Lets began with some evaluation about Albanian real estate situation: Lets began with some evaluation about Albanian real estate situation

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Lets began with some evaluation about Albanian real estate situation:

  • Lets began with some evaluation about Albanian real estate situation:

  • “Our high-specification developement is just

  • five minutes from the central business district

  • and is situated right next to Tirana’s lake, one

  • of the most prestigious areas of the city.

  • Other very beautiful area and project is “Le Serre Design” in witch are foreseen 4 stars hotel, cinema, wellness center etc.

  • With rental managment alredy in place, these

  • properties are set to perform in rental terms as

  • Well as capital growth”.

  • Dan Johanson,managing director of

  • “TheMoveChannel.com,” agreed that Albania was

  • on the rise, but urged investors to proceed with

  • caution

Estates- Countries –Companies

  • Estates- Countries –Companies

  • 1. Apartments in Super Borovets/Bulgaria –

  • Dream Resort Ltd

  • 2. Apartments in Tirana – Emerging Markets

  • Understood

  • 3. Apartments in Grade Del Arte-Argentina –

  • Mooveeithus

  • 4. House ins seside of Turtle- Brasil-E-

  • Quit.com.

  • 5. Apartments in Joinville- Brasil-E-Quit.com.

  • 6. Canada Land sales- Canada – Landcorp

  • international.

  • 7. Canada Del Sol –Spain – Oaklands

  • Worldwide

  • 8. Romanian Land Sales- Romania-NSP Group.

  • 9. Bayswater – Britain- Quin Annes-Property

  • 10- Apartments north to island- New Zeeland- Elite Property investments.

The month’s major surprise was, however the popularity of apartments in Albania and its capital Tirana. With the majority of investor interest focused on the Eastern Europian markets like Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, Albania is shaping up to the dark horse of 2008 according the “TheMoveChanel.com.”

  • The month’s major surprise was, however the popularity of apartments in Albania and its capital Tirana. With the majority of investor interest focused on the Eastern Europian markets like Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, Albania is shaping up to the dark horse of 2008 according the “TheMoveChanel.com.”

  • Albania is having actually an increasing apartments selling form foreing investers like investers from United Kingdoom, Irland, Germany and United states.

  • Many US, UK ,German and Italian real esteate companies are having susses in their activity in the country.

  • Mr. Fleek, managing director at Emerging Markets Understood, explaing why the apartments in Tirana were such e great investment. “Interest in our Albania properties has hit an all-time hight. Investors are realising that albania in one of the Europe’s last true property hotposts and offers some of the lowest property prices in Europe along with some of the hightest capital returns,”

HOUSE MARKET: Albania is second in the world

  • HOUSE MARKET: Albania is second in the world

  • The eyes of internation real estate brokers turned to Albania in January, after one new real estate developement in the country ranked second best in the world. Albania was on top of the list of 90 contries in the world.TheMoveChannel.com, a brokerage house in the United Kindom that specializies in selling homes, apartments and other real estate workwide.

  • January’s ranking shows investors prefer riskier countries that offer cheaper prices to the more glamorous and expensive markets of the coutries like Spain and France.

Construction steel is used in Albania for residential building and for infrastructure objects..

  • Construction steel is used in Albania for residential building and for infrastructure objects..

  • In the year 2003 steel imports were 341 000 ton plus internal production of Elbasan steel factory of 96 000 ton(This factory now is privatized form a Turkish industry called Curum) Engineering needs for different profiles of steel in Albania is 235 000 ton. Re export of the scrap steel from Albania outside is about 90 000 ton.. An increasing need for steel construction arrived in the last figures for the year 2007: Internal consumption of Albania for steel construction is 400 000 Tons. The majority of the production of Elbasan factory is going to export in Kosovo and Macedonia. The consumption foreseen for the year 2023 for steel construction will be 1.1 million ton and the needs for imports will be reduced in 586 000 ton.

The production and the import of the bricks and tiles is increased in the last years.

  • The production and the import of the bricks and tiles is increased in the last years.

  • With the full privatization of that industry the country has 22 factories in full production but the most sophisticated are EDILCENTRO (Italian investment) in Tirana and VOLALBA( Italian Investment in Lushnja. The annual production is about 2.5 million of tons.

  • The tiles will have the same development and the tendency is the same.The market tiles in the year 2023 will be 2.3 million of tons with a foreseen import of 0.5 milion of tons.

2.2 Some datas about main materials used in the construction sector..

  • 2.2 Some datas about main materials used in the construction sector..

  • After the boom in the construction sector the consume of the cement is increased dramatically achieving 1 584 million ton in 2003. The consume have been increased until 2008 and according the previsions will be lower progressively with 5% yearly until 2013 and then will 2% until 2023. In the year 2023 the needs of the country for the cement will be 4 million yearly. To respond to the internal demand Albania imports about 1.2 million ton cement and 300 000 ton klinker. Imports are coming mainly form Italia (44%), Greqia (33 %), and Turkie (22%) through the ports of Durres (62%), Shengjin (21%), Vlora (11%) and Sarandes (6%). On the other hand five big cement factories are in construction mainly by Italian, Greek, Albanian and other investors

  • And that is foreseen to reduce the imports of cement from Durres port in 900 000 ton2009.

The year 2008 seems to have not resolve the problems of the construction permissions. According a report of the Bank of Albania during the three months of the year 2008 permissions for the apartments were 34 % higher compared the same period of the last year. According INSTAT sources during first 6 months of this year municipalities have given mutch more less permissions to construct, because of general election been held in 28 June 2009 year. The price for apartments even this year have been stabilised.

  • The year 2008 seems to have not resolve the problems of the construction permissions. According a report of the Bank of Albania during the three months of the year 2008 permissions for the apartments were 34 % higher compared the same period of the last year. According INSTAT sources during first 6 months of this year municipalities have given mutch more less permissions to construct, because of general election been held in 28 June 2009 year. The price for apartments even this year have been stabilised.

As you see is obvious that residential building tendency has the trend to be concentrated more in Tirana and Durres region. These two regions are for the moment the most populated area of Albania. These two regions are the most developed area like socially and economy. Tirana is the country capital and the Durres is the main port of Albania. For the moment Durres is the most equipped and attractive tourist area of Albania having 20 km of Adriatic sand cost.

  • As you see is obvious that residential building tendency has the trend to be concentrated more in Tirana and Durres region. These two regions are for the moment the most populated area of Albania. These two regions are the most developed area like socially and economy. Tirana is the country capital and the Durres is the main port of Albania. For the moment Durres is the most equipped and attractive tourist area of Albania having 20 km of Adriatic sand cost.

In the label below we are presenting the general volume of residential construction(apartments + buildings) for the years 2005 and 2006 and 2007 for Tirana, Durres and other parts of Albania.

  • In the label below we are presenting the general volume of residential construction(apartments + buildings) for the years 2005 and 2006 and 2007 for Tirana, Durres and other parts of Albania.

  • No Regions Surface in 000/m2

  • Year 2005 2006 2007 2008

  • Tirana 1 200(59%) 850(37%) 650(33%) 550(32%)

  • Durresi 433(21.3%) 450(20%) 350(18%) 300(17.6%)

  • Rest 400(20%) 1000 1000 850

  • Total 2 033 2 300 2 000 1 700

No Regions Surface in 000/m2

  • No Regions Surface in 000/m2

  • Year 2002 2003 2004

  • Tirana 410(23.3%) 440(42.6%) 648 (56.2 %)

  • Durresi 733(41.6 %) 658(24%) 78 (6.8%)

  • Rest 618 1648 426

  • Total 1 761 2 746 1 152

As about regions distributions of the foreseen finance in the construction industry is obvious that the majority is concentrated in big cities like Tirana, Durres (Durrazo), Elbasan .

  • As about regions distributions of the foreseen finance in the construction industry is obvious that the majority is concentrated in big cities like Tirana, Durres (Durrazo), Elbasan .

  • In the label below we are presenting the general volume of residential construction(apartments + buildings) for the years 2002,2003 and 2004 for Tirana, Durres and other parts of Albania.

In the label below form INSTAT source of information we are presenting percentage of different main volumes compared with total value in general.

  • In the label below form INSTAT source of information we are presenting percentage of different main volumes compared with total value in general.

  • No Nomination Percentage %

  • 1 Transport infrastructure 67

  • 2 Water supply and Telecomunication 25

  • 3 Complex building in Industry sites 14

  • 4 Other engeneer works 75

From the year 2004 until 2005 state financing in the infrastructure had a growth of 46 % compared with the year 2003. Financed value form the state was 5.7 miliard leke from 3.9 miliard leke compared a year ago.

  • From the year 2004 until 2005 state financing in the infrastructure had a growth of 46 % compared with the year 2003. Financed value form the state was 5.7 miliard leke from 3.9 miliard leke compared a year ago.

  • For the year 2006,2007 and 2008 state financing in the infrastructure had a growth of 200% compared with the year 2005.

  • State participation in the construction sector is concentrated mainly in transport infrastructure and water supply lines. State financing in engineer building has a value of 84.8 % of the total financing means that state has financed in the construction sector having a growth of 165 %.

Other Financing source was a small percentage of rich people specialy trade mans and a big percentage of the middle class new born in the country. Another source was internal migration form the rural and mounting areas to the urban areas.

  • Other Financing source was a small percentage of rich people specialy trade mans and a big percentage of the middle class new born in the country. Another source was internal migration form the rural and mounting areas to the urban areas.

  • Private Construction Sector was focused mainly in the residential buildings following a big demand in apartments. Apartments building has taken partially about 81.6 % of all financing means of the building construction sector. Infrastructure for buildings financed by private construction sector even having a growth of 1.8 time compared with the year 2003 had less importance in the near past time ( 2.7 % of the private investments).

  • In total from 2003 until 2008 in Albania we have a tendency of private investors to increase financing for infrastructure specially in energy and industrial infrastructure and a shortage in residential building.

Construction Industry is considered like one the most dynamic sector of Albanian Economy. Thus if in the year 2003 the final product acquired by construction industry was 9% of the Albanian GDP with a real increasing of 11.3%, for 2004, achieving in 10% of the Albanian GDP in the year 2007 and 12% in 2008.

  • Construction Industry is considered like one the most dynamic sector of Albanian Economy. Thus if in the year 2003 the final product acquired by construction industry was 9% of the Albanian GDP with a real increasing of 11.3%, for 2004, achieving in 10% of the Albanian GDP in the year 2007 and 12% in 2008.

  • In this year is foreseen to be 10 % of the GDP because of a lack of state investments caused by general elections been held in country.

  • A boom in construction industry has changed dramatically the housing chart of Albanian people. The majority of the people has the tendency to live in the area of Tirana, Durres, Vlora and Saranda which are the most soft clime areas in the country. Approximately 25% of the houses in the country was built in last 10 years. This boom in the construction sector was strongly financed by Albanian emigrants living in Greece,Italy,Austria and Germany.

Economy growth according Bank of Albania for the year 2007 was 6% and the same was for the year 2006. The year 2008 according the Bank of Albania and INSTAT (The most authoritative sources in Albania) economic growth was again 6%.

  • Economy growth according Bank of Albania for the year 2007 was 6% and the same was for the year 2006. The year 2008 according the Bank of Albania and INSTAT (The most authoritative sources in Albania) economic growth was again 6%.

  • Construction industry sector has a partially weight in the GDP of the country 11.1 % in the year 2006 meanwhile in the year 2007 this sector was 10% of the Albanian GDP and 12% in the year 2008.

  • Gross Domestic Production of Albania for the Year 2007 was considered 8. 130 billion Euro and for the year 2008 was considered 8,617 billion Euro that means that Construction industry in Albania had a turnover of about 1 billion Euro yearly.

  • Albanian State Budget for the Year 2008 was 3 billion Euro while is expexted to be 4 billion for the year 2009.



  • 2.1 Building Industry influence in the Albanian Economy

  • Following a very difficult communist regime Albanian market economy began functioning after the march 1992 with the communist regime finish.

  • The last time of this regime 1989 – 1992 was a real economic crises with closure of all big industrial plants throughout the country.

  • Another economic crackdown happened in the 1997 when financial pyramid schemes where ruined following civil unrest. After the year 1998 economic and political evolution has been smooth and normal. In the years between 1998 and 2008 Albania was developed vertically following a progressive transition with a continuous GDP growth between 6 – 8% and an inflation rate between 2 - 4%.

Construction industry in Albania is organised in a big enterprises organisation named “Albanian Builders Assotiation” or shortly ABA

  • Construction industry in Albania is organised in a big enterprises organisation named “Albanian Builders Assotiation” or shortly ABA

  • This Organisation has 550 enterprises members that means 40% 0f all albanian constructors companies or all of big and medium constructors companies existing in Albania.

  • This organisation has his branches in all 12 albanian regions or prefectures like we call in Albania.

  • Our organisation is obsserving member of the FIEC(Europian Construction industry federation).

  • Our organisation has bilateral agreements with many Europian similar organisations like German,Italian,Turkye,Croatia, Kosovo etc

  • The chairman of the ABA is Mr.Luigj Aleksi and General Executive Director is Mr.Maks Muci.

Actually in Albania exists many construction companies but Kika Construction is ranked among the most well known. The peculiarity of this company is the status of being one of the most important operators of the market the one achieved during few working years. Based on a familiar background this company appears as a growth of a rational idea of business in the recent year of 1939.

  • Actually in Albania exists many construction companies but Kika Construction is ranked among the most well known. The peculiarity of this company is the status of being one of the most important operators of the market the one achieved during few working years. Based on a familiar background this company appears as a growth of a rational idea of business in the recent year of 1939.

  • Kika’s family was known as one of the wealthier families in Tirana with construction areas up to the year 2002 it cooperated with famous construction companies only like an invester.

  • As a result of this experience the family transformed investing idea in a real construction company which would be supported on two basic pillars:

  • The use of contemporary European technology and Europian standarts.

  • The application of legal and technical forms not only of the Albanian state law but also to the European standards.

  • So searching for the quality Kika Construction made use of the new technology of concrete pouring of metal moulds and ligneous blocks, as well as the Doka for concrete works, Ardex complete inner workings – a technology still unknown for Italy and Greece. For this, Kika Construction is one of the few Albanian companies that with its own funds has trained its own employees for professional qualifications in Austria(in Doka and in Ardex factories) facing and accurate application of technology cards of these technologies.

From the other side during 2003-2008 Kika Construction handled an average 20,000 meters square completed construction a year, being on time, for the exploitation license and mortgage of its objects.

  • From the other side during 2003-2008 Kika Construction handled an average 20,000 meters square completed construction a year, being on time, for the exploitation license and mortgage of its objects.

  • For the moment Kika Construction is certified with ISO 9000 European certificate.

  • Its slogan is the quality and the correctness towards its clients. The relationship with clients is based on the contract and the company leaders is not restricted only in the inner working of the indoor dwelling, but extends in the system and the use of green and relaxed public environments for the inhabitants. It’s an appropriate ratio between the square and the building of 42% mass representing so great projects in all constructed areas realized from Kika Construction. The consumer demands have surpassed the construction offers.

  • This company is well reflected even by its financial-economic indices. Its dynamic is really surprising since from 250 million leks of incomes in 2003 they are grown in the level of 727 million in 2005and near 500 million in 2006 and 2007 and 2008. Good results it exists in its efficiency of a profit norm provided during last year of the company that achieved a profitability norm of 11-12%. The constant growth of company activity increase the number of employees up to 107 employees at the end of 2005 and 2006, 2007: Everyone has been employed due to the legal state laws.

Even though the difficulties in the construction sector Kika Construction has some other new projects cooperating with many outstanding Austrian companies like DOKA, ARDEX, PIPELIFE, HL and other Austrian companies achieving many Austrian construction standarts.

  • Even though the difficulties in the construction sector Kika Construction has some other new projects cooperating with many outstanding Austrian companies like DOKA, ARDEX, PIPELIFE, HL and other Austrian companies achieving many Austrian construction standarts.

  • Like architecture the company has like a subcontractor a well known Italian architecture studio.

  • Its strategy and the vision of Kika Construction’s leaders is for the activity to be diversified dealing not only with the apartments construction but also with other publics works as it is the plan of the construction of the cinema.

  • Actually company is building 200 apartments and a 100 rooms four star hotel in Tirana a cinema and some halth care center in a very beautiful place in rruga “Komuna e Parisit” street in Tirana city.

  • In the near future the company has approved the first step in the Tirana municipality urbanistic council to construct an olimpic pool.

  • The company is studing the possibility to partecipate in the ports and roads construction in the country.


  • www.kikaconstruction.com

  • avenir@kikaconstruction.com

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