Indirect questions. Could/can you tell me…?
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Indirect questions
Indirect questions. Could/can you tell me…? Indirect questions nima? Do you know..? Would you mind…? Is there any chance you could…? Bilvosita savollar so'rov qilish yoki ma'lumot so'rashning xushmuomala usulidir. Bundan tashqari, biz ulardan yaxshilik so'rash uchun foydalanamiz. Ular ingliz tilida juda keng tarqalgan. Can Could for requests(so’rovlar uchun) Would Indirect questions da gap boshlash uchun qo’shimcha frazalar: Would it be possible…? I wonder… Do you have any idea…? I’d like to know… Qoidalarni eslab qoling! “To be” fe’li bilan indirect question da fe’l mavzudan keyin keladi: Can you tell me where the bank is? subject verb Indirect questions da mavzudan keyin kelgan has/have yordamchi fe’llaridan foydalanamiz: Do you know where he has gone? subject verb Indirect question ning so‘roq gapida do/does/did yordamchi fe’llaridan foydalanmaymiz: Do you have any idea when she moves? Direct and Indirect questions Direct question ko’proq yozganda yaxshiroq agar gaplashganda ishlatmoqchi bo’lsangiz indirect questions yaxshiroq chunki indirect question sizni ingliz tilingizni rasmiyroq va odobliroq qilib ko’rsatadi. Direct questions Indirect questions Oddiy savol berishga oxshaydi. Mulozamat bilan soraladi. Masalan: Where is the restroom? Masalan: Could you tell me Where do you live?3 where the restroom is? Do you like learning English? Do you know where you live? Can you tell me if you like learning 2 English? Begona inson oldingizga kelib biror bir savolni tog’ridan tog’ri bersa bu sizga yoqmasligi mumkin ammo shu inson savolni mulozamat bilan bersa ancha yaxshiroq. Siz ham sezgan bolsangiz Indirect questionga qaraganda Direct question da gaplar ancha qisqa ammo siz nimadur haqida ingliz tilida ko’proq gapirsangiz bu anchagina muloyimroq eshitiladi.
a) where she’s b) where she is c) where is she 2. Could you tell me ________ gone? a) where she’s b) where is she c) where has she 3. I asked them where ________ going. a) were they b) they were 4. Can you tell me how much ________ cost? a) will it b) it will 5. Do you have any idea how long ________ me to do it? a) did it take b) it took c) took it 6. Has she told you whether ________ help? a) will she b) she will 7. Can you explain why ________ so expensive? A is it b) it’s 8. She asked me where ________ from? a) do I come b) come I c) I come 9. I was wondering why ________ take the rain; it’ll be quicker. a) don’t we b) we don’t 10. Can you remember ________ ? a) what did she say b) what she said Download 31,13 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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