Library and Information Services List of Fellows of the Royal Society
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22/12/1748 Burnett, William March 1688 - 07 September 1729 Fellow 13/02/1706 Burnett, Sir William 1779 - 16 February 1861 Fellow 18/04/1833 Burney, Charles 12 April 1726 - 12 April 1814 Fellow 16/12/1773 Burney, Charles 04 December 1757 - 28 December 1817 Fellow 25/02/1802 Burney, Charles Parr 19 October 1785 - 01 November 1864 Fellow 22/12/1814 Burney, James 1750 - 17 November 1821 Fellow 08/06/1809 Burns, Benedict Delisle 22 February 1915 - 06 September 2001 Fellow 21/03/1968 Burns, John 1774 - 18 June 1850 Fellow 01/04/1830 Burnside, William 02 July 1852 - 21 August 1927 Fellow 01/06/1893 Burnstock, Geoffrey Fellow 20/03/1986 Burrard, Sir Sidney Gerald 12 August 1860 - 16 March 1943 Fellow 05/05/1904 Burrell, Peter 27 August 1724 - 06 November 1775 Fellow 28/05/1752 Burroughs, Sir William - 1829 Fellow 24/04/1817 Burrow, Edward John 1785 - 08 August 1861 Fellow 26/02/1818 Burrow, Sir James PRS 1768-1768 28 November 1701 - 05 November 1782 Fellow 07/04/1737 Burrow, Robert - 13 August 1793 Fellow 18/03/1762 Burrows, Sir George 28 November 1801 - 12 December 1887 Fellow 22/04/1847 Burrows, Malcolm Fellow 21/03/1985 Burt, Thomas Seymour c 1805 - 08 March 1890 Fellow 17/03/1836 Burton, Decimus 30 September 1800 - 14 December 1881 Fellow 06/12/1832 Burton, Edward 09 January 1791 - 11 March 1867 Fellow 05/05/1836 Burton, Kenneth Fellow 21/03/1974 Bury, Charles William, 1st Earl of Charleville 1764 - 31 October 1835 Fellow 31/03/1803 Bury, Edward 22 October 1794 - 25 November 1858 Fellow 01/02/1844 Bury, Sir Thomas 1655 - 04 May 1722 Fellow 01/12/1718 Burzynski, Thaddeus Joseph, Count - 1773 Fellow 11/05/1769 Busby, John fl 1719 Fellow 09/04/1719 Busby, Stephen John Williams Fellow 26/05/2005 Bushe, Amyas fl 1758 Fellow 15/06/1758 Busk, George 12 August 1807 - 10 August 1886 Fellow 06/06/1850 Bute, Marquesses of See Stuart, John, 1st Marquess of Bute See Stuart, John Crichton-, 2nd Marquess of Bute Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann 24 March 1903 - 18 January 1995 Foreign Member 25/04/1968 Butler, Sir Clifford Charles 20 May 1922 – 19 June 1999 Fellow 16/03/1961 Butler, Colin Gasking Fellow 19/03/1970 Butler, Sir Edwin John 13 August 1874 - 04 April 1943 Fellow 06/05/1926 Butler, George 05 July 1774 - 30 April 1853 Fellow 20/05/1819 Butler, John Alfred Valentine 14 February 1899 - 16 July 1977 Fellow 15/03/1956 Butler, Samuel, Bishop of Lichfield 30 January 1774 - 04 December 1839 Fellow 27/06/1822 Butt, John Martin - October 1769 Fellow 26/02/1767 Butter, John 22 January 1791 - 13 January 1877 Fellow 21/03/1822 Butterworth, Anthony Edward Fellow 10/03/1994 Butterworth, Ian Fellow 19/03/1981 Buxton, George 14 December 1730 - 01 January 1805 Fellow 22/04/1779 Buxton, Patrick Alfred 24 March 1892 - 13 December 1955 Fellow 18/03/1943 Buys, Willem 1661 - 1749 Fellow 13/02/1706 Byng, George, 6th Viscount Torrington 05 November 1768 - 18 June 1831 Fellow 19/06/1817 Byng, George Stevens, 2nd Earl of Stafford 08 June 1806 - 29 October 1886 Fellow 06/05/1841 Byrd, William 28 March 1674 - 26 August 1744 Fellow 29/04/1696 Byrom, John 29 February 1692 - 26 September 1763 Fellow 12/03/1724 Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron 22 January 1788 - 19 April 1824 Fellow 11/01/1816 Bysshe, Sir Edward c 1615 - 15 December 1679 Original Fellow 22/06/1663 C Cabbell, Benjamin Bond 1781 - 09 December 1874 Fellow 19/01/1837 Cadell, William Archibald 27 June 1775 - 19 February 1855 Fellow 28/06/1810 Cadman, John, Baron Cadman of Silverdale 07 September 1877 - 31 May 1941 Fellow 14/03/1940 Cadogan, Charles, 2nd Baron Cadogan 1685 - 24 September 1776 Fellow 1/12/1718 Cadogan, Sir John Ivan George Fellow 18/03/1976 Cadogan, William 1711 - 26 February 1797 Fellow 28/05/1752 Caernarvon, James Brydges, Earl of See Brydges, James, 1st Duke of Chandos Cahn, Robert Wolfgang 09 September 1924 – 09 April 2007 Fellow 14/03/1991 Cain, Arthur James 25 July 1921 - 20 August 1999 Fellow 16/03/1989 Caird, Sir James 29 July 1816 - 09 February 1892 Fellow 03/06/1875 Cairns, Hugh John Forster Fellow 21/03/1974 Caithness, James Sinclair, 14th Earl of See Sinclair, James, 14th Earl of Caithness Cajal, Santiago Ramon y See Ramon y Cajal, Santiago Caldani, Marco Antonio Leopoldo 21 November 1725 - 30 December 1813 Fellow 04/06/1772 Caldcleugh, Alexander - ? 11 June 1858 Fellow 10/03/1831 Caldecott, John 1800 - 16 December 1849 Fellow 20/02/1840 Calderwood, William - 03 July 1787 Fellow 06/06/1776 Caldwell, Sir James c 1722 - February 1784 Fellow 21/12/1752 Caldwell, Peter Christopher 25 January 1927 - 07 June 1979 Fellow 20/03/1975 Caley, John c 1763 - 28 April 1834 Fellow 07/06/1821 Call, Sir John 30 June 1732 - 01 March 1801 Fellow 09/11/1775 Calladine, Christopher Reuben Fellow 15/03/1984 Callaghan, Paul Terence Fellow 10/05/2001 Callan, Harold Garnet 05 March 1917 - 03 November 1993 Fellow 21/03/1963 Callendar, Hugh Longbourne 18 April 1863 - 21 January 1930 Fellow 07/06/1894 Callender, George William 24 June 1830 - 20 October 1878 Fellow 08/06/1871 Callow, Robert Kenneth 15 February 1901 - 12 April 1983 Fellow 20/03/1958 Calman, William Thomas 29 December 1871 - 29 September 1952 Fellow 12/05/1921 Calmette, Leon Charles Albert 12 July 1863 - 29 October 1933 Foreign Member 05/05/1921 Calne, Sir Roy Yorke Fellow 21/03/1974 Calver, Edward Killwick 06 December 1813 - 28 October 1892 Fellow 12/06/1873 Calvert, Benedict Leonard 21 September 1700 - 01 June 1732 Fellow 25/03/1731 Calvert, Charles, 5th Baron Baltimore 29 September 1699 - 24 April 1751 Fellow 09/12/1731 Calvert, Frederick, 6th Baron Baltimore 06 February 1732 - 14 September 1771 Fellow 26/02/1767 Calvert, Frederick Crace 14 November 1819 - 24 October 1873 Fellow 09/06/1859 Calvert, Peter - 13 August 1788 Fellow 29/03/1781 Calvin, Melvin 08 April 1911 - 08 January 1997 Foreign Member 23/04/1959 Camac, William c 1762 - 11 August 1837 Fellow 01/02/1821 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, Earl of Athlone 14 April 1874 - 16 January 1957 Statute 12 17/06/1937 Cambridge, Octavius Pickard- See Pickard-Cambridge, Octavius Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st Earl See Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden and Viscount Bayham Cameron, Sir Gordon Roy 30 June 1899 - 07 October 1966 Fellow 21/03/1946 Cameron, John 31 March 1817 - 30 June 1878 Fellow 04/06/1868 Campbell, Alexander Hume-, Baron Hume See Hume-Campbell, Alexander, Baron Hume Campbell, Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll 26 February 1629 - 30 June 1685 Fellow 28/10/1663 Campbell, Archibald Campbell, 1st Baron Blythswood 22 February 1835 - 08 July 1908 Fellow 02/05/1907 Campbell, Colin - 1752 Fellow 10/12/1730 Campbell, Fergus William 30 January 1924 - 03 May 1993 Fellow 16/03/1978 Campbell, George - 10 May 1766 Fellow 10/12/1730 Campbell, George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll 30 April 1823 - 24 April 1900 Fellow 19/06/1851 Campbell, Hugh fl 1748 Fellow 19/05/1748 Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Marchmont 15 March 1708 - 10 January 1794 Fellow 01/02/1753 Campbell, Iain Donald Fellow 09/03/1995 Campbell, James - 21 January 1733 Fellow 01/12/1718 Campbell, John c 1720 - 16 December 1790 Fellow 17/05/1764 Campbell, John, 1st Earl of Cawdor 08 November 1790 - 07 November 1860 Fellow 11/06/1812 Campbell, John, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane 26 October 1796 - 08 November 1862 Fellow 05/06/1834 Campbell, John, 4th Earl of Breadalbane 1762 - 29 March 1834 Fellow 19/02/1784 Campbell, John, 4th Earl of Loudoun 05 May 1705 - 27 April 1782 Fellow 09/02/1738 Campbell, John, Baron Cawdor c 1755 - 01 June 1821 Fellow 04/06/1795 Campbell, John Douglas Edward Henry, 7th Duke of Argyll 21 December 1777 - 25 April 1847 Fellow 20/05/1819 Campbell, John Edward 17 May 1862 - 01 October 1924 Fellow 11/05/1905 Campbell, Lord Frederick 1729 - 08 June 1816 Fellow 07/11/1793 Campbell, Simon Fraser Fellow 13/05/1999 Campbell, William Wallace 11 April 1862 - ? 15 June 1938 Foreign Member 28/02/1918 Campbell-Johnston, Alexander Robert 14 June 1812 - 21 January 1888 Fellow 05/06/1845 Camper, Peter 11 May 1722 - 07 April 1789 Fellow 17/01/1751 Camus, Charles-Etienne-Louis 25 August 1699 - 02 February 1768 Fellow 26/01/1764 Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de ? 27 October 1806 - 04 April 1893 Foreign Member 29/04/1869 Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de 04 February 1778 - 09 September 1841 Foreign Member 18/04/1822 Candy, Stuart Graham Cull- See Cull-Candy, Stuart Graham Cann, Johnson Robin Fellow 09/03/1995 Canning, George 11 April 1770 - 08 August 1827 Fellow 12/01/1826 Canning, George, 1st Baron Garvagh 15 November 1778 - 20 August 1840 Fellow 01/02/1810 Cannizzaro, Stanislao 13 July 1826 - 10 May 1910 Foreign Member 05/12/1889 Cannon, Herbert Graham 14 April 1897 - 06 January 1963 Fellow 16/05/1935 Cannon, Walter Bradford 19 October 1871 - 02 October 1945 Foreign Member 11/05/1939 Canton, John 31 July 1718 - 22 March 1772 Fellow 22/03/1750 Cantwell, Andrew - 11 July 1764 Fellow 01/06/1738 Canvane, Peter c 1720 - 1786 Fellow 16/05/1765 Cape, Jonathan c 1790 - 09 September 1868 Fellow 03/06/1852 Capel, William, 3rd Earl of Essex 1697 - 08 January 1743 Fellow 17/11/1737 Capeller, Maurice Antonio de 09 June 1685 - 16 September 1769 Fellow 15/04/1725 Capello, Pietro Andrea fl 1744 Fellow 07/06/1744 Capper, Robert 1767 - 22 April 1851 Fellow 26/01/1797 Caraccioli, Domenico 1715 - 1789 Fellow 23/05/1765 Carafa, Giovanni, Duke of Noia ? 1715 - 08 July 1768 Fellow 08/03/1759 Caramanico, Francesco d'Aquino, Prince of See Aquino, Francesco d', Prince of Caramanico Carbery, John Vaughan, 3rd Earl of See Vaughan, John, 3rd Earl of Carbery Carbone, Joanne Baptista - c 1750 Fellow 06/11/1729 Carburi, Giovanni Battista, Count Carburi 1722 - ? 1808 Fellow 21/03/1765 Card, Henry 1779 - 04 August 1844 Fellow 02/03/1820 Cardelli, Luca Fellow 26/05/2005 Cardigan, George Brudenell, 4th Earl of See Montagu, George, Duke of Montagu Cardigan, George Montagu, 4th Earl of See Montagu, George, Duke of Montagu Cardwell, Edward, Viscount Cardwell 24 July 1813 - 15 February 1886 Fellow 18/12/1873 Cardy, John Lawrence Fellow 14/03/1991 Carew, Reginald Pole- See Pole-Carew, Reginald Carkesse, James fl 1657 - 1675 Fellow 23/03/1664 Carleson, Lennart Axel Edvard Foreign Member 17/06/1993 Carleton, Richard 10 February 1792 - 02 February 1869 Fellow 09/02/1826 Carlini, Francesco 08 January 1783 - 29 August 1862 Foreign Member 09/06/1832 Carlisle, Sir Anthony 15 February 1768 - 02 November 1842 Fellow 08/03/1804 Carlisle, Nicholas ? January 1771 - 27 August 1847 Fellow 19/05/1814 Carlisle, Earls of See Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Carlisle See Howard, George, 6th Earl of Carlisle See Howard, George William Frederick, 7th Earl of Carlisle Carmarthen, Francis Osborne, Marquess of See Osborne, Francis, 5th Duke of Leeds Carmichael, Ian Stuart Edward Fellow 13/05/1999 Carnac, Sir James Rivett 11 November 1784 - 28 January 1846 Fellow 03/05/1838 Carnac, John 1716 - 1800 Fellow 20/02/1772 Carne, Joseph 17 April 1782 - 12 October 1858 Fellow 28/05/1818 Carnegie, Sir David 22 November 1753 - 25 May 1805 Fellow 21/11/1799 Carpenter, George, 2nd Baron Carpenter of Killaghy ? 1694 - 12 July 1749 Fellow 05/06/1729 Carpenter, Sir Henry Cort Harold 06 February 1875 - 13 September 1940 Fellow 02/05/1918 Carpenter, Philip Herbert 06 February 1852 - 21 October 1891 Fellow 04/06/1885 Carpenter, William Benjamin 29 October 1813 - ? 19 November 1885 Fellow 01/02/1844 Carpue, Joseph Constantine 04 May 1764 - 30 January 1846 Fellow 13/02/1817 Carr, Robert James 1774 - 24 April 1841 Fellow 24/02/1831 Carr, Thomas William - 27 April 1829 Fellow 27/04/1815 Carr, William - 16 May 1742 Fellow 22/06/1727 Carr, William Holwell 1758 - 24 December 1830 Fellow 16/01/1806 Carrell, Robin Wayne Fellow 09/05/2002 Carrington, Alan Fellow 18/03/1971 Carrington, Sir Codrington Edmund 22 October 1769 - 28 November 1849 Fellow 18/12/1800 Carrington, Richard Christopher 26 May 1826 - 27 November 1875 Fellow 07/06/1860 Carrington, Robert John, 2nd Baron Carrington 16 January 1796 - 17 March 1868 Fellow 14/02/1839 Carrington, Robert Smith, 1st Baron See Smith, Robert, 1st Baron Carrington Carron, -, Count of Briancon - 25 October 1709 Fellow 05/06/1706 Carruthers, William 29 May 1830 - 02 June 1922 Fellow 08/06/1871 Carson, James 1772 - 12 August 1843 Fellow 01/06/1837 Carstairs, John - 1837 Fellow 14/03/1811 Cartan, Elie Joseph 09 April 1869 - 06 May 1951 Foreign Member 01/05/1947 Cartan, Henri Paul Foreign Member 22/04/1971 Carter, Brandon Fellow 19/03/1981 Carter, Frederick William 16 December 1870 - 29 May 1952 Fellow 05/05/1932 Carter, Henry John 18 August 1813 - 04 May 1895 Fellow 09/06/1859 Carteret, Sir Philippe 24 October 1642 - 28 May 1672 Fellow 15/02/1665 Cartwright, Dame Mary Lucy 17 December 1900 - 03 April 1998 Fellow 20/03/1947 Cartwright, David Edgar Fellow 15/03/1984 Cartwright, Edmund 24 April 1743 - 30 October 1823 Fellow 05/04/1821 Cartwright, Samuel 1789 - 10 June 1864 Fellow 11/02/1841 Cartwright, Thomas 1671 - 10 March 1748 Fellow 05/04/1716 Carvalho e Mello, Sebastian Joseph de, Marquis of Pombal See Mello, Sebastian Joseph de Carvalho e, Marquis of Pombal Cary, Walter - 27 April 1757 Fellow 22/06/1727 Carysfort, John Joshua Proby, 1st Earl of See Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort Casaux, Charles, Marquis of - 1795 Fellow 13/04/1780 Casey, John May 1820 - 03 January 1891 Fellow 03/06/1875 Casey, Raymond Fellow 19/03/1970 Cash, John Theodore 16 December 1854 - 30 November 1936 Fellow 09/06/1887 Cashmore, Roger John Fellow 14/05/1998 Casida, John Edward Foreign Member 14/05/1998 Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard 15 July 1909 - 04 May 2000 Foreign Member 23/04/1970 Caspersson, Torbjorn Oskar 15 October 1910 - 07 December 1997 Foreign Member 20/04/1978 Cassano, Nicolo Alerbo d'Aragona, Prince of See Aragona, Nicolo Alerbo d', Prince of Cassano Cassels, James Macdonald 09 September 1924 - 18 October 1994 Fellow 19/03/1959 Cassels, John William Scott Fellow 21/03/1963 Casselton, Lorna Ann Fellow 13/05/1999 Cassini de Thury, Cesar Francois 17 June 1714 - 04 September 1784 Fellow 17/01/1751 Cassini, Jacques 18 February 1677 - 16 April 1756 Fellow 23/03/1698 Cassini, Jean Dominique 08 June 1625 - 14 September 1712 Fellow 22/05/1672 Cassini, Jean Dominique, Count of Thury 30 June 1748 - 18 October 1845 Foreign Member 30/04/1789 Casson, Andrew John Fellow 14/05/1998 Castel, Louis-Bertrand 11 November 1688 - 11 January 1757 Fellow 23/04/1730 Castell, Edmund 1606 - 1685 Fellow 16/04/1674 Castiglione, Giovanni Francesco Mauro Melchiorre Salvemini di See Salvemini di Castiglione, Giovanni Francesco Mauro Melchiorre Castle, George c 1635 - 12 October 1673 Fellow 04/02/1669 Castlecomer, John, 1st Earl Wandesford Download 5,01 Kb. 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