In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

It can not only guarantee the security and stability of the country but also of the whole region and even the whole world

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It can not only guarantee the security and stability of the country but also of the whole region and even the whole world.
If  the  realities  are  not  accepted,  the  Chicago  Conference  will  be 
dates of the current month the twenty-fifth meeting of the NATO member countries is going to be held in Chicago, 
USA.  According  to  the  reports  besides  the  28  member  countries,  60  more  countries  will  also  participate  and  among  other  issues
. It is said that the meeting will be held behind closed doors and the public will be kept away from the conference.
The reality is that there are 140,000 troops of NATO and America is present inside Afghanistan even now. Moreover 300,000 peo
and police working as their stooges are also there. But they are a total failure in front of the national and Islamic resista
obvious. Armies can fight armies but cannot fight nations.
hat  they  construe  the  national  and  Islamic  movement  (resistance)  as  terrorism  just  for  their  malicious 
objectives. As long as the invaders do not accept the ground realities in Afghanistan and do not acknowledge the natural righ
Afghan issue can neither be solved by the strategic co-operation nor by the NATO meetings. A lasting occupation means a lasting resistance.
If they really do hold up human rights and justice, they should include the end of the occupation, the trial of the
rights, halting violations of the sanctities of Afghan Muslim nation including the indiscriminate massacre of the innocent Af
the warlords in their agenda. They should give the right of full freedom to the Afghan nation. If they neglect all these issues and support the colonial 
plans of  America, then  all the slogans  of supporting human rights and  justice are all white lies and their destiny will not d
from this soil and who have now become only the memories of the past.
In last  April a joint survey of CBS and the New York  Times showed that 69%  Americans are against the war in  Afghanistan and t
In the beginning the white house officials wanted to justify the illegal invasion of Afghanistan under the title of the so ca
the  other side to  deceive the  Afghans by the  democracy, freedom  and  human rights; but their deeds showed that  these  invaders  are the  biggest 
violators of the basic human rights. In the past ten years, the life of the ordinary Afghans has worsened both economically a
population of the country is living under the poverty line. Electricity is brought from a neighboring country with such a huge amount which would have 
been sufficient for the construction of a dam inside the country.
Similarly  80% of the funds collected  under the name of  Afghanistan go back into the  pockets and bank accoun
warlords. The press says that this corruption has now even entered the UN offices and millions of dollars have been embezzled
The colonial game of the Americans is a total failure in Afghanistan. We call upon the nation of America and the NATO member countries to arrange 
large scale protests prior to the Chicago conference. Similarly we request the politicians and writers of the world having fr
the atrocities of the Americans and their allied forces inside Afghanistan and to support the Afghans morally in their just demand.
We consider it the duty of every human being for having a peaceful world and insuring justice.
Can the Afghan dilemma be solved only by conferences? 
If the Afghan issue was solvable by mere conferences, it should have been solved long ago. A number of regional and internati
Bonn, Tokyo, London, Lisbon, Istanbul and the latest Chicago conference have been held. But the reality is that after each conference the Afghan issue 
is made much more complicated. The reason is that these conferences are not held but for the deterioration of the core issue.
It is just for the justification of the American and its allied occupation of Afghanistan. Since the main intension was not for the solution, they could not 
In  the  beginning  (ten  years  ago),  America  considered  itself  the  exclusive  power  of  the  world.  She  did  not  take  anyone  into  co
nced that in the present global situation, national sovereignty is meaningless and there are no borders for us. If America co
security is in danger, it can retaliate anywhere, anytime and on anyone. It was the heroic Afghan nation that made
the freedom and national sovereignty of other nations not a pudding to be swallowed easily.
The Americans do avail advance technology and modern satellite systems but the ongoing Jihadi movement is equipped with sacre
sacrifice and it enjoys wide range public support. It is a weapon which is available neither in Washington nor in Pentagon, L
reality which can never be altered by mere propaganda.
in Afghanistan an Islamic and national Jihadi movement is going on against the external invasion following the example of 
our forefathers. Its nature and essence cannot be changed whatever blames and labels are assigned to it. As long as the invad
headship of America do not surrender to the natural and legitimate right of full sovereignty and the establishment of a syste
beliefs, cultures and traditions; these conferences, false media reports, superficial diplomacy and advance technology cannot solve this dilemma nor 
The  most  core  necessity  for  the  solution  of  this  problem  is  sincerity,  the  acceptance  of  reality  and  handing  over  the  right  t
nt cannot be solved in the following decade just as it could not be solved in the past decade.
Therefore our message to the participants of the Chicago conference is that if they really want to solve the issue, they shou
lities  inside  Afghanistan.  They  should  respect  the  sovereignty  of  Afghan  nation.  They  should  let  this  nation  build  a  system  i
environment, reflective of their religious rules and national characteristics and parallel with dreams and wishes of Mujahed
It can not only guarantee the security and stability of the country but also of the whole region and even the whole world.
If  the  realities  are  not  accepted,  the  Chicago  Conference  will  be 
fifth meeting of the NATO member countries is going to be held in Chicago, 
USA.  According  to  the  reports  besides  the  28  member  countries,  60  more  countries  will  also  participate  and  among  other  issues,  the  issue  of 
. It is said that the meeting will be held behind closed doors and the public will be kept away from the conference.
The reality is that there are 140,000 troops of NATO and America is present inside Afghanistan even now. Moreover 300,000 people of national army 
and police working as their stooges are also there. But they are a total failure in front of the national and Islamic resistance.  The reason is quite 
hat  they  construe  the  national  and  Islamic  movement  (resistance)  as  terrorism  just  for  their  malicious 
objectives. As long as the invaders do not accept the ground realities in Afghanistan and do not acknowledge the natural rights of the Afghan nation, 
operation nor by the NATO meetings. A lasting occupation means a lasting resistance.
If they really do hold up human rights and justice, they should include the end of the occupation, the trial of the those troops who violated human 
rights, halting violations of the sanctities of Afghan Muslim nation including the indiscriminate massacre of the innocent Afghans and the cruelties of 
m to the Afghan nation. If they neglect all these issues and support the colonial 
plans of  America, then  all the slogans  of supporting human rights and  justice are all white lies and their destiny will not differ than those whose 
In last  April a joint survey of CBS and the New York  Times showed that 69%  Americans are against the war in  Afghanistan and they consider it a 
In the beginning the white house officials wanted to justify the illegal invasion of Afghanistan under the title of the so called war on terrorism and on 
owed that  these  invaders  are the  biggest 
violators of the basic human rights. In the past ten years, the life of the ordinary Afghans has worsened both economically and security wise. 40% 
ity is brought from a neighboring country with such a huge amount which would have 
Similarly  80% of the funds collected  under the name of  Afghanistan go back into the  pockets and bank accounts  of these  invaders,  NGOs and the 
warlords. The press says that this corruption has now even entered the UN offices and millions of dollars have been embezzled.
of America and the NATO member countries to arrange 
large scale protests prior to the Chicago conference. Similarly we request the politicians and writers of the world having free conscience to disclose 
es inside Afghanistan and to support the Afghans morally in their just demand.
Can the Afghan dilemma be solved only by conferences? 
If the Afghan issue was solvable by mere conferences, it should have been solved long ago. A number of regional and international conferences like 
is that after each conference the Afghan issue 
is made much more complicated. The reason is that these conferences are not held but for the deterioration of the core issue.
anistan. Since the main intension was not for the solution, they could not 
In  the  beginning  (ten  years  ago),  America  considered  itself  the  exclusive  power  of  the  world.  She  did  not  take  anyone  into  consideration.  She 
nced that in the present global situation, national sovereignty is meaningless and there are no borders for us. If America considers that its 
America and its buddies realize that 
The Americans do avail advance technology and modern satellite systems but the ongoing Jihadi movement is equipped with sacred belief, fervor of 
sacrifice and it enjoys wide range public support. It is a weapon which is available neither in Washington nor in Pentagon, London or in Bonn. This is a 
in Afghanistan an Islamic and national Jihadi movement is going on against the external invasion following the example of 
our forefathers. Its nature and essence cannot be changed whatever blames and labels are assigned to it. As long as the invading forces under the 
headship of America do not surrender to the natural and legitimate right of full sovereignty and the establishment of a system fully coherent with their 
macy and advance technology cannot solve this dilemma nor 
The  most  core  necessity  for  the  solution  of  this  problem  is  sincerity,  the  acceptance  of  reality  and  handing  over  the  right  to  the  right  people. 
nt cannot be solved in the following decade just as it could not be solved in the past decade.
Therefore our message to the participants of the Chicago conference is that if they really want to solve the issue, they should realize and accept the 
lities  inside  Afghanistan.  They  should  respect  the  sovereignty  of  Afghan  nation.  They  should  let  this  nation  build  a  system  in  free 
environment, reflective of their religious rules and national characteristics and parallel with dreams and wishes of Mujahedeen.
It can not only guarantee the security and stability of the country but also of the whole region and even the whole world.

Pro-colonialism media 
08 Rajab 1433 - 29 May 2012 
One of the  basic principles  of journalism is that media will 
because it is the duty of the readers or the listeners. But it is totally different in the case of Afghanistan. Here some med
the time false news, and makes the judgment by itself.
In  the  last  decade  the  horrific  incidents  frequently  and  practically  showed  that  inside  Afghanistan  the  invading  forces  and  t
palpable violators of the human rights. In practice they do not allo
out they cruel acts. Rather we can say that the invaders of Afghanistan utilized the media just to distort the realities, to 
and international community and just to resist the ongoing struggle inside Afghanistan.
Sometime they the media give the reports which are not a ground reality and even against the national interests of the people
political and military objectives of the invading forces. The false news is repeated so many times that in their mind the people start believing it. At the 
same time the tragedies of Ghaziabad of Konar province, Zangabad of Kandahar province, Azizabad of Herat province and Dehrawu
in which hundreds of innocent children and women were martyred is totally neglected.
When the Afghans come out to defend their sacred book i.e. the Holy Quran, and dozens of them are martyred by the puppet admi
the media remains calm or even some time they fabricate some external links for it.
The trespassers have not left any crime uncommitted. They martyred the innocent children sleeping and then burnt them. They t
in the jail and killed them. In the heart of Kabul, people were imprisoned in personal jails. They dishonored the sanctities and the dead bodies of the 
martyrs. But the pro-colonialism media do not put a glance on it as if it is blind and deaf.
The prolonged  imprisonment and  horrific torture  of 
Guantanamo cannot awaken their consciousness. Just the previous day in Gardacherai area of Paktia province, eight members of 
woman and Children were martyred. Surly Afghanistan is a testing place. Here the trials and strokes of ill
fake champions of human rights who were boasting all the time about the nationalism, national culture and the freedom
The important thing for them is to fabricate news and put it on the air that Taliban are against the schools and burn it. The
by the  Islamic  Emirate.  They like  to co-relate the  ongoing struggle with  un
ongoing resistance as terrorists. They priority is to justify the atrocities committed by the invading forces and to exonerat
How will they satisfy their conscience, the nation and the history?
Let us say that there are fact finding and independent media which could not be bought by colonial powers in the last decade 
subdue them by force. The Islamic Emirate appreciates their role for religion, nation and the beloved country
One of the  basic principles  of journalism is that media will  provide facts  about an  incident to the readers. It will  not make the  judgment  by itself, 
because it is the duty of the readers or the listeners. But it is totally different in the case of Afghanistan. Here some med
e news, and makes the judgment by itself.
In  the  last  decade  the  horrific  incidents  frequently  and  practically  showed  that  inside  Afghanistan  the  invading  forces  and  t
palpable violators of the human rights. In practice they do not allow the freedom of speech. But these external and some internal media did not point 
out they cruel acts. Rather we can say that the invaders of Afghanistan utilized the media just to distort the realities, to 
community and just to resist the ongoing struggle inside Afghanistan.
Sometime they the media give the reports which are not a ground reality and even against the national interests of the people
the invading forces. The false news is repeated so many times that in their mind the people start believing it. At the 
same time the tragedies of Ghaziabad of Konar province, Zangabad of Kandahar province, Azizabad of Herat province and Dehrawu
in which hundreds of innocent children and women were martyred is totally neglected.
When the Afghans come out to defend their sacred book i.e. the Holy Quran, and dozens of them are martyred by the puppet admi
ns calm or even some time they fabricate some external links for it.
The trespassers have not left any crime uncommitted. They martyred the innocent children sleeping and then burnt them. They t
t of Kabul, people were imprisoned in personal jails. They dishonored the sanctities and the dead bodies of the 
colonialism media do not put a glance on it as if it is blind and deaf.
The prolonged  imprisonment and  horrific torture  of the  innocent  Afghans  by the  name of terrorism, without any trial in Bagram, Pulicharkhi, and 
Guantanamo cannot awaken their consciousness. Just the previous day in Gardacherai area of Paktia province, eight members of 
n were martyred. Surly Afghanistan is a testing place. Here the trials and strokes of ill-luck verified the reality of all those false and 
fake champions of human rights who were boasting all the time about the nationalism, national culture and the freedom
The important thing for them is to fabricate news and put it on the air that Taliban are against the schools and burn it. The
relate the  ongoing struggle with  un-indigenous  people.  They  do  not feel ashamed to call the  heroes  of the 
ongoing resistance as terrorists. They priority is to justify the atrocities committed by the invading forces and to exonerat
How will they satisfy their conscience, the nation and the history?
Let us say that there are fact finding and independent media which could not be bought by colonial powers in the last decade 
subdue them by force. The Islamic Emirate appreciates their role for religion, nation and the beloved country.
provide facts  about an  incident to the readers. It will  not make the  judgment  by itself, 
because it is the duty of the readers or the listeners. But it is totally different in the case of Afghanistan. Here some media put out the news, most of 
In  the  last  decade  the  horrific  incidents  frequently  and  practically  showed  that  inside  Afghanistan  the  invading  forces  and  their  stooges  are  the 
w the freedom of speech. But these external and some internal media did not point 
out they cruel acts. Rather we can say that the invaders of Afghanistan utilized the media just to distort the realities, to confuse the minds of the local 
Sometime they the media give the reports which are not a ground reality and even against the national interests of the people; on the contrary it the 
the invading forces. The false news is repeated so many times that in their mind the people start believing it. At the 
same time the tragedies of Ghaziabad of Konar province, Zangabad of Kandahar province, Azizabad of Herat province and Dehrawut of Rozgan province 
When the Afghans come out to defend their sacred book i.e. the Holy Quran, and dozens of them are martyred by the puppet administration of Kabul, 
The trespassers have not left any crime uncommitted. They martyred the innocent children sleeping and then burnt them. They tortured the prisoners 
t of Kabul, people were imprisoned in personal jails. They dishonored the sanctities and the dead bodies of the 
the  innocent  Afghans  by the  name of terrorism, without any trial in Bagram, Pulicharkhi, and 
Guantanamo cannot awaken their consciousness. Just the previous day in Gardacherai area of Paktia province, eight members of one family including 
luck verified the reality of all those false and 
fake champions of human rights who were boasting all the time about the nationalism, national culture and the freedom of speech.
The important thing for them is to fabricate news and put it on the air that Taliban are against the schools and burn it. They do not broadcast it denial 
ple.  They  do  not feel ashamed to call the  heroes  of the 
ongoing resistance as terrorists. They priority is to justify the atrocities committed by the invading forces and to exonerate them.
Let us say that there are fact finding and independent media which could not be bought by colonial powers in the last decade by dollars nor could 

One year after the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama! 
Shahid (Ghazniwal) 
15 Jamadil Akhir 1433- 07 May 2012 
It was a rainy November day in the year 1996 when we visited Maulawi Khalis colony in Jalalabad to meet Sheikh 
meeting  with  the  Sheikh  was  arranged  by  his  close  associate  Abu  Khabab  al  Misri,  who  was  described  as  the  chemical  expert  of 
organization by the Americans and was later martyred in a drone strike in the Aug
Osama bin Laden has only recently arrived to Afghanistan from Sudan and was living at the private building of Engineer Mahmoo
the guidance of the late Maulawi Younus Khalis Baba.
This structure was surrounded by a lot of other buildings where the close associates as well as bodyguards of Osama lived.
We reached his quarters at a time when they had gathered for Friday prayers in a Mosque based inside the building. Mustafa  Ab
appointed as the military chief of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the year 2007 and was martyred in Waziristan in a drone strike in 2010 was gi
Khutba of the Friday prayers. 
About a day earlier, the Taliban in Kabul had officially announced the presence of Osama 
first time that they used loud speakers for the Friday Khutba and prayers.
We offered our prayers behind Abu Muhammad al Misri and then proceeded towards the guest house where we were then join
first deputy, Abu Hafs al Misir (Muhammad ‘Atif).
I had never met Osama however Abu Khabab al Misri identified the foremost as Sheikh and the other as Abu Hafs al Misir from a
We began lunch after a formal initial introduction. Besi
was not up to the standard of a ceremonial occasion but due to it being late on the one hand and extremely delicious on the o
eaten and enjoyed by both the guests and the household.
As we ate, Osama talked about the great lengths and difficulties Afghans go to in order to take care of their guests and grea
Tea was served after lunch in accordance with Afghan cultu
well acquainted with the culture of the Afghans.
Sheikh Osama began by asking me to elaborate on the message of Taliban given in his support. I told him that the Tal
declared support for him in areas under their control to the media during a press conference yesterday.
The Sheikh was delighted with this news and then related the story of what the president of Sudan, Omar Bashir, had told
the pressure of America. 
He repeatedly praised and gave thanks to the Taliban and the Mujahideen of Khalis Baba for honoring their guests and for givi
and said that Afghans are a nation who have little competition when its comes to Islamic valor. 
He talked with a very soft tone and gave me a lot of information about his Jihadi methodology in this calm meeting. 
He started off by talking about his studies of economics in Malik Faisal University in Sau
in the  initial stages of his political life; his participation in Jihad against the Russians in Afghanistan; the  victory of M
communism were systematically described one after the other.
He followed this up by talking a great length about the destructive plots of America hatched against Islam after the defeat o
defending the Islamic world by combating such plots. At that time, no gestures were 
rather most of his talk expounded on how the Muslims must become aware of this point and think about how to free themselves f
He talked on this subject until the call for Asr prayer was given. Then we headed to the same mosque together, prayed in congregation and walked 
back to the gate of the guest house. There we took leave from him and then abu Hafs escorted us to the outer door where we al
and headed towards Jalalabad city.
6 years later from that day, in August of 2001, we had our last meeting in Kandahar. This time we met in his house which was 
of Kandahar city.
A lot of difference could be noticed in the military state and talks of Osama bin Laden this time around as compared to the previous. From his talks and 
actions, one took the  impression as if he was physically standing in the  battle field against  America.  A  detailed geographica
private guesthouse. The borders of all those countries that once fell under the rule of Ottoman Empire were highlighted. Osama b
indicating towards the mentioned map that this entire region was once a united Islamic Caliphat however it was 
1915-1916 under the colonial Sykes-Picot treaty. He said that the Muslims must work to bring together this fragmented region and establish an Islamic 
Caliphate on it.  
This time the Sheikh was joined by his second deputy, Ayman az Zawahiri, who would interrupt his talk from time to time for endorsement.
A month after this meeting, the bloody events of September took place which gave a practical side to the confrontation betwee
America and at the same time, it also brought about the excuse of bringing down the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Ten years after those bloody events, America finally managed to martyr Sheikh Osama in a military strike in the city of Abbot
ended one chapter of the ongoing confrontation between Osama and America.
It has now been a full year since Osama bin Laden was martyred however the anxiety brought about by the confrontation and fel
inside and outside America is still the same. Outside America, warning bells are ringing inside the American embassy in Kabul on the first day of the 
anniversary of martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden while the warning meters inside America are being kept at an all time high
If the problem was in fact between the confrontation of Osama and  America then that was solved a year ago however if this confrontation was an 
excuse for occupying Afghanistan and persecuting its people then I believe that it will not be solved for many years to come 
the United States shall be the same as that of the former Soviet Union. 
One year after the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama! 
It was a rainy November day in the year 1996 when we visited Maulawi Khalis colony in Jalalabad to meet Sheikh Osama bin Laden in his quarters. Our 
meeting  with  the  Sheikh  was  arranged  by  his  close  associate  Abu  Khabab  al  Misri,  who  was  described  as  the  chemical  expert  of 
organization by the Americans and was later martyred in a drone strike in the August of 2008 in South Waziristan.
Osama bin Laden has only recently arrived to Afghanistan from Sudan and was living at the private building of Engineer Mahmoo
the guidance of the late Maulawi Younus Khalis Baba.
unded by a lot of other buildings where the close associates as well as bodyguards of Osama lived.
We reached his quarters at a time when they had gathered for Friday prayers in a Mosque based inside the building. Mustafa  Ab
he military chief of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the year 2007 and was martyred in Waziristan in a drone strike in 2010 was gi
About a day earlier, the Taliban in Kabul had officially announced the presence of Osama bin Laden in the areas controlled by them therefore it was the 
first time that they used loud speakers for the Friday Khutba and prayers.
We offered our prayers behind Abu Muhammad al Misri and then proceeded towards the guest house where we were then join
I had never met Osama however Abu Khabab al Misri identified the foremost as Sheikh and the other as Abu Hafs al Misir from a
We began lunch after a formal initial introduction. Besides Osama and Abu Hafs, a few of their bodyguards also joined us for lunch. Even though food 
was not up to the standard of a ceremonial occasion but due to it being late on the one hand and extremely delicious on the o
njoyed by both the guests and the household.
As we ate, Osama talked about the great lengths and difficulties Afghans go to in order to take care of their guests and grea
Tea was served after lunch in accordance with Afghan culture and the Sheikh began his speech. He began his formal talk at the start of tea as he was 
Sheikh Osama began by asking me to elaborate on the message of Taliban given in his support. I told him that the Tal
declared support for him in areas under their control to the media during a press conference yesterday.
The Sheikh was delighted with this news and then related the story of what the president of Sudan, Omar Bashir, had told
He repeatedly praised and gave thanks to the Taliban and the Mujahideen of Khalis Baba for honoring their guests and for givi
le competition when its comes to Islamic valor. 
He talked with a very soft tone and gave me a lot of information about his Jihadi methodology in this calm meeting. 
He started off by talking about his studies of economics in Malik Faisal University in Saudi Arabia; then his links to the Muslim Brotherhood organization 
in the  initial stages of his political life; his participation in Jihad against the Russians in Afghanistan; the  victory of M
bed one after the other.
He followed this up by talking a great length about the destructive plots of America hatched against Islam after the defeat o
defending the Islamic world by combating such plots. At that time, no gestures were given about such a big military confrontation with American but 
rather most of his talk expounded on how the Muslims must become aware of this point and think about how to free themselves f
the call for Asr prayer was given. Then we headed to the same mosque together, prayed in congregation and walked 
back to the gate of the guest house. There we took leave from him and then abu Hafs escorted us to the outer door where we al
6 years later from that day, in August of 2001, we had our last meeting in Kandahar. This time we met in his house which was 
itary state and talks of Osama bin Laden this time around as compared to the previous. From his talks and 
actions, one took the  impression as if he was physically standing in the  battle field against  America.  A  detailed geographica
vate guesthouse. The borders of all those countries that once fell under the rule of Ottoman Empire were highlighted. Osama b
indicating towards the mentioned map that this entire region was once a united Islamic Caliphat however it was distributed into various countries in 
Picot treaty. He said that the Muslims must work to bring together this fragmented region and establish an Islamic 
deputy, Ayman az Zawahiri, who would interrupt his talk from time to time for endorsement.
A month after this meeting, the bloody events of September took place which gave a practical side to the confrontation betwee
me time, it also brought about the excuse of bringing down the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Ten years after those bloody events, America finally managed to martyr Sheikh Osama in a military strike in the city of Abbot
chapter of the ongoing confrontation between Osama and America.
It has now been a full year since Osama bin Laden was martyred however the anxiety brought about by the confrontation and fel
utside America, warning bells are ringing inside the American embassy in Kabul on the first day of the 
anniversary of martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden while the warning meters inside America are being kept at an all time high
between the confrontation of Osama and  America then that was solved a year ago however if this confrontation was an 
excuse for occupying Afghanistan and persecuting its people then I believe that it will not be solved for many years to come 
the United States shall be the same as that of the former Soviet Union. 
Osama bin Laden in his quarters. Our 
meeting  with  the  Sheikh  was  arranged  by  his  close  associate  Abu  Khabab  al  Misri,  who  was  described  as  the  chemical  expert  of  the  Al  Qaeda 
ust of 2008 in South Waziristan.
Osama bin Laden has only recently arrived to Afghanistan from Sudan and was living at the private building of Engineer Mahmood in Nangarhar under 
unded by a lot of other buildings where the close associates as well as bodyguards of Osama lived.
We reached his quarters at a time when they had gathered for Friday prayers in a Mosque based inside the building. Mustafa  Abul Yazid, who was 
he military chief of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the year 2007 and was martyred in Waziristan in a drone strike in 2010 was giving the 
bin Laden in the areas controlled by them therefore it was the 
We offered our prayers behind Abu Muhammad al Misri and then proceeded towards the guest house where we were then joined by Osama and his 
I had never met Osama however Abu Khabab al Misri identified the foremost as Sheikh and the other as Abu Hafs al Misir from afar.
des Osama and Abu Hafs, a few of their bodyguards also joined us for lunch. Even though food 
was not up to the standard of a ceremonial occasion but due to it being late on the one hand and extremely delicious on the other therefore it was well 
As we ate, Osama talked about the great lengths and difficulties Afghans go to in order to take care of their guests and greatly praised this attribute. 
re and the Sheikh began his speech. He began his formal talk at the start of tea as he was 
Sheikh Osama began by asking me to elaborate on the message of Taliban given in his support. I told him that the Taliban announced his presence and 
The Sheikh was delighted with this news and then related the story of what the president of Sudan, Omar Bashir, had told him while expelling him under 
He repeatedly praised and gave thanks to the Taliban and the Mujahideen of Khalis Baba for honoring their guests and for giving him special assistance 
He talked with a very soft tone and gave me a lot of information about his Jihadi methodology in this calm meeting. 
di Arabia; then his links to the Muslim Brotherhood organization 
in the  initial stages of his political life; his participation in Jihad against the Russians in Afghanistan; the  victory of Mujahideen and the collapse of 
He followed this up by talking a great length about the destructive plots of America hatched against Islam after the defeat of communism and about 
given about such a big military confrontation with American but 
rather most of his talk expounded on how the Muslims must become aware of this point and think about how to free themselves from these western 
the call for Asr prayer was given. Then we headed to the same mosque together, prayed in congregation and walked 
back to the gate of the guest house. There we took leave from him and then abu Hafs escorted us to the outer door where we also took leave from him 
6 years later from that day, in August of 2001, we had our last meeting in Kandahar. This time we met in his house which was located in Lo Wiyala area 
itary state and talks of Osama bin Laden this time around as compared to the previous. From his talks and 
actions, one took the  impression as if he was physically standing in the  battle field against  America.  A  detailed geographical map was hung in his 
vate guesthouse. The borders of all those countries that once fell under the rule of Ottoman Empire were highlighted. Osama bin Laden said while 
distributed into various countries in 
Picot treaty. He said that the Muslims must work to bring together this fragmented region and establish an Islamic 
deputy, Ayman az Zawahiri, who would interrupt his talk from time to time for endorsement.
A month after this meeting, the bloody events of September took place which gave a practical side to the confrontation between Sheikh Osama and 
me time, it also brought about the excuse of bringing down the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Ten years after those bloody events, America finally managed to martyr Sheikh Osama in a military strike in the city of Abbottabad and in doing so, 
It has now been a full year since Osama bin Laden was martyred however the anxiety brought about by the confrontation and felt by the Americans 
utside America, warning bells are ringing inside the American embassy in Kabul on the first day of the 
anniversary of martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden while the warning meters inside America are being kept at an all time high.
between the confrontation of Osama and  America then that was solved a year ago however if this confrontation was an 
excuse for occupying Afghanistan and persecuting its people then I believe that it will not be solved for many years to come and in the end, the fate of 

The wrath of Jihad ‘Al Farooq Operation’ launched in Afghanistan 
21 Jamadil Akhir 1433 -  13 May 2012 
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Al Farooq operation is the name of the country-wide Islamic Emirate’s offensive this year. A year has passed since the launch of Al Badr operation 
which still terrorizes the hearts and souls of the Kuffar invaders. Al Badr was an operation that kept the wo
courageous efforts against the occupying forces. 
Al Badr operation of course could not totally avenge the cruelty, genocide, disgrace and other acts of wildness directed agai
was a wave of joy for all those that have suffered from those brutalities. It was a message from the heirs of all the martyrs and the homel
went back to the west with the dead bodies of the Jewish troops. May they put these messages on their tombstones.
As we all know the occupying enemy is facing a disastrous defeat. This year’s ‘Al Farooq Military operation’ has been launched to co
conspiracies; and so far we have inflicted considerable damage to these enemies across the country especially in
trying all its tricks to bring rift between the Mujahideen and the  general public.  They are dedicated to conceal their defeat
eventual withdrawal.
Now that the New Year’s operation ‘Al Farooq’ has
‘Ghazi’ will draw into the ranks of the Mujahideen. We will soon observe that ‘Al Farooq’ will replace ‘Al Badr’ as the messa
deprive them of their sleep. We believe this because the start of the operation this year indicates how successful it will be over 
The coward father of the crusaders and Zionists ‘Obama’ came to Afghanistan in the dark of the night to si
the  same  night  Al  Farooq  operation  was  launched  which  targeted  the  American  base  of  ‘Green  Village’  in  the  capital  Kabul,  sen
message to the Zionist president of America. Hearing this, the Ameri
similar  to  the  way  he  had  entered.  If  a  single  strike  against  the  so
homeland so soon, then let’s imagine how long will it take to terrorize their paid foot soldiers. When faced with the true Mujahideen who are ready to 
sacrifice their lives for their Deen, no crusader will be able to stay for long on the ground.
Inshallah, we will  soon  see  the  scattering  of  this Jewish  alliance  and  soon the  occupying  forces  will  withdraw  from our  country.  As  the  name  ‘Al 
Farooq’ literally suggests, it is the operation that will show the world the difference (or farq) between ‘Haq’ (truth) and ‘
population of Afghanistan have also come to the conclusion that the western occupiers are nothing but intruders who have been
areas of traditional, religious and cultural norms. They have now understood that the more they keep
intrusions will increase and in fact such a silence can cause the unlimited wrath of Allah Almighty. With the launch of Al Fa
know that a country wide armed resistance will take place a
Mujahideen will be revived. Such a move will be nothing but the interpretation of this holy verse:
Truth has arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood 
is (by its nature) bound to perish.
With  Allah’s  help,  the  sons  of  Islam  and  Afghanistan  have  infiltrated  the  ranks  of  the  army  and  the  police  and  are  impatientl
opportunity to kill as many crusaders as possible and quench their thirst for the blood of the enemy. Last year as well, as part of ‘Al Badr’ o
the sacrifice of a courageous and faithful brother who had infiltrated the Afghan army led to the death of 17 French inva
attack, the French unilaterally decided to bring out their troops from Afghanistan. This French decision nevertheless terrori
allies as well.
The  invaders  should  be  made  aware  that  the  names  of  these  op
interpretation. With every success, the truthfulness of these names appears before all the faithful ones. The people of Afgha
world  should  look  forward to the  spontaneous  attacks of  the  lion
soldiers will be transported back to their homelands. How many crusader mothers will never see their sons again and how many 
night partners will lose their dreams!
Indeed the Muslims are looking forward to their heroes to destroy and humiliate their enemies; destroy their check posts, bar
satanic plans of the crusaders will be countered by the brave moves o
Islamic flag will be hoisted back in the holy land. Ameen
The wrath of Jihad ‘Al Farooq Operation’ launched in Afghanistan 
wide Islamic Emirate’s offensive this year. A year has passed since the launch of Al Badr operation 
which still terrorizes the hearts and souls of the Kuffar invaders. Al Badr was an operation that kept the world media engaged with shocking news of 
Al Badr operation of course could not totally avenge the cruelty, genocide, disgrace and other acts of wildness directed agai
joy for all those that have suffered from those brutalities. It was a message from the heirs of all the martyrs and the homel
went back to the west with the dead bodies of the Jewish troops. May they put these messages on their tombstones.
ll know the occupying enemy is facing a disastrous defeat. This year’s ‘Al Farooq Military operation’ has been launched to co
conspiracies; and so far we have inflicted considerable damage to these enemies across the country especially in
trying all its tricks to bring rift between the Mujahideen and the  general public.  They are dedicated to conceal their defeat
Now that the New Year’s operation ‘Al Farooq’ has been launched, thousands of martyrdom lovers and those who want to gain the exalted title of 
‘Ghazi’ will draw into the ranks of the Mujahideen. We will soon observe that ‘Al Farooq’ will replace ‘Al Badr’ as the messa
e them of their sleep. We believe this because the start of the operation this year indicates how successful it will be over 
The coward father of the crusaders and Zionists ‘Obama’ came to Afghanistan in the dark of the night to sign a shameful pact with his local servant. On 
the  same  night  Al  Farooq  operation  was  launched  which  targeted  the  American  base  of  ‘Green  Village’  in  the  capital  Kabul,  sen
message to the Zionist president of America. Hearing this, the American crusader was not able to stick on the ground and left Afghanistan in the dark 
similar  to  the  way  he  had  entered.  If  a  single  strike  against  the  so-called  green  village  of  the  crusader  army  can  force  their  leader  to  flee  our 
imagine how long will it take to terrorize their paid foot soldiers. When faced with the true Mujahideen who are ready to 
sacrifice their lives for their Deen, no crusader will be able to stay for long on the ground.
ring  of  this Jewish  alliance  and  soon the  occupying  forces  will  withdraw  from our  country.  As  the  name  ‘Al 
Farooq’ literally suggests, it is the operation that will show the world the difference (or farq) between ‘Haq’ (truth) and ‘
population of Afghanistan have also come to the conclusion that the western occupiers are nothing but intruders who have been
areas of traditional, religious and cultural norms. They have now understood that the more they keep silent against these tyrannies the more such 
intrusions will increase and in fact such a silence can cause the unlimited wrath of Allah Almighty. With the launch of Al Fa
know that a country wide armed resistance will take place and with Allah’s help and people’s support, the Islamic Emirate under the leadership of the 
Mujahideen will be revived. Such a move will be nothing but the interpretation of this holy verse:
ءﺎَﺟ ٌﻖَﺤْﻟا َﻖَھَزَو ُﻞِﻃﺎَﺒْﻟا َنِإ َﻞِﻃﺎَﺒْﻟا َنﺎَﻛ ﺎًﻗﻮُھَز
Truth has arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood 
is (by its nature) bound to perish.
With  Allah’s  help,  the  sons  of  Islam  and  Afghanistan  have  infiltrated  the  ranks  of  the  army  and  the  police  and  are  impatientl
l as many crusaders as possible and quench their thirst for the blood of the enemy. Last year as well, as part of ‘Al Badr’ o
the sacrifice of a courageous and faithful brother who had infiltrated the Afghan army led to the death of 17 French inva
attack, the French unilaterally decided to bring out their troops from Afghanistan. This French decision nevertheless terrori
The  invaders  should  be  made  aware  that  the  names  of  these  operations  are  not  merely  accidental  rather  they  have  a  special  meaning  and 
interpretation. With every success, the truthfulness of these names appears before all the faithful ones. The people of Afgha
he  spontaneous  attacks of  the  lion-hearts  of the Islamic  Emirate.  They  should see  how  many  more  coffins  of filthy 
soldiers will be transported back to their homelands. How many crusader mothers will never see their sons again and how many 
Indeed the Muslims are looking forward to their heroes to destroy and humiliate their enemies; destroy their check posts, bar
satanic plans of the crusaders will be countered by the brave moves of the Mujahideen and inshallah the flag of the Kufr will be brought down and the 
Islamic flag will be hoisted back in the holy land. Ameen
The wrath of Jihad ‘Al Farooq Operation’ launched in Afghanistan 
wide Islamic Emirate’s offensive this year. A year has passed since the launch of Al Badr operation 
rld media engaged with shocking news of 
Al Badr operation of course could not totally avenge the cruelty, genocide, disgrace and other acts of wildness directed against our people, however, it 
joy for all those that have suffered from those brutalities. It was a message from the heirs of all the martyrs and the homeless that 
went back to the west with the dead bodies of the Jewish troops. May they put these messages on their tombstones.
ll know the occupying enemy is facing a disastrous defeat. This year’s ‘Al Farooq Military operation’ has been launched to counter all of their 
the capital Kabul. Now, the enemy is 
trying all its tricks to bring rift between the Mujahideen and the  general public.  They are dedicated to conceal their defeat and pave their way to 
been launched, thousands of martyrdom lovers and those who want to gain the exalted title of 
‘Ghazi’ will draw into the ranks of the Mujahideen. We will soon observe that ‘Al Farooq’ will replace ‘Al Badr’ as the message of fear and terror and will 
e them of their sleep. We believe this because the start of the operation this year indicates how successful it will be over the course of the year. 
gn a shameful pact with his local servant. On 
the  same  night  Al  Farooq  operation  was  launched  which  targeted  the  American  base  of  ‘Green  Village’  in  the  capital  Kabul,  sending  an  alarming 
can crusader was not able to stick on the ground and left Afghanistan in the dark 
called  green  village  of  the  crusader  army  can  force  their  leader  to  flee  our 
imagine how long will it take to terrorize their paid foot soldiers. When faced with the true Mujahideen who are ready to 
ring  of  this Jewish  alliance  and  soon the  occupying  forces  will  withdraw  from our  country.  As  the  name  ‘Al 
Farooq’ literally suggests, it is the operation that will show the world the difference (or farq) between ‘Haq’ (truth) and ‘Batil’ (Lie). The mass civilian 
population of Afghanistan have also come to the conclusion that the western occupiers are nothing but intruders who have been crossing lines in the 
silent against these tyrannies the more such 
intrusions will increase and in fact such a silence can cause the unlimited wrath of Allah Almighty. With the launch of Al Farooq operation, we should 
nd with Allah’s help and people’s support, the Islamic Emirate under the leadership of the 
Truth has arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood 
With  Allah’s  help,  the  sons  of  Islam  and  Afghanistan  have  infiltrated  the  ranks  of  the  army  and  the  police  and  are  impatiently  waiting  for  their 
l as many crusaders as possible and quench their thirst for the blood of the enemy. Last year as well, as part of ‘Al Badr’ operation, 
the sacrifice of a courageous and faithful brother who had infiltrated the Afghan army led to the death of 17 French invader soldiers. Following that 
attack, the French unilaterally decided to bring out their troops from Afghanistan. This French decision nevertheless terrorized all the other satanic 
erations  are  not  merely  accidental  rather  they  have  a  special  meaning  and 
interpretation. With every success, the truthfulness of these names appears before all the faithful ones. The people of Afghanistan and the rest of the 
hearts  of the Islamic  Emirate.  They  should see  how  many  more  coffins  of filthy 
soldiers will be transported back to their homelands. How many crusader mothers will never see their sons again and how many more of the filthy 
Indeed the Muslims are looking forward to their heroes to destroy and humiliate their enemies; destroy their check posts, barracks and bases. The 
f the Mujahideen and inshallah the flag of the Kufr will be brought down and the 

Who are puppets?
The  Al-Emara  studio  of  Audio-Visual 
Information of  the  Islamic  Emirate  of  Afghanistan  published  video 
“Who  are  puppets?”  It  is twenty-four
51:34. The film also contains video about 
Who are puppets?
isual  Department  of  Committee of 
the  Islamic  Emirate  of  Afghanistan  published  video 
our films  of  Al-Emara  Studio in 
The film also contains video about military operations against 

American terrorists detain 2 civilians in raid 
HERAT, May. 01 – Reports from Shindand district of Herat province state that 2 innocent defenseless civilians have been arrested and taken awa
terrorists after a night raid on their homes in Zerkoh area. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi    
Residents take to the streets in Shahjoe district against foreign invaders 
ZABUL, May. 01 – Nearly two thousand (2000) angry residents of Shahjoe district have taken to the streets of the district bazaar today to prot
4 children at the hands of cowardly foreign invaders. The incident which also left 2 other children wounded took place yesterday in Shobar area whe
invaders  intentionally targeted the  children after  coming  under  an attack by Mujahideen.  Witnesses say that the  protestors h
Kandahar highway to all traffic. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi    
700 inmates in Kandahar prison go on hunger strike 
KANDAHAR, May. 01 – 700 inmates in Sarpoza prison of Kandahar have gone on a hunger strike following the ins
prisoners being shot from watch towers. According to an inmate who contacted Al Emara website through a mobile phone, the str
afternoon  when  guards  stormed  into  a  cell  and  searched 2  inm
prompted other inmates to show a reaction to which shots were fired from the security watchtower which left 2 prisoners wound
prison  added  that  nearly  700  inmates  are  participating in the  hunger  strike which  is still  ongoing today  and  will  not stop  until the  perpetrator
inhumane acts are prosecuted, furthering that if the demands of the prisoners are not met then they will continue their 
should be reminded that prisoners inside the enemy prisoners always face physical and emotional torture at the hands of priso
inmates are frequently martyred. Inmates who have been freed 

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