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Odilbek Eshchanov, Shuhratbek Abdishukurov
IMTIHON TESTLARI Ingliz tili+Matematika (mutaxassislik fanlari uchun maxsus)
Abituriyentlar uchun imtihonoldi sinov testlari to’plami
Toshkent – 2020 Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili+Matematika Barcha kitoblar→ - 2 - @ABTbooks
UO‘K 51(079.1) 811.111(079.1) KBK 22.1v6 81.2Ingl(v6) E 99 Odilbek Eshchanov, Sh. Abdishukurov.
Imtihon testlari (ingliz tili, matematika). Toshkent; “Regbooks” nashriyoti, 2020 . - 224 b.
Ushbu kitob ingliz tili, matematika fanlaridan aralash testlardan iborat. Har bir variantda 60 ta test savoli mavjud. Testlar DTM standartlari asosida tuzilgan.
taalluqli barcha huquqlar amaldagi qonunlarga asosan himoya- langan. To‘plamni qalbakilashtirish, ko‘paytirish, Registon o’quv markazining yozma ruxsatisiz chop etish taqiqlanadi.
ISBN 978-9943-6515-6-2 © Odilbek Eshchanov, © Sh. Abdishukurov, ©“Regbooks” nashriyoti, 2020
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Variant-1 1. Choose the correct answer. I would like you to come over and meet ... friend I was telling you about. A) the B) – C) a D) some
2. Choose the correct answer. They visited several that ….. , A) discos/night B) disco‘s/night C) disco/nights D) disco/nights 3. Choose the correct answer. This is the hospital ... I was born. A) which B) who C) where D) how 4. Choose the correct answer. Hold the bag please while I put the books in ... A) it B) them C) him D) they 5. Choose the correct answer. Have Tim and Jane bought the new house ... ? A) ever B) just C) never D) yet 6. Choose the correct answer. I ran down the hill and stopped a ... car. A) passing B) passed C) to pass D) pass
7. Choose the correct answer. I'm busy at the moment …. on the computer. A) I’m working B) I working C) I work D) I'm work 8. Choose the correct answer. He had already learnt English before he ... for England. A) had been leaving B) left C) was leaving D) has left 9. Choose the correct answer. Where did you get that money from?
I don't remember ... it to you. A) to be giving B) giving C) to have given D) to give 10. Choose the correct answer. Must Mike do this work today? - No, he ... A) needn't B) may not C) can't D) mustn't 11. Choose the correct answer. Many people suffer ... a fear of heights. A) at B) with C) of D) from 12. Choose the correct answer. The president arrived ... the airport ... ten daqiqaes time before the flight. He quickly got on the plane and some daqiqaes later the plane took ... A) at/in/off B) to/in/to C) in/after/off D) at/by/off 13. Choose the correct answer. A: …….. was she born? B: She was born in New Zealand. A) Why
B) When C) What D) Where 14. Choose the correct answer. - Is it serious, doctor? - ... You'll need an operation. A) Never mind B) You aren't lazy Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili+Matematika Barcha kitoblar→ 4 @ABTbooks
C) I don't think D) I'm afraid so 15. Choose the correct answer. What are you doing? The policeman asked the men what ... doing. A) you are B) they were C) were they D) are you 16. Choose the correct answer. If she ... to the library, she'll study more. A) go B) didn’t go C) goes D) won't go 17. Choose the correct answer. Do you ever wish you ... fly ? A) could B) can
C) had been able to D) will be able to 18. Choose the correct answer. He's ... an archaeological discovery. A) created B) filled C) done D) made Read and answer the following four questions about the text. HEADACHES The causes of headaches, whether they are the common kind of tension or migraine headaches, or any other kind, are usually the same. During the periods of stress, muscles in the neck, head and face are contracted so tightly that they make tremendous pressure on the nerves; headaches, taking many forms from a continuous dull pain to an insistent hammering result. Although at least 50 % of American adults are estimated to suffer one or more headaches per week, it is the 20 million migraine sufferers who are in special difficulties. Migraines, which are mostly suffered by women, can entail tremendous, unrelieved pain. 19. It is obvious in the passage that... ... .... A) tension and migraine headaches are common to all people B) headaches can have a variety of symptoms C) tension or migraine headaches are suffered by about half of
American adults D) headaches always produce the same result 20. In America … A) a majority of adults has at least one headache a week B) only women suffer migraines C) over 20 million men suffer migraines D) a majority of the headaches suffered are migraine headaches 21. We understand from the passage that ... ... ... ... .... Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili+Matematika Barcha kitoblar→ 5 @ABTbooks
A) All sufferers of migraine, usually women, can experience great, continuous pain. B) female migraine sufferers experience great pain. C) Women have special difficulties when they have headaches. D) Migraines are only suffered by women and cause unrelieved pain.
Read and answer the following four questions about the text. STRESS Stress is a factor in all our lives. Learning to deal with stress in a positive, intelligent way is essential to good health. One way to. combat stress is to get rid of it in physical activities. Anything from jogging around the neighborhood to an exercise on the dance floor can relieve stress and, surprisingly, give you more energy to come with life. Stress can also be controlled by changing your mental attitude. Learn to accept things; fighting against the unavoidable or the inevitable is useless. Learn to take one thing at a time. Rather than trying to do everything at once, deal with more important problems first, and leave the rest to another day. Learn to take your mind off yourself. Since stress is selfcentered, doing something for others helps reduce it. 22. The writer points out that doing physical activities ... .... A) may weakens one's health and lead to stress. B) not only helps you get over stress but also make you energetic. C) is only limited to jogging around the neighborhood. D) is very surprising if it is done on the dance floor. 23. It is pointed in the passage that there is no point in ... .... A) insisting on escaping the things which are sure to happen. B) accepting things as they are. C) getting away from the events which please you. D) wasting one's energy doing unnecessary activities. 24. Stress results from A) putting the things that you will do in order of importance. B) dealing with more important things first and leaving the rest to another day. C) always helping the other and not thinking of oneself. D) both trying to do too many things at one time and being interested only in oneself. Read and answer the following four questions about the text. URBANIZATION
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The nineteenth century experienced a sudden growth of cities, with populations ranging from 100. 000 to 8 million. An important reason for this urbanization lies with the Industrial Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution. Due to the introduction of steam power, the number of factories increased rapidly. Since the use of steam power required large amounts of coal and iron, there was a great need for a labor force. Consequently, more and more workers came both to the factories and to the local fields. Hence, towns and cities developed round the new industries. 25. The most obvious effect of the revolutions mentioned in the passage is ………… A) an unexpected increase in the number of the cities. B) the use of steam power in the houses. C) a surprising amount of coal and iron consumption. D) the need for a lot of workers in the industry. 26. It is clear that the use of steam power…….. A) resulted from the increasing number of factories. B) was popular in the cities with 100. 000 or 8 million people. C) made it necessary for people to build cities. D) necessitated the recruitment of more workers. 27. Factories' and local fields' great need for workers led to …. A) the establishment of new factories. B) new settlement areas. C) the new industries. D) the requirement of large amounts of coal. Read and answer the following four questions about the text. RAISING HOUSEPLANTS Raising houseplants involves nearly as much care and knowledge as raising children. First, both plants and children are sensitive to their environments. For example/ a plant will grow faster and 'be much healthier if it is raised in loving care. The same is true for a child, who will be happier and healthier if his parents love and nurture him. Similarly, proper care of houseplants requires a basic knowledge of plants on the part of the owner. He must know, for example, which of his plants need direct sunlight and which need to be kept in shady
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places, and how much water each plant requires for the best growth and appearance. Parents, too, must have a basic knowledge of their children's needs in order to provide what is necessary for the best physical and mental development. 28. The writer argues that environment. ……….. A) plays an important role in the development of both children and plants. B) has no effect on plants. C) has nothing to do with child raising. D) is important if the plants are sensitive. 29. If a person doesn't have enough knowledge of plants, ….. A) he can't raise a child. B) plants should be kept in shady places. C) their growth will be affected negatively. D) they grow faster. E) his plants need direct sunlight. 30. Love and care… A) should only be given to children. B) are not so essential for children as for plants. C) requires basic knowledge of plants. D) are necessary not only for children but also plants.
31. Agar 𝒂𝒃𝒄, 𝒃𝒄𝒂, 𝒄𝒂𝒃 uch xonali natural sonlar yig‘indisi 777 ga teng bo‘lsa, 𝒂 + 𝒃 + 𝒄 ni toping. A) 8
B) 6 C) 7 D) 2 32. 𝟒, 𝟖 = 𝒙 + 𝒚 𝟓 tenglikda x va y sonlar 5 dan kichik natural sonlar bo‘lsa, y ning qiymatini toping.
A)4 B)1
C) 3 D) 2 33. 𝟑 < 𝒂 < 𝟕 va 𝟑 < 𝒃 < 𝟏𝟎 bo‘lsa, 𝒂 va 𝒃 butun sonlar uchun
𝟏+ 𝒂 𝒃 𝟏+ 𝒃 𝒂 kasrning eng katta qiymatini toping. A) 21
B) 6 C) 3 D) 3 2
34. Hisoblang: (𝟏
𝟏 𝟕 ) ∙ (𝟏 𝟏 𝟖 ) ∙ (𝟏 𝟏 𝟗 ) ∙ … … ∙ (𝟏 𝟏 𝟔𝟐 ) A) 11 7 B)9 C)7
D) 10 7 35. Agar x va y √𝟒𝒙 + 𝒚 − 𝟏𝟏 + √𝟓𝒙 + 𝒚 − 𝟏𝟑 = 𝟎 tenglamaning ildizi bo‘lsa, bu tenglamaning ildizlarining ko‘paytmasini toping. A) -8 B) -2 C) 4 D) 6
6. Agar m 45 5 34 7 22 7 10 11 bo‘lsa, ? 45
34 12 22 6 10 4
A) 5 4 2 55 18 m B)
5 4 m
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C) 2 4 5 11 19 m D)
2 4 5 55 18 m 37. √(𝟖 + 𝟑√𝟐 − √(𝟖 − 𝟑√𝟐 − √(𝟔 + 𝟒√𝟐) ) ) ni hisoblang. A) 2 − √2 B) 3 − √2 C)1 + √2 D) 2 + √2 38. Tenglama nechta butun ildizga ega? |𝒙 𝟐 − 𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏𝟓| = 𝟐𝒙 − 𝒙 𝟐 − 𝟏𝟓 A) 9 B) 8 C)7
D) 6 39. Ushbu (𝒙 𝟐 − 𝟑𝒙) ∙(𝒙 𝟐 − 𝟑𝒙 +
𝟐) ≥ 𝟐𝟒 tengsizlikni qanoatlantirmaydigan eng katta va eng kichik butun sonlar ayirmasini toping. A) 3 B) 4 C) 5
D) 2 𝟒𝟎.
𝟐,𝟐𝟏∙𝟓,𝟗𝟓+𝟏,𝟓𝟏 𝟔,𝟒𝟐∙𝟓,𝟗𝟓−𝟖,𝟖𝟖 ni hisoblang. A) 1
1 2 B) 62 41 C) 1 D) 1 2
41. Piramidaning asosi tomonlari 3 va 4 ga teng bo‘lgan to‘g‘ri to‘rtburchakdan iborat. Piramidaning har bir yon qirrasi 𝟓√𝟓
𝟐 ga teng bo‘lsa, uning balandligini toping. A) 100 B) 20 C) 5 D) 5 42. Quyidagi tasdiqlarning qaysilari to‘g‘ri? 1) ikkita o‘xshash jismlarning nisbati ularning mos chiziqli o‘lchovlari kublarining nisbatiga teng, 2) silindrning hajmi asosining yuzi bilan balandligi ko‘paytmasiga teng, 3) sharning hajmi 3 4 𝜋𝑅 3 ga teng, 4) shar sektorining hajmi 𝜋𝐻 2 (𝑅 − 𝐻 3 ) ga teng (𝐻-mos shar segmentining balandligi, 𝑅-sharning radiusi), 5) asosining radiusi 𝑅 ga, balandligi ℎ ga teng silindr yon sirtining yuzi 2𝜋𝑅ℎ ga teng, A) 1, 3, 5 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 2, 5 D) 2, 3, 5 43. Tengsizliklar sistemasini yeching. 2 6(2
2, 5) 1, 5(2 4 ) 6 8 12 0
x x x
A)(2, 4) B)(3, 6) C)(3, 4) D) (3, 5) 𝟒𝟒. 𝒎 ning qanday qiymatida 𝒙 𝟐 + (𝟐 − 𝒎)𝒙 − 𝟑𝒎 − 𝟑 = 𝟎 tenglama ildizlari kvadratlarining yig‘indisi eng kichik bo‘ladi? A) -1 B) ∅ C) 2 D) -3 46. Kitob sahifalash uchinchi betdan boshlandi, agar kitob sahifalash uchun 9887 ta raqam ishlatilgan bo‘lsa, kitob necha betli (har bir betda bittadan sahifa mavjud)? A) 2749
B) 2748 C) 2747
D) 2746 𝟒𝟕. 𝟗
𝒏 ∙ 𝟏𝟖
𝟕−𝒏 ko‘paytmaning natural bo‘luvchilari soni 28 ga teng bo‘lsa, n ni toping. A)5 B) 6 C) 19 D) -9 48. 28 ning juft bo‘luvchilari va tub bo‘luvchilari yig‘indisini toping.
A) 57 B) 58 C) 39 D) 55 49.
2 ; 4
EKUB n n
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ifodani qanoatlantiruvchi barcha natural n larning yig‘indisini toping. A) 17 B)1 C)16 D)4 50. 5555...5 ushbu 34 xonali sonni 9 ga bo‘lgandagi qoldiqni toping. A)8 B) 7 C)6 D)4 51. Qirralari soni 30 ga teng bo‘lgan prizmaning nechta yog‘i bor? A) 14 B) 10 C) 12 D) 11 52. Konusning balandligi 24 ga o‘q kesimining perimetri 72 ga teng. Uning hajmini toping. A) 800π B) 400π C) 360π D) 720π 53. Agar a, b, c manfiy butun sonlar bo‘lib, 𝟏 𝒂 > 𝟏 𝒃 > 𝟏 𝒄 tengsizliklar bajarilsa, |𝒂 − 𝒃| + |𝒃 − 𝒄| − |𝒂 − 𝒄| ifodani soddalashtiring. A) 0 B) -2a-2c C) -2a D) b-a
54. Teng yonli ABC uchburchakda A=
AB:AC= 5:3 va AB-AC=5 ga teng. Uchburchakning perimetrini toping. A) 28, 5 B) 27, 5 C) 19, 5 D) 32, 5 55.
𝟏 𝟐 𝟐 −𝟏 + 𝟏 𝟒 𝟐 −𝟏 + 𝟏 𝟔 𝟐 −𝟏 + ⋯ + 𝟏 𝟐𝟎 𝟐 −𝟏
ni hisoblang. A) 9 21 B) 10 21 C) 15 21 D) 20 21 56. Agar 𝒄𝒕𝒈𝜶 = − 𝟏 𝟑
ning qiymatini toping. A) −
3 13 B) −3 C) − 9 13 D) 3 57.
1 0 7 x x tengsizlikni yeching. A) 𝑥 ∈ ∅
) ) 0 : )[1; )
A x B C D) (1, ∞) 58.
33 1! 2! 3! ... 33!
raqamini toping. A)3 B)0 C)2 D)1 59. Hajmi 125 ga teng kubning biror uchidan unga ichki chizilgan shargacha bo‘lgan masofani toping. A) 2, 5( 3 -5) B) 2, 5( 3 -1)
C) 2, 5 3 -1 D)2, 5 60. Murakkab sonlarni ifoda etuvchi raqamlar yig‘indisini toping. A) 36 B) 30 C) 29 D) 45 Download 0,96 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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