Kimyo farmatsevtika korxonalarida ishchi xodimlar gigiyenasi
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Kimyo farmatsevtika korxonalarida ishchi xodimlar gigiyenasi Reja:
Toza xonalardan foydalanish Xodimlarga qo’yiladigan talablar Steril ishlab chiqarish talablari Tibbiy maqsadda qo‘llaniladigan buyumlarni ishlab chivarishda ishchi xodimlar gigiyenasi Appointment clothes Clothing can perform different functions: - To protect the manufacturing process, the product and the environment from pollution, emissions person; - To protect people from the harmful effects of the environment, including from the process, the materials used therein and the production of products; - To create a comfortable environment for staff. Clothing also should be well and carefully sewed and be beautiful, attractive staff. The main purpose of clothing for cleanrooms, oprede¬lyayuschim requirements to its material and completeness, is the protection of personnel and the product of man. We know that in ana clean room is usually a major source of particles and microorganisms. This means that the clothes should act as a filter retaining dirt allocated human and act as a barrier between man and the environment. The solution of this problem are also a mask, preventing the spread of secretions from the nose and mouth, and gloves to guard against the transfer of pollution by human hands. Clothing itself should not produce pollution. It should be comfortable and not cause discomfort to the person. It should be borne in mind that clothing for cleanrooms, as the filter contamination, has high values of thermal sopro¬tivleniya and prevents normal heat exchange between chelove¬kom and the environment. Therefore, a prerequisite for clean rooms is air conditioning and maintaining the temperature in the clean room in accordance with the type of clothing and the speed of movement of air in the room. Violation of this pra¬vila leads to discomfort, reduce human attention povy¬shennoy sweating (up to drip sweat shoe covers) and a general increase in the level of contamination in the clean room. In some cases, for example in a biohazard proiz¬vodstvah it requires a combination of two opposite odezh¬dy properties: Product protection against human rights and protection of the product. Types of clothing Clothing can be disposable and reusable. Depending on the material that is chosen for it. Disposable clothing izgotav¬livaetsya usually of nonwoven and usually yields a reusable garment, strength and durability. In many cases it is used by visitors Cleanroom not working in them constantly. The one-time performance can be gowns, overalls, face masks and beards, caps, shoe covers.Reusable clothing made from synthetic fibers, which gives a dense material structure that satisfies all the requirements of cleanrooms; Fabrics of natural origin such as cotton, are not applied in clean design The starting point in konstruiro¬vanii clothing is that it must protect the cleanroom from contamination, not to accumulate and distribute them. Therefore odezh¬da should be structurally simple and have no pockets, tucks, pull out check, hooks unwanted folds vor¬sistyh fasteners. When designing clothes should be taken into account: - The design and type of collar and sleeves (sewn or raglan); - Style hood (open or closed face zaschelkivayu¬schiysya or wear over her head, a method of fitting); - The type and location of fasteners (re¬guliruemye, fixed); - The ability to wear clothes, do not take off your shoes; - The type and location of the buckles on the shoes. Clothing should be comfortable and are available in different sizes. Tailoring tailoring technology and the conditions under which conducted po¬shiv are critical determinants prigod¬nost clothing for cleanrooms. In addition to fabrics, znache¬nie important is the quality of yarn and accessories (zippers, buttons, buckles). For tailoring thread uses the same quality as the fabric itself. Otherwise, after washing may occur shrinkage of yarn and fabric contraction. When tailoring necessary to observe the following rules: 1) should be used only to clean the fabric and fittings without damage; 2) When sewing should be no lines of heifers and deviations; 3) The joints must - go smoothly; 4) The edge of the fabric, the cut when cutting, must not go out; 5) The clothing must have a minimum number of seams; 6) When sewing should provide that, in use, and wash clothes the edges do not fray; 7) The clothes should look nice, do not be corrupt: thread breakage etc .13.1-rasm 2. W.Whyte. Cleanroom Technology. New York. 2002. 13.2 -rasn Toza xonalardan foydalanganda belgilangan tozalik sinfini muntazam saqlab turishga qaratilgan chora-tadbirlar kompleksi bajariladi. Toza xonalardan foydalanish tartibi ISO 14644-5 “Toza xonalar va ular bilan bog’liq nazorat qilinadigan muhitlar. 5-qism. Ekspluatatsiya” standarida belgilangan. Toza xonalardan foydalanishni tashkil qilishda barcha ishlarni bajarish tartibini belgilab olish lozim, buning uchun quyidagi savollarga javob berish kerak: qanday ish bajariladi (ishning predmeti), qanday bajariladi (ishni bajarish texnologiyasi), ijrochi kim, nimalar bilan ishlanadi (uskunalar, materiallar va h.k.lar ro’yxati), qanday hujjatlar bo’yicha ishlanadi (yo’riqnomalar va h.k.). Toza xonalar tizimidagi kritik jihat – xodimlardir, agar bunday xonalarda tegishli tayyorgarligi bo’lmagan va bunday maqsadlarga mos kelmaydigan xodimlar ishlasa, loyiha eng yuqori darajada ishlab chiqilgan bo’lsa ham toza xonadan foydalanish ko’zlangan maqsadni bermaydi, uni tashkil etishga sarflangan mablag’lar zoe ketadi. Toza xonalardan foydalanishda kritik omillarni yetarlicha hisobga olmaslik toza xonaning ifloslanishiga va mahsulot sifatining pasayishiga olib keladi. Rejali tartibda xavf omillari ustidan nazoratni yo’lga qo’yish va iflosliklarni aniqlash bo’yicha harakatlarni belgilab olish kerak. Download 427 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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