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Gonkongdagi COVID-19 pandemiyasi
Gonkong ko'rdi yuqori darajadagi norozilik namoyishlari sakkiz oy davomida materik Xitoydan sayyohlarning kelishi keskin pasayganini ko'rdi. Virusli epidemiya sayohat sohasiga uzoq muddatli pasayishlarga qarshi turish uchun qo'shimcha bosim o'tkazdi.[187] O'tgan oylarda uchinchi mamlakatlardan keluvchilarning pasayishi ham ko'proq tashvishga solmoqda.[149] Shahar allaqachon tanazzulga yuz tutgan[187] va Moody shaharning kredit reytingini pasaytirdi.[188][189] Shuningdek, materik xitoylariga qarshi dushmanlik kayfiyati materik Xitoydan virus yuqtirish qo'rquvi kuchayganligi sababli norozilik faolligining yangilanishi kuzatildi, ko'pchilik chegara portlarini yopishni va barcha materik xitoylik sayohatchilarni kirishni rad etishni talab qilmoqda. Hodisalar qatoriga benzin bombalari politsiya uchastkalariga uloqtirilgan,[190] hojatxonada portlagan uy qurilishi bombasi,[191] va Gonkong va materik Xitoy chegarasi orasidagi tranzit temir yo'llariga tashlangan begona narsalar.[192] Political issues raised have included concerns that mainland Chinese may prefer to travel to Hong Kong to seek free medical help (which has since been addressed by the Hong Kong government).[193][194] Since the outbreak of the virus, a significant number of products have been sold out across the city, including face masks and disinfectant products (such as alcohol and bleach).[195] An ongoing period of panic buying has also caused many stores to be cleared of non-medical products such as bottled water, vegetables and rice.[196] The Gonkong hukumati had its imports of face masks cancelled as global face mask stockpiles decline.[197] In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the Ta'lim byurosi closed all kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, and special schools until 17 February.[198] This has been extended for multiple times due to the development of the epidemic,[199][200][201] until the Bureau announced that all schools would be indefinitely suspended until further notice on 31 March.[202] The disruption has raised concerns over the situation of students who are due to take examinations at the end of the year, especially in light of the protest-related disruption that happened in 2019.[203] On 5 February, flag carrier Ketay Tinch okeani requested its 27,000 employees to voluntarily take three weeks of unpaid leave by the end of June. The airline had previously reduced flights to mainland China by 90% and to overall flights by 30%.[204] Download 292.25 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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