Berilgan satrda boshlanish qismi nuqta (.) bilan ajratilmagan “xyz” ketma ketligi bo`lsa true qiymat qaytarilsin. Masalan, “xxyz” true, lekin “” false
xyzThere("abcxyz") → true
xyzThere("") → false
xyzThere("") → true
String-2 > bobThere
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Return true if the given string contains a "bob" string, but where the middle 'o' char can be any char.
Berilgan satrda “bob” so`zi bo`lsa true qiymat qaytarilsin, bunda o`rtadagi ‘o’ belgisi istalgan belgi qabul qilishi mumkin.
bobThere("abcbob") → true
bobThere("b9b") → true
bobThere("bac") → false
String-2 > xyBalance
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We'll say that a String is xy-balanced if for all the 'x' chars in the string, there exists a 'y' char somewhere later in the string. So "xxy" is balanced, but "xyx" is not. One 'y' can balance multiple 'x's. Return true if the given string is xy-balanced.
Agar berilgan satrdagi ‘y’ belgisi barcha ‘x’ belgilaridan keyin kelsa bunday satrni biz xy-muvozanatlashgan satr deymiz va true qiymat qaytaramiz. Masalan, “xxy”true, “xyx” false.
xyBalance("aaxbby") → true
xyBalance("aaxbb") → false
xyBalance("yaaxbb") → false
String-2 > mixString
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Given two strings, a and b, create a bigger string made of the first char of a, the first char of b, the second char of a, the second char of b, and so on. Any leftover chars go at the end of the result.
Ikkita a va b satr berilgan bo`lib, ular yoramida a satrdan bitta va b satrdan bittadan begilar ketma-ket qo`shilishdan va uzunroq satrning ortib qolgan belgilarini yangi satr oxiriga qo`shilishidan hosil bo`lgan natijani qaytaring.
mixString("abc", "xyz") → "axbycz"
mixString("Hi", "There") → "HTihere"
mixString("xxxx", "There") → "xTxhxexre"
String-2 > repeatEnd
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