Inglizcha-o‘zbekcha o‘zbekcha-inglizcha lug‘AT

edgement (also acknowledgment

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edgement (also acknowledgment) n [U] tan 
olish, e’tirof etish, minnatdorchilik [C] tilxat 
acme /’ækmi/ n the acme of sth eng yuqori 
daraja, avj, cho’qqi
acolyte /′ækə
ˌlaıt/ n [C] 1 o’rinbosar, muovin, 
yordamchi monastirdagi yoki arxiyerey qoshi-
dagi xizmatkor
aconite /′ækə
ˌnaıt/ n [C,U] akonit, parpi (bir turli 
dorivor o’simlik)
acne /′æknı/ n [U] bo’jama, husnbuzar
acorn /′eık
ɔ:n/ n [C] cho‘chqa yong‘oq
acoustic /ə′ku:stık/ ovozga oid,ovoz…, eshit-
ishga oid, eshitish… akustik – acoustics n [pl] 
acquaintance /ə′kweıntəns/ n [C] tanish [U] 
acquaintance with sb/sth tanish, bilish, tanish-
acquainted /ə′kweıntıd/ adj (formal) 1 acquaint-
ed with sth biladigan, tanish 2 acquainted (with 
sb) taniydigan, biladigan, tanish 
acquiesce /
ˌækwı′es/ v [I] (formal) bo‘sh kelmoq, 
yon bermoq –acquiescence /
ˌækwı′esns / n [U]
acquire /ə′kwaıə(r)/ v [T] ega bo‘lmoq, orttirmoq, 

acquisition /
ˌækwı′zıʃn / n [C] olingan, qo‘lga 
kiritilgan narsa 2 [U] egallash, orttirish, qo‘lga 
acquit /ə′kwıt/ v [T] (acqutting; acquitted) 1 ac-
quit sb (of sth) oqlamoq, jinoyat sodir etishda 
aybdor emas deb e’lon qilmoq 2 acquit your-
self … (formal) o‘zini tutmoq 3 ozod qilmoq 
to‘lamoq – acquittal n [C,U] oqlash
acre /′eıkə(r)/ n [C] akr
acrid /′ækrıd/ adj achchiq, o’tkir; o’yuvchi za-
harli, istehzoli, achchiq
acrimonious /′ækrı′mə
ʊniəs/ adj alam qildiradi-
gan, zaharli, zaharhandali, achchiq; zahar – ac-
rimoniously adv
acrobat /′ækrəbæt / n [C] akrobat – acrobatic /
ˌækrə′bætık/ adj akrobatikaga oid, akrobatika… - 
acrobatics n [U] akrobatika
acronym /′ækrənım/ n [C] bosh harfl ardan tuzil-
gan qisqartma so’z
across /ə′kr
ɒs; US ə′krɔ:s / adv, prep 
ko‘ndalangiga, eniga, osha biror narsaning na-
rigi tarafi We can use across or over to mean 
‘on or to the other side’. But when we talk about 
crossing something high, we usually use over. 
With ‘room’ we usually use across.
acrylic /ə′krılık/ adj akril (sintetik material)
 /ækt/ v [I] harakat qilmoq o‘zini tutmoq 
o‘ynamoq, ijro etmoq acting n [U] rol o‘ynash 
/ækt/ n [C] 1 qilmish, xatti-harakat, sodir 
etilgan harakat Act and action can have the 
same meaning. Act, not action can be followed 
by ofActivity is used for sth that is done regu-
larlyDeed is a formal and rather old-fashioned 
word and often refers to very important actsIt is 
the word usually uses with good(often Act
akt (often Act) parda (informal) parda, niqob, 
acting adj muvaqqat, vaqtinchalik
action /′æk
ʃn/ n [C] sa’y-harakat [sing] ta’sir, 
effekt 3 [sing] muhim voqea-hodisa 4 [U] jan-
jal, urush [U] harakat, harakatlanish, harakat 
qilish actionable /′æk
ʃnəbl/ adj sud tomonidan 
ta’qib qilishga asos beruvchi
activate /′æktıveıt/ v [T] harakatga keltirmoq, 
ishlatib yubormoq
active /′æktıv/ adj 1 aktiv, faol, harakatchan 
aktiv, harakatdagi (gram.) aktiv
activist /′æktıvıst/ n [C] aktivist, faol, aktiv jamoatchi
activity /æk′tıvətı/ n (pl activities[U] qizg‘inlik, 
tig‘izlik, faollik, aktivlik [C] ish, faoliyat, xizmat, 
g’ayrat Look at the note at act
actor / ′æktə(r)/ n [C] aktyor
actress /′æktrıs/ n [C] aktrisa
actual /′ækt
ʃʊəl/ adj haqiqiy, haqiqatda – actu-
ally /′ækt
ʃʊlı/ adj haqiqatda, rosti; ayni vaqtda, 
hozirda g‘alati ko‘rinsada, g‘ayritabiiy bo‘lsada 
Actually is often used in conversation to get 
sb’s attention or to correct sb politely. In English 
actual, and actually do not mean ‘(existing) at 
the present time’. We use currently or at pres-
ent instead.
actuate /′ækt
ʃuˌeıt/ v [T] (tech.) harakatga keltir-
moq, ishga solmoq
acuity /ə′kju:əti:/ n [U] (formal) o’tkirlik, sezgirlik, 
acumen /′ækj
ʊmən/ n [U] juda o’tkirlik, ziyraklik, 
fahm-idroki o’tkirlik
acupuncture /′ækj
ʊpʌŋtʃə(r)/ n [U] ignaterapiya 
(igna bilan davolash) – acupuncturist n [C]
acute /ə′kju:t/ adj qattiq, ko‘p miqdorda (ka-
sallikka nisbatan qo‘llaniladi) og‘ir formadagi 
kuchli 4 aqlli, farosatli acutely adv – acute 
angle n [C] o‘tkir burchak
ad /æd/ n (informal) = ADVERTISEMENT
AD /
ˌeı′di:/ (abbr.) (from Latin expression Anno 
Domini meaning “in the year of the Lord”) 
adage /′ædı
ʤ/ n [C] matal
adamant /′ædəmənt/ adj (formal) (kishilarga 
nisbatan qo‘llaniladi) qat’iy, amin
adapt /ə′dæpt/ v 1 [I] adapt (to sth) moslash-
moq 2 [T] adapt sth (for sth) o‘zgartirmoq, 
moslashtirmoq – adaptable adj o‘zgaruvchan, 
moslashuvchan – adaptation /
n [C] moslashuv, ko’nikuv – adaptor n [C] (also 
adapter) adapter, mufta
add /æd/ v [I,T] 1 add (sth) (to sth) qo‘shmoq 
qo‘shib qo‘ymoq, ta’kidlamoq – (ph.vs) add sth 
on (to sth) ichiga olmoq, ichiga kirmoq; add up 
to‘g‘ri bo‘lib ko‘rinmoq, haqiqatga o‘xshamoq; 
add (sth) up hisoblab chiqarmoq, qo‘shib 
chiqarmoq; add up to sth tashkil qilmoq, borib 
taqalmoq, hosil qilmoq
addendum /ə′dendəm/ n [C] (pl addenda) (for-
mal) ilova, qo’shimcha
adder /′ædə(r)/ n [C] suv ilon

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