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«Nurafshon ziyo yog'dusi» 2017-yil
Niyazaxunova, Dilnoza. Ingliz tilida yodlaymiz. Poems [Matn] / D. Niyazaxunova. - Toshkent: «Nurafshon ziyo yog‘dusi», 2017. - 32 b. UO‘K: 811.111 KBK 81.2Ingl N69 UO‘K 811.111 KBK 81.2Ingl Ushbu kitobda berilgan qiziqarli she’r va qo‘shiqlar yor-
ni mustaqil о ‘rganishni xohlovchi bolajonlar uchun foydali
ISBN 978-9943-5028-6-4 © «Nurafshon ziyo yog‘dusi», 2017 © «Ma’rifat г ‘ v- ■ - - •
CONTENTS I H AVE A H A PPY F A M IL Y ............................... 4 GOOD M O R N IN G ........................................ .*...... 6 C O LO U R S................................................................8 COUNTER................................................................lO THERE A R E SEVEN D A Y S ............................... 12 ALL D A Y S A R E THE B E S T ............................... 14 W HO S A Y S .............................................................. 16 I W A N T TO B E ...................................................... 18 SEASO N S................................................................. 20 SN O W F LA K E .........................................................22 THE ALPH ABET SONG .....................................24 GOOD M ORNING ................................................ 26 HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES, AN D TOES ....2 8 IF YO U ’ RE H A PPY A N D YO U KNOW IT .... 30
О О Ж У З <& Й Ж Й Ж I have a lovely mother, I have a clever father, I have a kind grandmother, I have a wise grandfather, I have a pretty sister, I have a brave brother, I have a happy family, It’s very very lovely ..
sevimli любимый
mother Гтлбэ] мама
clever Tklevel умный
father [7а:бэ] папа
mehribon добрый
grandmother Гдгэептлбэ] бабушка wise [waizl мудрый grandfather ['graenfa:6e1 дедушка
yoqimtoy милыи
sister [ siste] сестра
brave [breiv] храбрый
brother [Ъгдбэ! Good morning, good morning, How are you? Good morning, my friend, I am OK and you? I am happy, I am all right, Today is funny and very bright. DICTIONARY good morning [gu:d 'mo:nir]] xayrli tong доброе утро How are you? [hau a: ju:] Qandaysiz? Как дела? friend
[frend] do'st
ДРУГ today
['tedei] bugun
сегодня bright
[brait] yorug‘
светло happy
['haepi] shodon
радостный all riht [o:l'rait] hammasi yaxshi всё в порядке — - г / Yellow is an apple, Red is a tomato. Carrot is an orange, Brown is a potato. Blue is the sky, Green is a tree. Black is a fly, Grey is a mouse. White is a paper, Purple is a grape. Pink is a flower, I like each colour! colour Гкл1э1 yellow Не1эЫ red [red] orange rorind^l brown fbraunl blue [blu:] green black fblaek] grey [greil white [wait! purple Грэ:рП 3ink [pinkl о like ftu: laik] each [i:tn rang______ sariq______ qizil_______ olovranq jigarrang ko‘k_______ yashil_____ gora_______ kulrang
o q ______________ Jinafsharanq pushti______ yoqtirmoq цвет______ жёлтый
красный оранжевый коричневый голубой
зелёный чёрный
серый_____ белый_____ фиолетовий эозовый
нравиться каждый
DICTIONARY One, one, one, I love the sun. Two, two, two, You love it too. Three, three, three, My cat is on the tree. Four, four, four, Jump on the floor. Five, five, five, My fishes are alive. Six, six, six, Count all sticks. Seven, seven, seven, I have a kitten. Eight, eight, eight, Open the gate. Nine, nine, nine, I can count fine. Ten, ten, ten, Says «Tick tock» Big Ben! DICTIONARY tree [tri:] to jump [tu: d
5Amp] daraxt
sakramoq дерево
прыгать floor [flo:] этаж fish [fij] alive [a'laiv] ЖИВОИ
to count [tu: kaunt] sanamoq считать
stick [stik] палочка
kitten [kitn] mushukcha котенок to open
[tu: эирэп] ochmoq
открывать gate [geit] darvoza ворота
Monday is sunny, Tuesday is happy, Wednesday is lucky, Thursday is funny, Friday is very good, Saturday is too, Sunday is for a rest, Surely, “All days are the best”! 4
Q И о д у DICTIONARY Monday ['rrw id e il dushanba понедельник Tuesday [4ju:zdei] seshanba
вторник Wednesday ['wenzdei] chorshanba среда Thursday ['9e:zdei1 payshanba четверг Friday [ fraideil пятница Saturday ['saetedei] shanba суббота
Sunday ['sAndeil yakshanba воскресенье хорошии
mood [mu:d1 kayfiyat
настроение orom, dam отдых shubhasiz без сомнений самый хорошии - Who says: Mew-mew-mew? - A cat, of course. - Who says: N eigh-neigh-neigh? - A horse. - Who says: Bow-wow? - A dog. - Who says: Croak-croak-croak? - A frog. - Who says: Quack-quack-quack? - A duck. - Who says: Moo-moo? - A cow. - Who says: Cocka-doodle-doo? - A rooster. to say [tu: sei] gapirmoq, demoq говорить
cat [kaet] mushuk
кошка horse [ho:s] ot лошадь
dog [dog] it собака [frog]......... qurbaqa
лягушка duck [dAk] o‘rdak утка
cow [kau] sigir
корова rooster ['ru:st9] xo‘roz петух
ООО I want to be a doctor, To cure people. I want to be a pilot, To fly on a plane. I want to be a teacher, To teach pupils. I want to be a cooker, To cook tasty dishes. I want to be a sewer, To sew nice clothes. I want to be a businessman, To earn much money. I want to be a policeman, To defend people. I want to be a singer, To sing songs. And “Who do you want to be?” DICTIONARY doctor ['dokto shifokor врач
to cure [tu: kjue] davolamoq лечить
pilot ['pailot uchuvchi
пилот to fly [tu: flai] uchmoq летать
teacher ['ti:t]e o‘qtuvchi учитель to teach [tu: ti:tj] o‘qitmoq учить cooker ['кикэ oshpaz повар
to cook [tu: kuk] pishirmoq готовить tasty [teisti] mazali вкусный
dish [dij] taom
блюдо sewer ['soue' tikuvchi портниха
to sew [tu: sou' tikmoq
шить clothes
['klouSiz] kiyim
одежда businessman ['biznesmaen] tadbirkor бизнесмен to earn [tu: э:п] pul ishlab topmoq зарабатывать policeman [p
militsioner милиционер to defend [tu: difend] himoya qilmoq защищать singer ['sine] xonanda певец
to sing [sir) kuylamoq
петь song [son; ashula песня
Spring is green And flowers’ queen. Summer is very sunny And very funny. Autumn is gold, It brings some cold. Winter is white All day and night. matmn*- DICTIONARY spring [sprin] bahor весна
queen [kwi:n] qirolicha королева summer ['sAme] yoz лето
sunny ['SAni] quyoshli
солнечный funny [TAm] quvnoq весёлый
autumn [o:tem ] kuz
осень gold ['geuld] oltin золото
to bring [tu: brir)] olib kelmoq приносить cold ['keuld] sovuq холодно
winter ['winte qish
зима day [dei] kun день
night [nait] tun
ночь I’m a nice snowflake, I’m dancing in the air. I’m a white snowflake, I’m falling everywhere! DICTIONARY nice fnaisl chiroyli красивый
to dance [tu: da:nsl raqsga tushmoq танцевать air [eel ha vo
воздух to fall [tu: fol] pastga tushmoq, qulamoq
падать everywhere ['evriweel hamma joyda везде
SONGS А, В, С, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, О, P, Q, R, S and T, U, V, W, X and Y and Z. Happy, happy we shall be When we learn the ABC. When we learn the happy ['haepil baxtli, xursand счастливый happy we shall be ['haepi wi: fel bi:] xursand
bolamiz будем
счастливы when [wen] qachon когда
we [wi:] to learn [tu: 1э:п] о qimoq, o‘rganmoq учить
Good morning to you! Good morning to you! We’re all in our places With sunshiny faces. Good morning to you! Good morning to you! plac- es, with sun-shin- у fac- es. Good morn- ing to you! Good morn- ing to you! Good mom- ing to you! Good morn- ing to you! We’re all in our DICTIONARY good morning [gu:d 'mo:ninl xayrli tong доброе утро to you rtui'ju:] sizga тебе
all Го:11 hamma
все our Гаиэ] bizning наш
place rpleis] jo y
место sunshiny
[sAnfaim]________ nurli солнечный face ffeis]_______ yuz__________ лицо________
Head, shoul - ders knees, and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoul - ders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. D E7 Eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head, shoul-ders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Eyes, and ears and mouth and nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. head fhedl голова
shoulder TJeulde] knee [ni:] плечо
колено toe [tou] oyoqdagi barmoq (oyoq uchi)_____ палец на ноге eye [ai]
глаз ear [i9]
mouth [mau9] nose [nouz] burun HOC
DICTIONARY If you’re h a p -p y and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re know it, clap your hands. If you’re hap - py and you know it, and you real - ly want to show it. If hap - py and you know it, clap your hands. you’re If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, A l d you really want to show it, If > ou’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. DICTIONARY \ 31 ...................... "ч
dictionary Muharrir: Xurshidbek IBROHIMOV Dizayner va sahifalovchi: Mushtariy ABDUJALILOVA «Nurafshon ziyo yog‘dusi» nashriyotida tayyorlandi. Toshkent shahri, Chilonzor tumani, Cho‘ponota ko‘chasi 28A-uy. Nashriyot litsenziyasi: AI №300 22.05.2017 Terishga 2017-yil 11-noyabrda berildi. Bosishga 2017-yil 21-dekabrda ruxsat etildi. Bichimi 70x100 1/16. Yaltiroq-silliq qog‘oz. Adadi 2 000 nusxa. Buyurtma № 296/1 «Standard Poligraf Service» MChJ bosmaxonasida chop etildi. Toshkent shahri, Chilonzor-25, Foziltepa ko‘chasi, 12B-uy.
Ushbu kitobda berilgan q iziqarli she'r va qo'shiqlar Kitnh l inf Z m ar° q li tarzda ° 'r 9 a" M i m um kin Kitobga km tilgan she'r va qo'shiqlar bolalarnin g qizi b n a T h f С Ы Ф tanlan3an- Mazkur kitob bosh noli? t r qUX
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