Ii. Poryadok I chaos
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OGLAVLENIE Introduction I. CHAOS 1. Prichiny chaos. 2. Role entropii kak mery chaos. II. PORYADOK I CHAOS 1. Horse order and chaos 2. CHARACTERISTIC (ATTRIBUTY) PORYADKA I CHAOS III. SYNERGETICS 1. synergetics - science and technology. 2. Order and Chaos: Mechanism Perehoda (phenomenological self-organization) 3. Sotsialnaya synergetika kak postmodernistskaya filosofiya istorii ZAKLYuCHENIE………………………………………………………………………… …21
SPISOK LITERATURE………………………………………………………………24 Introduction Nash mir, vsyo, chto available v nyom nablyudeniyu preterpevayut neperryvnye izmeneniya - my nablyudaem ego neprekrashchayushchuyusya evolyutsiyu. Vse podobnye izmeneniya proiskhodyat za schyot sil vnutrennego vzaimodeystvya, vo vsyakom sluchae, nikakikh vneshnikh po tonosheniyu k nemu sil my ne nablyudaem. Soglasno principu Bora, sushchestvuyushchim my imeem pravo schitat lish to, chto nablyudaemo ili mojet byt sdelano takovym. Sledovatelno, podobnyx sil ne sushchestvuet. Takim obrazom, vsyo, chto isikhodit vokrug nas, my mojem schitat processom samoorganizatsii, to est processom, idushchim za schyot vnutrennix stimulov, ne trebuyushchih vmeshatelstva vneshnih faktorov, ne nadlejashchix system. K chislu takikh protsessov otnositsya takje i stanovlenie i deystvie Razuma, ibo on rodilsya v sisteme v resultet eyo evolyutsii. Nature is a complex system with a characteristic non-equilibrium state. Chelovek dolzhen vsyacheski stremitsya obespechit sovmestnuyu evolyutsiyu prirody i obshchestva. Itak, and the evolution of the process is systematic - self-organization of the process. Mir vsyo vremya menyaetsya. My ne mojem utverzhdat, chto process self-organizatsii napravlen na dostizhenie stotoyaniya ravnovesiya (under which absolute chaos is understood), it is not net dlya etogo opytnyx osnovani, gorazdo boshe dnyx dlya utverjdeniya obratnogo - the world is continuously developing, and in etom izmenenii prosmatrivaetsya opredelyonnaya napravlennost, otlichnaya ot stremleniya k ravnovesiyu. In the process of self-organization, non-stop destruction of the old and new structures, new forms of organization, and new properties of the owner will occur. Prichyom eto kachestvenno ne te je samye obrazovaniya, otlichayushchiesya tolko geometricheskimi razmerami, formoy ili otheri fizicheskimi osobennostyami. Vo Vselennoy voznikayut unique obrazovaniya, neperyvno voznikayut novye perestroyki (bifurikatsii), v rezulte kotoryx rozdayutsya kachetsvenno novye structures, ne imevshie do six por analogov. It's new and non-repeatable properties. A kak eti svoystva vyazany so svoystvami iskhodnyx elemento, iz kotorykh sostavleny systemy? This is a deep question that has both philosophical and practical significance. CHAOS
The reason is chaos. Idei Brusselskoy school, sushchestvenno opirayushchiesya na raboty Prigojina, obrajuyut novuyu, vseob'emlyushchuyu teoriyu izmeneniy. V silno uproshchennom vide sut etoy teorii svoditsya k sleduyushchemu. Sometimes the Universe can actually act like a mechanism. Takovy zamknutye sistemy, no oni v luchshem sluchae sostavlyayut lish maluyu dolyu fizhicheskoy Vselennoy. Bolshinstvo je system, predstavlyayushchix dlya nas interes, otkryty — oni obmenivayutsya energiey ili veshchestvom (mojno bylo by dobavit: i informatsiey) s okrujayushchey sredoy. K-number open system, no doubts, prinadlejat biological and social systems, a eto oznachaet, chto lyubaya popytka ponyat ix v ramkax mechanicheskoy model zavedomo obrechena na proval. In addition to that, the open character of the majority system and the universe is not mysl o tom, chto reality otnyud nor yavlyaetsya arena, na kotoroy order, stability and balance: the main role in the environment is played by instability and instability. Remember to use the terminology of Prigozhina, to say that all systems contain subsystems that are constantly fluctuating. Inogda individual fluctuation and a combination of fluctuation may become stat (in the result of a positive reverse connection) so strong that the existing organization will not survive and will be destroyed. And this revolutionary moment (which the author's book is called osoboy tochkoy or tochkoy bifurcation) predicts the principle of non-viableness, and how the correction will take place in further development: the static state of the system is chaotic, and it is transformed into a new, more differentiated and higher-level organization, which the author nazyvayut dissipative structure. (Fizicheskie ili khimicheskie struktury takogo roda puchili nazvanie dissipativnyx potomu, chto dlya ix podderjaniya trebuetsya bolshe energii, chem dlya podderjaniya bolee simple struktur, na smenu kotorym oni prixodyat). Odin iz klyuchevyx momentov v ostryx discusiyax, razvernuvshixsya vokrug concept of dissipative structure, svyazan s tem, chto Prigozhin podcherkivaet vozmojnost spontannogo vozniknoveniya order i organizatsii iz besporyadka i hoosa v rezulte processa samoorganizatsii. Obobshchaya, my mojem utverjdat, chto v sostoyaniyax, dalekikh ot ravnovesiya, ochen weake vozmushcheniya, ili fluktuatsii, mogut usilivatsya do gigantskikh voln, razrushayushchix slojivshuyusya struktur, a eto spillaet svet na vsevozmojnye protsesy kachestvennogo ili zkogo (neither gradual, nor evolutionary) change. The facts, concepts, and results of the study of highly non-equilibrium constant and non-linear processes, and their combination with sufficiently simple systems, created inverse relationships, in a very creative and completely new approach, allowing the establishment of a connection between fundamental science and "peripheral" science understand some social processes. Role entropii kak mery chaos. Znamenitoe vtoroe nachalo (zakon) thermodynamiki v forumulirovke nemetskogo fizika R. Clausius said: "Teplota ne perekhodit samoproizvolno ot holodnogo tela k bolee goryachemu". The law of conservation and transformation of energy (pervoe nachalo thermodynamics), and the principle, ne zapreshchaet takogo perekhoda, lish by kolichestvo energii sokhranyalos v prejnem ob'eme. The reality is that this is what happens in marriage. Dannuyu odnostoronnost, odnonapravlennost pereraspredeleniya energii v zamknutyx sistemax i podcherkivaet vtoroe nachalo thermodynamiki. Dlya otrageniya etogo processa v thermodynamiku bylo vvedeno novoe ponyatie - "entropy". Pod entropiey steel ponijat meru besporyadka system. The more accurate formulation of the second type of thermodynamics is based on the same type: with self-generating processes and systems that have constant energy, entropy always increases. Fizicheskiy smysl vozrastaniya entropii svoditsya k tomu, chto sostoyashchaya iz nekotorogo mnojestva chastits isolated (with constant energy) system stremitsya pereyti v sostoyanie s naimshey uporyadochennostyu dvigeniya chastits. Eto i est naibolee simple stotoyanie systemy, ili thermodynamicheskoe rynovesie, pri kotorom divinie chastits haotichno. Maximum entropy means complete thermodynamic equilibrium, which is equivalent to chaos. However, iskhodya iz teorii izmeneniy Prigogina, entropy — ne prosto bezostanovochnoe soskalzyvanie sistemy k sostoyaniyu, lishennomu kakoy by to ni bylo organizatsii. Pri opredelennyx usloviyax entropiya stanovitsya praroditelnitsey order. PORYADOK I CHAOS Chaos in horse order В физической картие мира до 70-х годов 20 века tsarstvovali dva zkona classical thermodynamics. Pervyy zakon thermodynamics (zakon sohraneniya i prevrashcheniya energii) fixiroval vseobshchee postoyanstvo i prevrashchaemost energii. Zakon konstatiroval, chto v zamknutoy systeme tel nelzya ni uvelichit, ni umenshit obshchee kolichestvo energii. Etot zakon utverzhdal nezavisimost takogo izmeneniya energii ot urovnya organizatsii jivotnogo, cheloveka, obshchestva i teknikhi. The second law of thermodynamics vyrajaet napravlennost perekhoda energii, imenno perekhod tempereti ot bolee nagretyx tel k menee nagretym. Inogda etot zakon formuluyut tak: teplo ne mojet peretech samoproizvolno ot holodnogo tela k goryachemu. Etomu mogut sposobstvovat tolko zatraty dopolnitelnoy raboty. V sootvetstvii s klasicheskimi fizicheskimi predstavleniyami v zamknutoy systeme proishkodit vyravnivanie temperature, the system strives to its thermodynamic balance, order, sootvetstvuyushchemu maximum entropii. V fizicheskoy kartine mira principle vozrastaniya entropii sootvetstvuet odnostoronnemu techeniyu yavlenii, t. e. and management of chaos, disorder and disorganization. Odin iz osnovateley classic thermodynamic R. Clausis v svoey poytke rasprostranit the laws of thermodynamics of the Universe prishel k vyvodu: entropy is increasing in the Universe. Esli prinyat etot postulate kak realnyy fact, to vo Selennoy inevitably nastupit heatlovaya smert. S tek por, kak physics otkryla etot process rasseivaniya, degradatsii energii, ludi chuvstvovali "ponizhenie temperati vokrug sebya". Монгие ученые не салашалис s vyvodami Clausisa. V. I. Vernadsky utverzhdal, chto «jizn ne ukladyvaetsya v frameki entropii». V prirode naryadu s entropiynymi protsesami proiskhodyat i antientropiynye protsessy. Монгие uchenie vyskazyvali somnenie po povodu rasprostraneniya vtorogo zona thermodynamici na vsyu Vselennuyu. No v mire, kak my znaem, ne tolko gospodstvuet tyaga k teplovoy ili drugoy smerti. V mire postoyanno idet process vozniknovenia novogo, evolyutsii i raznovitiya raznogo roda system. According to Darwin's evolutionary theory, living nature develops in the direction of improvement and sophistication of new plant and animal species. V obshchestve nablyudaetsya process sotsialnogo tvorchestva, t. e. sozidaniya novogo. Sprashivaetsya, kak iz vseobshchey tendentsii k entropii, dezorganizatsii mojet poyavitsya "order" v vivoi prirode i sotsiume. Vozniknovenie novogo kazalos neveroyatnym chudom. Answer the question, how does evolution and driving knowledge come from nature, how does organization come from order out of chaos, "resolve" the new science of synergy (sovmestno s novoy neravnovesnoy thermodynamic, theoretically open system). Synergetics (Greek "synergetikos" - cooperative, coordinated action) is a science whose purpose is to reveal, investigate the general laws and processes of the formation, stability and destruction of ordered temporal and spatial structures and layered neural systems of various natures (physical, chemical, biological, ecological) Czech Republic i dr.). Classical thermodynamics and svoem analysis system otvlekalas ot ix slojnosti i problem vzaimosvyazi s vneshney sredoy. Po sushchestvu, mother rassmatrivala izolirovannye, zakrytye sistemy. No v mire est i open systems, kotorye obmenivayutsya veshchestvom, energiey informatsiey so sredoy. And the open system also drives entropy, proiskhodyat neobramitye protsessy, no za schet polucheniya materialnyx resursov, energii i informatsii sistema sokhranyaetsya, a entropiyu vyvodit v okurajyushchuyu sredu. Otkrytye sistemy karakterizuyutsya neravnovesnoy structure. Neravnovesnost svyazana s adaptatsiey k veshney srede (system vynujdena izmenyat svoyu struktur), system mojet preterpevat mnogo razlichnyx sostoyaniy neopredelennost i t. d. Perekhod ot thermodynamics ravnovesnyx protsesov, k analysis otkrytyx system oznamenoval krupnyy povorot v nauke, mongix otraslyakh nauchnyx znaniy. V otkrytyx sistemax obnarujen effect samoorganizatsii, effect dvigeniya ot chaos k ryadku. The term "synergetics" by the German physicist German Hacken refers to a large number of sub-systems of the collective, collective effect of interaction, the formation of a driving structure, self-organization and a layered system. Finally, the phenomenon is perekhoda ot chaos k order, uporyadocheniya uchenye znali i do etogo. V kachestve primer organizatsii order iz khaosa v nejivoy prirode mojno privesti autoregulyatsiyu, principle naimenshego deistviya i principle Le-Chatele. Bylo open samoproizvolnoe obrazovanie na Zmele mineralov s bolee slojnoy crystalline lattice. And chemically known processes, leading to formation and stable structure and time. Primerom yavlyaetsya reaction Belousov-Jabotinskogo, gde rastvor periodicheski menyaet svoy tsvet ot krasnogo k sinemu v zavisimosti ot koncentratsii sootvetstvuyushchih ionov. В физике явления samoorganizatsii vstrechayutsya ot atomicnyx ob'ektov i konchaya galacticheskimi sistemami. Poyavlenie lazera - organization order from chaos. Atomy, vnedrennye v laser, mogut vozbujdatsya deystviem energii izvne, naprimer, putem osveshcheniya. Because the external energy is insufficient, the laser works like a radio lamp. When it reaches the power of laser generation, atomic, early radiation waves are chaotic and non-destructive, it is necessary to search for mass waves with a length of about 300,000 km. Vydelyaya pri etom ochen bolshuyu energy, transedavaemuyu na bolshie rasstoyaniya. The atomic antenna begins to resonate, all atoms begin to search soglasovanno, and volny sovershayut kak by odno kollektivnoe dvigenie. Biological and social systems support the uporyadochennye sostoyaniya, do not watch or change the influence of the surrounding environment. Synergetics issleduet osobye sostoyaniya sistem v oblasti ix neustoychivogo sostoyaniya, kobnost k samoorganizatsii, tochki bifurkatsii (perekhodnye momenty, perelomnye tochki). Sinergeticheskie zakonomernosti Kak je synergetik obyasnyaet process dvigeniya ot chaos k ryadku, process self-organization, vozniknovenia novogo»? 1. Dlya etogo system doljna byt otkrytoy, i ot tochki thermodynamicheskogo ravnovesiya. Po mneniyu Stengers, bolshinstvo sistem otkryty — oni obmenivayutsya energiey, veshchestvom informatsiey s okrujayushchey sredoy. The most important role in the surrounding environment is order, stability and balance, and instability and instability, which are constantly fluctuating. 2. Fundamentalnym usloviem samoorganizatsii slujit vozniknovenie i usilenie pryadka cherez fluktuatsii. 3. In a special bifurcation point, the fluctuation reaches the same force as the organizational system does not vyderzhivaet i razrushaetsya, and in principle it is impossible to predict: the static state of the system will change from chaotic to new, more differentiated and with a high level of orderliness. V tochke bifurkatsii system mojet nachat razvitie v novom napravlenii, izmenit svoe povedenie. Pod tochkoy bifurkatsii ponimaetsya sostoyanie rassmatrivaemoy sistemy, posle kotorogo vozmojno nekotoroe mnojestvo variantov ee dalneyshego razvitiya. Primerom bifurkatsiy mogut slujit «vybor sputnika jizni», '' situatsii vybora uchebnogo zadevaniya». Naglyadnyy obraz bifurkatsii daet kartina V. M. Vasnetsova "Rytsar na raspute". 4. Novye struktur, voznikayushchie v rezulte effekta vzaimodeystviya mnogix sistem, nazyvayutsya dissipativnymi, potomo chto dlya ix podderjaniya trebuetsya bolshe energii, chem dlya podderjaniya bolee prostix, na smenu kotorym oni prixodyat. V tochke bifurkatsii system is established and novyy put razvitiya. Te traektorii ili napravleniya, po kotorym vozmojno razvitie sistemy posle tochki bifurkatsii i kotoroe otlichaetsya ot drugix otnositelnoy ustoychivostyu, inyny slovami, yavlyaetsya bleee realnym, nazyvaetsya attractorom. Attractor- eto otnositelno ustoychivoe sostoyanie sistemy, prityagivayushchee k sebe mnozhestvo "liniy" razvitiya, vozmojnyx posle tochki bifurkatsii. Sluchaynost i neobhodimost vzaimno dopolnyayut druga v protesse vozniknoveniya novogo. 5. Dissipative structures sushchestvuyut lish postolku, poskolku sistema raseivaet energiyu, a, slozhatetelno proizvodit entropiyu. Iz entropii voznikaet pryadok s uvelicheniem obshchey entropii. Takim obrazom, entropy ne prosto soskalzyvaniem sistemy k disorganizatsii, ona stanovitsya praroditelnitsey order, novogo. The cosmos is born out of chaos (unsustainability) in accordance with the specific informational matrix. CHARACTERISTICS (ATTRIBUTY) PORYYADKA I CHAOS Talking about the methodological and historical fate concepts of "chaos" and "order", my way is the observational paradox: it is the same old-fashioned metaphor, the matrix of miroopisania, izvestnymi eshche so vremen mythov and cosmogonii, i nakhodya vposledstvii application v samykh raznykh naukax, etii ponyatiya , tem ne menee, tak i ne obreli do six por svoey terminological chetkosti. The concept of specificity and volume ethics is strictly defined in the same science that uses it (for example, in modern physics, more than ten characteristic chaos is used: molecular chaos, thermodynamic chaos, diffuse chaos, dissipative chaos, deterministic chaos, turbulent chaos, etc.). Do six por ne yasny granitsy primenimosti etix ponyati i spetsifika ix "prelomleniya" pri perekhode iz odnix poznavatelnyx sfer v drugie. And the present time is, skoree, daje ne pnyatie, a nikie nyatiynye prostanstva, gde sopryagayutsya i peresekayutsya intuitive representations, cultural-symslovye contexts, concrete-scientific interpretations and ix philosophieskosmyslenie. Mojno skazat, chto v istorii nauki rech shla ne ob izuchenii phenomenov khaosa i pryadka kak takovyx, a ob issledovanii otdelnyx attributivnyx kharacteristik etikh phenomenov. Tak, v estestvennonauchnom plane (v pervuyu ochered, v thermodynamics) sootnoshenie hoosa i ryadka opredelyalos i izmeryalos rostom entropii kak pokazatelem raz uporyadochennosti. Another scientific approach, manifesting personal interest in the problem of chaos and order, with sociology and general concepts (cybernetics, general theory of the system), and which chaos and order are compatible with the development of the social system at different levels. Imenno thanks to the last two methods (accumulating and methodologically speaking of contemporary work at the level of aesthetic science) the concept of an antinomy system, and the frame that defines the basic parameters (attributes) of the order of the organization: balance - imbalance, opening - closing systems, stability - instability, dynamics - homeostasis, edinoobrazie - raznoobrazie, symmetry - asymmetry, linearity - nonlinearity, actualization potentiality, predskazuemost - nepredskazuemost. The study of evolutionary ethics and scientific direction, my vyyavili and ney defined tendency - the tendency of changes in the order of theoretical models. The first model of the classical equilibrium order (where the dominant attributes of the order are stability, stationary state, homeostasis, predictability) is presented in classical sociology, classical cybernetics and systematic approach. The second model of the non-classical (non-classical) order, where the dominant attributes of the order are non-sustainable, changeable, unpredictable, is connected with the emergence of a later conceptual entropy-informational approach, cybernetic second order, the theory of social entropy, and the latest system theory. Odnako v rezulte perechislennyx teoreticheskikh razrabotok slojilis krayne protivorechivye, poroy vzaimoisklyuchayushchie predstavleniya o charactere pryadka v slojnyx sistemax i o role chaos v protse se ryadkoobrazovaniya. To name a few questions that arise when dating with different positions: Chto yavlyaetsya usloviem formirovaniya ryadka - otkrytost sistemy potoku vneshnikh vozdeistviy (fluctuatsii kak yayavleniy hoosa) ili, naoborot, umenie sistemy eti vozdeystviya (fluctuatsii) podavlyat, borotsya s nimi. izbavlyaya sebya ot izmeneniy i potryaseniy? Yavlyaetsya li homonorodnost elements sistemy, v tom chisle sotsialnoy, attributom order ili takovaya vedet k disorganizatsii i kaosu (kak eto sleduet iz thermodynamici)? I mojet byt, v takom sluchae strukturnoe raznoobrazie est guaranto stoychivosti i, sloglitelno, bolee slojnogo i nadejnogo ryadka? Mojno li autojdestvit pryadok s ustoychivostyu (homeostasis) systemy ili dynamic changes ee struktur est zalog ee jiznedeyatelnosti? Is it sufficient for the solution of this question to introduce the system concept of the current balance, which fixes the maintenance of the system's stability and the process of non-interruptive exchange and movement of elements? Esli intuitively the image of the order is connected with such characteristics as the symmetry and homogeneity of the elements of the system, so why is the process of order formation described? Therefore, under certain conditions and conditions, the uporyadocheniya of the process occurs in its own way of "switching of regimes": the nonlinear system starts vesti sebya kak linearya ili, naprimer, and the open system starts the process, similar to the process of the inner closed system, connected with the growth of entropy (rostom chaos) ? Where is granite stability and zone instability, and how can it be defined for the system as a critical condition, observable, where are the granites managed by the system, predictable and behavior, what is the special meaning for the social system? Eti and other questions are not simply the result of poiska vdumchivym chitatelem logical contradictions in the literature of the problem of order and chaos, oni znamenuyut soboy neobhodimost and preddverie globalnogo methodological synthesis and etoy issledovatelskoy oblasti - synthesis, sposobnogo primirit dannye logical contradictions in the framework of a single, comprehensive explanatory model. Such a model is my work and synergetic - young scientific direction, representing a multidisciplinary universal theory and self-organization of processes of different nature. Voznikshaya na styke physics, chemistry, biology, astrophysics and other natural sciences and thinking in themselves general system ideas, synergetic model of self-organization is developed and the most general and most heuristic fruitful explanatory model describing order and chaos and evolutionary system, v tom chisle i sotsialnyx SYNERGETICS Nauka o slojnom. V contse XX veka vse bolshee razvitie poluchaet synergetik — nauka o slojnom, o tom, kak v kaose ustanavlivaetsya opredelennyy pryadok, kotoryy odnako, early ili pozdno razrushaetsya. Synergetics - mejdistiplinarnoe napravlenie nauchnyx issledovaniy, voznikshee v nachale 70-x g.g. i stavyashchee v kachestve svoey osnoy dachi pognanie obshchich zanomernostei i principles, lezhashchich and basic processes of self-organization and systems of different nature: physical, chemical, biological, technical, economic, social. Pod samoorganizatsiey v synergetike ponimayutsya protsessy vozniknoveniya makroskopicheski uporyadochennyx prostanstvenno vremennyx struktur v slojnyx nelineynyx sistemax. Sistema pod vozdeystviem samyx neznachitelnyx vozdeystvii, ili fluctuatsii, mojet zko izmenit svoe stotoyanie. Etot transit is often characterized by chaos. It's interesting that minor changes (fluctuations) play a huge role in the establishment, establishment, and dissolution of the kak. Blagodarya etim vozdeystviyam system v odnix sluchayakh priobretaet uporyadochennost, v drugikh eta uporyadochennost, ischerpav sebya, razrushaetsya, pri etom system popadaet v sostoyanie neustachivosti. The change of regimes of stability and instability is produced in the system, where is the power of technology, energy and information. Do razvitiya synergetiki nauka rassmatrivala otdelno kaos i pryadok, prichem osnovnoe vnimanie udelyalos imenno pryadku, ibo ego mojno opisat otnositelno prostimi matematicheskimi uravneniyam. Synergetics vyyavlyaet puti zarozhdeniya v chaos order, ego podderjaniya i raspada. Predstavte sebe heated water in a saucepan. Because of the water in the water, the water begins to heat up, bubbles appear in the water. A voznikayut oni na sluchaynyx mestax, v silu sluchaynostey. No esli buzyrek obrazovalsya, to v uje dostatochno nagretoy vode on uvelichivaetsya v razmerakh i podnimaetsya k poverkhnosti vody, gde lopaetsya. Pri nagrevanii vody chaotichnost dvigeniya ee molecule vozrastaet, no imenno v etom chaos ustanavlivaetsya order, razvivaetsya istoriya kapel, napolnennyx vodyanymi parami. Nechto analogichnoe isikhodit v tovarno-denejnyx otnosheniax. Zdes kaos — eto rynok. One is sold, the other is bought. No v chaos rynka ustanavlivayutsya opredelennye zakonomernye tnosheniya, kotorye izuchaet ekonomika kak nauka. Complex system with chaos and order yavlyaetsya lyuboy estestvennyy zyzyk. Philologists know well, chto grammaticheskie zakonomernosti voznikaiut sluchaynym obrazom, odni sluchainosti "vymirayut", a second, on the contrary, priobretayut vse novykh storonnikov. Language is chaos and order. Iskhodya iz uspekhov synergetiki uchenye ob'yasnyayut vozniknovenie i razvitie uporyadochennyx sistem perestroikoy kaosa. Vse voznikaet iz chaos. The poskolku system "zabyvaet" svoi proshlye sostoyaniya, to neizvestno, chto bylo do khaosa i v principe eto nevozmojno uznat. Predmet je synergetiki okhwatyvaet vse etapy universalnogo protsesa samoorganizatsii kak protsesa evolyutsii order - ego vozniknoveniya, razvitiya, samouslojneniya i razrusheniya, t.e. ves cycle razvitiya sistemy v aspecte ee strukturnogo uporyadocheniya. In other words, synergetics can be considered the most complete, integral theory of order and chaos, since different phases (levels) of order and manifestation of different roles of chaos and etix stages of order formation are studied. Methodological preimushchestvo synergetiki, po sravneniyu s upomyanutymi nami ranee teoriyami, zaklyuchaetsya v tom, chto poslednie analiziruyut processy uporyadocheniya i organizatsii pod spetsificheskim issledovatelskim uglom zreniya (dominating gestaltom). For example, classical sociology and cybernetics aktsentiruyut svoe vnimanie preimushchestvenno na problemakh ustoychivosti i ravnovesnosti sistem, a znachit - ix upravlyaemosti; the theory of social entropy - the role of inequality and the formation of social order; The system approach is the condition of preserving the integrity of the system and the adaptive capabilities of changing the environment. Predmet je synergetiki okhwatyvaet vse etapy universalnogo protsesa samoorganizatsii kak protsesa evolyutsii order - ego vozniknoveniya, razvitiya, samouslojneniya i razrusheniya, t.e. ves cycle razvitiya sistemy v aspecte ee strukturnogo uporyadocheniya. In other words, synergetics can be considered the most complete, integral theory of order and chaos, which examines different phases (levels) of order and the manifestation of different roles of chaos and the etix stages of order formation. Order and Chaos: Mechanism Perehoda (Self-Organization) Pervyy vopros, kotoryy voznikaet pri izuchenii zakonomernostey samoorganizatsii, sostoit v tom, kak ona sovershaetsya. Bogateyshiy opyt sotsialnogo razvitiya na protyazhenii neskolkikh tysyacheletiy odnoznachno svidetelstvuet v pozlu togo, chto sotsialnaya self-organization vystupaet kak cheredovanie dvukh klyuchayushchih drug druga protsesov - hierarchizatsii and deierarchizatsii. Hierarchy represents the subsequent combination of elemental dissipative structures and dissipative structures of a higher order; De-hierarchization is the subsequent collapse of a layered dissipative structure that is more simple. Prakticheski eto proyavlyaetsya, v chastnosti, v periodicheskom obrazovanii grandioznyx imperiy i ix posleduyushchem katastroficheskom raspade. Odnako podobnaya kartina nablyudaetsya ne tolko v sphere politicheskikh, no i lyubyx drugix sotsialnyx institutev. V sphere politicheskoy jizni etot process vyglyadit bolee dramaticheski i poetomu privlekaet k sebe osoboe vnimanie. A more complex analysis of etix processes shows that it can be protected in different directions: dissipative structures can be combined in different consequences and according to different rules, and as a result, it can drive hierarchical systems of different types. The analogical picture is clear and in the case of deierarchization: the layered dissipative structure can be decomposed in more simple ways, and the elementary structure can also be dissipative in different ways. Tem nemenee, spectr napravleniy, v kotoryx moget protect hierarchization ili dehierarchization, otnyud ne proizvolen: on zadaetsya prirodoy tay sistemy, kotoraya preterpevaet ukazannuyu evolutsiyu, i charakterom vneshney sredy. In other words, on opredelyaetsya bifurkatsiey - razvetvleniem starogo kachestva na konechnoe mnojestvo vpolne opredelennyx potensialno novyx kachestv. Eto tak nazyvaemaya nonlinearity pervogo roda, kotoraya pridaet processu samoorganizatsii s samogo nachala neodnoznachnyy ("stochasticheskiy") character. The transition of the social system from one state to another requires the selection of a large number of new structures. Poetomu na mesto traditsionnogo dynamicheskogo determinizma (v duxe P. Dallasa) prixodit suschestvenno novyy "stochastichesky" ili veroyatnostnyy determinizm (tsepochka bifurkatsiy i posledovatelnost aktov vybora). Kartina samoorganizatsii etim ne ogranichivaetsya. Tsepochka bifurkatsiy mojet ne tolko uvesti samoorganizuyushchuyusya sistem ot iskhodnogo sostoyaniya, no i vernut ee v eto sostoyanie. Dlya concrete system, vzaimodeystvuyushchey with concrete environment, sushchestvuet svoy attractor - predelnoe sostoyanie, achievement kotorogo, system uje ne mojet vernutsya ni v odno iz prenix sostoyaniy. V sushchestvovanii attractorov legko ubeditsya, nablyudaya kak hierarchizatsiyu, tak i deierarchizatsiyu. Protsess hierarchizatsii v usloviyax vzaimodeystviya s vneshney sredoy ne mojet prodoljatsya beskonechno: dozhetuv nekotorogo predelnogo sostoyaniya ("simple attractor"), on ostanavlivaetsya. To je samoe proiskhodit i s protsessom deierarchizatsii: raspad sistemy zakanchivaetsya, nadzhevnuv nekotorogo predelnogo sostoyaniya ("strange attractor"). S etoy tochki zreniya dissipative structure preterpevaet mnozhestvo bifurkatsiy, kak by balansiruya mejdu prostimi and stranymi attractorami. Esli za iskhodnuyu system otscheta prinyat sostoyanie, v kotorom reality podvergaetsya ne hierarchizatsii, a deierarchizatsii, to process samoorganizatsii primet formu cheredovaniya differentiationsii i integratsii social reality.
Itak, and synergetic ponimanii ne suschestvuet edinogo, raz i navsegda dannogo obraza pryadka. Pryadok predstaet kak zivoy, razvivayushchiysya process - stanovyashchiysya, no ne stavshiy. Poetomu sleduet govorit o different laws and characteristics (attributax) order and chaos and different stages of order - in the period of the creation of the order and in the period of the preservation of the order. The synergetic interpretation of the order of the process allows the primirit oboznachennye nami protivorechiya v ponimanii order i chaos, slojivshiesya v nauke k seredine nashego century. Stanovitsya yasno, chto pered nami ne stolko razlichnye obrazy (modeli) order, skolko vzaimodopolnyayushchie kharakteristiki razlichnyx phase edinogo processa order koobrazovaniya . Synteziruyushchaya role synergetic model of order kak processa manifests takje i v tom, chto veyo kontextumu pridchityvayutsya ancient cosmogonic representations of order and chaos, poskolku ochevidny attributivnye correlyatsii mejdu nimi and sovremennymi estestvennonauchnymi kharakteristikami zaimosootnosheniy chaos and order. And the mythologicheskom soznanii miroporyadok also predstaet kak process stanovleniya - k osmogenesis , the birth of Cosmos iz Chaosa. The ancient image of Nebytiya (primordial Chaos) as a formless primordial structure of the entire world structure can be classified as a metaphorical analog of the modern understanding of the nonlinear environment, which contains a wide spectrum of forms (structural-attractor evolution) in its potency and non-manifested form. Download 25,34 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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