Future predictions, statements of fact and promises
Turnover to be going to and special questions Special questions
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Future Forms
Turnover to be going to and special questions Special questions
(Amalga oshiriladigan STrukturalar aylanmasi va maxsus savollar) in English are questions with the words (what), (where), (when), (who), (which), (why). in such cases, these words are put in the first place, then the words go in the same order as in the usual question. Examples: What is she going to do? - What is she going to do? When is he going to come to the party? - When is he going to come to the party? What are you going to decide? - What decision are you going to make? Ingliz tilidagi maxsus savollar - bu nima (what), qaerda (where), qachon (when), kim (who), nima (which), nima uchun (why) so'zlari bo'lgan savollar. bunday hollarda, bu so'zlar birinchi o'ringa qo'yiladi, keyin so'zlar odatdagi savolga o'xshash tartibda ketadi. Misollar: U nima qilmoqchi? - U nima qilmoqchi? U qachon ziyofatga keladi? - U ziyofatga qachon keladi? Siz nima qaror qilmoqchisiz? - Siz qanday qaror qabul qilmoqchisiz? Usually, when they speak in everyday life, the turnover to be going to is shortened, like - gonna. For example, I'm gonna eat this cake alone. I'm going to eat this cake myself. So, the construction to be going to y is used in such cases: action according to the plan - I'm going to change the name of the cafe - I'm going to change the name of the cafe; the possibility of some action- It's going to be snow tomorrow- Tomorrow there will be snow; order or prohibition- You are going to read right now. “You’ll start reading right now; the action that was planned never happened (hours passed) - I was going to go to Paris, but I could not - I was going to go to Paris, but could not. Well, for a good consolidation of all the above information, you can practice by doing different exercises for using the expression to be going to. And completely free on the YouTube service, you can find many useful lessons and presentations on this topic. Odatda, ular kundalik hayotda gaplashganda, tovar aylanmasi qisqartiriladi, masalan - gonna. Masalan, men bu tortni yolg'iz o'zi iste'mol qilaman. Men bu tortni o'zim yeyman. Shunday qilib, y ga o'tadigan qurilish bunday hollarda qo'llaniladi: reja bo'yicha harakat - Men kafe nomini o'zgartiraman - Men kafe nomini o'zgartiraman; ba'zi bir harakatlar ehtimoli - Ertaga qor yog'adi - Ertaga qor yog'adi; buyurtma yoki taqiq - Siz hozir o'qiysiz. «Siz o'qishni hozirdan boshlaysiz; rejalashtirilgan harakat hech qachon sodir bo'lmadi (o'tgan soatlarda) - men Parijga ketmoqchi edim, lekin qila olmadim - Parijga bormoqchi edim, lekin qila olmadim. Yuqorida keltirilgan ma'lumotlarning barchasini yaxshi birlashtirish uchun siz kelayotgan iborani ishlatish uchun turli xil mashqlarni bajarish orqali mashq qilishingiz mumkin. Va YouTube xizmatida to'liq bepul, ushbu mavzu bo'yicha ko'plab foydali darslar va taqdimotlarni topishingiz mumkin. Download 28.03 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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