Here is some sample code to define the parameters of our traffic light system

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Designing a traffic light system for an intersection is a complex problem that requires careful consideration of several factors

Designing a traffic light system for an intersection is a complex problem that requires careful consideration of several factors, including the flow of traffic, the throughput of the intersection, and the duration of the green light. In this article, we will discuss how to design a two-phase traffic light system for an intersection using Python code.
Before we dive into the technical details, let's first understand the basics of traffic light systems. Traffic light systems are used to control the flow of traffic at intersections by regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. They typically use a sequence of red, yellow, and green lights to indicate when it is safe to proceed through the intersection.
There are several different types of traffic light systems, including fixed-time, actuated, and adaptive systems. Fixed-time systems use a predetermined sequence of traffic light timings that do not change based on the traffic flow. Actuated systems, on the other hand, use sensors to detect the presence of vehicles and pedestrians and adjust the traffic light timings accordingly. Adaptive systems use machine learning algorithms to analyze traffic data in real-time and adjust the traffic light timings dynamically.
For the purpose of this article, we will focus on designing a fixed-time two-phase traffic light system that alternates the flow of traffic between two directions. In this system, the traffic lights for one direction will be green while the traffic lights for the other direction will be red, and vice versa.
To design our traffic light system, we will use Python code to simulate the traffic light timings and control the flow of traffic at the intersection. We will start by defining the parameters of our traffic light system, including the duration of the green, yellow, and red lights, the number of lanes in each direction, and the flow of traffic.
Here is some sample code to define the parameters of our traffic light system:
# Define the traffic light timings in seconds
green_duration = 30
yellow_duration = 3
red_duration = 30

# Define the number of lanes in each direction

north_south_lanes = 2
east_west_lanes = 2

# Define the flow of traffic for each direction

north_south_flow = 100 # vehicles per minute
east_west_flow = 75 # vehicles per minute

In this code, we have defined the traffic light timings as well as the number of lanes in each direction and the flow of traffic for each direction. Note that the traffic flow is defined in terms of vehicles per minute.

Next, we will use Python code to simulate the traffic flow at the intersection and control the traffic light timings. To do this, we will use a loop that runs for a specified period of time and updates the traffic light timings at regular intervals.
Here is some sample code to simulate the traffic flow and control the traffic light timings:

import time

# Define the simulation duration in seconds
simulation_duration = 300

# Initialize the traffic light states

north_south_state = 'green'
east_west_state = 'red'

# Initialize the traffic counters

north_south_counter = 0
east_west_counter = 0

# Run the simulation loop

start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < simulation_duration:
# Update the traffic counters
north_south_counter += north_south_flow / 60
east_west_counter += east_west_flow / 60
# Check if the traffic light timings need to be updated
if north_south_state == 'green' and north_south_counter >= (green_duration * north_south_lanes):
north_south_state = 'yellow'
north_south_counter = 0
north_south_state = 'red'

Chorraha uchun svetofor tizimini loyihalash murakkab muammo bo'lib, u bir nechta omillarni, jumladan, transport oqimini, chorrahaning o'tkazuvchanligini va yashil chiroqning davomiyligini diqqat bilan ko'rib chiqishni talab qiladi. Ushbu maqolada biz Python kodidan foydalangan holda chorraha uchun ikki fazali svetofor tizimini qanday loyihalashni muhokama qilamiz.
Texnik tafsilotlarga kirishdan oldin, keling, svetofor tizimlarining asoslarini tushunib olaylik. Svetofor tizimlari chorrahalarda transport vositalari va piyodalar harakatini tartibga solish orqali harakat oqimini boshqarish uchun ishlatiladi. Ular odatda chorrahadan o'tish xavfsiz ekanligini ko'rsatish uchun qizil, sariq va yashil chiroqlar ketma-ketligidan foydalanadilar.
Svetofor tizimlarining bir necha xil turlari mavjud, jumladan, belgilangan vaqtli, ishga tushirilgan va moslashuvchan tizimlar. Ruxsat etilgan vaqt tizimlari transport oqimiga qarab o'zgarmaydigan svetofor vaqtlarining oldindan belgilangan ketma-ketligini ishlatadi. Boshqa tomondan, boshqariladigan tizimlar transport vositalari va piyodalar mavjudligini aniqlash va svetofor vaqtlarini mos ravishda sozlash uchun sensorlardan foydalanadi. Moslashuvchan tizimlar real vaqtda transport maʼlumotlarini tahlil qilish va svetofor vaqtlarini dinamik ravishda sozlash uchun mashinani oʻrganish algoritmlaridan foydalanadi.
Ushbu maqolaning maqsadi uchun biz ikki yo'nalish o'rtasida transport oqimini almashtiradigan qat'iy ikki fazali svetofor tizimini loyihalashga e'tibor qaratamiz. Ushbu tizimda bir yo'nalishdagi svetoforlar yashil, boshqa yo'nalishdagi svetoforlar qizil va aksincha bo'ladi.
Svetofor tizimimizni loyihalash uchun biz svetofor vaqtlarini taqlid qilish va chorrahadagi transport oqimini boshqarish uchun Python kodidan foydalanamiz. Biz svetofor tizimimizning parametrlarini, jumladan yashil, sariq va qizil chiroqlarning ishlash muddatini, har bir yo‘nalishdagi qatorlar sonini va transport oqimini belgilashdan boshlaymiz.
Svetofor tizimimizning parametrlarini aniqlash uchun bir nechta namuna kodlari:

# Define the traffic light timings in seconds

green_duration = 30
yellow_duration = 3
red_duration = 30

# Define the number of lanes in each direction

north_south_lanes = 2
east_west_lanes = 2

# Define the flow of traffic for each direction

north_south_flow = 100 # vehicles per minute
east_west_flow = 75 # vehicles per minute

Ushbu kodda biz svetoforning harakatlanish vaqtini, shuningdek, har bir yo'nalishdagi qatorlar sonini va har bir yo'nalish uchun transport oqimini aniqladik. E'tibor bering, transport oqimi daqiqada avtomobillar soni bo'yicha aniqlanadi.
Keyinchalik, chorrahada transport oqimini simulyatsiya qilish va svetofor vaqtlarini boshqarish uchun Python kodidan foydalanamiz. Buning uchun biz ma'lum bir vaqt oralig'ida ishlaydigan va svetofor vaqtlarini muntazam ravishda yangilab turadigan halqadan foydalanamiz.
Trafik oqimini taqlid qilish va svetofor vaqtlarini boshqarish uchun bir nechta namuna kodlari:

import time

# Define the simulation duration in seconds
simulation_duration = 300

# Initialize the traffic light states

north_south_state = 'green'
east_west_state = 'red'

# Initialize the traffic counters

north_south_counter = 0
east_west_counter = 0

# Run the simulation loop

start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < simulation_duration:
# Update the traffic counters
north_south_counter += north_south_flow / 60
east_west_counter += east_west_flow / 60
# Check if the traffic light timings need to be updated
if north_south_state == 'green' and north_south_counter >= (green_duration * north_south_lanes):
north_south_state = 'yellow'
north_south_counter = 0
north_south_state = 'red'
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