How to manage classroom content introduction

The structure of the work

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The structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Chapter I. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of individual work of the class teacher with students.

    1. General characteristics of the activities of the class teacher

To better understand what a class teacher is, let's define a few definitions:
The class teacher is a pedagogical worker whose duties include: promoting the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development and formation of the child's personality; making the necessary changes in the system of his education; assistance in solving problems that arise in children when communicating with each other, with teachers, parents; organization and education of the class team. [3]
The class teacher is the direct and main organizer of educational work in the school, an official appointed by its director to carry out educational work in the classroom. [5]
The class teacher is a teacher who acts as a responsible organizer of the classroom student team in secondary schools. [eleven]
The purpose of the work of the class teacher is the most capacious cultural development of a person capable of spiritual and physical self-development, self-improvement, self-realization. Based on the goal, one can single out the essence of the work of the class teacher: coordination of external influences exerted on the student and the organization of educational, developing, teaching extracurricular activities in the classroom. The object of activity of the class teacher will be the students in the process of their development and socialization. [18]
The class teacher has tasks that he needs to solve . The organization of educational and developmental activities is the first object of attention of the teacher, one of the main tasks that he needs to solve. And this is the starting point. For where there is no organizational activity, there is no education, and the development of the individual is left to chance and spontaneous circumstances.
The organization and development of the team is the second object of attention and the task of the class teacher.
Help in the formation of the student's personality, creating conditions for the manifestation and enrichment of his inner strengths, inclinations, interests and abilities is the third task of the educational influences of the class teacher. [24]
In the process of cooperation between the class teacher and students and their parents, four types of tasks are distinguished:
The first group can be called social tasks. This is the protection of the child, helping him, including him in the system of social relations, interaction with the family and various educational institutions in order to create optimal conditions for the development of the personality and the formation of its individuality.
The second group can be defined as diagnostic and ethical tasks, in order to properly organize the system of educational work with the class, the class teacher must know his students, their characteristics, manifestations, personal qualities and individual characteristics.
The third group can be called moral tasks. They are associated with the orientation of the child to the criteria of good and evil, placing children in a situation of moral choice, concretization of moral criteria in real life circumstances.
The fourth group can be designated as tasks of an individual practical nature. These include the choice of effective pedagogical means of work - by students, planning their work, monitoring and correcting activities. [26]
Having considered the tasks, the following functions of the class teacher can be distinguished: Pedagogical monitoring is a system for collecting, processing, pedagogical interpretation and storage of information about the functioning of the pedagogical system, providing continuous monitoring of its state, modern adjustment and development forecasting. Directions and objects of pedagogical monitoring can be educational achievements in the disciplines of the curriculum (level of learning and level of learning); psychological development, health; Socialization of personality, adaptation, upbringing; physical development; monitoring of learning motivation. predictive monitoring. Predictive monitoring is designed to identify and predict positive and negative trends in the development of educational systems. It is very important for solving managerial problems in education related to the formation of social order and corresponding to the potential of the education system. The organizational function of the class teacher is to involve students in various types and forms of extracurricular work and to stimulate their activity in this work. In whatever activity the class teacher includes his students, he should not act by coercion, but strive to make them understand the importance of the upcoming work and give it a colorful, exciting character and a certain novelty. The communicative function, expressed in the development and regulation of interpersonal relations between students, between students and adults; assisting each student in adapting to the team; contributing to the creation of a favorable climate in the team as a whole and for each individual child; assisting students in establishing relationships with surrounding children, society; informing students about existing children's and youth public organizations and associations. Control function, expressed in monitoring the progress of each student; control over the attendance of training sessions by students; control over the well-being of students. [7, 22, 27]
In accordance with their functions, the class teacher chooses the forms of work with students: individual (conversation, consultation, exchange of opinions, individual assistance, joint search for a solution to the problem, etc.); group (creative groups, self-government bodies, etc.): collective (competitions, performances, concerts, hikes, rallies, competitions, etc.). [thirty]
When choosing the forms of work with students, it is advisable to be guided by the following principles: determine the content and main activities in accordance with the tasks facing the educational institution; take into account the principles of organization of the educational process, opportunities, interests and needs of students, external conditions; ensure the integrity of the content, forms and methods of socially significant, creative activity of the class students. [1]
There are many areas of work of the class teacher, of all the most important can be identified:
The first one belongs direction "Interaction". An equally important area in the work of the class teacher is the organization of communication and relationships in the systems "teacher-student", "student-student", "teacher-student-parent". The goal of the teacher here is to transfer to children the experience (knowledge, skills) of social communication between people, positive and negative, the experience of generations. [8]
The second is the direction of "Intellect". The main goal here is to teach students to understand the meaning of human existence - the value of their existence and the value of the existence of other people. [9]
The third direction is "Moral". A very significant direction in the work of the class teacher is the work on the development of intellectual skills of students in the class. The purpose of the work of the class teacher can be to help students develop the ability to act expediently, think rationally and effectively express themselves in the environment. The main thing is to determine the range of real learning opportunities for the student, his closest development zone, to create favorable conditions for advancement in intellectual development. [13]
The fourth direction is "Leisure". Of great importance for the child is his participation in the life of the class outside of school lessons. For some children, this is the main motive for coming to school, the opportunity to find their place among their peers. In the work of the class teacher in this direction, it is important to create situations for students to voluntarily choose forms of extracurricular work. This means that the main qualities that a class teacher should develop in his pupils are initiative and independence, responsibility and openness, sincerity. [8]
The fifth is the direction "Family". The class teacher will not be able to successfully carry out his work if the school does not cooperate with the family. Very often the process of raising a child at school goes beyond such cooperation, and this leads to sad results. It has already been proven by time that education will be successful when the education of the family is ahead of the education of the child. The families from which our students come to the school are heterogeneous. They have different material wealth, different attitudes towards children, different conditions for development, different moral principles. And this affects the health of the child, and his psyche, and his attitude to learning, and his viability as a person. [13]
The class teacher has a great responsibility of students, in GEF spelled out the rights and powers of the class teacher.
The rights of the class teacher include: the right to receive information about the physical and mental health of children. Coordinate the work of subject teachers in their class. Submit opinions and proposals agreed with the class for consideration by the school management bodies . Develop (together with a psychologist, doctors, etc.) programs for individual work with children. Invite parents to school, apply to the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and other bodies dealing with children's problems. Defend your own honor and dignity in school self-government bodies, if necessary - in authorities and the courts. [20]
In addition to rights, it is important for the class teacher to know what he does not have the right to exercise. The class teacher does not have the right to humiliate personal the dignity of the pupil, insult him with an action or word, inventing nicknames, hanging labels, etc. Use an assessment (school score) to punish or punish a student. Abuse the child's trust, use the family to punish the child. Discuss behind the eyes of your colleagues, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire teaching staff. [18]
In order for the class teacher to be competent enough, he must know the Convention on the Rights of the Child, so as not to violate his rights, and act in accordance with them. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Child, age, social psychology, in order to know the age, psychological characteristics of the child. School hygiene. pedagogical ethics. Pedagogy. Theory and methodology of educational work. Fundamentals of labor legislation. [9]
The class teacher should also have information about the state of health of students, about the state of family and living conditions of students, about extracurricular interests and hobbies, about the situation in the class, about the state of health of students, about favorite and unloved subjects, about attitudes towards school, school administration, about level of education of the class. [10]
In order for the class teacher to be able to systematize knowledge about students and about the class, he must be provided with the following documentation:
The first thing that relates to documentation is a class journal - the main state document for registering attendance and recording grades in Soviet and Russian schools. The magazine is divided into two halves. The first contains: a table of contents; schedule of lessons; record of attendance and marks; the content of the lessons learned and homework assignments. The second half includes: general information about each student; a summary sheet of attendance, behavior and progress by quarters; information about the number of lessons missed by the student. Maintaining a separate journal for each class or group by each teacher is mandatory. [6]
Equally important is the plan of educational work. The planning of educational work in the classroom means the process of joint activity of the class teacher, children and adults to determine the goals, content and methods of organizing the educational process and life in the classroom community, the organizers and participants of the planned cases, the timing of their implementation. The plan of educational work is a model of one of the fragments of the future state of the educational process . [5]
Personal files of students are also included in the documentation of the class teacher . Personal files of students are started by the class teacher and clerk of the school upon admission to grade 1 on the basis of a personal statement from the parents. To complete a personal file, the following documents must be submitted: a copy of the birth certificate; a document confirming residence in the microdistrict assigned to the school; a statement from the parents indicating that the parents are familiar with the Charter of the school; medical certificate or medical card; 2 photographs of the child; a copy of the medical policy; papki with the development of educational activities; Minutes of parent meetings. [22]
The results of the class teacher's activities during the year are summed up according to the results of: Analysis of the educational plan and records in it, Analysis of questionnaires given to students at the end of the year, analysis of interview materials with the class teacher on official duties at the end of the year, analysis of materials from visits by the leadership of the gymnasium to educational events during years, analysis of class participation in general gymnasium affairs. [24]
To make it convenient for the teacher to distribute his time, there is a cyclogram of the class teacher (see Appendix 1) [27]
It is not easy to become a good classroom teacher. But every teacher can become one, subject to hard work on himself and a conscientious, loving attitude to the task assigned, in the presence of high moral qualities. In the memory of schoolchildren, labor affairs, exciting excursions and trips, school evenings and merry New Year trees, vivid reports and heated debates on exciting issues often come up. Heart-to-heart conversations with the class teacher, his friendly support in difficult times are not forgotten either. Many students do not cut ties with their favorite class teacher after graduation. They write letters to him, ask him for advice, share their joys, their achievements and successes in work, in their personal lives.

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