Preference 1
If I’m… I prefer to…
Usually, I prefer…
Sometimes, I prefer to…
Preference 2
But, if I… I would rather…
Although, sometimes I would rather…
However, if I have…
Note: To describe past habits we can also use “used to’ or ‘would”, with an appropriate
adverb of frequency:
When I was a child, my brother often used to take me fishing.
My mother would always tell me a story to get me to fall asleep
1. What do you usually do on the Internet?
2. Where do you usually study?
3. What do you like to do for holidays?
4. When do you go shopping?
5. What do you do to relax?
6. How much sleep do you usually get?
7. How do you celebrate festivals in your country?
8. How much TV do you watch?