pancreas [`pæŋkriəs] n oshqozon osti bezi;
colon [`kзΩlən] n chambar ichak;
gland [glænd] n bez;
rectum [`rektəm] n to’g’ri ichak;
salivary [`sælivəri] a so’lakli.
Quyidagi so’z va so’z birikmalarni yod oling:
alimentary [æli`mentəri] a ovqat hazim qilishga bog’liq;
palate [`pælit] n tanglay;
soft palate [soft `pælit] n yumshoq tanglay;
harg palate [ha:d `pælit] n qattiq tanglay;
mouth [maΩθ] n o’g’iz;
stomach [`stΛmək] n oshqozon, qorin;
also [`o:lsзΩ] adv ham;
intestine [in`testin] n ichak;
food [fu:d] n ovqat;
small intestine [smo;l in`testin] ingichka ichak;
through [θru:] prep orqali;
large intestine [a:dз in`testin] yog’on ichak;
portion [`po:∫ən] n qism, bo’lak;
gall-bladder [`go:l `blædə] n o’t pufagi;
measure [`meзə] n o’lchov, v o’lchamoq;
important [im`po:tənt] a muhim;
tube [tju:b] n truba, naycha, tyubik;
tongue [tΛŋ] n til; coated tongue oqargan til
Quyidagi so’z va so’z birikmalarini o’qing va tarjima qiling:
The lower portion of the stomach, let me see your tongue, the intestines are in the abdominal cavity, to measure the length of the bone, the tongue was coated.
Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:
The soft palate is a continuation of the soft tissues covering the hard palate. 2. The small intestine composed of three main portions is a thin – walled muscular tube. 3. The weight of the largest of the salivary glands is 28 gr. 4. The liver consists of small lobules (bo’lakcha) connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves. 5. The duodenum is called so because its length measures about the length of twelve fingers. 6. The liver consisting of lobes is covered with a fibrous coat.
V. 1. Tekst E ni o’qing 2. Tekstdan tana a’zolarini ifodalovchi so’zlarni ko’chirib yozing. 3. Ovqat hazm qilish barcha qismlarining nomlarini ma’lum ketma-ketlikda yozing. 4. Quyidagi berilgan modelga ko’ra matnga savollar qo’ying:
What comes above (below) the stomach?
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