Handbook of psychology volume 7 educational psychology

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Subject Index

Educational psychology, future of:

overview, 609–611, 627–628

practice implications, 621–626

research implications, 617–621

theoretical advances, 611–617

Educational Records Bureau (ERB), 24

Educational Researcher, 564, 565

Effective behavioral support (EBS), 512, 516

Effort attributions, 159

Einstein, Albert, 320

Elaboration, 62

Electroencephalograph (EEG), 27

Eliot, T. S., 35

Eliza, 397

Embedded questions, 90–91

Emile, 156


Emory University, 39

Emotional intelligence, 38

Emotional quality, 215

EnergyNet, 414

Engelbart, Douglas, 400

Engeström, Yrjö, 135

English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, 95, 132, 143

Environment, intelligence and, 487

“Epistemological Pluralism and the Revaluation of the Concrete,” 419

Error detection paradigm, 84–85, 86–87

Escher’s World, 382

ESP model, 563–564, 565, 572

Ethnicity, teacher, 209–210. See also specific ethnic groups

Event related potential (ERP), 467

Executive control, 80

Existential intelligence, 34

Expectancy components, 8


apprehension of, 27

teacher, 209 (see also under Teachers, processes)

Experiential subtheory of intelligence, 490–491

Expertise, metacognition and, 81–82


External regulation, 114

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), 565, 566

Factor analysis, 26

Farley, Frank, 4

FD 40, 380

Federal Department of Education Office of Educational Research and

Innovation, 445

Federal Office for Special Education Programs (OSEP), 433–434


attributional, 71

helpful, 163

progress, 71–72

school adjustment and negative, 241

teacher-student relationships, effect on, 212, 220

Feeling of knowing (FOK), 83

Feenberg, Andrew, 400–401

Feigenbaum, Edward, 396

Feldman, David, 489, 491

Feuerstein test, 39

Feurzig, Wally, 407

Finding Out/Descubrimiento program, 181

Flavell, John, 79

The Flight From Science and Reason, 564

Flirting or Hurting: A Teacher’s Guide on Student-to-Student Sexual

Harassment in Schools (Grades 6 Through 12), 274

Flores, Fernando, 397

Fluency ability, verbal, 27

Fluid-crystallized ability theory, 28, 31, 38

Fluid intelligence, 38, 82

Flynn effect, 28, 39

Ford Foundation, 278

Formation evaluation, 127

Formative experiments, 140

Frames for instruction, 402

Free riding, 186

Freire, Paolo, 146–147, 400

Frequency counts, 60

Froebel, Friedrich, 311

The Factor, 27

Galvanic skin response (GSR), 84

Gardner, Howard, 396, 417, 420, 591

Garner, Ruth, 93

Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests (GMRT), 468


agenda, 261, 266

equity issues in the classroom, 11

bias in student-teacher interactions, 264–265

early childhood environments, 265–269

issues facing educators, 261–264

the law and, 260

learning environments, 261

middle childhood and high school environments, 269–278

overview, 259, 278–279

future of educational psychology and, 614

school psychology demographics and, 435

student behavior and, 209

teachers and, 208–209

Gender-binding, 272

Genderflexing, 420

Genetic analysis, 129

Genetic principle, 137

Genius, 491

Geometer’s Sketchpad, 374, 380

Georgia Tech, 404, 415

Gifted education, 14, 24

defining giftedness and talent, 487–496

future of, 506–507

identifying, 496–499

instructional issues, 499–506

the law and, 499

See also under Childhood education (ECE), early 

Gilligan, Carol, 419

Gilster, Paul, 400

Gindis, Boris, 145

Global Forest project, 401

Globerson, Tamar, 417

Glucose metabolism, 33

GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), 24


group, 189–190

individual accountability and, 185–187

orientation, 109–113

setting, 69–70

social goal pursuit, 236–237

adjustment and, other forms of, 238–239

for education, 237–238

Subject Index


Goffman, Erving, 420

Goldberg, Murray, 416

Goldman, Susan, 404

Golomb, Claire, 301

Good Strategy User, 80

Graham, Martha, 35

Granott, Nira, 403

Gray Oral Reading Test, 465, 468

GRE (Graduate Record Examination), 24, 25

Grooved Pegboard Test, 475

Group Investigation (GI) method, 181, 182, 188, 190

Groups of Four method, 183, 184

theory, 26–27, 29

Guatemala, 162

sociocultural theory, 130

Guided practice, 73

Guzdial, Mark, 415

Haas, Johan de, 401

Habitat, learning, 394

Hall, G. Stanley, 3

Halliday, Michael, 135

Halstead Category Test, 475

Hamlet, 546

Handbook of Child Psychology, 103

Handbook of Educational Psychology, 4, 550

Handbook of Reading Research, 333, 334

Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, 551

Handbook of Research on Teaching, 536

Handicap, perceptual, 455

Harasim, Linda, 401, 414

Harel, Idit, 403, 415–416

Harris Interactive, 273

Harris Poll, 274

Harvard University, 3, 396

Project Physics, 575

Hawkins, Jan, 404

Head Start, 139, 310, 312, 314, 315, 521, 557

Heidegger, Martin, 397

Hennigan School, 403, 416


intelligence and, 487

heritability study, 27

Hickman, Craig, 412

Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), 320

Highlighting, 62

Hiltz, Starr Roxanne, 400–401, 402


cooperative learning, 185, 190

dropout rates, 589

school psychology and, 435

“The Historical Meaning of the Crisis in Psychology: A Methodological

Investigation,” 129

Hmelo-Silver, Cindy, 404

Hmong, 132

Honey, Margaret, 404

Hopkins, Nancy, 279

Hostile environment harassment, 260

Howard University, 189

How to Think Straight about Psychology, 562

HubNet, 413

Hunt, Earl, 29

Hunt, McVicker, 312

Hunter College Elementary School, 494

HyperCard, 408–409, 410

Hypermedia. See Technology, instructional

HyperStudio, 409

Identified regulation, 114

Illich, Ivan, 403

Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Ability (ITPA), 467

Illinois Valedictorian Project, 494

Illusion of knowing, 84

Imagery, 62

Index of Reading Awareness (IRA), 94

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA):

behavioral disorders and, 511, 515, 517, 520

school psychology and, 14, 434, 437–440, 442

Information processing:

associationist view, 47–48

classical view, 48–49

constructivist view, 49–50

contributions of

cognitive system, architecture of, 51–53

cognitive task analysis, 50

knowledge, types of, 50–51

Gestalt view, 48

instruction and

mathematics, 54–55

reading, 53–54

writing, 54

learning and cognitive, view of, 47

self-regulated learning and, 61–63

Initial teacher preparation (ITP):

behaviorist perspective, 535–536

best practices, 548–549

cognitive constructivist perspective, 536–537

knowledge base, defining a, 538–542

learning to teach, process of, 542–548

overview, 533–535

research, 550–552

social constructivist perspective, 537–538

Innis, Harold, 422

Innovation, localization of, 598

Institute for the Learning Sciences (ILS), 401, 403

Institute for Research on Learning (IRL), 420

Integrated regulation, 114

Intelligence, 487, 490–491

changeable nature of, 159

metacognition and, 81–82

theories of

cognitive theories of, 31–32

explicit theories of, 23, 26–28, 31–38

impact on society, 23–26

implicit theories of, 23, 26, 28–31

overview, 23, 38–40

Intelligence: Its Nature and Nurture, 285

Intelligence and Experience, 312

Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), 404

Intel Science Talent Search, 504

Interactive Phases of Curricular and Personal Re-Vision: A Feminist

Perspective, 274

Interagency Committee on Learning Disabilities

(ICLD), 456

International Baccalaureate (IB) program, 504

International Reading Association, 4, 83, 96

Internet, education and, 6. See also Technology, instructional

Interrogation, elaborative, 347


Subject Index

Intersubjectivity, 136

Intervention research:

evidence, 532–568

credible, 560–561

evidence-based treatments/interventions, 558, 560

vs. medical research, 568–569

model of, 569–573

overview, 557–558, 576–577

quantitative vs. qualitative approaches, 558, 560

randomized classroom trials studies, 573–574

federal funds for, 575–576

implementing, 574–575

resistance to, 517–518

Introjected regulation, 114

Inventory of Adolescent Attachments, 216

Iowa Test of Basic Skills, 460

IQ testing:

defining learning disability and, 457–460

school psychology and, 440

IRE (initiate-respond-evaluate) cycles, 154

Isreal, cooperative learning and, 190

Itard, Jean, 312

Item Response Theory (IRT), 617

James, William, 3, 136

Jensen, Arther, 29

Jeopardy, 164

Jigsaw method, 181, 187

Job Descriptive Index (JDI), 434

Johns Hopkins University, 180, 192, 393

Johnson, David, 177, 180

Johnson, Roger, 177, 180

Jonassen, David, 402

Journal of Behavioral Disorders, 513

Journal of Educational Measurement, 16

Journal of Educational Psychology, 3, 5, 7, 28

Journal of Educational Statistics, 16

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 513

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 445

Journal of School Psychology, 445


dialogue, 142, 143–144, 270

reflective, 91, 277

Judgmental disorder, 519

Judgment of learning (JOL), 83, 85

Kafai, Yasmin, 403

Kaiser, Henry, 4

Kamelahama Early Education Program (KEEP), 305

Kandinsky, Vasily, 287

Kaput, James, 413

Kasparov, Gary, 396

Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT), 28

Kay, Alan, 397, 400, 403, 405, 406, 408, 415

Keller, Evelyn Fox, 419

Key School, 489

kidCAD, 376

KidPix, 410, 412

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 488

Kinkle, Kip, 512, 514–515

Kirk, Samuel A., 455

Klee, Paul, 287

Klein, Wolfgang, 141

Knotworking, 135

Knowledge-acquisition components, 36

Knowledge Base for the Beginning Teacher538, 539–540

Knowledge Forum, 412

Knowledge Monitoring Ability (KMA), 94

Knowledge telling, 87

Knowledge transforming, 87

Kolodner, Janet, 404

Korea, early childhood education in, 305

Korsokoff’s syndrome, 94

Koschmann, Timothy, 401, 417

Kpelle, 130

Krajcik, Joe, 406

Krueger, Alan, 563

Kuhn, Thomas, 417, 419

Lajoie, Suzanne, 404

Lamb, Michael, 320

Landow, George, 405

Language, whole, 156, 157, 337

Language acquisition, sociocultural

theory and, 139–140

Language arts, gender and, 272

Language as Social Semiotic, 135

Latin America, literacy in, 333

Latinos. See Hispanics

Laurel, Brenda, 397

Lave, Jean, 421

LEAP program, 314

Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, 584

Learning. See Self-regulated learning (SRL)

The Learning Company, 412

Learning Constellations, 403

Learning disabilities, 14, 24, 433, 437

assessment of, 475–479

attributional feedback and, 71

definitional issues, 455–462

mathematical learning, 361, 473–475

remediation/accommodation, 479–480

subtypes, 462–472

types of, 472–475

See also School psychology, disability determination;

Specific learning disability (SLD)

Learning and Epistemology Research Group, 403

Learning habitat, 422

Learning with Interactive Multimedia, 409

Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural Perspectives

on the Future of Education, 145

Learning Potential Assessment Device, 39

Learning to Read: The Great Debate, 338

Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), 93

Legislation, 260, 437–441, 499

LEGO, 403

Lehrer, Richard, 404

Letter-comparison task, 32

Levin, James, 401

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 406, 419


literacy research in, 126

sociocultural theory, 130

Licklider, J. C. R., 400

Likert rating scale, 217, 434

Lima, Elvira, 140

Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test, 467

Linn, Marcia, 404, 406

Lippman, Andrew, 405

LISP, 407

Subject Index



emergent, 334–336

family, 292–293

instruction, 12

adult, 346–348

comprehension and, 343–344

elementary, 337–343

overview, 333–334

preschool, 334–337

writing and, 344–346, 347

research, 144–145

theory of emergent, 290–291

Literacy Volunteers of America (LVA), 346

Loci, method of, 62

Loftus, Elizabeth, 562–563

Logo, mathematical learning and, 374, 376, 380, 381

MaMaMedia and, 416

overview, 407, 408, 417

Participatory Simulations and, 413

StarLogo and, 412

as a thinking and creative tool, 402, 403, 418, 419, 420

Long-term memory (LTM). See Memory, long-term

Lovelace, Lady Ada, 397

Lovett, Maureen, 338

Lowenfeld, Victor, 287

LSAT (Law School Admission Test), 24

Luoro, 30–31

Luria, Alexander, 126, 128, 129–130, 131–132, 146, 395

MacMOOSE, 413

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 27

MaMaMedia, 415–416

Management, classroom, 163–164, 168

Manifold, positive, 26

Manipulation interface, direct, 397

Mapping, 63, 108

Marland, Sidney P., Jr., 492

Marland Report, 492–493, 495

The Marriage of Figaro, 591

Martin, Fred, 403

Marx, Ron, 406

Masai, 140

Mathematical learning, 12–13

argument, growth of, 358–367

elementary, 364–365, 371, 373, 379

gender and, 271, 275–278

geometry, 373–374

high school, 371

inscriptions and, 357, 367–373

modeling, 382–384

overview, 357–358, 384–385


measure of, 374–380

structuring, 380–382

See also Learning disabilities, mathematical; and under Information

processing, instruction and

MathWings, 192

MathWorlds, 413

Matthew effect, 458–459

Maturana, Humberto, 397

Maze Test, 475

MCAT (Medical College Admission Test), 24

McClintock, Barbara, 419

McCombs, Barbara, 6

McDonald’s, 337

McIntosh, Peggy, 274

McLuhan, Marshall, 405, 422

Means-ends analysis, 49

Meichenbaum, Donald, 9


long-term, 61–62

working, 61–62, 461, 474

Memory system, theory of the human, 49

Mental abilities, theory of primary, 27–28

Mental energy, 26

Mental processing speed, 29

Mental retardation, 431

Metacognition, learning and:

assessment of, 93–94

bilingualism and, 94–95

instruction and, 90, 92

groups, 91–92

individuals, 90–91

neuropsychology and, 94

overview, 79–83

problem-solving skills and, 89–90

reading skills and, 83–87

teacher preparation and, 95–97

writing skills and, 87–89

Metacognitive awareness, 61

Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), 93

Metacognitive strategies, 81

Metacomponents, 35–36

Metacomprehension, 84–85

Metamemory, 81

Metaphoric blend, 376

Metarepresentational competence, 369

Michigan State University, 345

Milieu, 140

Miller, Henry, 138

Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological

Processes, 5, 9

Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas, 402

Mindtool, 402

Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, 34

Minorities, underrepresented in gifted programs, 498–499, 506.

See also specific ethnic groups

Minsky, Marvin, 396, 420

Miro, Joan, 287

MIT, 278, 279, 396, 400, 405, 412, 418, 619

Media Lab, 403, 404, 415, 416, 419, 420

Multimedia Lab, 402–403, 418

Mnemonics, 62

Model-eliciting problems, 383

Modeling, 525

social, 70

Montessori, Maria, 297–298, 311–312

MOO, 402, 412, 415

MOOSE Crossing, 412–413, 415

Moscow University, 128

Motherese, 295

Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), 69, 93

Motivation, 103–105, 117–118

affective components, 114–117

cooperative learning and, 179–180

expectancy components, 105–109

gifted education and, 301

teacher-student interactions and, 212

teaching processes and, 157–160

value components, 109–114


Subject Index

Multimedia effect, 52

Multimedia Ethnographic Research Lab (MERLin), 401, 403, 404, 407

Multiple intelligences (MI theory), theory of, 34–35, 130, 489

Multiuser dungeons (MUDs), 402

Munsell color chart, 368

Music. See under Childhood education (ECE), early

Musical talent, 499

NAEYC, 316

Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, 498

National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE), 285

Narrations, 60

NASP Communique, 441, 444

Nation at Risk, 584

National Academy of Sciences Report, 446

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 275–276

National Association for the Education of Young Children, 291

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), 4, 13, 435, 441–442

Standards for Training and Field Placement Programs in School

Psychology, 444

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), 536, 540, 541

National Certificate in School Psychology (NCSP), 442

National Council on Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 441

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), 269

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 157, 277

National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS), 588

National Excellence: A Case for Developing America’s Talent, 493

National Geographic Kids Network (NGKNet), 401, 414, 619

National Geographic Society, 414

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).

See U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human


National Institute of Health, 445

National Joint Committee for Learning Disabilities (NJCLD),

455–456, 460

National Merit Scholars, 557

National Reading Panel, 156, 334

National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented, 499

National Research Council, 147–148

National Science Education Standards, 276

National Science Foundation, 561

Naturalist intelligence, 34

Navajos, 130, 135

Neisser, Ulric, 39

Nelson, Katherine, 136

Nemirovky, Ricardo, 413

NetLogo, 403, 412, 413

The Network Nation, 400, 401

Neurobiology, future of educational psychology and, 615

Neuronal conduction, speed of, 33

Newberry Award, 165

Newell, Allen, 396

New England Journal of Medicine, 569

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), 400, 404

New York Longitudinal Study (NYLS), 306, 309

New Zealand, literacy in, 333

Ngware, 30

Nigeria, cooperative learning and, 190

Noble, Douglas, 400

Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT), 506–507

Nonverbal learning disabilities, 473

Northwestern University, 401, 412, 413, 414

Notebooks of the Mind, 130

Note taking, 62–63

NovaNet, 396

Number ability, 27–28

Obuchenie, 126, 133

Ocko, Steve, 403

Odyssey of the Mind (OM), 496

Office for Civil Rights (OCR), 260

Office of Gifted and Talented, 499

Oldfield-Wingfield Pictured Object Naming Test, 465

oNLine System (NLS), 400

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), 405, 412

Open school movement, 586

Open University, 401, 594

Operant theory, self-regulation and, 59–61

Opportunity Model, 146

Origins, 106

ORION, 404, 410, 411

OSEP, 434

Othermothering, 208

Outlining, 63, 108

Overcontrol, 264

Overexcitabilities, 492

Overjustification effect, 158

P300, 33

Paley, Vivian Gussin, 268

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). See Xerox PARC 

Papert, Seymour, 400, 402–403, 404, 408, 412, 418, 419

Paraphrase, 63, 108

Parents, involvement in education, 166–167

Parent-Teacher Research (P-TAR) Teams, 226

Paro, 30–31

Participation, legitimate peripheral, 421

Participatory Simulations, 413

PASS theory, 33

Pavlov, Ivan, 393

Pawns, 106

Pea, Roy, 404, 417, 418

Pearson Education, 396

Pedagogical Psychology, 128

Peer rejection, 211–212

influenced by teacher-student interaction, 212, 220

school adjustment and, 241–242

Penner, Elizabeth, 377

Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, 437

Perezhivanija, 134, 141

Performance components, 36

Performance outcomes, downplaying, 163

Perkins, David, 417

Personalized learning, 586

Perspectivity Technologies, 421

Perspectivity theory, 407

Perspectivity Toolkit model, 406–407

Pessimists, defensive, 116

Phonemic awareness, 334, 336–337

Phonetic cue reading, 337

Phonics, synthetic, 338

Piaget, Jean, 296–297, 394, 402, 418, 420

Picard, Rosalind, 416, 619

Picasso, Pablo, 287

Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine

Communication, 405

Plans and the Structure of Behavior, 5

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