.L. Sholpo believes that its results are linked to the previous condition: If the population groups in 25-30 people or teacher, or children are not able to deal with any longer. working in Group of H. Negnevickaya from 5 to 15 people and the experience I.L. Sholpo in 7-10 people, show that with so many children duration of thirty-five to forty five minutes (depending on age) do not tire of children, and they then unwillingness to leave complete lesson, which is rightly considered Z. Futerman, it is necessary for effective learning.

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