Halloween: history and traditions
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HALLOWEEN: HISTORY AND TRADITIONS Halloween is a holiday traditionally celebrated on the eve of the Catholic Day of All Saints, on the night of October 31st to November 1st. It is especially common in English-speaking countries. It is widely celebrated in the UK, Northern Ireland, USA, Australia and New Zealand, although it is not a public holiday. Holiday symbols The night before the holiday, All Saints Day is celebrated according to the changed times, but still retaining the main features, Celtic beliefs. On Halloween, the celebrants dress up in carnival costumes, have parties and festivities. The main symbol of this day is a lantern carved from a large pumpkin. The Celts made such lamps on the occasion of the harvest, and also so that the lost dead souls would quickly find their way to the other world with the help of a lantern. Traditionally, fodder turnips served as a vegetable, but with the advent of the holiday in the United States, pumpkin became more popular as a vegetable, more Holiday symbols Among the costumes made for Halloween, frightening characters are traditionally considered the most popular: vampires, werewolves, monsters, witches, ghosts and other mystical heroes. Celebrants decorate their homes with an autumn motif, Lamp Jack A large ripe you kwa, with a very frightening face carved on it, which is illuminated by a candle lit from the inside, has become the main symbol of Halloween. This homemade lantern got the name Jack Lantern or Lantern Шам ұясы
Ішінен жанып тұрған шаммен жарықтандырылған, өте қорқынышты беті ойылған үлкен піскен сен ква Хэллоуиннің басты символына айналды. Бұл үй шамы Джек Лантерн немесе Фонар деп аталды
Считается, что Джек был кузнецом, очень жадным и охочим до денег и выпивки. Жители его деревни настолько устали от назойливого собутыльника, что пропустить с ним стаканчик желающих попросту не осталось. Тогда Джек предложил распить бутылочку в местной забегаловке самому Люциферу. Дьявол согласился составить ему компанию. А когда настало время рассчитаться за выпивку, Джек предложил наивному Сатане обернуться монетой, на что тот также ответил согласием. Хитрый кузнец, недолго думая, тут же спрятал монету в карман, где уже ждал заранее приготовленный крестик. Люцифер попал в западню и не смог выбраться из ловушки, где был образ Спасителя. Джек сдался на уговоры Сатаны выпустить его взамен на обещание того всячески помогать кузнецу в делах. It is believed that Jack was a blacksmith, very greedy and hungry for money and booze. The inhabitants of his village are so tired of the importunate drinking companion that there are simply no people who want to miss a glass with him. Then Jack offered to drink a bottle in a local eatery to Lucifer himself. The devil agreed to keep him company. And when it was time to pay for the drink, Jack suggested that the naive Satan turn into a coin, to which he also agreed. The cunning blacksmith, without thinking twice, immediately hid the coin in his pocket, where a pre-prepared cross was already waiting. Lucifer fell into a trap and could not get out of the trap where the image of the Savior was. Jack surrendered to Satan's persuasion to release him in exchange for a promise to help the blacksmith in every possible way in business. Дьявол попался в ловушку Джека и во второй раз, когда хитрый кузнец упросил его достать яблок с самой вершины дерева. Забравшийся на верхушку Люцифер попросту не смог с нее слезть, поскольку Джек изобразил на кроне яблони крест. В этот раз Сатане удалось спастись, пообещав Джеку не забирать его душу после смерти. Кузнец-выпивоха отпустил Люцифера и прожил беззаботную жизнь, а когда пришел час погибели, душу его отказались принимать и в Раю, и в Аду. Ненужный ни Дьяволу, ни Богу, кузнец принялся скитаться в поисках Чистилища. Путь свой он освещал вырезанным из полой репы фонарем, в котором тлели остатки углей. Светильники из овощей, традиционно из репы, британцы оставляли на крыльце своих домов в праздник Дня Всех Святых, дабы отгонять недоброжелательно настроенных духов от своих жилищ. В Северной Америке эта традиция получила распространение лишь в девятнадцатом столетии, когда европейские эмигранты заселили страну. При этом непосредственным символом Хэллоуина, Светильник Джека стал лишь в самом конце 19 века. The devil fell into Jack's trap for the second time, when the cunning blacksmith begged him to get apples from the very top of the tree. Lucifer, who climbed to the top, simply could not get off it, since Jack depicted a cross on the crown of the apple tree. This time, Satan managed to escape by promising Jack not to take his soul after death. The blacksmith-drunkard let go of Lucifer and lived a carefree life, and when the hour of death came, they refused to accept his soul in both Paradise and Hell. Unnecessary to either the Devil or God, the blacksmith began to wander in search of Purgatory. He illuminated his path with a lantern carved from a hollow turnip, in which the remains of coals smoldered. Lamps made of vegetables, traditionally from turnips, the British left on the porch of their houses on the feast of All Saints' Day in order to drive away unfriendly spirits from their homes. In North America, this tradition did not become widespread until the nineteenth century, when European emigrants settled the country. At the same time, the Jack Lamp became a direct symbol of Halloween only at the very end of the 19th century. Holiday traditions The main traditions of the holiday were dressing up in masquerade costumes, visiting specialized attractions, games, begging for sweets and parties with a festive table. Сыйлық сұрап Хэллоуиндегі дәстүрлі ойын-сауық, ең алдымен, Рождествоны еске түсіреді. Ресейдегі Святкидегідей, киім киген балалар үйді-үйді аралап, көршілерінен тәтті немесе тиын алуға үміттенеді. Бірақ Хэллоуинде бұл дәстүрдің ӨЗ Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:34] Begging for a treat The traditional entertainment on Halloween, oddly enough, is primarily reminiscent of Christmas. Just like in Russia at Svyatki, children dressed in costumes go from house to house and hope to receive sweets or coins from their neighbors. But on Halloween, this tradition has its OWN characteristics. Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:35] Traditional festive On Halloween, which in its origins has cooled down to the harvest festival, sweets are traditionally served from fruits, mainly apples. Apple caramel and chocolate covered sweet apples sprinkled with colorful Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:36] Дәстүрлі мереке Бастапқыда егін мерекесіне дейін салқындаған Хэллоуинде кәмпиттер дәстүрлі түрде жемістерден, негізінен алмадан беріледі. Алма карамелі және шоколадпен қапталған тәтті алма түрлі-түсті себілген Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:38] Дәстүрлі мереке Ирландияда дәстүрлі түрде Хэллоуинге арнайы нан пісіріледі, << бармбрак. Бұл мейіз қосылған тәтті тоқаш, оның ішінде әртүрлі заттар жасырылған - сақина, тиын, бұршақ, ағаш және шүберек. Сіз алған затқа сәйкес, сіз өз тағдырыңызды біле аласыз, Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:39] Traditional festive In Ireland, a special bread is traditionally baked for Halloween, << barmbrack. This is a sweet bun with raisins, in which various objects are hidden - a ring, a coin, a pea, a piece of wood and a piece of cloth. According to the item you got, you can know your future. Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:40] Ресейде және әлемде Хэллоуин Бастапқыда Хэллоуин тек кельт мәдениетін мұра еткен елдерде тойланды. Ирландия, Шотландия, Англия және Уэльс - бұл мереке қалыптасқан аймақтар. Он тоғызыншы ғасырдың аяғынан бастап эмигранттар Америка Құрама Штаттарында Хэллоуинді тойлау дәстүрін таратты, онда ол әсіресе кең таралып, заманауи келбетін алды. Жиырмасыншы ғасырда шекара өте елес ұғымға айналғанда, бұл көңілді және жарқын мереке болды. Сабира Сапарбаева, [24.03.2022 11:42] Halloween in Russia and the world Initially, Halloween was celebrated only in countries that inherited the Celtic culture. Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales are the regions where this holiday was formed. Since the end of the nineteenth century, emigrants have spread the tradition of celebrating Halloween in the United States, where it has become especially widespread and has taken on its modern look. In the twentieth century, when borders became a very illusory concept, this cheerful and bright holiday became Download 17.86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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