Independent uzbekistan
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ESHOVA LOBAR -independent uzbekistan
Yarasheva D.N.
“INDEPENDENT UZBEKISTAN ” matnlar to’plami
“O’zbek va chet tillari” kafedrasi
“INDEPENDENT UZBEKISTAN” matnlar to’plami Mustaqil ta’lim kursi uchun uslubiy qo’llanma
Muallif: O’zbekiston Davlat jismoniy tarbiya instituti “O’zbek va chet tillari” kafedrasi katta o’qituvchisi Yarasheva D.N. Taqrizchilar: Sattarova Z.B. – dotsent, UzMU Radjapov B.S. – pedagogika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent, Анатация: Мазкур ўқув услубий қўлланмада Ўзбекистон мустақилигининг 20 йиллигига бағишлаб Республикамизнинг қадимий шаҳарлари-Самарқан, Тошкент, Хива, Бухоро тўғрисидаги тарихий маълумотлар, ўзбек миллий урф одатлари, миллий байрамлари тўғрисида расм ва лавҳалар ўрин олган. Ушбу маълумотлар талабаларга инглиз тилида матн шаклида такдим этилган. Матнлар талабалар ва инглиз тилини мустақил ўрганувчилар учун сўз бойлиги ва оғзаки нутқини ўстиришга ёрдам беради.
© O’DJTI nashriyot-matbaa bo’limi, 2009-yil
NATIONAL ANTHEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Words by Abdulla Orippov Music by Mutal Burkhanov
My country, sunny and free Salvation to your people, You are a warmhearted companion to the friends: Flourish eternally with knowledge and inventions May our fame shine as long as the world exists?
Refrain: These golden valleys, dear Uzbekistan Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you! When the great power of people became exuberant, You are the country that amazes the world!
Belief of generous Uzbek does not die out, Tree, young children are a strong wing for you! The torch of Independence, guardian of piece, Just motherland is eternally prosperous!
Text. Read and translate. INDEPENDENT UZBEKISTAN Uzbekistan is my native land. It is situated between two great rivers, the Amudarya and Syrdarya . The territory of Uzbekistan stretches 1425 km from the West to the East, and 930 from the North to the South. The territory of Uzbekistan is larger than some European countries, such as Austria. Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland taken together. In the North- East Uzbekistan borders on Kazakhstan, in the East and South- East- on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the west- on Turkmenistan and in the South- on Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is a sunny republic. The climate of Uzbekistan is continental. The coldest month in Uzbekistan is January, and the hottest summer month is July. Beginning from July till September there are no rains. The territory of the Republic consists of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 12 regions (violates) and the city of Tashkent. Besides, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions include many tow us, districts (tumans) settlements and etc. In 1991 the independence of Uzbekistan was proclaimed. Being a sovereign republic, Uzbekistan has its own Constitution, state flag and emblem. Uzbekistan is a multinational republic. At present, representatives of over 100 nationalities live here. At the beginning of 2000 the population of Uzbekistan is equal to 24, 5 million people. The Independent Republic of Uzbekistan pays much attention to the population problems, particularly to motherhood and childcare protection, to moral and spiritual upbringing of the growing generation. The evidence of it is establishment of the official order “Sog`lom avlod uchun” (“For healthy gene- ration”) and the creation of the International Nongovernmental Charity Fund with the same title “Sog`lom avlod uchun”. Uzbekistan has the biggest economic potential among the other Central Asian republics and Kazakhstan. Various branches of industry have been established and are successfully developing in the economy of the Republic. An important place in the economy of the Republic belongs to agricultural branches, first of all, to cotton- growing branch. Nature and climate and traditional skills of the population also promote the development of such branches as silk worm breeding, live- stock farming, grape, fruit and melon production. The rights of Uzbekistan are wide now. The Uzbek languages are the state one of the republic. Its role will be increasing in the near future. The capital of Uzbekistan is Tashkent, an old and beautiful city.
1. On what continent is Uzbekistan situated? 2. What Republics does it border on? 3. What territory does it occupy? 4. What kind of climate has Uzbekistan? 5. How many sunny days are there in a year? 6. What is the population on of Uzbekistan? 7. How many regions are there in Uzbekistan? 8. Why do we call Uzbekistan the country of “white gold“? 9. Why do we call our republic “Sunny Uzbekistan”? 10. What branches does an important place in the economy of the republic belong? 11. What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
Exercise 2: Translate into English. 1. O’zbekiston ikki daryo orasida joylashgan. 2. O’zbekiston hudidi Qoraqalpog’iston Respublikasi, 12 ta viloyat va Toshkent shahridan iborat. 3. O’zbekiston – serquyosh o’lka. 4. O’zbekistonda eng sovuq oy- yanvar hisoblanadi. 5. 1991 yil O’zbekiston mustaqil deb e’lon qilindi. 6. Ozbekiston aholisi 2000 yil boshida 24,5 million kishi edi. 7. Mustaqil O’zbekiston Respublikasi aholi hayoti bilan bog’liq muammolarga, jumladan onalik va bolalikni himoya qilish, o’sib kelayotgan avlodni ma’naviy va har tomonlama ularni tarbiyalash masalalariga e’tibor bermoqda. 8. O’rta Osiyo Respublikalari va qo’shni Qozog’iston orasida O’zbekiston yirik iqtisodiy imkoniyatga ega. 9. Mamlakatimiz iqtisodiyotiga qator sanoat tarmoqlari vujudga kelgan va ular rivojlanisnda davom etmoqda. 10. Respublikamiz tabiiy sharoiti poliz mahsulotlari yetkazishga ijobiy ta’sir ko’rsatadi.
Text. Read and translate. GEOGRAFICAL POSITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. The republic of Uzbekistan is one of the cradles of civilization. Located in the heart of the ancient Silk Route, it is an unique bridge connecting the great civilization of the East and West. Geographical position. Uzbekistan is located on the Asian continent in the basin of the great Amudarya and Sirdarya rivers. The territory of Uzbekistan stretches 1425 km from the West to the East, and 930 km from the North to the South. The territory of Uzbekistan is larger than some European countries, such as Austria, Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland taken together. In the North-East Uzbekistan Borders on Kazakhstan, in the East and South-East-on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the West-on Turkmenistan and in the South – on Afghanistan. Climate. Uzbekistan is a sunny republic. The climate of Uzbekistan is sharp continental. The coldest month in Uzbekistan is January. The hottest summer month is July. Beginning from July till September there are no rains. The most part of water comes from the mountainous part of the Republic. The Amudarya and Sirdarya play an important role in Uzbekistan and Central Asia as these rivers provide main sources of water.
the appearance and aggravation of ecologic problems in Uzbekistan: - high meteorological potential of the environment pollution; - limited water resources and comparatively high level of their background pollution; - liability of lands to Stalinization and erosion; - poorness of wood resources. The Aral Sea is considered to be the zone of ecological catastrophe. Today the strategic part of the solution of the Aral problem is aimed at returning to the natural course of events – restoration of natural or close to natural conditions in the Aral zone. For this purpose it is necessary top improve water supply of the Aral area and to use wide – scale production of desalinating equipment. The laws constituting legal, economic and organizational bases of preserving natural conditions of environment, rational use of natural resources are already acting in the Republic. Resources, minerals. Nature has endowed Uzbekistan with various mineral raw resources, which are required for economic and social development of our Republic. Uzbekistan makes 31 per cent of oil, 40 per cent of natural gas and 55 per cent of coal concerning to Central Asia. The stock of copper, silver, gold, zinc, tungsten, natural gas and some other resources make Uzbekistan one of the world leaders. The most important deposit of Uzbekistan in the Angren deposit of brown coal. Underground deposits are the great wealth of nature. Only their rational and efficient use will open the way to real economic independence. More than 30 deposits of gold have been discovered in Uzbekistan. The Republic holds the second place among the CIS countries, 7-8 place in the world in gold production and fifth place in per capita gold production. The total reserves of the discovered deposits already exceed 4,000 tons. And Uzbek gold in its quality corresponds to the highest world standards. Every year 80,000 tons of copper are produced. There are great deposits of uranium. More than 140 deposits of oil, 30 deposits of precious metals, 420 building materials have already been discovered. According to the data of western experts the total potential of natural reserves in Uzbekistan is 1,500-2,000 billion US$. Thus Uzbekistan today is one of the most promising states in Asia as far as capital infesting is concerned.
1. Where is Uzbekistan situated? 2. What do you know about the climate of Uzbekistan? 3. Can you say that the climate of Uzbekistan is sharp continental? 4. What rivers of Uzbekistan do you know? 5. What unfavorable natural factors do you know which influence the appearance and aggravation of ecologic problems in Uzbekistan? 6. What types of raw minerals in Uzbekistan do you know? 7. What do you know about the minerals of Uzbekistan?
Exercise 3. What do you know of Uzbekistan? Text. Read and translate. ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN.
Uzbekistan’s economy is based on intensive agricultural production. Cotton production is 4 million tones per year, textile manufacture, silk production and leather goods are also important. Wheat, potatoes and rice are widely grown. There are some agriculture and textile machinery plants and several chemical combines. Uzbekistan possesses extensive mineral deposits too. Copper, uraniuon, oil, gold and many other metals are extracted. In 1998 oil run put was 8.0 millions of tones and gas production was 55 billion cubic meters. Foreign direct investment exceeds US $ 9 billion. Uzbekistan maintains economical and cultural relations with the USA, Japan, Great Britain, and France, Germany and Turkey and many other countries. In the latest years there are built plants of machinery in Asaka “Damas”with KPDR, “Tico”, and “Mercedes- Benz”
with the German Democratic Republic. Uzbekistan exports cotton, machines and other goods to these countries. Exercise 1: By what productions is Uzbekistan well-known in the world else? Discuss in small groups. Exercise 2: Give a presentation about the results of the discussion of groups. Exercise 3: How do you think about the ways of developing the economy of Uzbekistan? Text. Read and translate. POPULATION OF UZBEKISTAN According to the census of the population more than 100 nationalities live in Uzbekistan. Among them 85% are Uzbeks, 9% - Russians, 3% - Tajiks, 2%- Kazakhs, 1% - Tatars. 61% of the population live in the country and it is interesting to note that the part of the villagers has somewhat increased of late. The density of population is 47,4 people per km.
The Republic is a region with high level of labors resource supply. People able to work take up 98-98,5% of the total population. Uzbekistan has 40% of all labour resources of Middle Asia. According to the estimation of age structure of the population able to work will consist primarily of people of 30-49 years of age by the beginning of the XXI century and they are very labour active. The characteristic feature of the labour potential is its high educational level. Each 4-th person busy in economy has either higher education or secondary specialized one. In the ethnic structure of the youth the average age of the population is 23, 9 years. About half of the population is people of about 19. And the labour force in Uzbekistan is comparatively cheap.
1. What nationalities live in Uzbekistan? 2. How many people live in Uzbekistan? 3. What is the overage age of the population in Uzbekistan? 4. What is the characteristic feature of the labour potential in Uzbekistan?
Text. Read and translate.
The Republic of Uzbekistan today is a developing country with modern industry, historical, cultural and scientific centers, up-to-date urban system, full-fledged member of the most authoritative world, organization UNO. Its independence has been recognized by 160 states. State organization- temporal democratic Republic.
Administrative - territorial division - regional district. State language is Uzbek. Capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Tashkent. The head of state is the President who at the same time is Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers. Highest state legislative body is Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Cabinet of Ministers is formed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and approved by the Oliy Majlis of the Republic. The representative and executive power on the corresponding territory is headed by the Khokim of the region, district and town. The Republic has her own financial and monetary – credit system. The state of Uzbekistan includes the Republican budget, the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and local budget. The banking system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is headed by the Central Bank of the Republic. The unconditional leadership of the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan is recognized. The state, its bodies, official, public organizations, citizens act in conformity with the Constitution and Laws. The Republic of Uzbekistan includes: - the republic of Karakalpakstan; - 12 regions, Andijan, Bukhara, Djizzak, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand, Surhandarya, Tashkent, Ferhgana, Khorezm; - 157 districts; - 118 towns.
Exercise 1: Answer the following questions after reading the text. 1. When was independence proclaimed in Uzbekistan? 2. What is the Republic of Uzbekistan today? 3. What is the capital of Uzbekistan? 4. Who is the head of state in Uzbekistan? 5. What is the highest state legislative body in Uzbekistan? 6. By whom is the Cabinet of Ministers formed in Uzbekistan? 7. By whom is the Representative and Executive power headed in Uzbekistan? 8. What republics, regions, districts and towns does the Republic of Uzbekistan include?
Text. Read and translate.
The territory of the Republic consists of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 12 regions (viloyats) and the city of Tashkent. Besides, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions include many towns, districts (tumans), settlements and etc. The Republic of Karakalpakstan (the former Karakalpak Autonomous Republic) on January 9, 1992 adopted the status of the sovereign Republic of Karakalpakstan. The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located on the lower reaches of the Amudarya River, occupies the North-Western part of the Kyzylkum desert, the South-Western part of the Usturt plateau and the delta of the Amudarya River. The Southern part of the Aral Sea is on the territory of the Republic. The area of Karakalpakstan is equal to 166, 6 thousand square kilometers, which is more than 38% of the territory of Uzbekistan. However, despite such an impressive territory, Karakalpakstan is one of the most thinly populated regions. There are 1503, 0 thousand inhabitants here. That is the reason of low indices of population density. In this respect Karakapakstan gives way to all regions (except the Navoi region). If, in average, there are 54,8 people per km 2 in Uzbekistan, then in Karakalpakstan this index includes 9 people which is caused by relatively unfavorable climate conditions. The main part of the population inhabits the coastal lines of the Amudarya river, and there are less populated settlements in the desert areas. Karakalpakstan borders on Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Bukhara, Khorezm and Navoi regions. The capital of Karakalpakstan is Nukus. The number of its population is 206,7 thousand people. The Republic of Karakalpakstan includes 15 rural districts (the Amudarya, Beruni, Bozatauz, Kanlikul, Karauzyak, Kegeyli, Kungrad, Muynak, Nukus, Tahtakupir, Turtkul, Khojeyli, Chimbai, Shumanay, Ellikala districts) and 12 towns (Nukus, Beruni, Buston, Kungrad, Manghit, Muynak, Takhiatash, Turtkul, Chimbai, Khalkabad, Khojeyli, Shumanay). Andijon region. The Andijon region was founded on March 6, 1941. It is located in the Western part of the Fergana Valley. In the North-East and the South the region borders on Kyrghyzstan, in the West-on the Fergana region, in the North-West-on the Namangan region. In the area dimensions, the Andijan region takes the last, the 13 th place, giving way to Karakalpakstan and all other regions of Uzbekistan. Its area is equal to 4,2 thousand km 2 ,
Andijan region takes the 4 th place. It includes 2192,3 thousand people. Thus, in the density of population it is the leader among the regions of Uzbekistan. In average, there are 522 people per km 2 . It means that in density of population it outnumbers the average republican index (545.8) almost ten times. 1|3 of the population in the region live in town settlements. The central city of the region is Andijan. It is one of the oldest cities of the Republic with the population of 334.3 thousand people.
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