Growing so we can help even more children lead successful lives the children’s home of cincinnati
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GROWING so we can help even more children lead successful lives
2015-16 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Friends, As defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, The Children’s Home fits that definition. During the past 12 months, we have grown in size and quality, and we are confident we will continue to grow in the years to come. In this year’s Annual Report, you will read about our new initiatives, service expansion and accomplishments. You will see how we have served more than 7,800 children and families, and you will gain a deeper picture of some of the children with whom we have worked. You will experience the transformation of James, Grayson, Kayla and Soroya’s lives. And you will come to appreciate that each child’s potential can be realized if given the specialized support The Children’s Home provides. You will see our commitment to quality in the stories we’ve shared and in the fact that 95 percent of our parents would recommend our services to others. You will understand how we have differentiated ourselves through the growth in our autism, early childhood day treatment, nutrition and health care programs. And you will meet three staff members who rep- resent the skills, talents and dedication of our 320 (and growing!) employees. We are understandably proud of our children, our services and our staff. But we also know we couldn’t do it without you – our donors, volunteers and other supporters. On behalf of the children we serve, thank you for your continuing support. Sincerely, John Banchy President & CEO
of our high school seniors graduated 95% of our parents would recommend our services to others
of our preschoolers demonstrated progress in cognitive and language development $41M represents the annual economic impact by The Children's Home in Greater Cincinnati 177 is the number of neighborhoods and communities where children lived who are served by The Children’s Home 100% of our education referral sources were satisfied with our services
is the number of Greater Cincinnati schools where The Children’s Home provided behavioral health services John Banchy, president and CEO of The Children’s Home, with friends, Selena and Benjamin. Teacher Jacqueline Welsh plays Sight Words Bingo with students in the Lower School to help them with vocabulary and reading. 2
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 3
OUR PROGRAMS REACH THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Our treatment and education pro- grams help more than 7,800 children overcome their social, behavioral and learning challenges. We provide those programs to children who live in 177 neighborhoods and communities across Greater Cincinnati, improving the lives and futures of the children, their families and communities. Although our Madisonville campus is the hub of our organization, our services also are offered at schools and health centers and in children’s homes. Our private, nonprofit organization is no longer a home for children in the literal sense, but a home for a variety of services that help children develop skills and build confidence. For more than 150 years, The Children’s Home of Cincinnati has transformed the lives of vulnerable children, helping to launch them on successful life journeys.
For students with behavioral and learning challenges
Behavioral treatment in schools, homes and on our campus
Combines physical and behavioral care Early Childhood Day Treatment For children ages 3-8 High School for Students with Autism and Related Disorders Accredited education and social skills program
Highest state rating — 5 stars Every Child Succeeds Home visitation for at-risk mothers SPARK Literacy program for preschool children Counseling for Caregivers For parents and other caregivers of children already receiving services.
Treatment for teens with mental health and substance abuse challenges
Therapeutic day treatment for children Camp-I-Can Summer day camp After-School Enrichment For children ages 5-12 OHIO OHIO KENTUCKY INDIANA 27 27 42 42 275 471 275 275 275 75 74 74 71 50 50 32 125 127 Loveland Maineville Newtown Milford Sharonville Norwood Cleves Fairfield Ross Delhi Blue Ash Cincinnati Covington Forest Park 5 0 0 v e el l a n n n d l a n M M M a a i n e v i l l e e rdd EARLY CHILDHOOD TREATMENT PROGRAM EXPANDS More Children Experience Successful Outcomes A program that treats young chil- dren with severe behavior and emotional problems is among the fastest-growing programs at The Children’s Home. The Early Childhood Day Treatment program provides therapy in small groups to children who have inappro- priate behavior in their homes, schools and community settings. The goal: to help them progress so much that they no longer need our services. If they can be treated early enough, more severe problems can be avoided as they grow older, such as involvement with the juvenile justice system. “Intervening early is the key,” said Stacey Cornett, senior director of our campus-based services. “That trans- lates into better outcomes for these kids.”
The effectiveness of the half-day program – for children 3 to 8 years old – has been rising. Three years ago, 71 percent of the students could return to their regular environment. In the last year, 90 percent have returned. “That means we’ve been able to help a great- er percentage of children meet their full potential,” Cornett said. A key to the program’s success is that the staff has been increasingly reaching out to the children’s families and schools, helping the families and schools to provide consistency in the way the children are taught to manage their emotions and behavior. To meet the demand for the program, two more classrooms have been built for the program – the fifth and sixth classrooms – allowing us to serve up to 32 more children. The program now has space for 96 kids. The program has been so successful that we’ve created a related full-day program at the request of the Cincinna- ti Public Schools. The Integrated Ther- apeutic Classroom program provides therapy as well as the added compo- nent of education in group settings for children 5 to 8 years old. Emily Maue, therapeutic group leader with the Early Childhood Day Treat- ment program, helps Julian record his good behavior on a chart. Shawna Redd, therapeutic group leader with the Early Childhood Day Treatment program, congratu- lates Teauan about his behavior.
This map shows the locations of 173 schools across Greater Cincinnati where The Children’s Home provided behavioral health services in the last year. These are some of our programs: 4
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 5
WITH STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT, OUR AUTISM SCHOOL GROWS T he story of The Children’s Home High School for Students with Autism and Related Disorders is simple: Our students have made great progress, causing our enrollment to soar. To handle the demand, The Chil- dren’s Home is planning to acquire a location near our Madisonville campus, allowing us to consolidate into one location the three campus spaces we now use for the autism school. “The transformation we’re seeing in our students with autism is remark- able,” said John Banchy, president and CEO of The Children’s Home. “With our expansion, more teens will be able to receive our services, reaching goals they never thought attainable.” When they arrived at The Children’s Home, many of our students with autism had modest goals of living with their parents after graduation. But here, they learn social skills, life skills and more in an academic setting, giving them the confidence to live on their own.
“They can actually see a future that isn’t dependent on other people,” said Amanda Tipkemper, autism services manager for The Children’s Home. “Even their parents can imagine that same future. That’s huge.” Our newest programs for autism include:
• Transitional services — helping young adults to bridge the years from high school to adulthood with classroom instruction, hands-on learning and community outings. No one else in Greater Cincinnati is providing such a service now.
summer internship program, pro- viding hands-on job experience. Interns are trained and supervised by one-on-one job coaches. After being launched in 2011, the school is now serving more than 50 students. It’s growing because families are hearing about the transformation our students are making. Initially, some students don’t want to be involved in their Individualized Education Program meetings, designed to customize their educations. By the time they leave, many are leading the sessions. Our students also are making friends — some for the first time. In a typical high school, many of them feel isolated. “For the families,” Tipkemper said, “the most powerful thing is seeing their kids being part of a community.’’ Amanda Tipkemper, manager of autism services, celebrating with 2016 gradu- ates of our Autism High School, William, Grayson, Laura and Micah.
— Amanda Tipkemper, autism services manager, The Children’s Home
B efore he came to The Children’s Home, autism had made it diffi- cult for Grayson to succeed in a typical high school. “I struggled a lot with making friends. I’d be sitting alone at lunch. . .No one would want to sit next to me on the bus. Everyone would pretty much avoid me at all costs. The most difficult part was the bullying. I was frequently teased, pushed around a lot, made fun of. . .I didn’t fit in much so I came to The Children’s Home. The first day I came, it was really nice. People were generous, kind and accepting. I liked how people would just come up to me and say hi and introduce themselves. I felt like I really fit in. It’s very enjoyable to have people that know how you feel and then they can adjust you to your surroundings. Throughout my experience here, I’ve gotten to learn how to maintain a job, how to go through interviews, how to manage a budget, work with money. . . I love that I have these new skills. I got to meet a young man named Antonio. He became one of my best friends here. And over time, I’ve gotten to meet his friends and they were really accepting as well. . . I would say this has been a life-changing experience. I feel like The Children’s Home High School has helped me a lot in many ways.” In May 2016, Grayson, now 18, graduated from The Chil- dren’s Home High School for Students with Autism and Related Disorders. Since then, he’s moved back to Loveland High School to take courses to prepare him for college. He attributes his success to The Children’s Home. 6
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 7
to integrate behavioral and physical health care. Now, partnerships have been formed between programs of The Children’s Home and Nutrition Council, including: • Ready Set Work!: Students at the High School for Students with Autism and Related Disorders have raised vegetables and fruit in the campus garden, selling it at a farm stand, all under the Council’s guidance. The program has given students exposure to the work world as well as the opportunity to assess their skills and get special- ized training. • Wellness Wednesday: Students at the Lower School have tasted a different fresh fruit or vegetable every week. Some had never tast- ed fresh produce before. • Nutrition counseling: In a program that will be tested at the new Levine Family Health Center on the Madisonville campus, the Council plans to provide nutrition coun- seling to children who are over- weight, obese or suffering from nutrition-related health conditions. Then, if it’s successful, the plan is to expand it to other school-based health centers across Cincinnati. Said Lancaster, “We’re planting the seeds for good nutrition.” A RECIPE FOR GROWTH: COMBINE TWO NONPROFITS, MIX AND SAVOR THE OUTCOME Nutrition Council Becomes Part of The Children’s Home
a 152-year-old children’s organization, add a small nonprofit and stir thoroughly? You get a program to promote healthy eating that’s able to serve more children in even more ways. That’s what happened when The Children’s Home acquired the Nutrition Council. Until this year, the 42-year-old Council had been independent. But both nonprofits recognized that the Council would be stronger as part of The Children’s Home. A year later, the Council has achieved more than what Lauren Lancaster, its director, believed it could accomplish by now, thanks to the backing of The Children’s Home. “Combining our efforts has substantially expanded our capacity to provide nutritional educa- tion and advocacy to the community.” For the first time, the Council has a teaching kitchen, created by renovating space in the Emery Building on The Children’s Home Madisonville campus. It has a stove, oven, sink, refrigerator, tables, chairs and more. Campers from Camp-I-Can, the summer day camp of The Children’s Home, have been in- troduced to nutrition education there. And new mothers have been able to improve their cooking skills there in a series called “Lunch and Learn,” offered through Every Child Succeeds. Overall, the Council educates chil- dren and their families about healthy eating, providing the knowledge, skills and motivation that people need to make healthy food choices. Among its outside partners are early childhood programs, schools, businesses, church- es and other community organizations, helping it reach some of the region’s most vulnerable children. The acquisition of the Council was natural for The Children’s Home, a con- tinuation of an effort started in 2011
L ife is better for Kayla and her mother, Ashley, since they started getting counseling at The Chil- dren’s Home. Previously, Kayla had been crying every day after school. Bullying and worrying about tests had taken a toll on her. Her mother had emotional ups and downs, including angry outbursts. She also had problems with self-confidence. Their symptoms were affecting each other and affecting their relationship. In a program launched in 2014 called Counseling for Caregivers, The Chil- dren’s Home has provided care to both, extending our counseling services to some of the parents of the children we treat. It makes sense to treat caregivers because a parent’s well-being can have such a big effect on a child. With her therapist’s help, Kayla learned coping skills for anxiety and dealing with bullies. She now knows how to express herself without being mean back to them. “My grades have been going up a lot because I have not been getting as anxious and as worried on tests and on little quizzes,” she said. “My friends have even said they’ve noticed a difference in me, a good difference.” After receiving counseling from a therapist for adults, her mother now has more control of her emotions and greater self-confidence too. And our Counseling for Caregivers program – aimed at promoting family healing — is growing. More than 90 parents and other caregivers are receiv- ing counseling. “Amazing stories are abounding,” said Debbie Gingrich, director of behav- ioral health for The Children’s Home. “Reports of increased child success — coupled with caregiver success — let us know we are on the right track to addressing a gap in our services.” Ashley (left) and Kayla "We're planting the seeds for good nutrition" — Lauren Lancaster, director of the Nutrition Council at The Children’s Home Lauren, a student in the Ready Set Work! program, sells produce at The Children’s Home farm stand under the guidance of Mary Nyktas (standing), who works for the Nutrition Council. Joshua, a Lower School student, with beans he picked from the garden at The Children’s Home. 8
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 9
FINANCIALLY STRONGER FISCAL YEAR 2016 CONSOLIDATED Statement of Financial Position ($000) Statement of Activities ($000) Revenue of The Children’s Home increased in fiscal 2016 by nearly 9 percent as we served more children in more ways than ever before. Leading the way were our behavioral health and education programs, which grew by a combined $1.3 million. We also initiated an effort to reduce employee turnover while enhancing employee recruitment. After an extensive compensa- tion market analysis, we increased the salary range and retirement benefits for key positions, increasing our expenses by more than $1.3 million. It worked: Turnover decreased by more than 25 percent. We also continued to invest in our facilities and equipment, spending $1.6 million, which included more space for our Early Childhood Day Treatment program and Autism High School, creation of the Levine Family Health Center and more. Our success depends upon our ability to retain talented employees. Our strategy in fiscal 2016 succeeded. We substantially reduced employee turnover by enhancing benefits, increasing compensation and continuing to maintain a supportive work environment. Program Service Fees Endowment Support Contributions, Grants, Other United Way
$3,008 $1,803
$1,134 $22,436 73.5%
13.4% 8% 5.1% 100% Operating Revenue Operating Change in Net Assets Non-Operating Revenues and Expenses
$(9,671) $(9,955) Change in Net Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable, Prepaid Expenses & Other Investments and Beneficial Interest in Trusts Property and Equipment
2.2% 76%
17.7% 100% Assets Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Bonds Payable Pension Liability Total Liabilities 2.3%
9.9% 10.5%
22.7% Liabilities Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 67.9% 3%
77.3% 100% Net Assets Program Services
Treatment Education Administration Fund Raising
$10,846 $9,586
$1,765 $523
$22,720 89.9%
47.7% 42.2%
7.8% 2.3%
100% Operating Expenses $3,635
$1,938 $66,940
$15,583 $88,096 $2,037
$8,740 $9,269
$20,046 $59,790
$2,628 $5,632
$68,050 $88,096 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CARE + PHYSICAL HEALTH CARE = HEALTHIER CHILDREN New Levine Family Health Center Makes It Easier for Children to Receive Care T he Children’s Home has taken another major step in caring for children: We’ve opened a health care center on our Madisonville Cam- pus, combining behavioral and physical health care in one location. For years, we’ve been known for our behavioral health care. But with re- search showing the strong relationship between mental and physical health problems, The Children’s Home decided in 2011 to take steps to integrate our care. The Levine Family Health Center is a continuation of that effort. “Families are excited about the convenience of the Health Center,” said Barbara Terry, The Children’s Home chief operating officer. “And we’re excited too because we’ve been able to remove logistical barriers to medical care. The net result – the health of our children is improving.” Busy lives, transportation problems and the challenges in navigating com- plex health-care systems have prevent- ed many families from obtaining ade- quate medical care for their children. But now, they’re receiving medical care when they’re at The Children’s Home for other services. Neighborhood children and students at several nearby schools also are using the Health Center. No one is being turned away. The Health Center, which has four full exam rooms and a lab, is located in our 5051 Building on the Duck Creek Road side of our campus. The Cincinna- ti Health Department is staffing it with a nurse practitioner, registered nurse and medical assistant. A physician is making regular visits. We’re projecting that the Health Center will have more than 1,000 visits in its first year. The major donors who helped to pay for the Levine Family Health Center’s renovations and medical equipment include the Edward L. Levine Family Foundation, Interact for Health and the Heidt Family Foundation. The Levine Family Health Center became a reality thanks to the efforts of various partners. From left are Superintendent Mary Ronan, Cincinnati Public Schools; James Schwab, CEO and president, Interact for Health; John Banchy, CEO and president, The Children’s Home; Dr. Robert Heidt Jr., Heidt Family Foundation and The Children’s Home trustee; John Campbell and Michael Coombe, The Children’s Home trustees; Megan Levine and, her father, Edward, Edward L. Levine Family Foundation; Lawrence Glassmann, Joe Dominiak, Victoria Parlin and Dr. Velissarios Karacostas, The Children’s Home trustees. Revenue and Expenses Increased; Employee Turnover Decreased 10
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 11
Planned Giving Council Ramon Rodriguez, Council Chair Richard Batterberry John Campbell Richard T. Flynn Adam Braunscheidel Robert Buechner Ali Hussain John Schiff III
Bill de Buys, MD, Council Chair Karen Bankston, Ph.D. Rob Heidt, Jr., MD Vel Karacostas, MD John Langenderfer Susan McElroy, MD Michael Coombe Stephanie Byrd Marilyn Crumpton, MD Greg Ebel Julie Geiler George Glover Brook Gumm Kate Keller Jerri Kumalah Monica Mitchell Jonas Thom Roger Williams Board of Trustees Lawrence A. Glassmann, Esq., Chair John L. Campbell, Esq., Vice Chair Joe Dominiak, Vice Chair Bill Fee, Vice Chair Rob Grossheim, Vice Chair Victoria W. Parlin, Secretary Nick Ragland, Treasurer Michael A. Coombe, Past Chair
Karen Bankston, Ph.D. William (Bill) D. de Buys, M.D. Robert S. Heidt, Jr., M.D. Anthony W. Hobson Terence L. Horan Adrienne C. James Ed.D Velissarios Karacostas, M.D. John Langenderfer John (Tad) Lawrence Phyllis McCallum Susan L. McElroy, M.D. Patrick Nelson Ramon Rodriguez Mark Upson HONORARY LIFE TRUSTEES Stephen L. Black, Esq. Joseph H. Head, Jr. Sharon Williams Frisbie Sharon J. Mitchell Robert Taft, II Ross E. Wales, Esq.
Iloba Nzkewu, Chair Kevin Carter Tom Connor Tim Kerdolff Sarah Soule Tracy Beesten Adam Braunscheidel Diana Campbell Nathalie Cook Chris Green Robbie Hendricks Emilee Lash Bojan Lazic Chris Lo Jim Lupidi Scott Lyle Jaci Overmann Julie Sweeney Tim Weidner Jennifer Wichmann Roger Williams Staff with 10+ Years of Service Rick Reinhardt 42 Hannah Boyd-Miller 31 Gwen Davis 26 Joyce Collier 26 Molly Hiles 25 Alyssa Terrell 24 Toni Beasley 24 Sheri Stokes 21 Mark Freshley 18 Sam Yorgovan 18 Teresa Hortenberry 17 Jill Smith 17 Ron Hamilton 16 Greg Wallace 16 Eddie Flowers 16 Jasmine Madison 16 Timothy Eberhart 16 Myra Britton 16 Jamar Hocker 15 Sharon Walterman 15 Heather Ellison 15 Lora Kurtz 15 Dana Couch 15 Alice Skidmore 15 Joan Stenger 14 John Roebel 14 Angie Loop 14 Bobby Horton 14 Debbie Gingrich 14 Johney Easterling 14 Jane Cash 14 Paige Bowlin 14 Joseph Naegeli 13 Matt Grutzik 13 Holly Shepherd 12 Suzanne Vann 12 Ronda Gadd 12 Shelli Tegenkamp 12 Robert Johnson 12 Mike Riehle 11 Brenda Dawson 11 Brian Walker 11 Terry Scott 10 Kevin Rinn 10 Caryn Williams 10 Patricia Black 10 David Lenning 10 Connie Read-Hawkins 10 Melissa Haag-Costin 10 Shira Williams 10 David Jones 10 Kathleen Boggs 10 Sybil McFadden 10 Jennifer Zavadil 10 We Honored Stellar Employees For Their Dedication to Children The Children’s Home presented its annual Presidential Awards to three employees who provided exemplary service. Here are excerpts from the nominations, written by fellow employees: Melanie Murphy , a partial hospitalization therapist, has “excellent clinical skills and a natural ability to connect with children. Her level of commitment and unwavering passion for enhancing children’s lives is evident. She often is the first person at work each day and the last per- son to leave. She has provided support to children outside of work hours, including weekends. Again and again, she has made accurate clinical decisions during crises, resulting in a child avoiding serious injury to himself or others.”
, an autism behavior support specialist, is “a jack of all trades, especially when it comes to her tremendous skill in the application of the Teaching-Family Model (the approach used by The Children’s Home to care for children). She is relied on for her expertise, and is focused on implementing individualized, effective interventions. She is constantly challeng- ing our team to be proactive, rather than reactive, and to consider all of the vari- ables that impact the performance of our students. She demonstrates flexibility, creativity, resourcefulness, energy, adapt- ability, the ability to think on her feet and, the most important quality, a commitment to teamwork.”
, a maintenance supervisor, “is one of the nicest and most helpful people I have met at The Children's Home. He is always happy to help out with anything that comes up, whether it's a simple maintenance issue, much appreciated ride across campus in a golf cart or any- thing that we need to carry out our work for our clients. He makes me smile when I see him, even if it’s just a wave across campus or when he’s chasing us out of the building during a fire drill. His compassion and commitment to excellence ensures that The Children's Home is a safe and welcoming environment for clients, fami- lies, visitors and staff.” A LEGACY OF STRONG LEADERSHIP CONTINUES For 152 years, The Children’s Home has been known for its leadership. Now, that strong leadership is continuing but with some new faces.
, who has served on the board of trustees for five years, is the new board chair. Glassmann, of Indian Hill, owns The Glassmann Law Firm, devoted solely to resolving legal disputes. Previously, he pursued a varied legal career as in-house and outside coun- sel, including serving as vice president of Aventis Pharma- ceuticals and the senior vice president and general counsel of Duramed Pharmaceuticals.
became president and chief executive of- ficer of The Children’s Home after serving as chief operating officer. Before joining The Children’s Home, Banchy had been area director of an eight-state region for a national nonprofit and served in leadership roles for a Fortune 100 company. Banchy has restructured the leadership team with the goal of efficiently managing growth and providing strong support for employees: Barbara Terry became chief operating officer. She joined The Children’s Home in 2013 as vice president of health care integra- tion.
Joe Carolin became chief financial officer. He previously served as finance director for The Children’s Home, joining the staff in 2012.
Roderick Hinton became vice president of advancement and community engagement. He spent 20 years on the staff of St. Xavier High School, most recently as assistant vice president for enrollment management and strategic initiatives.
became vice president of human services. She has more than 25 years of experience in human resources, including with The Business Backer, a financial services company in Blue Ash, and MedPlus, Inc., a software development company in Mason. New leaders of The Children's Home are John Banchy (center), president and CEO, and Lawrence A. Glassman (right), board chair. Michael Coombe became past chair. 12
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 13
James T. Aglamesis Ms. Lois A. Albrecht Anonymous (4) Dr. Norita Aplin and Mr. Stanley H. Ragle Leslie T. Applegate Stanley and Bobbie Bahler Ann Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Barker Mr. Carl E. Barmore Doug and Toni Beasley Mrs James Benedict Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Michael and Kathleen Benken Duane and Kathleen Berwanger William K. Bogdan Ronald and Betty Bollinger Steven and Diana Bosse Edith Brewer Brian & Jill Rowe Foundation Mr. Thomas E. Brinkman, Sr. David L. Brown Sherry and Robert Brubaker James P. Bruckmann George & Mary Jo Budig Family Foundation Barry Bullen Janet Arena Burns Rosalind E. Caldwell John and Janet Campbell Castellini Foundation Bettie M. Caudill Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. Kathleen A. Chatham Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon Dowdell Cobb Joan Cody J Rawson Collins Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Janice Connelly Michael and Tucker Coombe Ralph and Mary Corley Mary L. Cramer Marylou Creelman Mr. and Mrs. Jason Daniels Thomas and Debra Dattilo Ms. Susannah Davids Drs William and Paige de Buys Ms. Gloria Dean Directions Research Inc. Mr. Christopher R. Donahue Robert W. and the late Anne G. Dorsey Mr. John D. Douglass Nancy A. Draper Marilyn A. Driehaus Dick and Karen Durand James E. Eddy Lillian G. Emenaker Sally Evans Lisa M. Biank Fasig Bill and Sally Fee Doug and Ginny Feeney Fusite Division Lawrence and Joy Glassmann George T. Glover Jim and Sarah Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Graves The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Chris J. Green Chester Greene Marguerite Greene Kenneth and Karen Grob Margaret Grosse Robert and Anne Grossheim Mr. George B. Heidelman Paul Heiman Milt and Karen Hendricks Charles C. Hudson Laura and Tony Humphrey Indian Hill School Retirees Robert L. Ingberg Adrienne and Larry James James and Joyce Jerow Marilyn D. Johnston Judith Kaliski Ellen M. Katz Marilyn and Joseph Katz David and Dixie Kepler Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Khoury Mr. Michael King Thomas L. Kirkpatrick Fred & Joyce Koehler Karen B. Kramer David and Kathleen Kress Mr. and Mrs. James Krismer Kroger Company (Community Rewards) Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kummerle John Langenderfer Jeffrey Layne Suzanne M. Leuthold Dr. Philip and Barbara Lichtenstein Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Lowenstein Stella J. Lutkehaus Scott Lyle Suganda Mahadevan Virginia Mahne The Marnick Foundation Sanford R. Martin Mimi Matthews Phyllis L. McCallum and Steven W. Jemison Martin and Mary McCormack Leslie McDermott Dan Medecke Kay Meek Mr. Steve Miller and Ms. Mary A. Spengler Sharon and Graham Mitchell & Family Sharlene A. Mohr Ann Monroe Murray S. Monroe, Jr. Sharon C. Morris Mr. and Mrs. George G. Morrison III Marjorie Motch Grant Mueller Dympna Mulvany Charles M. Myer Meg Nauss Neediest Kids of All Ms. Vicki Newell Eric and Suzanne Nielsen Mardie and Bob Off John J. O'Malley Mr. Wayne J. Owens Tory and John Parlin John and Marianne Peck Bruce and Julie Pennington Dr. Richard Plotnick Plumbers, Pipefitters & Mechanical Eqpmt Services Tom O. Popa Mrs. Nancy Lee W. Preston Louis Prince Robert and Jere Pulte Joelle and Nick Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratterman Jr. Joseph Rawson Scientific Trust Dr. and Mrs. James F. Rice Fiona Richards Kevin and Kathy Rinn Philip and Louise Rose John D. Rosenthal Jeffrey and Rebecca Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Haydon Rudolf Ernie and Karen Rummler Mark and Susan Rummler Ernest Ryan Amanda S. Sacksteder Jonathan Sadler Sarah Ball Schloss William T. Sena Joseph M. Senger James B. Shapiro Monty L. Shelton Donna R. Sicking William Sloneker Elizabeth Smith Jill C. Smith Society of the Transfiguration- Elizabeth Matthews Memorial Fund Marlene Sorensen Southwestern Ohio Kiwanis Mental Health Association, Inc. The Spirit of Cincinnatus Judy Stober Mr. and Mrs. David W. Stone Marc Stout Barbara Stumpf Douglas and Renee Sutton Mary S. Tanke Target (Take Charge of Education) Phillip A. Tempel Alyssa Terrell Richard L. Thrasher Mr. Steven W. Toth Toyota Financial Services Robert and Lois Tucker, Jr. Jimmy and Diane Tuckey Michael A. Tyler United Way of Greater Cincinnati Mark Upson Family Donald R. Vanvliet Mr. and Mrs. Gary Volz Jack and Mary Wagner John Warrington, Jr. Paul and Natalie Weis Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Westerfeld Ms. Joan R. Wilson Gladys R. Witt Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley V. Young The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation Dawn and Jim Yunker James and Alison Zimmerman Soroya Achieved Her Dream As a teen-age mother in high school, Soroya could have been overwhelmed trying to care for her infant son. But she wasn’t alone. She had a home visitor, Lora Kurtz, from The Children’s Home, who gave her tips for raising Micah and provided other support and encouragement. Every time she’d see Lora drive up, she’d get excited. “It would just pick me up.” That was more than a decade ago. Soroya, now 30, has a master’s degree. She is married with three children. And Micah is an Honor Roll student. Even more amazing, thanks to Lora’s positive influence, Soroya has achieved her dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher, which means Soroya is helping to provide the best possible start for other children too. The Children’s Home provided Lora’s visits through its Every Child Succeeds program. The program offers home visits for first-time at- risk mothers, helping them create a nurturing, healthy environment for their children. The Children’s Home has the largest Every Child Succeeds program in Hamilton County, serving more than 1,800 families since becoming an Every Child Succeeds partner. Soroya hasn’t forgotten the role Lora, a family education support specialist, and The Children’s Home played. “You made me a more confident, competent parent,” she told Lora re- cently. “The lessons I learned with Every Child Succeeds, I’ve used with all my children.” Soroya holds her son, Gabriel. They are joined by her older son, Micah, and Lora Kurtz, family education support spe- cialist with Every Child Succeeds, who provided services to Soroya when Micah was a baby.
Brian & Jill Rowe Foundation Chris and Vivienne Carlson Cincinnati Horticultural Society Contemporary Cabinetry East Michael and Tucker Coombe Directions Research Inc. Joe & Sandy Dominiak Fusite Division Sharon Williams Frisbie Lawrence and Joy Glassmann Got Autism! Rob & Julia Heidt Milt and Karen Hendricks Jack & Jill Of America, Inc Paul Keck & Susan McElroy Kerry & Norah Clark Family Foundation Mackenzie Levine Megan Levine Morgan Levine The Marnick Foundation Sanford R. Martin Sharon and Graham Mitchell & Family Tory and John Parlin Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Mrs. Nancy Lee W. Preston Joelle and Nick Ragland Reds' Wives & Families Skyler Foundation Skyline Chili Mike & Amy Stonecipher Barbara and Dennis Terry Janine Westercamp Anthony Woodward GOLDEN HEART SOCIETY Members of the Golden Heart Society have included The Children’s Home in their estate plans, creating legacies that will transform the lives of future generations of children and their families. Anonymous (3) Estate of Joel Adams Estate of Matthew Allen Bob & Angie Buechner Anna M. Case V. Anderson Coombe Trust Mr. and Mrs. M. Kam Cooney Estate of Isabelle R. Davidson Lorene C. Diesel Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, Jr. Joe & Sandy Dominiak Estate of Edward H. Doyle Trust Helen T. Ehlers Irrevocable Trust Gladys Elsasser Lillian G. Emenaker Estate of Adrian French James D. Geier Guy L. and Ina M. Layne Charitable Remainder Trust Distribution Milt & Karen Hendricks James & Joyce Jerow Estate of George P. Johnson Estate of Jennie Long Estate of Otto Luedeking Virginia Mahne Robert A. Manggrum Mary-Morse Matthews Estate of Stanley and Agnes McKie Kay Meek
Estate of Evelyn Michaels Robert A. Molloy James Monroe Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Ann Dorsel Monroe Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Kenneth Morris Estate of John T. Parris Estate of Elizabeth Patterson Clifford T. Pfirrmann Trust Nancy Pope and Timothy Barrett Joseph Rawson Scientific Trust Estate of Jean Reich R. Amor Reiter Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Betty L. Ryberg Estate of F A Sackett Estate of Charles E. Schell Ivy S. Schnell Charles H. Sisson Trust Estate of May Smith William & Laura Snyder Estate of Charles M. Terry Mrs. Ruth S. Upson J. Frederick and Helen B. Vogel Trust
Suzanne Wakefield Mr. and Ms. Albert Wilson Estate of Lucille Carol Wolff Estate of Mildred N. Work Charles E. Work Fund Trust Barbara S. Wright MURRAY SHIPLEY SOCIETY Murray Shipley, who founded The Children’s Home in 1864, was committed to the welfare of children in Cincinnati. Like our founder, members of the Murray Shipley Society demonstrate an important commitment to our mission by consistently making annual gifts. Donors who support the annual fund for five or more years, including the current fiscal year, are recognized as members of this highly valued society. INVESTING IN THE FUTURE We’re grateful to our supporters for giving so generously to The Children’s Home. Because of your contributions, we’ve been able to transform more children’s lives in more ways than ever before. Due to space restrictions, gifts listed here are limited
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-16 15
VISIONARIES ($25,000.00 + ) Aetna US Healthcare The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Heidt Family Foundation Interact for Health The Edward L Levine Family Foundation Rockwern Charitable Foundation The Marge & Charles J Schott Foundation John A Schroth Family Charitable Trust, PNC Bank The Spaulding Foundation United Way of Greater Cincinnati PACESETTER ($10,000.00 + ) William P. Anderson Foundation CareSource Foundation Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Reds' Wives & Families Kerry & Norah Clark Family Foundation ClearArc Capital, Inc. Michael and Tucker Coombe Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. The Thomas J. Emery Memorial Fort Washington Investment Advisors Inc.
Fund Evaluation Group Dr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert S. Heidt, Jr. Milt and Karen Hendricks Dr. Philip and Barbara Lichtenstein Medpace
Mercy Health O.C.C.R.R.A. The Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Mrs. Nancy Lee W. Preston Brian & Jill Rowe Foundation Skyler Foundation Skyline Chili SPARK Ohio The Gorilla Glue Company Turnbull-Wahlert Construction, Inc. U.S. Bank National Association FOUNDERS ($5,000.00 + ) 1919 Investment Counsel, LLC Anonymous (3) Autism Speaks John and Suz Banchy Bartlett & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Block The Camden Foundation Chemed Foundation The Crosset Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Custom Design Benefits Directions Research Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dominiak Fusite Division Lawrence and Joy Glassmann Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office Drs. William and Paige de Buys Indian Hill Church Adrienne and Larry James The Marnick Foundation Sharon and Graham Mitchell & Family Mrs James Benedict Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Patrick and Lisa Nelson Ohio National Financial Services Tory and John Parlin Joelle and Nick Ragland Joseph Rawson Scientific Trust Barbara and Dennis Terry The TJX Foundation Maxwell C. Weaver Foundation Western & Southern Financial Fund William S. Rowe Foundation The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation Download 295,59 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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