Harrity 25
VIII. Recommendations
I recommend that teachers and schools move away from teaching grammar
instruction in
the traditional way and move towards teaching grammar in the context of reading and writing. I
further recommend that every teacher that is expected to teach students how to write investigate
the research for themselves and use the resources out there to develop
lessons aligned with an
incorporated approach to teaching grammar that attends to individual needs in student writing.
IX. Summary/Closure
In summary, relevant research on the teaching of grammar has shown that traditional
grammar instruction focused on memorization and isolated drills
is not effective at helping
students learn grammar and improve their writing skills. Instead, teaching grammar in context is
much more effective. Teaching grammar in context involves immersing students
in authentic
reading and writing opportunities, teaching grammatical concepts
through brief mini-lessons, and
showing applied grammatical concepts in real life. It also involves teachers focusing on the
individual grammar
needs of their students, along with re-conceptualizing their thoughts about
student errors in writing. Teachers need to stop seeing grammar instruction as
an error hunt and
instead discover the underlying reasons for different errors and support students in fixing these
errors and eliminating them from their future writing. There are many strategies out there for
teachers to use to
teach grammar in context, so teachers are not alone in this endeavor. If
educators teach grammar in context, their students will become better writers and will be more
motivated to write.