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КМваТ журнал №3(1)


Information about authors
T.J.ANNAKULOV1, Head of the department of mining electromechanics, PhD, Associate professor;
D.A.SHIBANOV2, Candidate of technical sciences, Associate professor of the department of Mechanical engineering,

1Tashkent State Technical University,Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Saint Petersburg Mining University,Saint-Petersburg, Russia

This article presents a method for determining the working time and productivity of an excavator in the development of an inclined exit ledge of coal mines. The calculation of the time of working out the congress ledge was made and the average operational productivity of the excavator in the conditions of the Angren coal mine was determined. A technological scheme for mining benches with longitudinal stops by a mobile excavator-crushing complex with a lateral location of the face conveyor and the presence of a mobile inter-shoulder loader with sequential mining operations on two horizons is considered. According to this technological scheme, a method for determining the full working cycle of the complex is recommended. A mathematical model has been developed for determining the area of the digging segment of an excavator. The dependence of the filling factor of the excavator bucket on the height of the face at different chip thicknesses has been established.
Key words: Excavator-crushing complex, excavator performance, inclined ramp, working time, double integral.

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