O’zbek tilidagi sharhi
Ingliz tilidagi sharhi
electrod es
Elektronlarni beruvchi yoki oluvchi kurilma
Device that moves electrons into or out of a solution by conduction.
calibrati on
Analitik signalni kontsentratsiyaga tugri proportsionallik grafigi (Pryamoproportsionalьnaya zavisimostь kontsentratsii ot razlichnыx analiticheskix signalov)
the checking, adjusting, or systematic standardizing of the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument.
Manfiy zaradgaegabulgan ion
Ions with a negative charge.
Oksidlanish-qaytarilish jarayonida musbat zaryadlangan elektrod bulib unga anionlar xarakat kiladi
The electrode where electrons are lost (oxidized) in redox reactions
Musbatzaradgaegabulgan ion
Ion with a positive charge.
dissociat ion
Breaking down of a compound into its components to form ions from an ionic substance.