Integrating digital technology in mathematics education: a Swedish case study
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Integrating digital technology in mathematics education a Swedish case study
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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Interactive Learning Environments ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Integrating digital technology in mathematics education: a Swedish case study Olga Viberg, Åke Grönlund & Annika Andersson To cite this article: Olga Viberg, Åke Grönlund & Annika Andersson (2023) Integrating digital technology in mathematics education: a Swedish case study, Interactive Learning Environments, 31:1, 232-243, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1770801 To link to this article: © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group Published online: 11 Jun 2020. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 15983 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 14 View citing articles Integrating digital technology in mathematics education: a Swedish case study Olga Viberg a , Åke Grönlund b and Annika Andersson b a Media Technology and Interaction Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; b Örebro University School of Business, Informatics, Örebro, Sweden ABSTRACT Integrating digital technology in education is challenging. This study reports on three high school mathematics classes where teachers attempted to improve their teaching and student learning by using a digital tool. For analysis we use the Information System Artifact model Lee et al. ( 2015 ) which distinguishes between three integrated sub-artifacts, the technological, the informational and the social and the Structurational Practice Lens to educational technology Halperin ( 2017 ). Using interviews and observations we find the major obstacle for student learning is a less developed social artifact. Students have di fficulties using the tool e ffectively when teachers do not work to develop shared practices in technology use. When teachers do not themselves use the tool actively, they do not fully understand how students can learn from it, neither can they help them in synthesizing teacher- and tool instructions. Students end up having “two masters” competing rather than integrated teacher instruction and technology assistance. ARTICLE HISTORY Received 11 February 2020 Accepted 14 May 2020 KEYWORDS Technology integration; K-12 education; information system artifact; structuration; mathematics Introduction As digitalization increases in education systems worldwide, with many countries issuing legislation and action plans to speed up the process (Davies, 2011 ; Lindberg & Olofsson, 2018 ), the issue of how to e ffectively integrate digital technology into teaching and learning practices becomes critical. Related research is largely concerned with understanding how schools handle the digitalization process and what results come out of it. Whereas several digitalization initiatives have been exam- ined in several countries (e.g. EU, 2019 ; Masters, 2018 ), including Sweden (e.g. Agelli Genlott et al., 2019 ; Wiklund & Andersson, 2018 ), there is still limited knowledge about how to exploit information and communication technologies (ICTs) and successfully integrate them into education to support teaching and improve students ’ conditions for learning. Scholars consistently call for further evidence to understand the complexity of technological innovation and change to support improved teaching and learning (e.g. Howard et al., 2019 ; Tondeur et al., 2013 ). This study aims to increase such understanding by examining how an advanced ICT tool for math- ematics studies has been integrated into the Swedish K-12 education. The focus on mathematics education is relevant for two reasons. First, surveys show that math tea- chers use digital tools less than teachers in other subjects (Swedish National Agency for Education, 2016 ; Bray & Tangney, 2017 ). As mathematics is a key school subject, and one which is problematic for many students, it is important to understand if and how digital tools can help to improve student © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License ( http:// ), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way. CONTACT Olga Viberg INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 2023, VOL. 31, NO. 1, 232 –243 learning outcomes and relevant learner support. Second, digital tools in combination with sound pedagogy have been argued to have the potential to facilitate the development of several generic learner skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving (Viberg & Mavroudi, 2018 ), and to address issues often associated with mathematics education such as “having the capacity to facilitate realistic, problem-solving and collaborative approaches to teaching and learning ” (Bray & Tangney, 2017 , p. 255). For the past decades, scholars have stressed the potential of ICTs in combination with appropriate pedagogy to support learning of mathematics in education (e.g. Drijvers, 2013 ; Bray & Tangney, 2017 ). Yet, the results of a recent review of empirical research about the use of digital technology in mathematics education stresses that technology use itself “do[es] not, in the main, live up to their perceived potential to transform the learning experience ” (Bray & Tangney, 2017 , p. 255). It has been found that students engage in (creative) use of digital technologies less often in educational contexts, compared to everyday settings, and that digital technologies in education are often used simply to enhance traditional practices (Bray & Tangney, 2017 ). Thus, it is critical to further investigate how digital technologies have been integrated into teaching of mathematics, and how this inte- gration in fluences learning and teaching. Integration of technology in this study refers to making technology positively contribute to the performance of a complex information system that includes formal and informal use of ICTs, in the classroom as well as outside, by students and teachers. Integration also relates to a number of dynamic factors, including e ffective practices, technological aspects of new tools, potential to trans- form learning as well as enabling new forms of teaching and learning practices (Howard et al., 2019 ). In order to address this complexity, we have chosen to apply the analytical frameworks of the Infor- mation Systems Artifact (ISA; Lee et al., 2015 ) and the Structurational Practice Lens on educational technology (Halperin, 2017 ). This study aims to answer the following research question: How do technical, social and informa- tional aspects of teaching and learning, respectively and together, in fluence the introduction of new tech- nology in mathematics education? We explore this question using the example of an app called MathAid that was introduced in several Swedish high schools. Background The use of digital technologies, and especially mobile technologies, in teaching and learning of math- ematics is gaining growing interest among researchers and practitioners (Borba et al., 2017 ). Recent reviews stress opportunities, challenges and barriers associated with technology integration into mathematics education. The Bray and Tangney ( 2017 ) review of empirical research of the use of digital technology in mathematics education classi fied the majority of interventions (61% of the papers in the sample) as augmentation, suggesting that technology was used to improve traditional approaches, with some functional or conceptual development and/or to outsource the delivery of content. Several di fficulties with technology integration into mathematics education were identified. These include altering the role of the teacher from instructor to facilitator and stressing a need for a structured research-based approach (Bray & Tangney, 2017 ). Scholars suggest that to achieve a successful transformation of the very nature of teaching and learning, educators require relevant methods for teaching and learning as well as practical examples and support from colleagues and management (e.g. Donnelly et al., 2011 ). Researchers also stress the need to integrate technology with the curriculum for learning to be improved (Denoél et al., 2017 ; Agelíi Genlott & Grönlund, 2016 ). A review focusing on the use of tablets in mathematics education (Svela et al., 2019 ) suggests that teachers are challenged in terms of designing e ffective learning experiences that not only incorporate tablet technology, but also sound mathematical pedagogical approaches. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 233 The integration of technology into mathematics education has been found to be related to three critical factors; the design of technology, learning activities and tasks; the role of the teacher; and the educational context (Drijvers, 2013 ). The teacher has to orchestrate learning, for example by synthe- sizing the results of technology-rich activities, help develop fruitful ways of using the tool, and relate the experiences within the technological environments to paper-and-pencil skills or to other math- ematical activities. Hoyles ( 2018 ) stresses that teachers of mathematics must be part of the transfor- mative process as co-designers and teacher researchers to be able to transform mathematical practice through the use of digital technologies; yet that design process is challenging, where: (i) the dialectical impact of tools on mathematical expression and communication must be taken into account, and (ii) the various foci of design and analyses (i.e. software and activity design, interactions in classrooms, teacher sca ffolding moves). Learners are unlikely to independently use technology in ways resulting in positive learning gains (Nh & Nicholas, 2013 ). E ffective practices must be developed in interaction between teachers and learners, and the development must be teacher-led. To achieve this, a process of professional development is a must, including the development of teachers ’ tech- nological and pedagogical content knowledge. Finally, the use of digital technology should be embedded in a coherent educational context. Researchers argue that technology integration into education should be studied from a system of factors that interact (Tondeur et al., 2017 ). This study does so by applying the theoretical lens of the Information Systems Artifact (ISA; Lee et al., 2015 ), and the Structuration Practice Lens to educational technology research (Orlikowski, 2000 ; Halperin, 2017 ). Theoretical foundations Digital tools are artifacts designed to support humans in various activities that include technology, people and goal-oriented actions in which information is handled. People, technology and activities together form an information system, and both technology, activities and people ’s roles and tasks in that system are designed and relate to each other. The ISA model (Lee et al., 2015 ) conceptualizes the information systems artifact as composed of three distinct but interlinked sub-artifacts: a technologi- cal, an informational and a social. Only when all three are brought together e ffectively and interact in a mutually supportive manner they are e ffective. The technology sub-artifact includes hardware and software and is de fined as “a human-created tool whose raison d ’être is to be used to solve a problem, achieve a goal, or serve a purpose that is human-de fined, human-perceived, or human-felt” (Lee et al., 2015 , p. 2). In education, the technical arti- fact may encompass various software used for learning and teaching and nowadays often hardware o ffered by the school (e.g. tablets) and learners’ own devices (e.g. smartphones), apart from fre- quently used tools (e.g. books). The information sub-artifact refers to an instantiation of information, where the instantiation occurs through a human act either directly (as could happen through a person ’s verbal or written statement of a fact) or indirectly (as could happen through a person ’s running of a computer program to produce a quarterly report) (Lee et al., 2015 , p. 2) In education, the informational artifact may include all the information that is involved in a speci fic task, including, but not limited to, teachers ’ instructions to students on goals, tasks and methods for their work, information that a digital learning tool suggests to students based on student input or the tool ’s monitoring of student behavior. The social sub-artifact refers to “an artifact that consists of, or incorporates relationships or inter- actions between or among individuals through which an individual attempts to solve one of her pro- blems, achieve on of her goals, or serve one of her purposes ” (Lee et al., 2015 , p. 3). In education, this includes interactions between student and teachers and among students in the classroom and in digital media. It may also include parents. The social artifact is hence not limited to school pre- mises and class hours, it may include interactions where the involved actors are separated by time or 234 O. VIBERG ET AL. space, or both. While the ISA conceptualizes the artifact it does not include speci fic views on what distinguishes a “good” social artifact and how such a thing is created. For guidance on that in the educational context we turn to the structuration model of technology (Orlikowski, 2000 ), which argues that knowledge construction occurs in a process of social interaction, where technology is embedded in its practice; “technology structures are emergent, not embodied” (Halperin, 2017 , p. 282). This understanding suggests that technology itself plays a role in reshaping individuals ’ pre- ferences, perceptions and attitudes and the new teaching and learning practices that evolve are co- constructed in a social-technical system, rather than engineered. This study applies the structurational view of technology-mediated learning practice (Halperin, 2017 ) that builds on Orlikowski ’ model ( 2000 ). Halperin ( 2017 ) re fines the model by including the notions of “shared practices”, which “emerge from and are sustained through interaction and mutual adjustment among people ” (p. 284), “differentiating practices” (e.g. the technology-mediated practice is seen as a special kind of knowledge-centered activity) and “situated practices” thereby drawing attention to the local focus of the practice. This study investigates how the technical, the social and the information artifacts, respectively, and together, in fluence the introduction of new technology in mathematics education. Method Case background This study is situated within a K-12 educational setting and focuses on students and teachers parti- cipating in mathematical education in Sweden. 68 students and three teachers at three schools par- ticipated in the study for a period of seven months (August 2018 –February 2019). 56% male students and 44% female students participated in the study. While the student participants from the two schools were largely (98%) native speakers of Swedish, in the third school (n = 28 students) 35% of the students spoke Swedish as their second language. The classes were selected based on teachers ’ willingness to integrate a new digital tool (here named MathAid) in their teaching and it was acces- sible through students ’ mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) and laptops provided by schools. The teachers were introduced to MathAid, but there was deliberately no attempt to guide their peda- gogy; they were o ffered to use the tool as they saw best fit for their teaching practices. The teachers were allowed to use other teaching tools (e.g. textbooks or other software) in their teaching. The par- ticipating students were 17 –18 years of age and took the course Math 1 (i.e. the first mathematics course at the Swedish high school). They participated based on a written consent form signed by the students who were 18 and by the parents of the 17-years-olds. MathAid was introduced to the students by their teachers at the start of the Fall 2018 semester. Data collection Data was collected from three sources. Firstly, semi-structured interviews with the teachers were con- ducted at the outset and at the end of the study period. They were conducted in order to understand teachers ’ views of MathAid integration in their teaching, its perceived benefits, and associated chal- lenges linked to its use in mathematics education. Each interview was conducted at the selected schools and lasted between 30 and 60 minutes and was recorded and later transcribed. Additional informal, on-the-go, communication with these teachers took place throughout the study period. Secondly, we conducted classroom observations (6 hours) to see how the technology was used in class. Finally, eight focus group interviews with 32 students (4 –6 students per group) were performed in February 2019. Interviews lasted between 20 and 45 minutes, were recorded and transcribed. The number of students who participated in the focus group interviews is explained by two factors: (i) students ’ willingness to participate in them (not all students wanted to) and (ii) the limited INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 235 amount of time in which we could conduct these interviews. The interview questions were formu- lated in accordance with the chosen theoretical lenses ( Table 1 ). Data analysis For the analysis we used our field notes from the observations and the teachers’ and students’ nar- ratives from the interview transcripts. Based on the ISA constructs, we categorized themes in the texts and field notes to see what teachers and students were saying, and doing, related to the technology used. Table 1 below presents the ways in which the ISA constructs (Lee et al., 2015 ) and the structura- tional Practice Lens to educational technology research (Halperin, 2017 ) have been used to the data analysis. Mathaid The MathAid software –a browser-based application accessible through learners’ mobile devices– aims at supporting students in their self-studies of mathematics both in classroom and outside. Stu- dents can use the tool both as a compliment to the most frequently employed high school math- ematics books and also as a standalone tool that follows the curriculum. MathAid contains a theoretical part that introduces students to the selected mathematical concepts, concrete examples of the studied phenomenon, associated learning tasks with solutions, and pertinent hints that guide students to the solution of selected tasks. MathAid o ffers tools for teachers to monitor students’ use of it both on individual- and on a class-level. MathAid ’s learning tasks are self-instructional and inter- active, including calculation steps, explanations and moving graphs that visualize mathematics; it is accessible through desktop computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets with both iOS and Android operation systems. As with all case study research, a limitation of this study is that it lacks breadth. In a case study the researcher typically researches one phenomenon – in our case, we examined one soft- ware in three schools. Hence, our findings cannot be generalized to all educational math software or all schools. However, a case study may reveal important information about the object under study through the rich details it provides (Yin, 2003 ) and allows for generalisation, not to other cases, but to theoretical propositions (Lee & Baskerville, 2003 ). Our study puts forward a tentative theory on how the introduction of a mathematical software can be understood using the ISA lens. Table 1. ISA construct operationalization Table 1 . Construct of the ISA Operationalization into guiding questions for analysis Technology artifact Which technologies (both hardware and software) are in use for teaching and learning mathematics? From which platform (e.g. students ’ mobile devices, the laptops provided by the school) is the tool/app accessed? What infrastructure exists? How useful and easy to use is the used tool perceived by students? Which security and regulatory aspects are involved in the use of the technology (e.g. copyright and privacy)? Information artifact What kind of information is the technology providing? How is this information designed? (e.g. structure, progression)? How is this information communicated to students? What kind of knowledge is created from the use? Are there any di fferences over time? Social artifact How was the technology introduced? In what situations is the technology used? At what times is the technology used? To what extent, and how, do teachers and students work together using the technology? To what extent, and how, do teachers monitor and analyze the ways students ’ use of technology? To what extent, and how, do teachers work to adjust students ’ and/or their own work practices regarding technology use to each other? Are there any di fferences over time? 236 O. VIBERG ET AL. Result The technology artifact MathAid competed with other technologies used by the students. One competitor was the traditional textbook, a second was another software, the Knowledge Matrix (KM), which was adopted (by a decision from the school leadership) in all schools, and a third was MathAid itself as it could be used in two ways, through a web page and through an app for smartphones and tablets, which were di fferent in design and accessibility. In all schools, students had laptops provided by the schools, and they all had private smartphones. When given the choice – which was the case in two of the schools (School 1 and 3) – students preferred to use the app on their own mobile devices. I only use the mobile phone because it is much smoother and convenient. (R 21) I have only used the mobile phone because it is an app. On the computer it is a homepage. And if you have an app all your logins are saved so it is just to click and enter. The mobile is by far the best option. (R 18) In the third school the teacher instructed students to predominantly use their laptops. These students accessed MathAid through the web page. They found the use to be not only challenging, but also questionable. Challenges included both content and usability. Personally I do not think that [ …] [the tool] works like a good book. (R 12) I don ’t understand the explanations at all. They use difficult words just to make us confused. (R 7) Over time, some students became more positive to MathAid: At the beginning of the semester, I would say the ‘book’ [to be used as the key resource for studying mathemat- ics], but now I have learned [how to use] the new tool. (R 9) They also see advantages of the app over the textbook: I feel that the app was much better compared to the math books that we had because [with the app] I could go back to the instructions; it was much easier. When you read a chapter in the book you have to turn many pages to go back [ …] if you haven’t understood the basics. (R 18) Some students preferred the other software, the KM, because its content was designed to match the test that these students were expected to take at the end of the course, and it visualizes the student ’s progress linked to what is required at that test. In School 2, where students were given the choice to work with KM or the MathAid webpage (but not the app) during class, they largely preferred KM. In Schools 1 and 3, where MathAid was the preferred choice, the KM software was used before the regular tests, as a means for students to check that they had learned what was to appear on the test. Overall, there are no aspects of the technological artifact that make a conclusive di fference between tools. The information artifact Students who expressed positive attitudes towards the app-in-use found it to provide clear structure, and to o ffer detailed explanations to the chosen learning tasks and relevant clues to possible sol- utions, thus continuously guiding students in their learning progress. You get the solutions in the book as well but not a clear understanding of how to solve the problem. In the math- book you only get the answer, no explanation on how to get there. That ’s something I think is good about the app. (R 18) Additionally, the students found that MathAid provided information in terms of learner feedback; it o ffered an opportunity to continuously test student acquisition of mathematics knowledge at di fferent stages of their learning progress, not only at a final test: INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 237 It is this test [function] that I find very useful. You get the opportunity to check yourself after every [subsection] so that it does not have to be a big test in the end of each section. There are just small tests where you check your- self; have I understood everything? It is easier because then you sort of know that I got this, now I can move on. If not, you just go back and practice some more and take the test again. (R 22) Students felt that by using MathAid they not only progressed in their learning of mathematics, but that they also acquired other learning skills, including problem-solving and critical thinking skills (R 21, 24). This was possible through the speci fic information provided: The answers are well elaborated in [the app], not just the answers but how to get there also if you are going to solve similar problems. You learn more if you use [the tool] instead of just taking an answer key and copy that one. (R 21) A critical issue was the integration, or lack therof, between curriculum and the digital tool. Those stu- dents who used the KM in conjunction with MathAid in School 2 preferred to work with KM due to its explicit assessment orientation towards a final “national” test to be taken at the end of each school year. Students using the MathAid web (but not the app) said that they may learn with that tool, but that KM better re flects what is expected at the tests: MathAid has assignments but they are too general. The assignment I just completed will not help me as much when it comes to the test because s/he [the teacher] creates the test from KM. (R17) This means that information and assignments in KM are similar to the forthcoming tests. In the other two schools, the students also used the KM software, but only before the course exams to test their acquired knowledge. That is, they used the MathAid app for learning and KM for making sure what they had learned matched the upcoming test. Overall, a majority of students perceived the information provided by MathAid as bene ficial for them. Several students preferred it over the book because of its flexibility: they found that through the app-in-use they could estimate their learning progress easily and that they could adapt its use according to their needs and their own learning progress, by for example, choosing the level of task di fficulty. What is good about the app is that you can choose your level of di fficulty. Of course, it is good that you can do that. In the ordinary text books, you cannot choose level of di fficulty when working on a chapter. Therefore, the app seems much more flexible. (R9) In particular, MathAid was found to “bring a teacher to the home” by several students. A problem for many students is that they need to do a lot of mathematics homework and many of their parents are not able to help them if they get stuck. MathAid] facilitated my learning, especially at home, where I cannot ask the teacher; the app guides how you solve the task and what you should think about. It indeed explains all the time what you do, step by step. It is like a teacher at home. (R 25) The social artifact The social aspects of the artifact relate to the non-technical, or social, aspects that a ffect the artifact ( Table 1 ). In none of the schools were students thoroughly instructed in how to use MathAid. Many stu- dents considered that a problem. Not only did some have di fficulties at all using the tool, another issue was that as MathAid is quite comprehensive it required considerable e ffort to find out all of its functions and information. This can be difficult for a student who may not be su fficiently familiar with mathematics to understand what functionality there might be and thus not what to look for. As stated by R4, “I haven’t got a clue on how it works,” or by R8, “I do not think we have discovered all the features of the app; we haven’t gone through it to any larger extent. ” Not all struggled, however. Some found it fairly uncomplicated. 238 O. VIBERG ET AL. The teacher [ … .] just said that we should go in here and do this […] He had a quick run-through in the beginning of the semester: ‘this is the app, this is how you get there and then there are these functions’. Then I had to learn by myself time after time, but it has been really easy. Sometimes I had to teach [the teacher] how to find certain features. (R 13) MathAid was presented as serving di fferent purposes in different schools. In School 1, the teacher introduced it as a tool that would give students more equal opportunities. It would serve as valu- able means of assistance for those students who cannot get help with learning mathematics at home. most students do not have relevant help at home, and even for those who have little [but not su fficient] help. Acquiring mathematical knowledge can be hard since it is not only about having relevant knowledge but also about how to teach it and use the methods that are currently used, and not those that have been in use in the past. (R 1) This teacher introduced MathAid to the students during the first week of the semester and deliber- ately left it to them to decide how to use it. What types of learning activities/tasks to pursue using MathAid and where to study was left to students. That is, s/he explicitly aimed at fostering students ’ responsibility for their own learning. After a short introduction to the tool, the students were given freedom in how to use it. It was introduced as a tool to complement other tools available (the text- book, the e-calculator and KM). In School 2, the teacher instructed the students to use MathAid as the main source for studying mathematics instead of the textbook. However, the students were allowed to use the book if they wanted (yet only one student did). Several students experienced this negatively since they were used to study with a text book. Old habits die hard. Whereas Respondent 16 stressed that he “can work better with books; I can then focus. I do not become distracted, ” Respondent 17 stated that “I think that if you have a physical tool (i.e. the book) in front of you it is easier to remember what you have read, thus easier to learn. ” Other students were more positive to new opportunities. MathAid can be very good because it gives you ‘this is exactly how we solve this task’. In the math-books I have had there hasn ’t been so many steps in the solutions. It has been more like the correct answer, not how we would get there. If you don ’t understand how you get there, then you have to ask the teacher and in a larger group it can be di fficult to get help. (R 27) In School 3, MathAid was introduced as the main study source, but the students were allowed to use the book. A striking similarity across schools was that MathAid was used only by students individually. There was near to nothing of group work among students, and there was no integration between the tea- chers, teaching and the digital tool. You are allowed to sit together but we mainly work individually. (R 19) You work individually. You can work more individually in the pace that you see fit. (R 18) In only School 1 the teacher had re-thought the pedagogical approach by instructing the students to use the tool mostly at home for more “mechanical” learning tasks, whereas in-class teaching and learning activities were re-oriented towards more collaborative learning practices. I have thought about it [the tool use] from a pedagogical stance that I should have more group assign- ments. Students should work more in pairs and groups and have more lectures and mutual assignments to counteract this more mechanical … because of MathAid you can give them more responsibility outside the class. (R1) The findings show that the teachers neither monitor nor analyze the ways students used the tech- nology and/or their learning progress in MathAid, even though a relevant tool functionality (i.e. a teacher view both on a class and an individual level) was provided. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 239 Discussion This study set out to investigate how digital tools were integrated in mathematics education, and we found that they are basically not. Students were most often left on their own to figure out how MathAid works and what use they might have of it. Consequently, many students had a hard time learning how to use it, even more so understanding how to become more e ffective in their learning. This is worrying, as research shows that integration is necessary. A study (Denoél et al., 2017 ) based on PISA results shows that the impact of technology on learning varies from –16% to +12% depend- ing on how well it is integrated with the curriculum. Similarly, a 2016 study of literacy development in primary school (Agelíi Genlott & Grönlund, 2016 ) found that children who used technology well inte- grated with curriculum performed about 20% better than those not using technology. A third group using technology in an unstructured manner performed signi ficantly worse than those not using technology at all. This study found that teachers tend to overestimate the students ’ digital literacy skills. They thought students would learn by themselves, but after almost a year students were still struggling with working out how MathAid works. Understanding how to use a mathematics app is not just about digital skills, it is also about domain knowledge. Understanding how to best pursue your mathematics study requires some understand- ing of mathematics and how to learn, all of which teachers generally are more knowledgeable about than students. The teachers in this study did have some ideas on how to use the tool constructively. One main idea was using it to facilitate student homework where it could act as a stand-in teacher. In this way, classes could be used more for discussion and group work while students could practice e ffectively at home. This worked for some students who managed to learn how to use the app well, but many did not. The teachers did not monitor students ’ technology use, they just assumed technology not to be a major problem for them. It was for many. Overall this suggests that teachers must work much more on integration. They must realize that it is they who must both design good work methods and implement them. Using the tools to facilitate homework is a good idea, but to make it work for all students, teachers must themselves engage in using the technology. Even if, as one teacher suggests, students need to take responsibility for their own work, teachers cannot just leave those who are less good in doing so; they must support them. Support includes designing limited, but strategic assignments for students, monitoring their work and acting on the result. The MathAid includes tools for monitoring students ’ work, and by using these tools teachers can better understand what students are doing, what they are not doing which they should do, etc. Using these tools requires actively engaging with the tool so that students get feedback from the teacher linked to an assignment so that they can develop e ffective ways of working. This should be done early on so that students early on can learn the contents and the tools in the app, establish e ffective work practices, and then move on to learn mathematics. As all this may lead to more work for the teacher, one aspect to consider when procuring software of this kind is to what extent the software itself and the provider can provide tools, advice, materials and assistance to support that work. Teacher monitoring is not the only way to develop good work practices. Very likely more of group work during classes would also have contributed to this as it means students can learn from each other about such things as where information is, shortcuts, and alternative ways of working. Another major reason for teachers to engage more with the technology is that there is a need for strategic curriculum integration. Students are goal-oriented, and the most immediate goal is not to learn mathematics, but to pass the next exam. This is the reason many students preferred the KM software where the content was directly organized to match the exam. The teachers could have indi- cated that also in MathAid, but they did not. This meant students who liked MathAid had to use two di fferent software. 240 O. VIBERG ET AL. In summary, curriculum-technology integration appears as a key challenge. While traditional issues like usability are persistently important as digital tools become more comprehensive and versatile, there are also persistent challenges to schools ’ technical and informational infrastructure. Slow net- works and complicated access paths involving several controls, in combination with slow student com- puters and peaks in tra ffic during classes, often make access to the digital tools slow and cumbersome. For research this study shows that making good use of digital tools in school is less of a technical challenge and more one of information and collaboration. The ISA concept has served well to make this clear by the analytic division into technical, informational and social (sub-)artifacts. To investigate these artifacts we incorporated Orlikowski ’s ensemble-view of technology ( 2000 ) and Halperin ’s ( 2017 ) adaption of the same to a learning environment. The notions of di fferentiating practices and situated practices made us see how e.g. one teacher left certain, repetitive, tasks for students to focus on at home. The “shared practice” notion served to identify what was not found empirically; the lack of shared practices was the main reason why the digital tool did not bring teachers and stu- dents closer to each other, but separated them. Curriculum integration and monitoring of students ’ technology use, two practical activities serving to foster shared practices, were two main points where more e fforts on part of the teachers would have facilitated learning for students. Conclusion This study set out to answer the question of how technical, social and informational aspects of teach- ing and learning, respectively and together, in fluence students’ conditions for learning in mathemat- ics education. The study shows that while technical aspects do matter – and students are not as digitally fluent as teachers seem to expect – informational and, especially, social aspects are more important. Teachers need to put much e ffort into integrating technology with the curriculum and creating venues for fos- tering shared practice. This includes: . matching the content of lectures, assignments and tests so as to avoid having students try to understand how several sources fit together, . introducing digital tools comprehensively and early on, and clearly explain how to use them both technically and as concerns approaching the subject content, . monitoring student use of technology and intervening as necessary to put them on track, and . designing learning situations which include cooperation and mutual learning, including both stu- dents –students and teacher–students. The findings suggest that schools and teachers who want to introduce digital tools in mathematics education must thoroughly learn how the tools work, make sure to carefully design learning situ- ations, and pay attention to detail when implementing those situations in class. The key is to not just give students technology, but to work together with them to foster shared, di fferentiated and situated learning practices. Disclosure statement No potential con flict of interest was reported by the author(s). Notes on contributors Olga Viberg is Assistant Professor in Media Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. She is a part of the research group in Technology Enhanced Learning. Olga ’s research includes a focus on the application of mobile tech- nology in learning, the integration of formal and informal learning environments, design for learning and learning ana- lytics in higher education. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 241 Åke Grönlund is Professor of Informatics at Örebro University, Sweden. Åke ’s research concerns the use of information and communication technologies in various human activities. Keywords include information systems, informatics, elec- tronic e-learning, education, mobile technologies. Annika Andersson is Associate Professor in Informatics at Örebro University, Sweden. Her research focuses IT and Learn- ing and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D). The use of technologies in a learning context is her major expertise and she is head of research at CERIS (Centre for Empirical Research in Information Systems). ORCID Olga Viberg References Agelíi Genlott, A., & Grönlund, Å. ( 2016 ). Closing the gaps: Improving literacy and mathematics by ICT-enhanced collab- oration. Computers & Education, 99, 68 –80. Agelli Genlott, A., Grönlund, Å, & Viberg, O. ( 2019 ). 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