Lokal tarmoq haqida tushuncha. Lokal tarmoq turlari. Lokal tarmoqda server
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Behzodbek Maruza
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:
http://diplomish.blogspot.com/2013/07/lokal-tarmoq-turlari.html internet sayti. http://qongirotmaktab43.zn.uz/files/2015/04/Internet-tarmogidan-foydalanish.pdf internet sayti. Герасименко В.Г., Нестеровский И.П., Пентюхов В.В. и др. Вычислительные сети и средства их защиты: Учебное пособие/ Герасименко В.Г., Нестеровский И.П., Пентюхов В.В. и др. – Воронеж: ВГТУ, 1998. – 124 с. Камалян А.К., Кулев С.А., Назаренко К.Н. и др. Компьютерные сети и средства защиты информации: Учебное пособие /Камалян А.К., Кулев С.А., Назаренко К.Н. и др. – Воронеж: ВГАУ, 2003.-119с. Малышев Р.А. Локальные вычислительные сети: Учебное пособие/ РГАТА. – Рыбинск, 2005. – 83 с. Олифер В.Г., Олифер Н.А. Компьютерные сети. Принципы, технологии, протоколы /В.Г. Олифер, Н.А. Олифер. – СПб.: Питер, 2002.- 672 с.: ил. Xulosa Men ushbu mazvu orqali Lokal tarmoqga kirish va undan unumli foydalanishni o‘rgandim. Server nima unda qanday ishlashni o‘rgandim. Lokal tarmoq orqali o‘zimizga kerakli ma’lumotlarni olishni o‘rgandim Bilmagan funksiyalarni ushbu mavzuni yoritish yordamida o‘rganib bilmaganlarim o‘rganib oldim. Fandan olgan bilimlarimni yanada mustahkamlab oldim. Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company])
Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" [End Time]>[Start Time]
0 Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" 0
0 "Good"
Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" [End Time]>[Start Time]
0 0
No [End Time]>[Start Time] Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" [Subtotal]+[Tax] 0
0 No [End Date]>[Start Date] Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" 0 Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" =Today() [Delivery Date]>=Today() No
"Not Started" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company])
Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Full-time" [Unit Price]*[Quantity]*(1-[Discount])
0 0
"None" =Today()
0 [End Time]>[Start Time] [End Date]>=[Start Date]
"Not Submitted" =Today()
No Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" [Subtotal]+[Tax]+[Shipping]
0 0 [Original Contract Sum]+[Change Orders] [Completed Previously]+[Completed This Period] ([Completed Previously]+[Completed This Period])*0.05 ([Completed Previously]+[Completed This Period])-(([Completed Previously]+[Completed This Period])*0.05)+[Tax] (([Completed Previously]+[Completed This Period])-(([Completed Previously]+[Completed This Period])*0.05)+[Tax])-[Previous Payments] 0
0 0
0 0
0 Today()
"1 - New" "1 - Critical" =Today()
Make sure the Status and Resolution fields are in sync
[Resolution] Is Null If the Status is Resolved but the Resolution is not specified, raise an error to prevent the data from being saved You must select a resolution. [Status]="4 - Closed" [Resolution] Is Null If the Status is Closed but the Resolution is not specified, raise an error to prevent the data from being saved An issue must be resolved before it can be closed. [Resolution] Is Not Null If the Status is not Resolved and not Closed but a Resolution is specified, clear the resolution Resolution Null Make sure the Status and Resolution fields are in sync [Status]="3 - Resolved" [Resolution] Is Null If the Status is Resolved but the Resolution is not specified, raise an error to prevent the data from being saved You must select a resolution. [Status]="4 - Closed" [Resolution] Is Null If the Status is Closed but the Resolution is not specified, raise an error to prevent the data from being saved An issue must be resolved before it can be closed. [Resolution] Is Not Null If the Status is not Resolved and not Closed but a Resolution is specified, clear the resolution Resolution Null 0
"Good" 0
0 0 IIf([Returned Date] Is Null,"Checked Out","Returned") Today()
IIf([Returned Date] Is Null,"Checked Out","Returned") Today()
IIf([Returned Date] Is Null,"Loaned","Returned") Today()
[End Time]>[Start Time] Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company])
Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" 0 0
No Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company])
Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" [Unit Price]*[Quantity]*(1-[Discount])
0 0
"None" IIf([Status]="Completed",No,Yes) =Today()
0 "New"
Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" 1
No 0 Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" "Open" 0
0 No
0 0
0 0 IIf([Status] In ("Completed","Deferred"),No,Yes) [End Date]>=[Start Date] "2 - Medium" "Not Started" Now()
Changed Date Now() 0
0 0 =Today() 0 Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" [Quantity]*[Unit Price]
0 [Unit Price]*[Quantity]*(1-[Discount]) 0
0 0
"None" IIf([Status]="Completed",No,Yes) =Today()
0 "New"
Concat([Budget Year]," - ",[Budget Quarter]) DateDiff(MONTH,[Start Date],[End Date])*[Rental Rate] [End Date]>=[Start Date] 0 2 0 [End Time]>[Start Time] Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" 0
No [End Time]>[Start Time] Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" "On Track" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company])
Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" IIf([Status] In ("Completed","Deferred"),No,Yes)
[Percent Complete] Between 0 And 1 "2 - Medium" 0
"Not Started" This data macro makes sure the Status is set correctly if the Percent Complete is updated or it makes sure the Percent Complete is set correctly if the Status is updated. Percent Complete: 0=0%, 1=100% [Percent Complete]=0 Percent Complete is default - check Status [Status]="Completed" If Status is changed to Completed set Percent Complete to 100% Percent Complete 1 [Percent Complete]=1 If Percent Complete is 100% set Status to Completed [Status] "Completed" [Status]="Completed" Or [Status]="Not Started" If Percent Complete is between 0% and 100% and the Status is either Completed or Not Started, set Status to In Progress Status "In Progress" This data macro makes sure the Status is set correctly if the Percent Complete is updated or it makes sure the Percent Complete is set correctly if the Status is updated. Percent Complete: 0=0%, 1=100% Update([Percent Complete]) [Percent Complete]=1 If Percent Complete is changed to 100% and Status is not set to Completed, set Status to Completed [Status]<>"Completed" Status
[Percent Complete]=0
If Percent Complete is changed to 0% and Status is Completed, set Status to Not Started [Status]="Completed" Status
[Status]="Completed" Or [Status]="Not Started"
If Percent Complete is between 0% and 100% and the Status is either Completed or Not Started, set Status to In Progress Status "In Progress" Update([Status]) [Status]="Completed" If Status is changed to Completed and Percent Complete is not 100%, set Percent Complete to 100% [Percent Complete]<>1 Percent Complete 1 [Status]="Not Started" If Status is changed to Not Started and Percent Complete is not 0%, set Percent Complete to 0% [Percent Complete]<>0 Percent Complete 0 [Percent Complete]=1 If Status is changed to something other than Completed and the Percent Complete is 100%, set Percent Complete to 0% Percent Complete 0 IIf([Status] In ("Completed","Deferred"),No,Yes) [Percent Complete] Between 0 And 1 "2 - Medium" 0
"Not Started" This data macro makes sure the Status is set correctly if the Percent Complete is updated or it makes sure the Percent Complete is set correctly if the Status is updated. Percent Complete: 0=0%, 1=100% Update([Percent Complete]) [Percent Complete]=1 If Percent Complete is changed to 100% and Status is not set to Completed, set Status to Completed [Status]<>"Completed" Status
[Percent Complete]=0
If Percent Complete is changed to 0% and Status is Completed, set Status to Not Started [Status]="Completed" Status
[Status]="Completed" Or [Status]="Not Started"
If Percent Complete is between 0% and 100% and the Status is either Completed or Not Started, set Status to In Progress Status "In Progress" Update([Status]) [Status]="Completed" If Status is changed to Completed and Percent Complete is not 100%, set Percent Complete to 100% [Percent Complete]<>1 Percent Complete 1 [Status]="Not Started" If Status is changed to Not Started and Percent Complete is not 0%, set Percent Complete to 0% [Percent Complete]<>0 Percent Complete 0 [Percent Complete]=1 If Status is changed to something other than Completed and the Percent Complete is 100%, set Percent Complete to 0% Percent Complete 0 Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company])
Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" 0
[Sunday]+[Monday]+[Tuesday]+[Wednesday]+[Thursday]+[Friday]+[Saturday] ([Sunday]+[Monday]+[Tuesday]+[Wednesday]+[Thursday]+[Friday]+[Saturday])*[Pay Rate] 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 DateDiff(DAY,[Start Date],[End Date]) [End Date]>=[Start Date] "Pleasure" Coalesce([First Name]+" "+[Last Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([Last Name]+" "+[First Name],[Last Name],[First Name],[Email],[Company]) Coalesce([First Name],[Last Name],[Email],[Company]) Is Not Null "Business" Today()
"Best Way" 0
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ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling