Instantly, the Time Machine vanished!
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1. She said: “You heard what Sir William said. Time and Space are inseparable. There is no need for you to leave in the next few minutes. Although the Machine is designed to travel into futurity, it will also move across spatial distances. In short, although it will journey across thousands of years, it can also be used for a trip as prosaic as taking a friend to the station.” Mashina kelajakka sayohat qilish uchun yaratilgan bo'lsa-da, u fazoviy masofalar bo'ylab ham harakatlanadi. Muxtasar qilib aytganda, u ming yillar davomida sayohat qilsa ham, do'stni stantsiyaga olib borish kabi prozaik sayohat uchun ham foydalanish mumkin. 2. She did something to this, then pulled back the lever with the bicycle handle-bar attached. Instantly, the Time Machine vanished! 3. It is presently travelling through Time, to a point two minutes in the future of its departure.” “But why has it vanished? Where is it at this moment?” “Within the attenuated Temporal Dimension.” 4. “There!” said Amelia, triumphantly. “Just as I said.” I stared dumbly at the Machine. The great fly-wheel was turning slowly as before. Amelia took my hand again. “Edward … we must now mount the Machine.” “What?” I said, appalled at the idea. “It is absolutely imperative. You see, while Sir William has been testing the Machine he has incorporated a safety-device into it which automatically returns the Machine to its moment of departure. That is activated exactly three minutes after its arrival here, and if we are not aboard it will be lost forever in the past.” 5. I stared up at it. The time was now thirteen minutes to ten. The second hand reached the minute, moved on, then reached he time of four seconds past. It stopped moving. Then, it began to move in reverse… slowly at first, then faster. “We are travelling backwards in Time,” Amelia said, a little breathlessly. “Do you see the clock, Edward?” “Yes,” I said, my whole attention on it. “Yes, I do!” The second hand moved backwards through four minutes, then began to slow down. As it approached four seconds past eighteen minutes to ten it slowed right down, then halted altogether. Presently it began to sweep forward in a normal way. Men unga qarab qoldim. Vaqt endi o'n uch daqiqaga o'n edi. Ikkinchi qo'l daqiqaga yetib bordi, davom etdi, keyin to'rt soniya o'tgan vaqtga yetdi. U harakatdan to'xtadi. Keyin u teskari harakatlana boshladi... avvaliga sekin, keyin tezroq. "Biz vaqt ichida orqaga qarab ketyapmiz", dedi Ameliya biroz nafas qisib. - Soatni ko'ryapsizmi, Edvard? - Ha, - dedim men butun diqqatimni unga qaratib. "Ha men!" Ikkinchi qo'l to'rt daqiqa davomida orqaga qarab harakat qildi, keyin sekinlasha boshladi. O'n sakkiz daqiqadan o'nga to'rt soniya yaqinlashganda, u sekinlashdi, keyin butunlay to'xtadi. Hozir u odatdagidek oldinga siljiy boshladi. We are back at the moment in which I pressed the lever,” said Amelia. Biz dastagini bosgan paytda qaytib keldik", dedi Ameliya. 6. I opened my eyes, and glanced timorously about the laboratory, and saw to my astonishment that the Machine was still firmly situated on the floor. The clock on the wall was already spinning insanely forwards, and even as I watched the sun came up behind the house and was soon passing quickly overhead. Almost before I had registered its passing, darkness fell again like a black blanket thrown over the roof. Men ko'zlarimni ochdim va laboratoriyaga qo'rquv bilan qaradim va hayratga tushdimki, mashina hali ham polda mustahkam o'rnashgan. Devordagi soat allaqachon aqldan ozgancha oldinga aylanayotgan edi va men quyoshning uy orqasidan chiqayotganini va tezda tepadan o'tib ketayotganini ko'rganimda ham. Men uning o'tishini qayd etgunimga qadar, tomga tashlangan qora ko'rpa kabi yana qorong'i tushdi. 7. The sun came up, and set again almost as quickly. The next period of darkness was shorter, and the following daylight shorter still. The Time Machine was accelerating into futurity! In what seemed to us only a few more seconds the procession of day and night was so fast as to be virtually undetectable, and our surroundings were visible only in a grey, twilight glow. About us, details of the laboratory became hazy, and the image of the sun became a path of light seemingly fixed in a deep-blue sky. Kelajakka borish tasviri Quyosh chiqdi va yana tez botdi. Keyingi zulmat davri qisqaroq, keyingi kun esa qisqaroq edi. Vaqt mashinasi kelajakka tezlashdi! Bizga bir necha soniyadan keyin kechayu kunduzning yurishi shunchalik tez bo'lib tuyuldiki, uni deyarli sezib bo'lmasdi va bizning atrofimiz faqat kulrang, alacakaranlık nurida ko'rinardi. Biz haqimizda laboratoriya tafsilotlari noaniq bo'lib qoldi va quyosh tasviri moviy osmonda o'rnatilgan yorug'lik yo'liga aylandi. 8. The Machine is slowing, Edward!” Beyond the glass roof the sun was now moving visibly slower Mashina sekinlashmoqda, Edvard!" Shisha tomning orqasida quyosh sezilarli darajada sekinroq harakatlanar edi Download 16 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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