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O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALAR VAZIRLIGI MUHAMMAD AL-XORAZMIY NOMIDAGI TOSHKENT AXBOROT TEXNOLOGIYALARI UNIVERSITETI kompyuterni tashkillashtirish fanidan Mustaqil ish Mavzu:Hyper threadingBajardi: Shobo’tayev Javlonbek Tekshirdi: Atajanova Nozima Toshkent 2023 Yoritilishi kerak:Hyper threading haqida va mavzuni to’liqlash maqsadida protsessorlar, threadlar ba boshqa qiziqarli ma’lumotlar haqida qisqaca ma’lumotlar bilan ishlash. Yuqoridagi surat zamonaviy protsessorlarning oddiy protsessorlardan farqi Ushbu surat ayni kompyutar bajarayotgan ishlar CPU ? CPU 1 The CPU is where processes such as calculating, sorting and searching take place. Whatever is done on our computers, such as checking emails, playing games and doing homework, the CPU has processed the data we use. The CPU is made up of three main components, the control unit, the immediate access store and the arithmetic and logic unit. CPU - Central processing unit(Markaziy ishlov berish bloki) - the brain of the computer that processes program instructions. CPU hisoblash, saralash va qidirish kabi jarayonlar sodir bo'ladigan joy. Elektron pochta xabarlarini tekshirish, o'yin o'ynash va uy vazifasini bajarish kabi kompyuterlarimizda nima qilinmasin, protsessor biz foydalanadigan ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlaydi. Protsessor uchta asosiy komponentdan iborat: boshqaruv bloki, tezkor kirish do'koni va arifmetik va mantiqiy blok. u Markaziy protsessor - dastur ko'rsatmalarini qayta ishlaydigan kompyuterning miyasi. CPU – UML The modern CPU usually contains a number of microprocessors (multi-core). It is often described as the 'brain of the computer'. The purpose of the CPU is to process data. It is where all the searching, sorting, calculating and decision making takes place in the computer. The CPU will issue instructions to other devices depending on the results of the processing. For example, if the user wants to print a document, the CPU will instruct the printer about the task. Uz-> Zamonaviy CPU larni odatda bir qancha mikroprotsessorlarni (ko'p yadroli) o'z ichiga oladi. U ko'pincha "kompyuterning miyasi" deb ta'riflanadi. Protsessorning maqsadi ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlashdir. Bu erda barcha qidirish, saralash, hisoblash va qaror qabul qilish kompyuterda amalga oshiriladi. Protsessor qayta ishlash natijalariga qarab boshqa qurilmalarga ko'rsatmalar beradi. Misol uchun, agar foydalanuvchi hujjatni chop qilmoqchi bo'lsa, CPU printerga vazifa haqida ko'rsatma beradi. A computer’s speed is heavily influenced by the CPU it uses. There are three main factors that affect how quickly a CPU can carry out instructions: clock speed cores cache Uz-> Kompyuter tezligiga u foydalanadigan protsessor taʼsir qiladi. CPU koʻrsatmalarni qanchalik tez bajarishiga taʼsir qiluvchi uchta asosiy omil mavjud: clock speed cores cache A CPU processes digital data by taking each piece of data one-at-a-time and doing something with it. The amount of time that it has to process each piece of data is controlled by a quartz clock inside the CPU. With every tick of the clock, the CPU is able to process one piece of data or execute Uz-> CPU har bir ma'lumotni bir vaqtning o'zida olib, u bilan biror narsa qilish orqali raqamli ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlaydi. Har bir ma'lumotni qayta ishlash vaqti CPU ichidagi kvarts clock tomonidan boshqariladi. Soatning har bir belgisi (tiqqildashi) bilan protsessor bitta ma'lumotni qayta ishlashga yoki bajarishga qodir Download 0.72 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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