Handbook of psychology volume 7 educational psychology

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Subject Index


Play. See under Childhood education (ECE), early


cognitive, 130

cultural, 12

epistemological, 419–420

PLUS, 505

Points of Viewing (POV) theory, 393, 398, 406, 421

Politics, local, 222

Popular Psychology417

Positive behavioral supports (PBS), 515–516

Positron-emission tomography (PET), 33

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 565

“Prehistory of Written Language,” 144

Prevention and Treatment, 523

Primetime, 227

Problem-based learning (PBL) environments, 420

Problem solving, theory of human, 49

Problem-solving production system, 61

Problem space, 49

Procedural and Coding Manual for Review of Evidence-Based

Interventions, 558

Procedural metacognitive knowledge, 80

Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations (PLATO)

project, 395, 401

Project Achieve, 512

Project Fast Track, 225

Project Headlight, 403

Project Spectrum, 489

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS), 225–226

Propositional network, 63

Prosocial behavior, school adjustment and, 240–241.

See also Antisocial behavior

Proximity, 60

proximal process, 202

psychological, 215

Prozac, 569

Psychology, school. See School psychology

The Psychology of Art, 128

The Psychology of Literacy, 126

Psychology in the Schools, 445

Psychology Today, 417

Psychometric Society, 4

Psychometric theory, 31

Psychoneurological learning disorders, 455

Psychophysical theory of intelligence, 31

Pueblos, 130

Puerto Rico, early childhood education in, 303–304

Purdue Academic Rating Scales, 497

Qualitative principles of cognition, 26–27

Questioning, 62

Quid pro quo sexual harassment, 260

Quota talents, 488

Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices, 467, 469

Raven Progressive Matrices Test, 28, 33, 39, 498

Read, Sir Herbert, 287


disability, 470, 472, 477

readiness, 290–291

See also Teaching processes; and under Information processing,

instruction and

Reading Recovery, 292, 339–340, 342–343

Reasoning ability, inductive, 28

Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (RPT), 186, 189

Reciprocal teaching, 91, 183–184, 185, 190, 344

Referential connections, 52

Reform, educational:

defining, 584–585

educational psychology, role of, 585–586, 588–596, 598–603

learner-centered psychological principles, 586–587

overview, 583–584

research, 596–598

Regularity, 60

Regulatory Checklist (RC), 92

Rehearsal, 62

Rejection. See Peer rejection

Relations, education of, 27

Reliability, measurement of, 4

Remedial and Special Education, 145

Report of the Surgeon General’s Conference on Children’s Mental Health:

A National Action Agenda, 512

Rereading, 63

Research Connections in Special Education, 516

Resnick, Mitchell, 403, 418

Response generalization, 527

Retarded reader, 470

Retention, referral for, 219

Review of Educational Research, 557


achievement and, 157–158

contingencies, 72

school adjustment and, 251

Richardson Foundation, 497

Rieko, 30–31

Riel, Margaret, 401

Risk taking, encouraging moderate, 158

Romberg, Thomas, 563

Romiszowski, Alexander, 401

Roschelle, Jeremy, 413

The Rules and Regulations for Implementing Public Law, 94 –142

Sabelli, Nora, 598

Sachter, Judy, 403

Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide, 512

Salk, Jonas, 488

Salomon, Gavriel, 404–405, 417, 418

Samia, 30

San Diego State University, 400–401

San Ramon Project, 224

SAT, 24, 38, 497, 505, 264

Scaffolding, 155, 166, 340

Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students, 497

Scarcity talents, 488

Scardamalia, Marlene, 405, 412

Schank, Roger, 399

Schaps, Eric, 192

Schauble, Leona, 404

Schema, 109, 394

Schlager, Mark, 414–415

Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate, 560

School adjustment:

behavioral competence, 240–241

defined, 235–236, 250–251

developmental processes, 251

maladjustment, social, 520

motivation, social, 236–240

overview, 11, 235


Subject Index

School adjustment (Continued)

peers and teachers, relationships with, 241–244

research methods/designs, 252

socialization and, 244

adult, 244–247

peer, 247–250

theory building, 251–252

The School Psychologist, 441

School psychology:

demographics, 435–436

disability determination, 446–448

disciplinary foundations, 431–432

employment, 433–435

graduate programs and program standards, 442–445

legal requirements, 437–441

mental health services, demand for, 449

overview, 13–14, 431

personnel needs, 448–449

professional associations, 441–442

ratios, 437

regional differences, 437

research, 445

roles/services, 436–437

societal trends and, 432–433

treatments and interventions, empirically supported, 448

School Psychology Quarterly, 441, 445

School Psychology Review (SPR), 441, 445

School Psychology Task Force, 558, 562

School Transitional Environments Project (STEP), 224

Schools of professional psychology (SPP), 443–444

Schreirer, Jocelyn, 416

Science, gender and, 271–272, 275–278

Scribner, Sylvia, 395

Scriven, Michael, 569

Searle, John, 397

Second All-Russian Psychoneurological Congress, 128

Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT), 24

The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit, 419

Secondary Teacher Education Project (STEP), 404

Seguin, Edouard, 312

“Selected Traditions: Readings of Vygotsky in Writing Pedagogy,” 145

Self-efficacy beliefs, 107–109, 159

perceived, 67

Self-evaluation, 71–72

Self-instruction, 60–61, 90

Self-judgment, 67–68

Self-modeling, 70

Self-monitoring, 60, 72

Self-perturbing ideations, 116

Self-questioning, 63

Self-reactions, 68

Self-regulated learning (SRL), 590–591

children, development in, 74

curriculum, 74

enhancing, 72–73

identification, 68–69

life span, across the, 75

operation, 69–72

overview, 59, 75

theoretical formulations of, 59–68

volition and, 74

Self-regulated practice, 73

Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), 89

Self-reinforcement, 61

Self-verbalization, 71

Semiotic mediation, 130, 132, 137

Sesame Street, 334, 337

Sexual behavior, 432

Sexual harassment, 260, 273–274

Sharan, Shlomo, 181

Sharan, Yael, 181

Shootings, school, 512


Signaling effect, 53

Sign language, 145

Sign-symbol systems, 130

SimCalc, 413, 414

Simon, Herbert, 396

Simon Fraser University, 401, 404, 414

Simulation, method of double, 139

Situation model, 55

Skinner, B. F., 394

SmallTalk, 408

Smart bombs, 29

Social cognitive theory, self-regulated learning and, 67–68

Social cohesion perspective, 178, 179, 180–181, 181–182, 184

Social constructivist theory. See Constructivist theory, social

Social interdependence theory. See Social cohesion perspective

Socialization, gendered. See Gender, equity issues in the classroom

Social loafing, 186

Social skills instruction (SSI), 524–527

Society for Research on Adolescence, 4

Society for Research in Child Development, 4

Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSPS), 445, 558

Sociocultural theory:

educational psychology and, 126–128

elementary and higher level functions, analysis of, 131–132

individual and social processes, 132–135

mediation and higher psychological processes, 135–141

research, 125–126

second language writers, 141

Vygotsky and, 128–131

educational reform, contributions of, 145–147

literacy research, 144–145

Socioeconomic status (SES):

learning disability and, 459

teacher-student interaction and, 213, 214

Soloway, Elliot, 406

Songhay, 30

Sorbonne, 394

Sosniak, Lauren, 507

Spatial visualization ability, 28

Special education, referral for, 219. See also Learning disabilities

Specific learning disability (SLD), 431, 439–440. See also Learning



inner, 137, 142, 143

writing, 138, 142

private, 64–65, 66

Speed ability, perceptual, 28. See also Mental processing speed;

Neuronal conduction, speed of

Spelling, 471–472

Spielberg, Steven, 421

Spiritual intelligence, 34

Splitting, 377

SQ3R, 347

Squeak, 408, 409

SRI International, 400, 404, 414–415

Stahl, Gerry, 407, 416

Stanford-Binet test, 24, 487

Subject Index


Stanford Research Institute, 396, 400

StarLogo, 403, 412

Statistics as Principled Argument, 562

Stein, Nan, 274

Steinkuehler, Constance, 404

Sternberg, Robert, 29

Stimulus generalization, 527

Stone, Alluquere Rosanne, 405

Storybook reading, 334–335. See also Literacy, instruction

Strange situation paradigm, 317–318

Strategy beliefs, 106

Strategy Evaluation Matrix (SEM), 92

Strategy instruction, 71

Stroup, Walter, 413

Structure of the Intellect Test, 495

Students with disabilities (SWD), 433, 437.

See also Learning disabilities

Students, Teacher, and Relationship Support (STARS), 226–227

Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD), 180, 186, 188, 191

Student Thinking About Problem Solving Scale (STAPSS), 94

Study groups. See under Cooperative learning, achievement and

Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY), 494

Substance abuse:

school adjustment and, 246

school psychology and, 432

Success for All Foundation, 192

Successful intelligence, 35–38

Suchman, Lucy, 405

Summarizing, 62, 108

Summerhill, 156

Suppes, Patrick, 395

Surplus talents, 488

Swedish Adoption Study of Aging, 34

Synthesis, 126

Systems analysis, functional, 126

Systems theories of intelligence, 34–38

Systems theory (DST), developmental. See under Teachers,

relationships with children

Tactile Performance Tests, 463, 475


vs. intelligence, 35 (see also Gifted education)

search, 505

Tapped In, 414–415

Task specialization, 181

Task value, 113–114

Teacher Attachment Q-Set, 217–218

Teacher and Caregiver Temperament (TACTIC), 308

Teacher Child Interaction Therapy, 226

Teacher Education and Learning to Teach (TELT), 544, 545, 550

The Teacher Educator’s Handbook: Building a Knowledge Base for the

Preparation of Teachers, 538

Teacher Metacognitive Framework (TMF), 96

Teacher preparation, initial. See Initial teacher preparation (ITP)



challenges, 167–169

effects on achievement, 154–157

expert, 161–167, 210

literacy instruction, 340–342

motivation and, 157–160

overview, 15–16, 153, 169–170

teacher background and, 160

relationships with students

children’s views, 215–216

conceptual-theoretical issues, 205–215

developmental systems theory, 201–205

educational/psychological applications

related to, 220–227

interactions, observed, 217–218

overview, 199–201, 227–228

relational dimensions, correlates of, 218–220

teachers’ views, 216–217

See also Gender, equity issues in the classroom; and under

School adjustment 

Teaching Transformed, 134

Team Assisted Individualization (TAI), 186–187

Teams games tournaments (TGT), 187

Technological intelligence, 29

Technologies, perspectivity, 398

Technology, instructional:

artificial intelligence, 396–397

cognitive paradigms, 416–418

future of educational psychology and, 615–616

history, 393–396

learning systems, 407–416

learning theory, 418–421

overview, 393

roles of, 397–407

TECSE, 314–315, 316

Temperament, early childhood education and, 306–311

nine traits of, 307

risk factors, 309

six definition of, 308

Tennessee Project STAR, 575

TERC project, 401, 404, 414

Terman, Lewis, 3, 487

Termites, 487

Testing effect, 85–86

Test-operate-test-exit (TOTE) model, 61

Tetris, 33

Texas Adoption Project, 34

Texas Christian University, 184

Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, 83

Think-aloud procedure, 91, 93

Thinking and Speech, 135, 139

Thomas, Alexander, 306

Thompson, J. Walter, 393

Thorndike, Edward L., 3

Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking, 562

Thurston High School, 512

Tikuna, 140

Time-sampling measures, 60

Tinker, Bob, 404

Token Test, 469

Tolstoy, Lev, 138

Topological primacy, 375

Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, 495, 496

Transactional teaching, 183–184, 344

Transformation, 126

Transmission, direct, 9

Triarchic Theory, 82

True intelligence, 38

Tufts University, 489

Turkle, Sherry, 405, 418, 419

Turoff, Murray, 400–401, 402

U.S. College Board, 399

U.S. Cost Quality and Outcomes Study, 319

U.S. Department of Education, 167, 493, 512


Subject Index

U.S. Department of Justice, 512

U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, 512

U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO), 557

U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD),

318, 445, 447, 459

U.S. National Staffing Study, 319

U.S. Office of Education, 14

U.S. Office of Emergency Preparedness, 400

U.S. Office of Special Education Programs, 515–516

U.S. Public Health Service, 523

U.S. Surgeon General, 14, 512

Underlining, 62

Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design, 397

United Kingdom:

instructional technology in, 401

literacy in, 333

United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, 260

University of British Columbia, 401, 403, 404, 416

University of California–Berkeley, 4, 403, 404, 406

University of Chicago, 3

University of Colorado, 407, 416

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 395–396, 401

University of Kansas, 335

University of Massachusetts, 413

University of Michigan, 406

University of Rome, 312

University of South Florida, 512

University of Texas–Dallas, 403

University of Virginia, 527

University of Wisconsin–Madison, 404

Vai, 126, 130

Value components, 8

Vancouver Island, 401

Vanderbilt University, 404, 406

Varela, Francisco, 397

Violence. See Antisocial behavior

The Virtual Classroom, 401

Virtual-U, 401, 414

Visual ability, 28

Visual Almanac: An Interactive Multimedia Kit, 398, 409

Visual-perceptual disorder, 469

The Voyage of the Mimi, 406

Vygotskian Perspectives on Literacy Research, 144

Vygotsky, Gita, 127

Vygotsky, Lev, 3, 5, 9, 66–67, 296–297, 394–395, 404, 420. See also

Sociocultural theory, Vygotsky and

Vygotsky and Culture of Education: Sociocultural Theory and Practice in

the 21st Century, 145

Wait time, 154, 265

Walberg, Herbert, 577

Walker, Vanessa Siddle, 568

Wallon, Henri, 140

Washington Post, 511

Watson, John B., 393

Webb, Noreen, 184

WebConstellations, 410

WebCT, 416

WebGuide, 407, 416

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Revised (WAIS-R), 33–34,


Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), 471

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised (WISC-R), 459

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Third Edition (WISC-III),

24, 457–458

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Verbal-Performance

IQ, 468–469

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Revised

(WPPSI-R), 24

Weiner, Bernard, 6

Weizenbaum, Joseph, 397

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