Last month,I had a get-together with some of my high school friends
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speaking part 2
Last month,I had a get-together with some of my high school friends O'tgan oy men o'rta maktabdagi bir necha do'stlarim bilan uchrashdim whom I had not met since we graduated. Men o'qishni tugatganimizdan beri uchrashmagandim Then, we decided to have lunch Keyin tushlik qilishga qaror qildik at a well-known pizza restaurant in the city centre. shahar markazidagi taniqli pizza restoranida. Arriving at the restaurant, Restoranga kirganimizda, we were quickly given the menu. Bizga tezda menyu berildi. What surprised me the most was that Meni eng hayratga solgan narsa shu edi there were various types of pizza and drinks; har xil turdagi pizza va ichimliklar bor edi; hence, it took me quite a long time to choose the food. shuning uchun ovqatni tanlash uchun menga ancha vaqt kerak bo'ldi. After that, we talked with each other while waiting for the dishes. Shundan so'ng, idish-tovoqlarni kutib, bir-birimiz bilan gaplashdik. Some of my friends were studying at the same university, Ba'zi do'stlarim bitta universitetda o'qiganmiz. some had decided to get a job. ba'zilari ishga kirishga qaror qilishibdi And I was especially impressed by the decision of one friend to take a gap year. Va, ayniqsa, bir do'stimning uyda bir yil oqishga kirmasdan o’tirishga qaror qilgani meni hayratda qoldirdi. She said that as she had a strong passion for traveling, U u sayohatga bo'lgan ishtiyoqi kuchli deb aytgandi. she would spend one year visiting lots of places. u bir yil o’zida ko'plab joylarni borib korishga vaqtini sarflamoqchi edi Then, the dishes were served. Keyin taomlar tortildi. The pizza was out-of-this-world and the drinks were tasty although they were a bit pricey. Pitsa shunaqa mazali ediki ichimliklar esa biroz qimmat bo'lsa ham mazali edi. We kept talking and enjoyed the meal and drinks for about two hours. Biz 2 soatni o’zida maza qilib ovqatlandik gaplashib ichimliklar ichdik Actually, meeting them reminded me of the time when we studied at high school and I realized that now we were all grown-up, Aslida, ular bilan uchrashish menga o'rta maktabda o'qigan vaqtimizni eslatdi va men endi hammamiz katta bo'lganimizni angladim. we had our own plans to pursue. But we all promised to meet up regularly. Bizni bir talay ishimiz rejalarimiz bor edi lekin biz hammamiz muntazam ravishda uchrashishga va'da berdik. Download 29.5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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