In xviiith century, there were mostly done researches of comparative-historical
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In xviiith century, there were mostly done researches of compara
In XVIIIth century, there were mostly done researches of comparative-historical investigations among related languages and in the last century collection of paradigms occupied the position of structural paradigm. { ~anthropocentric, functional ~functional, cognitive and dynamic ~functional, cognitive =anthropocentric, functional, cognitive and dynamic } The anthropocentric paradigm appeared { =in the 50s of the XXth century ~in the 40s of the XXth century ~in the 30s of the XXth century ~in the XIXth century } Linguaculturology is... { ~complex linguistic science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and culturology = complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and culturology ~complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of culture and linguistics ~complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and literature } In linguaculturology concept can be understood as { ~“cultural-grammaticall-Iexical” expression ~"grammatical-mental-lexical” expression ~“cultural-mental-grammatical” expression =“cultural-mental-lexical” expression } Cognitive science is closely connected with... { ~anthropology, ethno linguistics, mathematics ~sociolinguistics, ethno linguistics, psycholinguistics = mathematics, logic, philosophy, anthropology, and linguistics ~philosophy of science, anthropology, and linguistics } According to the relations of elements, languages are classified into... { =Agglutinative, Flexional, Isolating, Polysynthetic ~Flexional, Agglutinative, Polysynthetic, Monosynthetic ~Polysynthetic, Flexional, Non-flexional, Isolating ~Isolating, Non-agglutinative, Polyflexional, Polysenthetic } Category of plurality can be expressed in Modern English by { =MorphologicaI means, Syntactic means, Phono-morphological, Lexical ~Morphological means, Phono-morphological ~Syntactic means, Lexical ~Phono-morphological, Lexical } The category of plurality is expressed by morphological means... choose the correct answer { =boy - boys ~much milk ~class — people ~foot – feet } The category of plurality is expressed by phono-morphological means... { = tooth — teeth ~Class - people ~Girl – girls ~a lot of students } The category of plurality is expressed by syntactic means... { =A lot of English books ~Goose - geese ~Flo-/wer - flowers ~class – people } Traditional grammatical categories consist of: { =Grammatical form and grammatical meaning ~Grammatical categorization ~Analysis and synthesis ~Grammatical analysis } What languages given below are genetically differently related ones? { =English and Russian ~Russian and Uzbek ~Uzbek and Kazakh ~Kirgiz and Russian } Sememe…
=is the capacity for a sign (such as a word, phrase, or symbol) to have multiple meanings (that is, multiple semes or sememes and thus multiple senses), usually related by contiguity of meaning within a semantic field. ~can be seen as a special case of polysemy, with the difference that in polysemy, the related meanings of a form is associated with the same lexeme. ~is something that's said or done explicitly is clear and direct, like an explicitly told story about terrible poverty in India — it leaves out no disturbing details, even if it upsets the listener. ~is a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme } Linguaculturology is... { =complex linguistic science direction appeared in the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and culturology ~ complex scientific science direction appeared in the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and culturology ~complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of culture and linguistics ~complex scientific science direction appeared on the basis of inter reaction of linguistics and literature } The communicative competence model is based on... { =this understanding of the relationship between language and culture ~literature, art, music, and philosophy ~the high culture of the people who speak that language ~the pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs } According to V. Telia, culture is described as a ... { =world-conception, world-perception, and world-comprehension of a people ~world-conception, world- connection of a people ~world-conception, world- connection and world- competence of a people ~world-conception, world-perception, and world- practices of a people } Lingua-culture is... { ~the verbalized art, the culture externalized in signs of language =the verbalized culture, the culture externalized in signs of language ~the verbalized culture, the culture internalized in signs of language ~the verbalized cultural awareness, the culture externalized in signs of language } In linguaculturology concept can be understood as... { ~“cultural-grammatical-lexical” expression ~"grammatical-mental-lexical” expression ~“cultural-mental-grammatical” expression =“cultural-mental-lexical” expression } In linguaculturology concept can be understood as... { ~“cultural-grammaticall-lexical” expression ~"grammatical-mental-lexical” expression ~“cultural-mental-grammatical” expression =“cultral-mental-lexical” expression } “Sex is biological, consists of sociocultural sex with sociocultural elements. That is why “gender” and “sex” is appeared as “whole and part” explains... { ~V.A.Maslova =O.V. Ryabov ~Jane Sunderland ~Yu. S. Stepanov } In Western nations, the concept "love" is devoted to... { =a human being with great passion and feelings ~great love is devoted to God ~love devoted to parents ~love that is devoted to children } Cognitive science is closely connected with... { ~anthropology, ethno linguistics, mathematics ~sociolinguistics, ethno linguistics, psycholinguistics =mathematics, logic, philosophy, anthropology, and linguistics ~philosophy of science, anthropology, and linguistics } In Uzbek “эркаксабзи” or “эркакшода” in English can be the equivalent... { ~landlord =blue stocking ~brother of the angle ~black-stocking } Adjunct is an optional, or structurally dispensable, part of a sentence, clause, or phrase that, if removed or discarded, will not otherwise affect the remainder of the sentence. { ... refers to the array of socially constructed roles and relationships, personality traits, attitudes, behaviors, values, relative power and influence that society ascribes to the two sexes on a differential basis ~sex ~ gender logical analysis ~existence =gender } The first researches on gender started to be investigated in ... humanitarian sciences. { ~eastern ~south-western =western ~both southern and western } ... includes anational description of cultures, the roles of male and female in society and their relationship and behavior { =gender ~culture ~linguistics } Download 31,12 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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