Iqtisodiy bilim asoslari. 9-sinf. Test. 1-variant

Iqtisodiy bilim asoslari.9-sinf

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Iqtisodiy bilim asoslari.9-sinf.
Test. 2-variant
1.Birinchi aksiyadorlar jamiyati qayerda ,nechanchii asrda va qanday nom bilan tashkil etilgan

  1. Germaniyada, XVi asrda ,”Drezden”.

  2. Shvetsariyada, IX asrda , “Asking’.

  3. Niderlandiyada, XVI asrda “Ostind”

  4. Belgiyada XII asrda “LTD Ziyo”

2.Nechanchi yildan boshlab Davlat interfaol xizmatlari yagona portali orqali tadbirkorlik sub’ektlarini ro`xatga olish yo`lga qo`yildi.(

  1. 2015 yil 1 yanvar; B. 2014 yil 1 yanvar; C. 2013 yil 1 yanvar; D. 2012 yil 1 yanvar .

3. Majburiylik, aniqlilik, yagonalik, oshkoralik, soliq to`lovchinig haqligi kabi tushunchalar nimani anglatadi?

  1. Soliq qonunchiligini

  2. Soliqqa tortishning asosiy tamoyillarini

  3. Soliqning mazmun-mohiyatini

  4. Soliq subektlarining huquqlarini

4. Tovarga bo’lgan talab va taklif mos ravishda Qd=9000-p va Qs=2p+3000 funksiyalar bilan berilgan. Tovarning muvozanat narxi va muvozanat miqdorini toping.

  1. P – 2000, q- 7000; B. P – 2000, q- 4000; C. P – 3000, q- 8000 ; D. P- 2000, q – 3000.

5. Agar siz 2 soat davomida televizor ko’rsangiz, siz pul sarflamaysiz. Bu hech qanday muqobil qiymatning yo’qligini bildiradimi?
A) Ha, sarflagan soatni muqobil qiymati yo’q
B) Yo’q, sarflagan soatni hamma narsaga o’xshab muqobil qiymati bor
C) muqobil qiymati faqat pul sifatida hisoblanadi
D) muqobil qiymati faqat makraiqtisodda ko’ riladi
6. O’zbekiston Respublikasi “Iste’molchilar huquqlarini himoya qilish to’g’risidagi qonun qachon qabul qilingan ?

  1. 1995 yil 20 aprel B) 1996 yil 26 aprel C) 1998 yil 10may D)1994 yil 26 mart

7. Oila 1- yil 6 mln so`m, 2- yili 15 mln so`m foyda ko`rdi. Narx 2- yilda 1- yildagiga nisbatan 1,2 marta oshdi. Oilaning real daromadini aniqlang.
A) 1 379 310 so`m B) 12 500 000 so`m
C) 1 567 997 so`m D) 1 000 000 so`m
8. Tovar X bo’lgan talab chizig’ini o’ngga surilishini tushuntiring
A) Tovar X bo’lgan taklif kamaygan sababidan
B) Tovar X narxi oshdi , bu holatda xaridorlar kam miqdorda tovarni sotib olishadi
C) Iste’molchilarning didiga X Tovar mos keladi, shuning uchun ular xohlagan narxda tovar sotib olishni istashadi.
D) Tovar X narxi kamaydi , bu holatda xaridorlar ko’p miqdorda tovarni sotib olishadi
9. Aytilgan fikrning qaysi biri notog’ri?
A) iste’molchilarning ishlatish harakatlari chegaralangan
B) Odamning daromad olish manbalari ikkita: mulk daromadi va mehnat daromadi
C) reklama iste’molchilarga yangi tovar to’grisida ma’lumot beradi
D. muvozanatlashgan budjeti – bu rejalashtirilgan xarajatlar rejalashtirilgan daromadlardan ko’p bo’lgan budjet

10. Tijarot banklari qanday ish bilan shug’ulanmaydi.

A. pul chiqarish B. valyuta sotish C. pul saqlash D. pulni qarzga berish
11. Barcha ekologik muammolar asosan.............

  1. Inson iqtisodiy faoliyatining mahsuli hisoblanadi,

  2. Iqtisodiyot va ekologiya orasidagi ziddiyatdan kelib chiqadi.

  3. Iqtisodiyotni rivojlanishi natijasida kelib chiqadi

  4. Ozon qatlamini yemirilishidan kelib chiqadi

12. Pul emissiyasi nima?

  1. Tadbirkorlik faoliyati uchun pul mablag`larini yetishmasligi;

  2. Davlat tomonidan muomalaga pul chiqarish;

  3. Mamlakatdagi muomalada bo`lgan jami pul mablag`lari yig`indisi;

  4. Iqtisodiyotni barqarorlashtirish uchun chora-tadbirlar

13. XIX asrda qaysi davlatda ochlik paytida kartoshkaning narxi oshishiga qaramasdan uni istemol qilish oshgan?
C) Irlandiyada
14. Talab inflyatsiyasining kelib chqishiga nimaning o’sishi sabab bo’lishi mumkin?
A.soliqlarning; B.Firmalarning tovar va xom ashyo zahiralarining;
C. pul taklifining. D. energiya manbalari narxining
15. Qaysi kitobni J. M. Keyns yaratgan?
A)"Global iqtisodiy muammolar "
B)"Ish bilan ta'minlash, foyizlar va pullarning umumiy nazariyasi"
C) Iqtisodiyotning siosiy qonunlari va soliqqa tortishning qonunlari
D) Xalqlar boyligining tabiati va sabablari to'g'risid tadqiqot
16. Korxona va firmalar ehtiyojlari uchun zarur tovar hamda xizmatlar sotiladigan bozor qanday ataladi?
А)Intellektual tovarlar bozori
B) Ishlab chiqarish vositalari bozori
C) Moliya bozori
D) Ishchi kuchi bozori
17. Korxona umumiy xarajatlari 320 mln so`m, shundan 40% doimiy xarajat bo`lsa, doimiy va o`zgaruvchan xarajatlar miqdorini toping?
A)FC=128mln; VC=8mln B)FC=128mln; VC=192mln C)FC=300mln; VC=192mln D) FC=8mln; VC=312mln

18. 2012 yili davlat budjeti xarajatlari bilan daromadlari orasidagi farq qanchani tashkil etgan

19. Yalpi daromadni topish formulasini yozing.
20.Davlat tomonidan ko‘rsatiladigan ba’zi bir xizmatlar uchun to‘g‘ridan to‘g‘ri to‘lanadigan haq qanday ataladi
21. Tovarning narxi 400so’m bo’lganda tovarga bo’lgan taklif miqdori 20donani,. Tovarning narxi 500so’m bo’lganda,tovarga bo’lgan taklif miqdori 60 donani tashkil etdi . Chiziqli bo’lgan taklif funksiyasi topilsin.
22. Budjetdan ajratiladigan subsidiya-
23 . Moddiy narsa yaratmaydigan,natijasi ehtiyojlarni qondiradigan iqtisodiy faoliyat-
24.Bozor sharoitida iste’molchilar ehtiyojini aniqlash va uni qondirishga yo’naltirilgan faoliyat-
25.Mablag’ni ishlab chiqarishni rivojlantirishga sarflash nima deb atalad

Version 1

1. Which of the following characteristics is not characteristic of entrepreneurship?
A)Regulation of the market, denial of competition, registration of the company charter.
B)Seeking profit, taking risks, using initial property and funds.
C)Free economic activity, initiative, participation in competition,
D)Acting in compliance with the law, diligence and diligence.
2.A document consisting of a successful business course of action, based on accurate calculations.
A)Company charter.
B)Company charter.
C)Founding agreement.
D)Business plan.
3.Intermediary type of business is...
A)The activity of buying goods and then selling them to others.
B)Activities of trading money and securities.
C)Activities aimed at speeding up buyer and seller sales processes.
D)Activities aimed at creating and selling goods and services.
4.An economic organization that produces goods and provides services.
D)Joint venture.
5. At the heart of economic development is the increase of ...
A) Technology B) Labor productivity
C) Division of labor D) Insurance
6. Depending on the market territorial coverage result……
A) Regional, local, national, international markets
B) Cotton, non-ferrous metals market, world
C) Market of goods and services and factors of production
D) Market of labor, finance, intellectual goods

7. The family earned 1,200,000 soms in the first quarter of 2010, and 1,500,000 soms in the fourth quarter. If the consumer price index was 20% during this period, determine the real income of this family in the IV quarter.

A) 1,350,000 soms B) 1,250,000 soms
C) 75,000 soms D) 750,000 soms
8. The depositor deposited his savings in the amount of 6,500,000 soms at an annual rate of 22% for a period of 2 years. However, he received his money 1.5 years ago. How much did he earn?
A) 2,100,000 soms B) 2,700,000 soms
C) 3,200,000 soms D) 2,145,000 soms
9. What are the funds spent on buying raw materials, fuel, energy, various materials and hiring labor called?
A)Basic funds; B. Working capital;
C. Amortization Deduction; D. Financing.

10. Mark the line given by the general cost formula


11. What is the name of the indicator that determines the level of price change

Nominal income; B. Real income; C. Price index; D. Real profit.
12. Which of the following is not a stage of decision making?
A) Identify the problem
B) Identify all alternative solutions
C) Defining evaluation criteria
D) Selection of criteria before evaluation
13. Demand (qD) is given by -4p+800, supply (qS) p+100 functions. Find the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity of the good.
A) p0=140, q0=240 B) p0=120, q0=220
C) p0=230, q0=330 D) p0=400, q0=500
14. Find the line in which the formula for finding real income is correctly indicated
Rr =Rn * I B) Rr =Rn / I C) Pr = Pn / Rn D) Pn = Pr * I
15 … you can not have a market economy.
A) Proprietary B) Free prices
C) Competition D) Monopoly
16. Which of the following is not a factor affecting demand?
A) Changes in consumer tastes and seasons
B) Expectation of commodity price changes
C) Changes in the number of consumers in the market
D) Change in production technology
17. What are the taxes that go directly to the state treasury called?
A) Tax rates B) Curved taxes
C). State taxes. D). Local taxes
18. Problems caused by the world economy, affecting the economy of every country, which can only be solved by cooperation----
19. Everyone's well-being largely depends on his ____ ____. Continue the sentence
20. The total amount of the budget deficit accumulated over the years
21. When the price of the product is 400 soums, the demand for the product is 200 units. When the price of the product was 500 soums, the demand for the product was 150 pieces. Find a linear demand function
22. What is the characteristic "thermometer" of the enterprise?
23. The possibility of exchanging one country's currency for another country's currency-
24. In the company, the work of the members who founded it is divided mainly by _, the overall result of the activity___.
25. Simultaneous consumption of goods and services by many people.......

Version 2

1. Where, in which century and under which name was the first joint-stock company established
A)"Dresden" in Germany, in the 16th century.
B)In Switzerland, in the 9th century, "Asking".
C)"Austin" in the Netherlands in the 16th century
D)"LTD Ziya" in Belgium in the 12th century

2. Starting from several years, it was left alone to entertain business entities through the single portal of State Interactive Services (

A)January 1, 2015; B. January 1, 2014; C. January 1, 2013; D. January 1, 2012.

3. Which concepts mean such as obligation, accuracy, uniformity, transparency, and the right of the taxpayer ?

A)Tax legislation
B)Basic principles of taxation
C)The essence of the tax
D)Rights of tax subjects
4. The demand and supply for goods are given by the functions Qd=9000-p and Qs=2p+3000, respectively. Find the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity of the good.
A. P - 2000, q - 7000; B. P - 2000, q - 4000; C. P - 3000, q - 8000; D. P - 2000, q - 3000.
5. If you watch TV for 2 hours, you don't spend money. Does this mean there is no alternative value?
A) Yes, the hours spent have no alternative value
B) No, the hour spent has an alternative value like everything else
C) opportunity cost is calculated only as money
D) alternative value is seen only in macroeconomics
6. Republic of Uzbekistan "When was the law on protection of consumer rights adopted?"
April 20, 1995 B) April 26, 1996 C) May 10, 1998 D) March 26, 1994
7. The family made a profit of 6 million soms in the 1st year, and 15 million soms in the 2nd year. The price increased by 1.2 times in the 2nd year compared to the 1st year. Determine the real income of the family.
A) 1,379,310 soms B) 12,500,000 soms
C) 1,567,997 soms D) 1,000,000 soms
8. Explain that the demand curve for good X is shifted to the right
A) Due to the decrease in the supply of commodity X
B) The price of commodity X has increased, in this case, buyers will buy less of the commodity
C) Consumers like X Product, so they want to buy the product at the desired price.
D) The price of commodity X has decreased, in this case, buyers will buy a large amount of the commodity
9. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A) consumers' actions are limited
B) There are two sources of income for a person: property income and labor income
C) advertising informs consumers about a new product
D. A balanced budget is a budget in which planned expenditures are greater than planned revenues

10. What kind of business are commercial banks not engaged in?

A. issuing money B. selling currency C. keeping money D. lending money
11. All environmental problems are mainly...
It is a product of human economic activity,
It arises from the conflict between economy and ecology.
It is caused by the development of the economy
It is caused by the depletion of the ozone layer
12. What is money emission?
Lack of funds for business activities;
Issuance of money into circulation by the state;
The total amount of money in circulation in the country;
Measures to stabilize the economy
13. In which country in the 19th century, during the famine, despite the increase in the price of potatoes, its consumption increased?
A) in England
B) in China
C) in Ireland
D) in France
14. What can cause the growth of demand inflation?
A. taxes; B. Stocks of goods and raw materials of companies;
C. of the money supply. D. the price of energy sources
15. Which book was written by J. M. Keynes?
A) "Global economic problems"
B) "General theory of employment, interest and money"
C) Political laws of economy and laws of taxation
D) The nature and causes of the wealth of nations is a true study
16. What is the name of the market where the necessary goods and services for the needs of enterprises and firms are sold?
A) Market of intellectual goods
B) Market of means of production
C) Financial market
D) Labor market
17. If the total costs of the enterprise are 320 million soms, of which 40% are fixed costs, find the amount of fixed and variable costs?
A) FC=128 million; VC=8mln B)FC=128mln; VC=192 million C) FC=300 million; VC=192 million D) FC=8 million; VC=312 mln

18. What was the difference between state budget expenditures and revenues in 2012?

19. Write the formula for finding gross income.
20. What is the name of the fee paid directly for some services provided by the state
21. When the price of the product is 400 soums, the offer amount for the product is 20 pieces. When the price of the product was 500 soums, the amount of the offer for the product was 60 pieces. Find a linear supply function.
22. Subsidy allocated from the budget-
23. Economic activity that does not create a material thing, the result of which satisfies needs -
24. Activities aimed at identifying consumer needs and satisfying them in market conditions-
25. What is called thespending money on production development ?
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