Characteristics and strategies of effective language learners
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You are not discouraged when you see too many unknown words/expressions or structures.
You are able to make guesses about the meaning of words.
You are quick at seeing grammar structures in a foreign language.
You are not scared of challenges. If you don’t know how to say something, you try to find a way around it.
You practise English a lot on your own (e.g. listen to podcasts/music, watch films, chat with friends or read books)
You know how to use reference materials and consult them regularly.
You have strategies for remembering words.
You are creative; you see things from different angles. Creativity helps you to make associations when learning new words.
You are a risk taker; if you don’t know some words in English, you may even use words you don’t know or words from your native language in order not to stop the conversation.
You are open to other cultures, you understand that it is impossible to separate language from culture.