M. I. Gadoyeva, K. H. Sayitova
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Exercise 3. Make up sentences with the following words and expressions. switch on, morning exercises, to air the room, window, bathroom, clean, teeth, shave, have a warm shower, tidy up, to get ready, wash the dishes, to visit, prefer, country, for instance, weather, summer, swim, river, lake, skating.
text «My day off». 1. What day is your day off? 2. When do you wake up on your day off? 3. What do you do after waking up? 4. How do you do your morning exercises? 5. What do you do in the bathroom? 6. What do you do after breakfast? 7. Where do you often go on your day off? 8. Why do you prefer to go to the country today? 9. 4 6 What kind of sports are you fond of? 10. Where do you go in the evenings?
branch of the system of the Republic of Uzbekistan». consolidate — mustahkamlamoq executive govern- — ijro hokimiyati ment according to — ...ga asosan several types of — organlarning bir necha tur- bodies
lari separate groups — alohida guruhlar Supreme and Local executive government — oliy va mahalliy ijro hokimiyati scale — miqyos
Cabinet of Ministers — Vazirlar Mahkamasi Local executive — Mahalliy ijro hokimiyati government county subdivisions — hududiy bo‘linishlar general authority — umumiy vakolat special authority — maxsus vakolat include
— o‘z ichiga olmoq Ministry
— vazirlik Committee — qo‘mita Concern
— konsern Association — uyushma departments and — mahalliy hokimiyatning boards of Local bo‘lim va boshqarmalari government bodies working — yakkaboshchilik asosida ish individually yurituvchi organlar bodies working — kollegial asosda ish collectively yurituvchi organlar to be elected — saylanmoq to be appointed — tayinlanmoq above mentioned — yuqorida qayd qilingan bodies organlar manage — boshqarmoq 4 7 Exercise 6. Read the text and discuss it. Text: THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Present bodies of executive government were consolidated by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the Constitution there are several types of bodies of executive government. They are divided into separate groups: 1. Bodies of Supreme (Central) and Local executive government. On the scale of the republic Supreme bodies of the executive government are the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Cabinet of Ministers. Bodies of Local executive government are Hokims in the county subdivisions. 2. Bodies of executive government with general authority and special authority. Executive bodies of general authority are the President of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers and Hokims. With special authority ones include Ministries, Committees, Concerns, Associations and departments and boards of Local governments. 3. Bodies working individually and bodies working collectively. Bodies working individually are the President, Ministers, Hokims, Committees, Concerns, Associations and departments and boards of Local executive government. Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan belongs to the bodies working collectively. 4. Bodies which are elected and appointed. The President of Uzbekistan is elected, the others are appointed. Complex of above mentioned bodies is a system of the bodies of executive government and this system is managed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 4 8 Exercise 7. Make up sentences with the following words and expressions. to be elected, scale, to be appointed, Cabinet of Ministers, manage, abovementioned bodies, Local executive government, county subdivisions, general authority, special authority, include, Ministry, Committee, Concern, Association, departments and boards of Local government. Exercise 8. Answer the following questions according to the text «The executive branch of the system of the Republic of Uzbekistan». 1. What types of bodies of executive government are there according to the Constitution? 2. What do Supreme bodies of the executive government include? 3. What are bodies of Local executive government? 4. What do bodies of executive government with general authority include? 5. What do bodies with special authority include? 6. What do bodies working individually include? 7. What belongs to the bodies working collectively? 8. What bodies are elected? 9. What bodies are appointed? 10. What is a system of the bodies of executive government and who manages this system?
expressions. DIALOGUE Kate and her friend Ann went to the restaurant on thier day off. Kate:
— What will we have, Ann? Ann:
— Let’s look through the menue, first of all. Kate:
— OK. Ann, I think we can have soup for the first course. Ann: — And for the second course I’d like to have fried chicken. And you, Kate? 4 9 Kate:
— But I prefer fish to fried chicken. Waiter:
— What would you like to have, ladies? Ann:
— Fried chicken for me, and fish for my friend, please. Waiter: — And what about desserts? Ann: — I will have ice-cream. Waiter: — What kind of ice-cream would you like? Ann: — Strawberry, please. And you, Kate? Kate: — A piece of apple pie, please. Waiter: — OK, ladies. In a few minutes everything will be ready.
and try to read them correctly. worm, worn, work, worse, worst, worship, wort, worth, workforce, workful, work-hand, worthy, workhouse, sword.
1. Men xonaga kirganimda u o‘rtog‘i bilan telefonda gaplashayotgan edi. 2. Braunlar oilasi kecha kech soat 8 da mehmon kutayotgan edi. 3. Biz kecha shu payt imtihon topshirayotgan edik. 4. Anna siz kelganingizda televizor ko‘rayotgan ekanmi? 5. Jurnalist o‘tgan dushanba kuni soat 14 da sportchilardan intervyu olayotgan edi. 6. Men uyga kelganimda onam tushlik tayyorlayotgan edilar. 7. Kasb-hunar kolleji talabalari kecha shu payt kollej sport maydonchasida tennis o‘ynayotgan edilar. 8. U kecha soat 10 da qiziqarli film tomosha qilayotgan edi.
ijro hokimiyati organlari, maxsus vakolat, Vazirlar Mahkamasi, kollegial, qo‘mita, umumiy vakolat, majmua, ... ga tegishli, boshqarmoq, saylamoq, tayinlamoq, xududiy bo‘linishlar. 4—Èíãëèç òèëè II ³èñì
5 0 Exercise 13. Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative sentences. 1. Executive bodies of general authority are the President of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers and Hokims. 2. With special authority ones include ministries, sommittees, soncerns, associations and departments and boards of local governments. 3. Bodies working individually are the President, ministers, hokims, sommittees, soncerns, associations and departments and boards of Local executive government. 4. Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan belongs to the bodies working collectively. 5. The President of Uzbekistan is elected, the others are appointed. 6. Complex of abovementioned bodies is a system of the bodies of executive government. 7. This system is managed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
day off» and give your own opinion about the executive branch of the system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
executive branch of the system of the Republic of Uzbekistan».
Phonetics: a) al+k,
-all harf
birikmalarining o‘qilishi. Grammar: a)
Interrogative pronouns. b) Special question. Text: a) HOLIDAYS. 5 1 b) THE PARLIAMENT OF BRITAIN. Dialogue.
O† ] tovushini beradi. talk, chalk, walk all harf birikmasidagi a harfi [ O† ] tovushini beradi. all, tall, hall S O ‘ R O Q O L M O S H L A R I ( I N T E R R O G A T I V E P R O N O U N S ) Ingliz
tilida ham
o‘zbek tilida
bo‘lganidek so‘roq
olmoshlari mavjud.
Ular quyidagilar: Who? Kim? Kimni? Kimga? What? Nima? Qanaqa? What kind of ...? Qanaka turdagi ...? Whose? Kimning? Which? Qaysi? Where? Qayerda? Qayerga? When? Qachon? Why? Nima uchun? How many? — Nechta? (sanaladigan narsalar uchun) How much? — Qancha? (sanalmaydigan narsalar uchun) Whom? — Kimga? Kimni? M A X S U S S O ‘ R O Q G A P (SPECIAL QUESTION) So‘roq so‘z bilan boshlanadigan hamda gapning har bir bo‘lagiga alohida-alohida berilgan so‘roq gaplarga maxsus so‘roq gap deyiladi. Maxsus so‘roq gaplarga asosan to‘liq javob beriladi.
5 2 — Where do you study? — I study at the Vocational College. Lekin gapning egasiga va uning aniqlovchisiga berilgan savolga qisqa javob beriladi. — Who studies at the Vocational College? — My friend does.
Maxsus so‘roq gapda so‘z tartibi quyidagicha: So‘roq so‘z+Ko‘makchi fe’l+Ega+Kesim+Aniqlovchi+To‘ldiruvchi+Hol What can you say about seasons in Uzbekistan?
celebrate — nishonlamoq a great pleasure — katta zavq New Year
— Yangi yil see off
— kuzatmoq see in
— kutmoq Armed Forces Day — Qurolli Kuchlar kuni moslems
— musulmonlar Memory Day — Xotira kuni cemetery — qabriston clean the graves — qabrlarni tozalash the late — marhum — eslamoq lay the table — dasturxon yozmoq English-speaking — ingliz tilida gaplashadigan countries mamlakatlar Veteran’s Day — Veteranlar kuni official anniversary — rasmiy sana World War I — I jahon urushi 5 3 joyful religious — quvnoq diniy bayram celebration a major commercial — muhim tijorat marosimi event Thanksgiving day — Minnatdorchilik bildiriladigan kun
English settlers — inglizlar Exercise 2. Read the text and discuss it. Text: HOLIDAYS
As many other peoples Uzbek people also have their national holidays. Every year we celebrate many holidays. Indepenence Day is one of the great holidays of Uzbek people. This holiday is celebrated on the 1 st of September. People get ready for this holiday with a great pleasure. Constitution Day, it is celebrated on the 8 th of December and people don’t go to work on this day. New Year, this holiday is celebrated on the 31 st of December. This day at night at 12 o’clock people see the old year off and the new year in. The Armed Forces Day of Uzbekistan, it is celebrated on the 14 th of January every year. Navrus, this holiday is celebrated on the 21 st of March.
Memory appreciate Day, this holiday is celebrated on the 9 th of May. This day people go to the cemeteries, clean the graves of the lates, remember them and lay the table at home. Besides that, we can also speak about some holidays of English-speaking countries. Veteran’s Day, November 11, is the official anniversary of the end of World War I. Christmas, December 25, is both a joyful religious celebration and a major commercial event in English- speaking countries.
5 4 Thanksgiving, on the fourth Thursday of November. Many offices close for the long weekend. Many businesses are closed only on Thursday. Thanksgiving, one of the most truly American national holidays in the United States, was first celebrated in 162 by English settlers.
expressions. Armed Forces Day, Veteran’s Day, moslems, official anniversary, Memory Day, World War I, a great pleasure, Christmas, New Year, clean the graves, joyful religious celebration, see off, the late, a major commercial event, see in, remember, Thanksgiving, lay the table, English settlers, English-speaking countries.
text «Holidays». 1. What holiday is Independence Day and when is it celebrated? 2. When and how is Constitution Day 5 5 celebrated? 3. When and how is New Year celebrated? 4. When is the Armed Forces Day of Uzbekistan celebrated? 5. When is Navrus celebrated and what kind of holiday is it? 6. When and how is Memory and Appreciate Day celebrated? 7. When is Veteran’s Day celebrated and what kind of holiday is it? 8. When is Christmas celebrated and what kind of holiday is it? 9. When and how is Thanksgiving celebrated? 10. When and where was Thanksgiving first celebrated?
parliament». chamber — palata
House of Commons — Umumiy palata House of Lords — Lordlar palatasi important — muhim
official residence — rasmiy qarorgoh Prime Minister — Bosh vazir to govern — boshqarmoq member — a’zo
Conservative Party — Konservativ partiya Labour Party — Leyboristlar partiyasi chief executive — bosh ijrochi to head — boshqarmoq Heart of State — Davlat yuragi monarchy — monarxiya power — kuch
limited — chegaralangan leader — boshliq United Kingdom — Birlashgan qirollik Parliament — parlament majority — ko‘pchilik to make changes — o‘zgarishlar kiritmoq size of his cabinet — mahkama hajmi to appoint — tayinlamoq Exercise 6. Read the text and discuss it. 5 6 Text: THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT There are four countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Laws in Great Britain are made by Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and thye House of Lords. The House of Commons is more important as it governs the country. The members of the House of Commons are elected by secret ballot. They belong to different political parties. The main parties are the Conservative Party and Labour Party. The chief executive is the Prime Minister. He heads the Government but is not the Heart of State. Great Britain is a monarchy and the head of State is a monarch whose power is limited by Parliament. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the Party that has a majority in the House of Commons. Each new Prime-Minister can make changes in the size of his cabinet, appoint new ministers and make other changes.
expressions. House of Lords, Conservative Party, important, Labour Party, official residence, chief executive, Prime- Minister, to head, to govern, Heart of State, member, monarchy, power, limited, leader, United Kingdom, Parliament, majority, to make changes, size of his cabinet, to appoint, policy decision, agreement, to hold Cabinet Meetings.
text «The British parliament» 1. What are four countries in the United Kingdom? 2. What are laws in Great Britain made by? 3. What chambers does Parliament consist of? 4. How are the members of the House of Commons elected? 5. What main parties are there in Great Britain? 6. Who is the chief executive? 7. What does Prime-Minister head? 5 7 8. Who is the head of State in Great Britain? 9. What party is the Prime-Minister usually the leader of? 10. What can each new Prime-Minister do? Exercise 9. Read the dialogue and remember usefull expressions. DIALOGUE Edward:
— Mary, where do you usually spend your summer holidays? Mary: — I usually spend my summer holidays in abroad. Last year I went to France with my family and we had a very good time there. Edward:
— Where are you going on your winter holidays this year? Mary: — We are going to the mountains with my friends, because, I like skiing very much. And what about you? Edward: — I like to spend my summer holidays at the seaside and winter holidays at home. Because I like swimming and rowing and I don’t like to go out in the cold weather. Mary: — Now I have a five day holiday and I am going to travel by plane to Italy. Edward:
— Happy journey, Mary! Exercise 10. Repeat the following words after the announcer and try to read them correctly. ball, fall, install, call, calking (qalinlashish), mall (saylgoh), malkin (qo‘riqchi), gall-bladder (o‘t pufagi), pall (yopmoq), hallway (koridor), scallop (toj).
interrogative and negative sentences. 1. Indepedence Day is one of the great holidays of Uzbek people. 2. This holiday is celebrated on the 1 st of September. 3. People get ready for this with a
5 8 great pleasure. 4. Constitution Day, it is celebrated on the 8 th of December and people don’t go to work on this day. 5. New Year, this holiday is celebrated on the 31 st of December. 6. Navrus, this holiday is celebrated on the 21 st of March. 7. This is a national holiday of moslems. 8. Memory and Appreciate Day, this holiday is celebrated on the 9 th of May. 9. Veteran’s Day, November 11, is the official anniversary of the end of World War I. Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Sizga qanaqa gazetalar yoqadi? 2. Kollejda darslar soat nechada boshlanadi? 3. Siz o‘tgan yozgi ta’tilni qayerda o‘tkazdingiz? 4. Sizning onangiz qayerda ishlaydi? 5. Ular hozir qaysi matnni tarjima qilishyapti? 6. Siz qayerga ketyapsiz? 7. Siz ingliz tili darslarida nima qilasiz? Siz kim bo‘lmoqchisiz?
text «Holidays» and speak about the parliament of your country using the text «The British parliament».
parliament». LESSON 6 (8 hours) Phonetics: a) -ew
harf birikmasining o‘qilishi Grammar:
a) many/much, few/little, so/too many(much), plenty of/a lot of/a lot so‘z va so‘z birikmalarining ishlatilishi. Text: a) SHOPPING. 5 9 b) MARKETS. Dialogue.
birikmasidan keyin [u:] tovushini, qolgan holatlarda esa [ju:] tovushini beradi. [u:] blew, crew, jewel (qimmatbaho tosh), chew. [ju:] new, few, stew
MANY/MUCH — noaniq olmoshlari ko‘p ma’nosida qo‘llanadi. MANY ko‘p ma’nocida sanaladigan otlar oldidan ishlatiladi. MANY qo‘llanganda ot va fe’llar ko‘plik sonda kelishi mumkin. MUCH ko‘p ma’nosida sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi. MUCH qo‘llanganda ot va fe’l birlik sonda ishlatiladi. FEW/LITTLE — noaniq olmoshlari oz, kam ma’nosida qo‘llanadi. Bu olmoshlar noaniq artikl bilan birga ishlatilsa a few — bir necha, a little — bir oz (ozgina) ma’nosini ifodalaydi.
otlar bilan ishlatiladi va how many? — nechta? savoliga javob bo‘ladi.
bilan ishlatiladi va how much? — qancha? savoliga javob bo‘ladi. I have many English books — Menda ko‘p inglizcha kitoblar bor. He has few friends. — Uning do‘stlari oz (kam). We have a few friends here. — Bu yerda bizning bir necha do‘stlarimiz bor. There is much milk in the bottle. 6 0 — Shishada ko‘p sut bor. There is a little bread on the plate. — Tarelkada bir oz non bor. so/too many (much)/so many (much) iborasi juda, too many (much) iborasi esa juda ko‘p, juda degan ma’nolarni anglatib, ular darak gaplarda ishlatiladi va many (much) ravishlarini aniqlab keladi. He plays football too much. I want to see him so much.
sanaladigan, ham sanalmaydigan otlar oldidan ishlatiladi. There are plenty of eggs on the plate. a lot of iborasi ko‘p degan ma’noni anglatib, u ham sanaladigan, ham sanalmaydigan otlar oldidan ishlatiladi. He has a lot of books. a lot iborasi ko‘p degan ma’noni anglatib, u ravish vazifasini bajaradi. He works a lot.
— xarid qilish both ... and... — ham ... ham ... pleasure
— rohat hate
— juda yomon ko‘rmoq place orders by — telefon orqali buyurtma telephone qilmok save
— tejamoq therefore — shuning uchun grow more popular — mashhur bo‘lib bormoq housewives — uy bekalari
6 1 together
— birga generally — umuman butcher’s — go‘sht do‘koni small joint of beef — bir oz mol go‘shti greengrocer’s — ko‘katlar do‘koni fruiterer’s — mevalar do‘koni eating
— yeyish apple
— olma a dozen oranges — bir qancha apelsin beans
— loviya potato
— kartoshka a good-sized head of sabbage
karam baker’s
— non do‘koni bread
— non fruit-cake — mevali pirog wear clothes — kiyim kiymoq eat food
— ovqat yemoq that’s why — shuning uchun important — muhim
Shopping can be both a «must» (zarurat) and a pleasure. Those who hate shopping place order by telephone and it saves them a lot of time thier. Ordering food products by telephone is therefore growing more popular. Most housewives would like to see what they are getting for thier money and do thier shopping out themselves. My friend Alice and I do our shopping together, generally on Saturdays. Last Saturday I went to the butcher’s for a small joint of beef and then to the greengrocer’s, which is also a fruiterer’s for some eating apples and cooking apples, a dozen oranges, beans, potatoes and a good-sized head of cabbage. Then we went to the baker’s and paid for the bread 6 2 and bought some fruit-cake and half a dozen small cakes. We all wear clothes and eat food that’s why shopping is very important in our life. Exercise 3. Make up sentences with the following words and expressions. grow more popular, small joint of beef, housewives, greengrocer’s, together, fruiterer’s, generally, eating, butcher’s, apples, that’s why, a dozen oranges, important beans,potatoes, a good-sized, a head of cabbage, baker’s, bread, fruit-cake, wear clothes, eat food.
Exercise 4. Answer the following questions according to the text «Shopping». 1. What can shopping be? 2. How do those who hate shopping do thier shopping? 3. What would most housewives like to do? 4. Whom do you do your shopping together with? 5. Where did you go last Saturday? 6. What did you do there? 7. Why is shopping is very important in our life? Exercise 5. Learn the new words of the text « Markets». economic relations — iqtisodiy aloqalar seller
— sotuvchi buyer
— xaridor exchange
— ayirboshlash by the means of ... — ... vositasida market relations — bozor aloqalari arrange
— belgilamoq spontaneously — stixiyali tarzda beforehand — oldindan unsystematic — tartibsiz unknown
— noma’lum producer
— ishlab chiqaruvchi systematic — tartibli be practiced inconsi- — ko‘r-ko‘rona amal qilmoq
6 3 derately
adapt to — moslashmoq subject — sub’yekt be divided into — ... ga bo‘linmoq free market — erkin bozor ruling position — hukmron mavqe monopolized market — monopollashgan bozor sheer monopoly — sof monopoliya object — ob’yekt consumer goods — iste’mol mollari labour — mehnat means of production — ishlab chiqarish vositalari finances — moliya
intellectual goods — intellektual mollar Exercise 6. Read the text and discuss it. Text. M A R K E T S Market is economic relations of sellers and buyers formed by exchanging the goods by the means of money. Market is developed according to two stages: In the first stage market relations are arranged spontaneously and this stage is called unsystematic. In the second stage market relations are conducted on the base of laws which are arranged beforehand. As market relations are arranged spontaneously at the unsystematic stage the market is unknown for a producer. Systematic stage of market is such a stage, where the characteristic laws for this stage are not practiced inconsiderately. Market relations are adapted to these laws beforehand. According to the subjects market can be divided into the following: 1. Free market. Here sellers and buyers form majority and none of them has ruling position.
6 4 2. Monopolized market. In such market minority of sellers and buyers has ruling position. This market is divided into 3 types: 1. Monopoly competitive market. 2. Oligopolistic market. 3. Sheer monopoly market. According to the objects market is divided into the following: 1. Market of consumer goods and services. 2. Labour (work) market. 3. Market of means (resources) of production. 4. Market of finances. 5. Market of intellectual goods. Exercise 7. Make up sentences with the following words and expressions. economic relations of sellers and buyers, according to, market relations, spontaneously, be arranged beforehand, unsystematic stage, producer, be practiced inconsiderately, subject, free market, majority, ruling position, minority of sellers and buyers.
Exercise 8. Answer the following questions according to the next «Markets». 1. What is market? 2. What stages is market developed according to? 3. What stage is the first stage? 4. What stage is the second stage? 5. What types can market be divided into according to the subjects? 6. What can you say about free market? 7. What can you say about monopolized market? 8. What types is monopolized market divided into? 9. What types is market divided into according to its objects?
expressions. DIALOGUE
6 5 Alimov has been to London for a year and today he is going to fly back to Tashkent. He has just arrived at Heathrow Airport. He is speaking to a clerk at the check-in desk. Alimov:
— Can I check in for the flight to Tashkent here?
Clerk: — Yes, sir. May I have your ticket and passport, please? Alimov:
— Certainly. Here you are. Clerk:
— Will you put your luggage on the scales? Oh, it’s too heavy. You must pay extra charge, I’m afraid. Alimov:
— I’ll take out a couple of these catalogues then. Clerk: — Can you put the luggage on the scales again, sir? It’s all right now. You may take your ticket and passport and here is your boarding-pass. Alimov:
— Thank you. Exercise 10. Repeat the following words after the announcer and try to read them correctly. grew, blew, new, few, sewer (suv quvuri), shrew, slew (burmoq), snow (qor), strew (sochmoq), thew (muskul), undrew (chekkaga surmoq), brew (qaynatmoq). Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. U juda ko‘p inglizcha so‘zlarni biladi. 2. Bu kitoblardan qaysi biri sizga yoqadi? 3. Ulardan qaysi biri sizning akangiz? 4. Akamning ko‘p angliyalik do‘stlari bor. 5. Bizning kollejimiz sizga qanchalik yoqdi? 6. Bil o‘zbek tili ustida juda ko‘p ishlaydi. 7. Bu matnning ko‘p so‘zlari bizga notanish. 8. Sizning nechta akangiz bor? Exercise 12. Use the proper pronouns in the brackets. 1. How ... (many, much) time do you have today? 5—Èíãëèç òèëè II ³èñì
6 6 2. These words are too ... (many, much) for me to learn by heart today. 3. I like my native town very ... (many, much). 4. Can you tell us ... (a few, a little) words about your family? 5. You have made ... (a lot of, a lot) mistakes in your dictation. 6. He worked too ... (few, little) to be tired. 7. There is ... (many, much) oil in the bottle. 8. There are ... (many, much) modern buildings in our town.
interrogative and negative sentences. 1. Ordering food products by telephone is therefore growing more popular. 2. Most housewives would like to see what they are getting for thier money. 3. I am also a regular customer at one of the big Tashkent stores. 4. We all wear clothes. 5. Then we went together to the baker’s. 6. Last Saturday I went to the butcher’s for a small joint of beef. 7. There are many types of markets. 8. We are interested in market economy.
«Shopping» and give your own opinion about markets. Exercise 15. Learn the dialogue by heart. Exercise 16. Retell the texts «Shopping» and «Markets». 6 7 LESSON 7 (10 hours) Phonetics: a)
o‘qilishi Grammar: a) to have/to have got so‘z va so‘z birikmalarining ishlatilishi. b) some/any gumon olmoshlari. c) Payt predloglari Text:
OLIY MAJLIS. (Supreme Counsil) Dialogue. oa, oy, oi, oo harf birikmalarining o‘qilishi. oa harf birikmasi [ou ] deb o‘qiladi: road, coat, boat, loan, soap oy harf birikmasi [ O i] deb o‘qiladi: boy, toy, joy oi harf birikmasi [ O i] deb o‘qiladi: boil, spoil oo harf birikmasi [u:] deb o‘qiladi: book, took, look, cook oo harf birikmasi [ u: ] deb o‘qiladi: foot, too, soon, spoon oo harf birikmasi [Ù] deb o‘qiladi: blood
degan ma’noni anglatadi. to have got iborasi ko‘pincha og‘zaki nutqda ishlatiladi. I have two brothers. Committees and commissions of OLIY MAJLIS Secretariat of OLIY MAJLIS fractions of deputies of OLIY MAJLIS
Chairman of OLIY MAJLIS, 4 deputies (250 deputies) COUNCIL of OLIY MAJLIS
6 8 I have got two brothers. N O A N I Q v a G U M O N O L M O S H L A R I (INDEFINITE PRONOUNS) Noaniq va gumon olmoshlari noaniq shaxs va narsalarni ifodalaydi. a) SOME va ANY noaniq olmoshlari gapda ot oldidan ishlatilib, uning taxminiy miqdorini, chamasini bildiradi. Bu olmoshlar qo‘llanganda ot oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi. Bulardan some — bo‘lishli gapda ishlatilib — bir qancha, bir oz, ozgina, bir nechta, ba’zi kabi taxminiy miqdor ma’nolarni anglatadi. I have some English books. — Menda bir nechta inglizcha kitob bor. Some students have no English books. — Ba’zi studentlarda inglizcha kitob yo‘q. ANY — olmoshi esa so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz gaplarda ishlatilib umuman, qandaydir, birorta kabi ma’nolarni anglatadi. Have you any textbook? — Sizda birorta darslik bormi? We have not any chairs in our room. — Xonamizda umuman stullar yo‘q. b) SOME, ANY olmoshlariga va shuningdek NO bo‘lishsizlik olmoshiga -body, -one, -thing so‘zlari qo‘shilishi bilan qo‘shma noaniq va gumon olmoshlari yasaladi. SOMEBODY, SOMEONE, ANYBODY, ANYONE, NOBODY, NO ONE olmoshlari faqat shaxsni anglatadi va o‘zbek tiliga kimdir, allakim, birov, hech kim olmoshlari orqali tarjima qilinadi. Bu olmoshlar ingliz tilida egalik kelishik qo‘shimchasi -’s ni olishi mumkin.
Masalan: somebody’s book — kimningdir kitobi. SOMETHING, ANYTHING va NOTHING olmoshlari narsalarni ko‘rsatib, o‘zbek tiliga nimadir, allanima, 6 9 allanarsa, bir nima, hech nima olmoshlari yordamida tarjima qilinadi. Somebody is in the room. — Kimdir xonada turibdi. Lola has something in her bag. — Lolaning sumkasida nimadir bor. Is there anybody in your room? — No, nobody is. — Xonangizda kimdir bormi? — Yo‘q, hech kim yo‘q. Is there anything in the bag? — No, there is nothing. — Sumkada biror narsa bormi? — Yo‘q, hech narsa yo‘q.
— yil
fasllari oldida
ishlatiladi. in spring — bahorda in — kun qismlarini ifodalashda ham ishlatiladi. in the morning — ertalab in — oy nomlari oldida ishlatiladi. in September-Sentyabrda in — yillardan oldin ham ishlatiladi. in 1991, in 1998 on — hafta kunlari oldida ishlatiladi. on Monday on — sanalardan oldin ham ishlatiladi. on the 25 th of December at — vaqtni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. at 4 o’clock Quyidagi paytni ifodalovchi birikmalar oldida predlog ishlatilmaydi. last week, (month, year) this week, (month, year) next week, (month, year)
7 0 supreme state repre- — oliy davlat vakillik orga- sentative body ni put legislative power — qonun chiqarish hokimiyati- into practice ni amalga oshirmoq main essence — tub mohiyat the only
— yagona to be yengaged with — shug‘ullanmoq legislation — qonun chiqarish right
— huquq task
— vazifa make offers — takliflar kiritmoq agenda
— kun tartibi order of work — ish tartibi session
— sessiya listen to — tinglamoq information — axborot committees — qo‘mitalar comissions — komissiyalar execution — ijro decree
— qaror organize
— tashkil qilmoq draft law — qonun loyihasi look through — ko‘zdan kechirmoq document
— hujjat an initial state — dastlabki tarzda staff
— tarkib deputy
— deputat, o‘rinbosar Exercise 2. Read the text and discuss it. Text: OLIY MAJLIS In the 76-article of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan it was laid down that «being supreme state representative body Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan puts legislative power into practice». Oliy Majlis is a body of parliament with its main essence. Oliy Majlis is the only state body that is 7 1 engaged with legislation and has a right of making changes in these laws. The tasks of Oliy Majlis are the following: 1) makes offers for the agenda and order of work of the session of Oliy Majlis; 2) listens to the information about work which are done by the committees and comissions of Oliy Majlis and about execution of laws and other decrees of Oliy Majlis; 3) organizes plan of work to make draft laws; 4) looks through the draft laws and other documents in an initial state according to the offer of Oliy Majlis and others. STAFF OF OLIY MAJLIS OLIY MAJLIS of THE RU (250 deputies)
expressions. supreme state representative body, listen to, put legislative power into practice,information, main essence, committees, only, comission, to be engaged with, execution, legislation, decree, a right, organize, task, draft law, make offers, look through, agenda, document, order of work, an initial state, session. 7 2 Exercise 4. Answer the following questions according to the text «Oliy Majlis». 1. What is laid down in the 76-article of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan? 2. What kind of body is Oliy Majlis? 3. What are the tasks of Oliy Majlis? 4. What does Oliy Majlis consist of? Exercise 5. Read the dialogue and remember usefull expressions. DIALOGUE Mr.Blake is a manager of Bond & Co, a leading manufacturer of pumps. A journalist is interviewing him.
Journalist: — Good afternoon, Mr.Blake. I’d like to interview you. Mr.Blake: — You are welcome. Journalist: — What does your company produce? Mr.Blake: — Our company produces pumps. Journalist: — What about your contracts and shipping your goods? Mr.Blake: — We usually start shipping them six months after we sign the contract. Journalist: — My next question is about your delivery terms. Mr.Blake: — As we can provide shipping facilities we usually sell our goods on CIF terms.
Journalist: — What about the quality of your pumps? Mr.Blake: — I can say that our goods meet the requirements of many companies. Journalist: — It was very pleasant to speak to you. Thanks. Mr.Blake: — Not at all. Good bye. Journalist: — Good bye. 7 3 Exercise 6. Repeat the following words after the announcer and try to read them correctly. joy, boy, joint, food, foot, book, coat, boat, road, cook, blood, float (parom), groat (kumush tanga), tooth, coin, point, poison (zahar), poise (muvozanat), royal.
Exercise 7. Pick out the proper pronoun in the brackets. 1. There is (somebody, anybody) in the room. 2. Is (anybody, someone) absent today? 3. There is not (something, anything) interesting in this book. 4. There is (little, few) water in the bottle. 5. There are (many, much) modern equipments in the laboratory. 6. He has (a little, a few) free time today. 7. Do you know ( something, anything) about this event? 8. There is ( nobody, anybody) in the lecture hall.
1. Many of our students are ill. 2. Most of them are absent today. 3. Have you much or little brown bread at home? — I have much brown bread at home but he has a little. 4. Have the students many or few English books? 5. They have no English books but we have some. 6. Have you any clean notebook? — Yes, I have some. Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions of time. 1. We don’t have lessons .... summer. 2. Uzbekistan became an independent state ... 1991. 3. The academic year begins .... the first of September. 4. Our lessons usually begin ..... 8.30 a.m. 5. They don’t go to the Institute .... Sundays. 6. He wasn’t a student.... last year. 7. We were ....Samarkand ....last week. 8. We had 4 exams ..... last winter.
7 4 1. Bugun uning siz bilan uchrashishga umuman vaqti yo‘q. 2. Ular odatda kollej oshxonasida tushlik qilishadi. 3. Qachon kasal bo‘lsam, doimo isitmam chiqadi. 4. Mening bir necha yaqin do‘stlarim bor. 5. Kofe ichishni xohlaysizmi? 6. O‘rtog‘imning onasini tez-tez boshi og‘rib turadi. 7. U buyuk kelajak egasi. 8. Men bugun kechki ovqatni yemadim. Exercise 11. Give your own opinion about Oliy Majlis. Exercise 12. Learn the dialogue by heart. Exercise 13. Retell the text «Oliy Majlis». LESSON 8 (10 hours) Phonetics: a) -ey
harf birikmasining o‘qilishi Grammar:
a) Participle II. b) The Present Perfect Tense. Text: ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. Dialogue. -ey harf birikmasining o‘qilishi -ey harf birikmasi [ei] va [i] tovushlarini beradi. grey, key, bey SIFATDOSH II (PARTICIPLE II) |
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling