• Ask each pair, from their notes, to write their
own description of the Loy
Krathong Festival.
• Children who are particularly interested in international festivals may
like to conduct further research into this famous Thai festival.
• Get the children to make their own Krathongs and have a Loy Krathong
Festival beside a river or pool of water.
4.10 Pinocchio: an Italian story
Language focus
Narrative, comparatives
and superlatives
Skills focus
Pronunciation: word stress
Thinking focus
Teaching approach
Promote accuracy – correct errors
class work, suitable for large classes
On the board, write the children’s part of the story telling. See
Box 82.
1 Divide the class into three groups. Explain that you are going to tell them
very old story from Italy, and that you want them to join in. You may
want to explain vocabulary such as
puppet and
lie before you start to tell
the story.
2 With
dramatic expression, begin to tell the story of Pinocchio.
3 When you get to the part when the children join in, point to Group 1 and
then to their lines on the board. Encourage the children to use gestures to
show how the nose becomes longer each time.
4 Point to Group 2 to join in the chant, and then to Group 3.
Each time the
volume of the story increases as another group joins in the chant.
5 Finally, the whole class joins in the last part of the story.
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