Magical word

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Sehrli so

Sehrli so’z
Bir kuni kichkina toychoq suv ichish maqsadida ko’l bo’yiga kelibdi. Suv ichayotganda oyog’I sirpanib suvga tushib ketibdi. Baxtiga suvda bir xoda oqib ketayotgan ekan, toychoq unga osilib olibdi. Suzishni bilmagani uchun darhol: “yordam beringlar, yordam”

Magical word

Once a foal went to the lake to drink some water. When he was drinking he slipped and feel down into the water. Fortunately, there was a big long in the lake. He clutched at that log. He did not know to swim, so he began to shout: “Help me help” a hare that was walking not

baliq rosa harakat qilibdilar, biroq foyda bermabdi. Shunda baliq:

— Men oqqush do'stimni chaqirmasam bo'lmaydi. Bizning kuchimiz yetmayapti — debdi.
— U yordam berarmikan? — deb so'rabdi quyon.
— Albatta, u juda yaxshi do'st. Qiynalganlarga yordam berishdan charchamaydi — deb, baliq su zib ketibdi. Birozdan keyin, u oqqush bilan qaytib kelibdi. Shunday qilib, uchala hayvon toychoqni qutqarishga harakat qilibdilar. Lekin uchovlon harakat qilsalar ham, natija chiqmabdi. Shu payt, ularning tepasidan uchib o'tayotgan qaldirg'och bularning nima qilayotganligini bilish uchun biroz kuzatibdi. Keyin:

together a`lot, but it was useless. Then, the carp said:

— I have to call my friend, a swam. Our strength is not enough.
— Will he help? — asked the hare.
— Certainly. He is a very good friend. He is never tired of helping who are in problem. The carp swam away. Some time later, he swam back with his friend. So, all three tried to rescue the foal. But, there was no result though all three tried with all their might. At that time, a swallow flying over watched

— Nima qilayapsizlar, do'stlar? — deb so'rabdi;

Juda charchab holdan toygan quyon, baliq va oqqushga bu savol hech ham yoqmabdi. Qurtulishdan umidini uzgan toychoq esa, xorg'in holda:
— Albatta, bular uchovlashib ham qutqara olmaydilar — debdi qaldirg'och.
- Xo'sh, aqlli, qanday qilib qutqarish mumkin ekan? — deb so'rabdi quyon.
— Mening yordamim bilan — debdi qaldirg'och.

them a little to guess what the matter was. Then, he asked: — What are you doing, friends? Tired hare, carp and swam didn't like this question. But, lost the hope foal said sadly: i came to drink water simply, but I slipped and fell down into the water. And they are trying to help me, but without result. — Certainly, they can't, even, all three together — said the swallow. — Well, clever, then how is it possible to help? - asked the hare.

- Sen ham biz bilan tortasanmi? — deb kulib javob beribdi oqqush.
-— Yo'q, juda muhim bir gap aytaman – debdi qaldirg'och.
-— Sehrli gapmi?
— Sehrli soʻz bilasanmi? — deb mensimasdan so'rabdi quyon.
Balki sehrlidir, bilmadim. Lekin, sizning o'rtangizda hamjihatlik yo'qligi uchun, bir natija chiqmayapti. Ya'ni, baliq toychoqni suvga tortayapti, oqqush esa yuqoriga, quyonvoy esa quruqlikka tortayapti. Kuchingizni uch tomonga sarflayapsiz. Shuning uchun, foydasi boʻlmayapti. Agar kuchingizni bir tomonga yo'nal-

— With my help — answered the swallow. — Are you going to pull with us? — Asked the swam smiling. — No, I am not. I will tell you an important word— said the swallow. — A magic word? — Do you know a magic word? - asked the hare in arrogance. — Maybe, itis magic. I don't know. Your effort is useless, because there is no solidarity among you.That is, the carp is pulling the foal to the water, the swam to the sky, and the hare is pulling to the land.

tirsanggiz, toychoqni qutqara olasiz -— deb uchib ketibdi. Ular birgalashib toychoqni quruqlikka chiqaribdilar, Hammasi qaldirg'och tomonga qarab “Rahmat” debdilar.
Birdam bo'lish, bir yoqadan bosh chiqarib harakat qilish natija berishini anglab yetibdilar.

You are wasting your strength to three directions. That's why, there is no result. If you aim your strength to one direction, you will be able to rescue the foal. Saying so, the swallow flied away. They took out the foal to the bank together. All ot them thanked the swallow looking on his way. They realized that solidarity and acting together always gives a result.
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