Meals play an important role in human life. To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat biscuits, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste
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Air pollution. Fume from the chimneys of factories, gases which are in refrigerators and sprays pollute the air. They damage the ozone layer that covers the earth; also they are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. It can cause illness, and even death. Today, many scientists and world leaders realize that the Earth is in danger.
Havoning ifloslanishi.Zavod mo`rilaridagi achchiq tutunlar, muzlatkich va kimyoviy purkagichlardagi gazlar havoni zaxarlaydi. Ular yerni o`rab turgan azon qatlamini zaxarlaydi. Shuningdek, ular issiqxona effekti va kislotali yomg`irga asosiy sabab bo`lmoqda. Bu kasallikga va xattoki o`limga ham sabab bo`lmoqda. Bugun ko`plab olimlar va dunyo rahbarlari yerning xavf ostida qolganini anglab yetmoqda. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water pollution. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear wastes, pesticides. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. Suvning ifloslanishi.Ko`p katta shaharlar o`zlarining ortiqcha chqindilarini dengiz va daryolarga tashlaydilar. Ular zaxar bilan: sanoat va yadro chiqindilari, pestitsidlar bilan to`ladi. Zaxarlangan suv baliqlarni va boshqa dengiz hayvonlarini o`ldiradi. Bizda sayyoramizni yaxshilash, toza qilish va xavfsizlantirish uchun bizda vaqt, pul va hatto texnologiya ham bor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land pollution.The main problem is making large piles of trash. Trash is made of boxes, bags, paper, plastics, bottles and others. Today, many scientists and world leaders realize that the Earth is in danger. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. Yerning ifloslanishi.Asosiy muammo – tashlandiq uyumlarini yo`q qilish. Axlat qutilar - sumkalar, qog`oz, plastik, shishalar va boshqalardan qilinadi. Bugun ko`plab olimlar olimlar va dunyo xabarlari yer xavf ostida ekanini anglab yetmoqda. Bizda sayyoramizni yaxshilash, tozalash va xavfsizlantirish uchun vaqt, pul va xatto texnogiya ham bor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We live on a very beautiful planet – on the Earth. Our planet has very rich resources: the bright blue of the sky, fresh, crystal-clear mountain lake water, the rich green of the mountains slopes, wild flower, picturesque views – all these sceneries of nature fill us with admiration That’s why those who live in cities prefer spending their days off and their holidays far from the noise of the city, to be closer to nature. Biz juda chiroyli sayyora – Yerda yashaymiz. Sayyoramiz resurslarga boy: yorqin moviy osmon, toza, Kristal-musaffo tog` ko`l suvi , ko`k tog` qiyaliklari, yovvoyi gullar, chiroyli manzaralar – tabiatning bu barcha manzaralari bizni zavqqa to`ldiradi. Mana shuning uchun ham shaxarlarda yashaydigan odamlar o`z dam olish va ta`til kunlarini shaxar shovqinidan uzoqda tabiatga yaqinroq joydao`tkazishni afzal ko`radilar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perhaps people like to breathe fresh air or to swim in clear water because the ecology is not so poor as in the cities. Ecology is the study of the ways in which organisms (plants and animals) depend upon each other and upon their surroundings. Each organism requires conditions in order to be able to live and breed. These conditions are its environment by changing the ecological conditions. Extimol odamlar toza havodan nafas olishni, toza suvda suzishni yoqtiradilar.Chunki, ekologiya shaxardagidek buncha yomon emas. Ekologiya organizmlarning ya`ni o`simliklar va hayvonlarning bir-biriga va atrof – muhitga bog`liqligini o`rganish usullarida biri. Har bir organism yashashga va ko`payishga ehtiyoj sezadi. Bu holatlar ekologik vaziyatlarning o`zgarishi orqali uning atrof-muhitidir. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, pollution is one of the most burning problems of nowadays. Now millions of chimneys, cars, buses, trucks all over the world exhaust fumes and harmful substances into the atmosphere. These poisoned substances pollute everything: air, land, water, birds and animals people. So, it is usually hard to breathe in the large cities where there are lots plants. Everything there is covered with soot and dirt. All these affect harmfully. Shuning uchun, zaxarlanish bugungi kundagi eng keskin muammolardan biri. Xozirda dunyo bo`ylab millionlab mo`rilar, mashinalar, avtobuslar, yuk mashinalariatmosferani achchiq tutunlar va zararli moddalar bilan to`ldiradi. Bu zararli moddalar hamma narsani zaxarlaydi: havoni, yerni, suvni, qushlarni, hayvonlar va odamlarni. Shuning uchun ham ko`plab zavodlari bor bo`lgan katta shaharlarda nafas olish qiyin bo`ladi. Hamma narsa qurum va iflos. Bular hammasi zararli ta`sir ko`rsatadi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water pollution is very serious, too. Ugly rivers of dirty water polluted with factory waste, poisoned fish are all-round us. And polluted air and poisoned water lead to the end of the civilization. So, nowadays a lot of dead lands and lifeless areas have appeared. Because our actions and dealings can turn the land to a desert. Suv zaxarlanishi ham juda jiddiy.Zavod chiqindilari bilan ifloslangan daryo suvlari zaxarli baliqlar bizning atrofimizni o`rab olgan. Iflos havo va zaxarlangan suv sivilizatsiyaning oxirlashishiga sabab bo`lmoqda. Shunday ekan bugungi kunda jonsiz quruqliklar o`lik hududlar paydo bo`lmoqda. Chunki bizning xarakatlarimiz va aloqa munosabatlarimiz yerni cho`lga aylantiradi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many man, many minds. All people are different and so they prefer spending their free time in different ways. Some of them go the parks, forests, to the country and enjoy the beauty of nature. Others like to stay at home watching TV or reading books. There are people who are fond of cinema and theatres, so they try to go there as often as possible. Ko`plab odamlar, ko`plab fikrlar. Hamma odamlar turlicha va shuning uchun ular o`zlarining bo`sh vaqtini turlicha o`tkazishni afzal ko`radilar. Ulardan ba`zilari parkka, o`rmonlarga, qishloqqa borib, chiroyli tabiat manzarasidan rohatlanadi.Boshqalari uyda televizor tomosha qilishni yoki kitob o`qishni yoqtiradi. Kinoga yoki teatrga qiziqadigan odamlar ko`p. shuning uchun ular iloji boricha tez-tez shu joylarga borishga xarakat qilishadi. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for me I prefer to spend my free time in different ways. I like to go in for sports, to play football, basketball or volleyball with my friends. I like to watch TV, to listen to a tape recorder and play computer games. Also I like to go for a walk in the country and enjoy the beauty of nature. And my hobby is reading books... Menga kelsak, men bo`sh vaqtim – dam olish vaqtimni turlicha o`tkazishni afzal ko`raman. Men sport bilan shug`ullanishni do`stlarim bilan futbol, basketbol yoki voleybol o`ynashni yoqtiraman. Men televizor ko`rishni, magnitofon tinglashni, komp. o`yinlarini o`ynashni yoqtiraman. Shuningdek, shahar tashqarisiga chiqib, u yerda tabiatdan rohatlanish ham menga juda yoqadi.Va mening hobbim – kitoblar o`qish. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’d like to say that it’s hard to imagine our life without books. Books play such a great role in the development of personality. They help us to forget our daily problems and to pretend we travel to the past, future and to many different, wonderful places that we can’t visit in reality. I am also sure that books are our good friends and teachers. So, they teach us how to live. Kitoblarsiz xayotimizni tasavvur qilish juda qiyin.Ular insoniyat rivojlanishida shunchalik katta rolni o`ynaydi. Ular bizga kundalik muammmolarni unutishga, o`tmishga, kelajakga va xattoki biz xaqiqatda bora olmaydigan turli xil ajoyib joylarga xayoliy tashrif buyurishga yordam beradi. Shuningdek men kitoblar bizning do`stimiz va ustozimiz ekaniga ishonaman. Shuning uchun ham ular bizga qanday yashashni o`rgatadi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilizations. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, TV. The earliest kind of mass media was newspaper. OAV lari zamonaviy sivilizatsiyaning eng xarakterli xususiyati hisoblanadi.Odamlar OAV yordami bilan bitta global jamoaga birlashadi. Odamlar OAVdan tez-tez foydalanish orqali dunyoda nima sodir bo`layotganligi xaqida bilib oladilar. OAVlari o`z ichiga gazeta-jurnal, radio, televizorni qamrab oladi.OAV larining eng birinchi namunasi gazeta edi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio is widespread for its portability. It can be easily carried around. People like to listen to the Radio in the park, on the beach, at the seaside, in the car, while driving a car, on the picnic. The main kind of radio entertainment is music, news, musical quiz. Newspapers can present all comment on the news in much detail in compares on to radio and TV. Radio o`zining ixchamligi bilan keng tarqalgan. U ko`tarib yurishga ancha oson. Odamlar parkda, sahroda, dengiz sohilida, mashinada, mashina haydayotgan paytda, tog` sayohatida radio tinglashni yoqtiradilar. Radioning asosiy ko`ngilochar jihati musiqa yangiliklar va musiqiy imtihon. Gazetalar radio va televizorlar bilan solishtirganda, bizga yangiliklar asosida barcha fikrlarni tortiq qiladilar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The youngest kind of mass media is global computer net called Internet. I think that Internet is kind of mass media of the future. People can find on world wide web whole information about all things from sport to travel, from music to shopping. Internet is the most advanced and fast-growing kind of digital media. It gives people the freedom of speech. OAV larning eng so`nggi turi Internet deb ataluvchi global komp.turi. O`ylaymanki, Internet OAV larining kelajagi. Odamlar “jahon o`rgimchak to`ri www” dan sportdan tortib sayohatgacha, musiqadan tortib bozor-o`chargacha bo`lgan hamma narsa xaqida butun ma`lumotlarni topa oladilar. Internet raqamli medianing eng rivojlangan va tez o`suvchi turidir. U odamlarga gapirish erkinligini beradi. Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages. But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. Televizor hozirda bizning xayotimizda muhim rol o`ynaydi.Uning biz uchun yaxshi yoki yomonligini aytish qiyin. Shu aniqki, TV ning afzal va noafzallik tomonlari ko`proq bor. Lekin afzallik tomonlari ko`proq emasmi? Birinchidan TV ko`ngilochar narsa. Lekin u faqatgina qulay o`yin kulgu emas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People turn on the TV-set and can see interesting films, concerts, football matches. But some people think that it's bad to watch TV. Those who watch TV need do nothing. Television shows us many interesting programmes. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives. Odamlar televizorni yoqib qiziqarli filmlar, konsertlar, futbol o`yinlari ko`ra oladilar. Lekin ba`zi odamlar TV ko`rish yomon deb o`ylaydi. Kimlarki, qiladigan ishi yo`q odamlar televizor ko`radi. Televizor bizga qiziqarli programmalarni ko`rsatadi. Lekin yana bir tarafi – uni noafzallik tomoni: biz xar kuni televizor ko`ramiz va endi u bizning hayotimizga xukmronlik qila boshlaydi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My friend told me that when his TV-set broke down, he and his family found that they had more time to do things and to talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television. Very often the programmes are bad. Sometimes they show too much violence in films and news programmes. There is also too much pop music and ads. Do`stim menga uning televizori singanligini, u oilasi bilan bu yuzasidan ko`p vaqt biror narsa qilib, bir-biri bilan gaplashganini aytib berdi. Televizorga qarshi ko`plab baxslar bo`lgan. Tez-tez yomon programmalar bo`ladi. Ba`zan filmlar va yangilik programmalarida ular ko`p kuch ishlatishlarini ko`rsatishadi. Va yana ko`plab pop musiqalari bor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everyone knows that there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each of them lasts 8 months. Spring comes in March and ends in May and it often rains, especially in April. Summer is the hottest season in the year and it begins in June and ends in August. In summer the sky is clear and cloudless and the days are long and the nights are short and warm. Yilda 4 fasl: bahor, yoz, kuz va qish borligini hamma biladi. Ularning xar biri 3 oy davom etadi. Bahor Martda keladi va Mayda tugaydi va asosan Aprelda tez-tez yomg`ir yog`adi. Yoz yilning eng issiq fasli u Iyunda boshlanib, Avgustda tugaydi.Yozda osmon ochiq. Bulutsiz bo`ladi. Kunlar uzun, tunlar qisqa va iliq bo`ladi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summer brings fruits and vegetables. It is pleasant to spend this season by the seaside or somewhere in the country. The autumn months are September, October and November. The days are becoming shorter, the sun lose its force. It often rains. It is the season of harvesting. Yoz mevalar va sabzavotlar beradi. Bu faslni dengiz bo`yida yoki qishloqda o`tkazish juda ajoyib bo`ladi. Kuz oylari: sentabr, oktabr, noyabr. Kunlar qisqaroq bo`ladi, quyosh o`z kuchini yo`qotadi. Tez-tez yomg`ir yog`adi.Bu fasl – hosil yig`ish fasli. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Winter lasts three month as well: December, January and February. It is getting colder day by day and the sun shines rarely and it snows often. But everything looks so pretty covered by snow. So in every season there are bright and dark sides. But we must be thankful together whatever the weather. Qish 3 oy: Dekabr, Yanvar, Fevral. Kun soviy bodhlaydi, quyosh kamdan-kam chiqadi, tez-tez qor yog`adi. Lekin qor bilan qoplangan hamma narsa shunchalik jozibador ko`rinadi. Shuning uchun har bir faslning yaxshi va yomon tomoni bor. Lekin ob-havo qanday bo`lsa ham biz xursand bo`lshimiz kerak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Twain was born in the state of Missouri in the United States in 1835. His father was an unsuccessful lawyer. The family seldom lived more than a year or two in the same town. That is why the future writer did not even finish secondary school. He went to work at the age of 12. Mark Tven 1835-yilda AQSHda Missiouri shtatida tug`ilgan. Uning dadais omadsiz huquqshunos edi. Bu oila bir shaharda bir yoki ikki yildan ko`proq yashamasdi. Shuning uchun ham bu youvchi o`rta maktabni tugata olmagan. U 12 yoshida ishlay boshlagan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Dickens was born in 1812. He lived in the south of England when he was a little boy. His father worked in an office and he was a very clever man, but he was very poor. Charles had many brothers and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and Charles liked to read them. Charlz Dikkens 1812-yil tug`ilgan. U Angliya janubida yashagan, kichkina bola paytida. Uning dadasi idorada ishlagan va juda aqlli kishi bo`lgan, lekin juda kambag`al bo`lgan. Charlzning aka va opalari ko`p bo`lgan, lekin ular bilan o`ynamagan. Uning dadasining ko`plab kitoblari bo`lgan va Charlz ularni o`qishni yoqtirgan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Dickens learned to read very early. When he was 10 years old, his family went to London. There his father got into debt (as he had little money) and then into debtor's prison. So little Charles began to work when he was ten. That was the beginning of Charles' hard life. Charlz Dikkens o`qishni erta o`rgangan.U 10 yosh paytida oilasi Londonga brogan. U yerda dadasi o`z puli bo`lmaganligi sababli qarz olgan va keyin qarzdorlar qamoqxonasiga tashlangan. Shuning uchun Charlz 10 yosh paytida ishlay boshlagan.Bu Charlzning xayotining boshlanishi edi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Libraries are very important in the life of all people. We can't buy all the books we want to read. That's why we take out books from libraries. A lot of people go to libraries on Saturdays. They have some time to spare, because Saturday is a day off. Kutubxonalar odamlar hayotida juda muhim. Biz xohlagan barcha kitoblarni sotib ololmaymiz.Shuning uchun biz ularni kutubxonadan olamiz.Ko`p odamlar shanba kunlari kutubxonaga boradi. Ularda biroz bo`sh vaqt bo`ladi. Chunki shanba dam olish kuni. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I enjoy reading books and it doesn't matter what kind of book it is. It can be a collection of short stories, a book of poems or adventures. I equally enjoy them all. When I choose a book for reading, it shouldn't be dull but interesting. I used to get some of my books from my school library. Men kitoblar o`qishdan rohatlanaman va uning qanday kitob bo`lishi ahamiyatsiz. Bu qisqa hikoyalar kolleksiyasi, sarguzashtlar yoki she`rlar kitobi bo`lishi mumkin. Men hammasidan baravar rohatlanaman. Men o`qish uchun kitob tanlaganimda u zerikarli bo`lmaydi, lekin qiziqarli bo`ladi. Kitoblarimdan bir qanchasini men maktab kutubxonasidan olganman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our school library subscribed to several newspapers and magazines. They kept us well informed about the latest developments in this country and abroad, news in the spheres of science, art and literature. Though I attend libraries on a regular basis. I buy quite a lot of books too, particularly those that I read before and enjoyed reading. Bizning maktab kutubxonamiz bir qancha gazeta va jurnallarga obuna bo`lgan. Ular bizni mamlakatdagi va chet eldagi eng so`nggi rivojlanishlar haqida, adabiyot, san`at, ilm-fan sohalaridagi yangiliklar haqida xabar beradi. Men kutubxonalarga muntazam ravishda borib tursam ham, men ko`p kitoblarimni ayniqsa oldin o`qigan va o`qib rohatlanganlarimni sotib olaman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like to watch films very much. I prefer thrillers, comedies and horror movies, but I do not like tragedies and melodramas very much, and I hate soap operas, although they are becoming very popular in our country. My favorite film is “Titanic”. It is really wonderful from the beginning to the end. There are a lot of films which are worth seeing, but this one is the best one to my mind. Men juda ko`p filmlar tomosha qilishni yoqtiraman. Triller – hayajonga soluvchi, komediyalar, daxshatli filmlarni afzal ko`raman. Biroq tragediya va melodrammalarni yoqtirmayman va soap operalar mamlakatimizda mashxur bo`lsa ham men ulardan nafratlanaman. Sevimli filmim “Titanik”. Bu film boshidan oxiragacha xaqiqatda ajoyib, ko`rishga arzigulik ko`plab filmlar bor. Lekin bu film mening fikrimcha eng zo`ri. -------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many theatres in my town, but they are all very popular with the public. Theatre lovers don't miss any new performance at the Drama Theatre Children like to go to the Puppet Theatre and the circus. Those who are fond of music go to the Opera House. I'll never forget my first visit to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. Shahrimda ko`plab teatrlar bor, lekin ularning hammasi jamoa bilan mashxur. Teatr ishqibozlari Drama Teatrdagi yangi tomoshalarni o`tkazib yubormaydilar.Bolalar Qo`g`irchoq Teatriga yoki sirkka borishni xohlashadi. Musiqaga qiziqadiganlar OPERA uyiga borishadi. Men xech qachon opera va balet teatriga birinchi tashrifimni unutmayman. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I am a great cinema goer. I like cinema immensely and go to the pictures very often. I see all the best films, especially the production of the Uzbek film studios. I enjoy documentaries very much, not to mention cartoons. I only like some foreign films. I prefer them dubbed into Russian or Uzbek or with subtitles. I usually buy tickets for the afternoon performances. If want to go the evening performances, I buy the tickets in advance.. Men zo`r kino ishqiboziman. O`ta darajada kinoni yoqtiraman va kinoteatrga tez-tez boraman. Men barcha eng yaxshi filmlarni, ayniqsa o`zbek film studiyasi mahsulotlarini ko`raman. Xujjatli filmlardan rohatlanaman, multfilmlarni aytib o`tirmayman.Men xorijiy kinolarning faqat ba`zilarini yoqtiraman. Ularning subtitrlari bilan Rus va O`zbek tillariga dublyaj qilinganlarini yoqtiraman. Men odatda peshingi tomoshalar uchun chipta sotib olaman.Agar kechki tomoshaga borishni xohlasangiz oldindan chipta sotib olasiz. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theatre is a place where you can see a play staged. It is also one of entertainments. A theatre consists of two parts: the stage and the hall. They are separated by a curtain and the orchestra. Actors and actresses perform on the stage and public occupies the hall, the dress-circles, the boxes and the gallery. Teatr siz sahnada pyesa ko`radigan joy. Shuningdek, ko`ngilochar o`yin-kulgu turlaridan biridir. Teatr ikki qismdan tashkil topadi: sahna va zal. Ular parda va orkestr orqali ajratiladi. Aktyor va aktrisalar sahnada rol ijro etadi va jamoa zalni, kiyinish qavatini, kassa va galereyani egallab oladi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerard Depardieu is one is the most popular actor. He was born in 1948 in a poor family of a shoemaker in a little town. When he was 16 he came to Paris without any education and without any money. Together with his friend he began to attend the actor courses. He got acquainted with a girl of a wealthy family and soon they got married. Gerard Depardiyu eng mashxur aktyorlardan biri.U 1948-yilda kichkina shaxarda tufli ishlab chiqaradigan kambag`al oilada tug`ilgan. 16 yosh paytida xech qanday ta`lim olmasdan va pulsiz Parijga keladi. Do`sti bilan birga aktyorlik kursiga qatnay boshlaydi. U boy oila qizi bilan tanishadi va tez orada turmush quradilar. People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting and hockey. And In the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. It's so nice to go to the skating-rink on a frosty sunny day. Dunyo bo`ylab odamlar sport va o`yinlarga qiziqadi. Bu xar bir millat va sinf odamlarini birlashtiradigan asoslardan biridir. Eng mashxur ochiq havoda o`ynaladigan qishki o`yinlar: o`q urish, ovlash va xokkey. Qish sovuq va qor ko`p bo`ladigan mamlakatlarda konkida uchish, chang`i va chanada uchish kabilar bor. Sovuq quyoshli kunda yaxmalak uchishga boorish shunchalik ajoiybki!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My favorite subjects were Literature, History and English. Most of all I liked English. I read English books, tried to translate some stories from newspapers from English into Uzbek . I had some English handbooks and they were of great help to me when I studied English Grammar and did some exercises. At our English lessons we read quite a lot of dull texts from our textbooks. Mening sevimli fanlarim adabiyot, tarix va ingliz tili. Hammasidan ko`p ingliz tilini yoqtiraman. Inglizcha kitoblar o`qiyman, gazetalardan bir qancha hikoyalarni ingliz tilidan o`zbek tiliga tarjima qilaman. Menda ingliz tilidan kichik qo`llanmalar bor. Men Ingliz Grammatikasini o`rganganimda va mashqlar qilayotganimda ular menga juda katta yordam beradi. Ingliz tili darsimizda biz darsliklardan ko`plab zerikarli matnlar o`qiymiz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best way to improve your language skills and habits is to work at a language laboratory. But there was no good language laboratory at our school. And I spent plenty of time at home listening to the tapes, imitating the sounds and intonations of the native speakers of English. I was working hard at my pronunciation because my teacher said that it was my weak point. Sometimes I spoke English with my friends after classes and they said I was making good progress in the language. Sizning til mahoratingiz va ko`nikmangizni oshirishning eng yaxshi yo`li lingafon xonasida ishlash. Lekin yaxshi lingafon xonasi bizning maktabda yo`q. va men ko`p vaqtimni uyda magnitofon tasmalarini tinglab, milliy ingliz tilida gapiruvchilarning intonnatsiyasi va tovushlariga taqlid qilib o`tkazaman. Men o`z talaffuzim ustida qattiq ishlayman.Chunki, o`qituvchim bu mening kuchsiz tomonim ekanini aytadi. Ba`zan men darsdan so`ng do`stlarim bilan Inglizcha gaplashardim va ular mening nutqimda yaxshi yuksalish bo`layotganini aytishardi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I decided to take my entrance exams to the University of World languages because I want to know English. Nowadays, it's impossible to do without foreign languages because of expanding economic, cultural ties of this country with other countries of the world. Besides, one can't be a learned and well-educated person if he doesn't know at least one foreign language. As for me, I'd like to read English and American Literature, to understand it without resorting to anybody's help. Men Jahon tillari Universitetiga kirishga qaror qildim.Chunki, men ingliz tilini bilishni xohlayman. Bugungi kunda boshqa mamlakatlar bilan madaniy, iqtisodiy aloqalarning kengayotganligi sababli chet tillarsiz biror narsa qilish imkonsiz bo`lib qoldi. Bundan tashqari, bir shaxs kamida bitta chet tilini bilmasa, o`qimagan, yaxshi ta`lim ko`rmagan hisoblanadi. Menga kelsak, men Ingliz tilini, Amerika adabiyotini o`qishni va birovning yordamisiz uni tushunishni xohlayman. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surfing is popular all over the world. It's practiced on lakes and rivers, seas and oceans — anywhere with good wind. Some people think that it's a new kind of sport. But it is not. It was first reported by the British explorer Captain Cook in 1778. It became popular with the introduction of mass-produced, lightweight boards made of fiberglass in the 1960s. Surfingda (o`yin turi) uchish butun dunyo bo`ylab mashxur. U daryo, dengiz okeanlarda yaxshi shamol bor joylarda tajriba qilinadi.Ba`zi odamlar buni yangi sport turi deb o`ylaydi.Lekin bunday emas. Bu o`yin haqida 1-marta 1778-yilda Britaniya tadqiqotchisi Kapitan Guk tomonidan ma`lumot berilgan. 1960-yillarda u ko`plab ishlab chiqarilishi bilan shisha tolalardan qilingan yengil vaznli taxtachalar bilan mashxur bo`lgan. ------------------------------------ People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. Dunyo bo`ylab odamlar sport va o`yinlarga qiziqadi. Sport odamlarni sog`lom qiladi, jismonan baquvvat saqlaydi va yaxshiroq tartib-intizomni tashkillashtiradi. U turli xil millat, sinf odamlarini birlashtiradi.Ko`plab odamlar o`zlarining shaxsiy shijoatlarida sport bilan shug`ullanadilar. Ular chang`ida uchish, konki, stol tennis, suzish, volleybol, futbol, kulturizm va boshqalar bilan shug`ullanadilar. All necessary facilities are provided for students: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children’s daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges. Talabalar uchun barcha zaruriy imkoniyatlar yaratilgan: stadion, sport maydonchalari, suzish havzalari, yaxmalak uchish maydonlari, futbol maydonlari. Bizning ta`lim muassasamizda sportga ko`p e`tibor berilmoqda. Bog`chalarda gimnastika bolalar kundalik faoliyatining bir qismidir. Jismoniy madaniyat maktablarda va kollejlarda majburiy fandir. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our republic. There are different sporting societies clubs and complexes. The most famous of them are the Olympic complexes «Sparta», «Dynamo» stadium, etc. They are used for international and world competitions. Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our republic but football; gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. Respublikamizda professional sportga ko`p e`tabor qaratiladi. Turli xil sport jamiyati klublari va komplekslari bor. Ulardan eng mashxurlari “Sparta” Olimpiada kompleksi, “Dinamo” stadioni va hokazo. Ular xalqaro va jahon musobaqalari uchun foydalaniladi. Deyarli sportning barcha turlari respublikamizda mashxur, lekin futbol, gimnastika va tennis eng mashxurlari hisoblanadi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for me, I go in for swimming. It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been swimming for a 5 years. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or a simply swimming with my friends. Certainly, it`s a great distance between my manner of swimming and such favorites as Popov, but I do my training with great pleasure and hope to swim well as our best swimmers do. Menga kelsak, men suzish bilan shug`ullanaman. U xarakatchanlik, faollik va ko`p energiya talab qiladi. U shaxsni yaxshi formada saqlaydi.Men 5 yildan beri suzish bilan shug`ullanaman. Men musobaqalarda qatnashishdan yoki do`stlarim bilan oddiy suzishdan xaqiqatda rohat, zavq olaman. Albatta bu mening suzish yo`sinim bilan. Sevimli suzuvchim jumladan, Papov bilan o`rtamizda masofa bor, lekin men mashqlarni zo`r rohatlanish bilan bajaraman va umid qilamanki, sevimli suzuvchilarim singari men ham yaxshi suzaman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Dunyo bo`ylab odamlar sport va o`yinlarga qiziqadilar. Sport odamlarni sog`lom, baquvvat qiladi va yaxshiroq intizomni tashkillashtiradi. Bu turli xil millat va sinf odamlarini birlashtiradi. Ko`plab odamlar va shaxsiy qiziqishidagi sport turi bilan shug`ullanadilar. Ular barcha zaruriy imtiyozlar bilan ta`minlanadi: stadionlar, sport maydonlari, suzish havzalari, yaxmalak uchish va chang`i stadionlari, futbol maydonlari va boshqalar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wе live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats in Strogino. It's situated in a very picturesque place not far from the MoskvaRiver. There's a big supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping.Our flat is on the fifth floor and it's very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. Biz Straginodagi yangi 16 qavatli binoda yashaymiz. U Moskva daryosidan uzoq bo`lmagan juda chiroyli joyda joylashgan. Birinchi qavatda katta supermarket joylashgan.Bu xar kungi bozar-o`char uchun juda qulay. Bizning kvartira 6-qavatda va u juda qulay va yaxshi rejalashtirilgan. Bizda barcha qulayliklar bor. Jumladan isitish tizimi, elektr toki, gaz, sozuq va issiq suv, va telefon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat, also a balcony and we can enjoy a lovely view of the river. The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of the room there's a big table and six chairs round it. Opposite the window there's a wall unit with lots of books, a TV-set and a video cassette recorder. There are two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table in the right-hand corner. Bizning kvartiramizda 3 ta xona, oshxona, yuvinish xonasi, zal, shuningdek, balkon bor va biz daryoning chiroyli manzarasidan rohatlanamiz. Kvartiradagi eng katta xona – mehmonxona va biz undan ovqatlanish xonasi va dam olish xonasi sifatida foydalanamiz. Xonaning o`rtasida katta stol va uning atrofida 6 ta stul bor. Deraza qarshisida devor ko`plab kitoblar televizor va videokasseta yozish apparatini birlashtiradi. Ikkita qulay kreslo va o`ng qo`ldagi burchakda kofe stoli bor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is also a sofa and an electric fire in our living room. We like the living room best of all, because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest. My room is the smallest room in our flat, but it's very cosy and light. There's a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There's a thick carpet on the floor. Shuningdek, mehmonxonada divan va elektr pechka bor. Biz barchasidan mehmonxonani yoqtiramiz. Chunki, kechqurunlari biz birgalikda u yerda choy ichamiz, televizor ko`ramiz, dam olamiz. Mening xonam kvartirada eng kichigi, lekin u juda shinam va yorug`. U yerda krovat, shkaf, yozuv stoli, kreslo va bir qancha kitoblar tokchasi bor. Polda qalin gilam bor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walls in my room are light brown and there are some big posters on them. I like my room very much, but from time to time I change it round. I quite often move the bed and change the posters on the wall. Our kitchen is large, light and well-equipped. We've got a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker. We haven't got a dishwasher yet, but I'm sure we'll buy it in the near future. Xonam devorlari yorqin jigarrang va unda katta plakatlar bor. Xonamni juda yaxshi ko`raman, lekin asta-sekin men uni o`zgartirdim. Men tez-tez krovatni va devordagi plakatlarni o`zgartiraman. Bizning oshxona katta.Yorug` va yaxshi jihozlangan.Bizda muzlatgich, muzxona, mikroto`lqinli pech, kofe tayyorlaydigan asbob bor. Bizda kir yuvish mashinasi yo`q, lekin umid qilamanki, biz yaqin orada uni ham sotib olamiz. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are all kinds of racing in England - horse-racing, motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, and even races for donkeys. On sports days at school boys and girls run races, and even train for them. There is usually a mile race for older boys, and one who wins it is certainly a good runner. Usually those who run a race go as fast as possible, but there are some races in which everybody has to go very carefully in order to avoid falling. Angliya ko`plab poyga turlari bor: ot-poyga, mototsikl, qayiq-poyga va xattoki eshaklar uchun ham poyga bor. Maktabda sport bo`yicha o`g`il va qiz bolalar musobaqalari o`tkaziladi, xatto ular tayyorlanishadi. Odatda kattaroq yoshdagi bolalar uchun bir milyaga musobaqa bo`ladi va albatta yaxshi yugurgan g`olib bo`ladi. Odatda musobaqada yugurayotganlar iloji boricha tezroq yuguradi, lekin ba`zi musobaqalarda yiqilib tushmaslik uchun juda extiyotkor bo`lishlariga to`g`ri keladi. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most famous boat-race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It is rowed over a course on the River Thames, and thousands of people go to watch it. The eight rowers in each boat have great struggle, and at the end there is usually only a short distance between the winners and the losers. The University boat-race started in 1820 and has been rowed on the Thames almost every spring since 1836. Angliyada eng mashxur kema musobaqasi. Oksford va Kembridj o`rtasida bo`ladi. Unda temza daryosi orqali qayiqda o`tiladi va minglab odamlar uni tomosha qilishga boradi. Har bir kemada 8 ta eshkakchi kurashadi va oxirida faqat bitta g`oliblar va mag`lublar o`rtasida qisqa masofa bo`ladi. Universitet – dorilfunun qayiq musobaqasi 1820-yilda boshlangan va 1836-yildan beri deyarli har bahorda eshkakda o`tkaziladi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Hobbi bu shaxsning bo`sh vaqtida biror narsa qilishni xohlashidir. Hobbilar xohish-istakdan farqlanadi.Agar siz o`z xarakter va xohishingizga ko`ra hobbini tanlasangiz, siz omadlisiz.Chunki, mashxur hobbi biror narsa qilishdir.Bu o`z ichiga bog`dorchilikdan sayohatgacha, shaxmatdan volleybolgacha keng qamrovli turli xil xarakatlarni oladi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something - coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Voyaga yetganlar va bolalar ham turli xil komp o`yinlarini o`ynashga qiziqadilar. Bu hobbi bora-bora mshxur bo`lib bormoqda. Bular o`z ichiga rasm chizish, bo`yash, qo`lda buyumlar yasashni oladi.Ko`p odamlar tangalar, markalar, kompakt disk, o`yinchoq, kitoblar yig`adi. Bir qancha kolleksiyalar ancha qimmatli. Boy odamlar tez-tez sur`atlar, noyob narsalar va boshqa san`at asralarini yig`adilar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favorite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on disc booklets. I try to find everything about my favorite singers. Also I like to watch music programs on TV. Menga kelsak,men musiqa tinglashni yoqtiraman, 3 oy oldin ota-onam menga kompakt disk sotib olganlar va men kompakt disk yig`ishga qaror qildim. Men turli xil musiqalarni yoqtiraman. U yaxshi bo`lishi kerak. Men sevimli guruhim va qo`shiqchilarimning diskini yig`aman. Men disk broshyurasidagiyozilgan ma`lumotlarni ehtiyotkorlik bilan o`rganaman. Men sevimli qo`shiqchilarim haqida xamma narsa topishga xarakat qilaman.Shuningdek, men televizorda musiqiy programmalarni tomosha qilishni yoqtiraman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things ( politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV programs. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest and we make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. Albatta men bo`sh vaqtimni do`stlarim bilan o`tkazishni xohlayman. Biz narsalarning barcha turi haqida gaplashamiz (siyosat, o`qituchilar, qizlar).Biz filmlarni, kitoblarni, TV programmalarni muhokama qilamiz.Bizga yaxshi, ochiq ob-havoda yurish yoqadi. Biz o`rmonda ajoyib joylarni topamiz va olov yoqamiz, kartoshka pishiramiz va ko`p o`yin-kulgu qilamiz. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Englishmen like animals very much. Pets can be various — cats, dogs, horses, pigs, exotic birds and fish. These friends of men have a much better life in Britain, than anywhere else. In Britain there are special dog shops, selling food, medicines and other things for dogs. There are dog hair-dressing saloons and dog cemeteries. Ingliz odamlari hayvonlarni juda yoqtiradi. Uy hayvonlari turlicha – mushukcha, kuchuklar, otlar, cho`chkalar, ajoyib qushlar va baliqlar. Odamlarning do`stlari bo`lgan bunday hayvonlarga Britaniyada boshqa joylarga qaraganda yaxshi xayot bor. Britaniyada boshqa joylarga qaraganda yaxshi xayot bor. Britaniyada maxsus it do`konlari, ular uchun ovqat, dori va boshqa narsalar sotadigan do`konlar bor. Itlar saloni va itlar qabristoni ham bor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Englishmen make dog-shows and organize dogs' supper parties for winners of dogs' competitions. They do all they can to make animals feel well. There were photographs in English newspapers of a mother duck and her young family, crossing slowly the road from Hyde Park to KensingtonGarden. All traffic around was stopped to let the duck family walk safely from one park to another. Recently Englishmen began to keep at home exotic animals such as crocodiles, tigers, pigs, snakes and spiders. Inglizlar kuchuk musobaqasi g`oliblari uchun kuchuk-shoularini tayyorlab, kuchuklar super bazmlarini tashkillashtiradi.Bular hamma hayvonlarni o`zlarini yaxshi his qilishlari uchun qilinadi. Ingliz gazaetalarida Hyde Parkdan Kensington Bog`I boradigan yo`lni kesib o`tayotgan ona o`rdak va uning yosh oliasining rasmlari bor. O`rdaklarning bir parkdan boshqasiga sog`-omon borishlari uchun atrofdagi barcha yo`l transporti to`xtatilgan. Yaqin oralarda inglizlar uyda ajoyib, egzotik hayvonlarni, jumladan, krokodil yo`lbars, cho`chka, ilon va o`rgimchaklarni saqlay boshladilar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- London Airport has a special hotel for animals. Every year thousands of animals arrive at LondonAirport. Some stay one night there; others stay several weeks. The hotel looks after birds, insects, fish, elephants, monkey other animals. Nowadays there are about 4 million dogs, 6 million cats, 8 million birds and lots of other animals in Britain. London Aeroprtida hayvonlar uchun maxsus mehmonxona bor. Har yili minglab hayvonlar London Aeroportiga yetib keladi. Ba`zilari u yerda bir kecha boshqalari bir necha xafta qoladi.Mehmonxona qushlarga, hasharotlarga, baliq, fil, maymun va boshqa hayvonlarga g`amxo`rlik qiladi. Bugungi kunda Britaniyada 4 million kuchuk, 6 million mushuk, 8 million qush va ko`plab boshqa hayvonlar bor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My school is one of the oldest specialized schools in Moscow. It's famous for its high quality education and strict discipline. On the ground floor there's a gym, a canteen, a library and two workshops. On the first floor there's a large assembly hall, a home economics room, a computer class and a language laboratory. On the second floor there are physics, chemistry and biology labs Mening maktabim Moskvadagi eng eski ixtisoslashgan maktablardan biri.U o`zining yuqori sifatli ta`lim berishi va qat`iy intizomi bilan mshxur. Birinchi qavatda gimnastika zali, oshxona, kutubxona va 2 ustaxona bor. Ikkinchi qavatda katta yig`ilish zali, iqtisodiyot xonasi, kompyuter sinfi va lingafon xonasi bor. Uchinchi qavatda fizika, ximiya va biologiya labarotoriya xonalari bor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to school five days a week. Classes began at nine o'clock in the morning but I usually came to school ten minutes earlier. Each lesson lasted forty minutes. After three or four lessons we had a thirty-minute break. During this break we went to the canteen to have lunch. Men xaftada 5 kun maktabga borardim. Darslar ertalab soat 9-00 da boshlanardi, lekin men odatda 10minut erta kelardim.Har bir dars 40 minut davom etardi. 3 yoki 4 darsdan keyin bizda 30minut tanaffus bo`lardi. Tanaffus davomida biz oshxonaga tushlik qilish uchun borardik. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every day we had 7 or 8 lessons. The lessons were over at four o'clock in the afternoon. We usually had a lot of homework and it took me several hours to do it. I sometimes had to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report, to translate a newspaper article from English into Russian or to learn a poem by heart. After classes I didn't usually go home right away. Har kuni bizda 7 – 8 dars bo`ladi. Darslar darslar peshi soat 4-00 da tugaydi. Bizda odatda ko`p uyga vazifa bo`lardi va ularni tayyorlash mendan ancha vaqt olardi. Men ba`zan insho yozishimga, hisobot tayyorlashimga, gazeta maqolalarini ingliz tilidan rus tiliga tarjima qilishimga yoki ularni yoddan o`rganishimga to`g`ri kelib qolardi. Darslardan keyin men to`g`ri uyga bormasdim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We had some out-of class activities. Our social and cultural life was well-organized. For example, we had an orchestra, a choir, an arts club, an International Friendship Club. I took part in the drama club. At school we had classes in Russian, Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, English, History, Computer Programming, Music, Physical Education, and Information Technology. Bizda bir qancha darslardan tashqari faoliyatlar ham bo`lgan. Bizning ijtimoiy va madaniy hayotimiz yaxshi tashkillashtirilgan edi. Masalan, bizda orkestr, xor, san`at klubi, Xalqaro Do`stlik klubi bor edi.Men drama klubiga qatnashardim. Maktabda,bizda rus tili, adabiyot, matematika, biologiya, geografiya, fizika, ximiya, ingliz tili, tarix, kompyuter programmasi, musiqa, fizik ta`limva informtika texnologiyasi kabi fanlar bor edi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My favorite subject was English. I liked to learn new words, to dramatize texts and dialogues. I liked it when we discussed something interesting to us, when we were taught to debate, when we had small-group discussions or set up a role play. But I wasn't very good at chemistry. I always failed to learn formulas and terms properly. Mening sevimli fanim Ingliz tili edi. Men yangi so`zlarni o`rganishni, matn va diologlarni sahnalashtirishni yoqtirardim. Bizga muhokama – munozara o`rgatilardi va biz qiziqarli bir narsani muhokama qilardik, bizda kichkina muhokama guruhlari bo`lardi va rollarga bo`lib o`rganardik. Lekin men ximiya fanida yaxshi emasdim. Har doim formula va atamalarni o`rganishda muvaffaqqiyatsizlikka uchrardim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not an early riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my tape-recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and shave. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed. Ish kunlari davomida budilnik soat 6:30da meni uyg`otadi va ish kunim boshlanadi. Men erta uyg`onuvchi emasman. Shuning uchun ham krovatdan tushish men uchun juda qiyin bo`ladi, odatda qish kunlari. Men magnitofonni yoqaman va ertalabki badantarbiyani qilaman. Keyin vannaxonaga kiraman, iliq dush qabul qilaman, tishimni tozalayman va soqolimni olaman. Keyin men yotoqxonamga kiyinish uchun boraman. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just doesn't have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio. I leave the house at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. Last year I tried to enter MoscowUniversity, but unfortunately I failed my entrance examinations. Odatda oyim men uchun nonushta tayyorlaydi.Lekin u ishda yoki erta turmagan paytda mening o`zim nonushta tayyorlayman.Nonushta qilayotgan paytda radiodan so`nggi yangiliklarni tinglayman. Uydan 7:30da chiqaman va eng yaqin metroga boraman. O`tgan yili men Moskva Universitetiga kirishga xarakat qildim. Lekin afsuski, men kirish imtixonidan o`ta olmadim. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I thought I should work somewhere. It wasn't easy to find a job, but I managed to get a position of a secretary in a small business company. They agreed to take me because I had studied typewriting, computing and business organization at school. And besides, I passed my English school leaving exam with an excellent mark. Shuning uchun o`ylagandimki, menbiror yerda ishlashim kerak. Ish toppish oson emas, lekin men kechki xizmat ko`rsatish kompaniyasida kotiblik lavozimini olishga muvaffaq bo`ldim. Ular meni ishga olganiga xursand bo`ldi. Chunki, men mashinkada yozishni, hisoblashni va biznes tshkillashtirishni maktabda o`rgangan edim va bundan tashqari, men Ingliz tilida maktabda bitirish imtixonidan a`lo baholarga o`tganman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I don't want to waste my time on the train. I've got a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and dialogues. Sometimes I read a book and retell it silently. If I come across an interesting expression I try to memorize it and also write some English words on flashcards and learn them. Ishga boorish mendan 1,5 soat vaqt oladi. Lekin, men vaqtimni poyezdda bekor o`tkazishni xohlamayman. Menda kichkina kasseta- player bor va men turli xil matnlar va diologlar tinglayman. Ba`zan men kiyob o`qiyman va uni sekin aytib beraman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I usually arrive at work at ten minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9. There are always some fax messages to translate from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to write a letter to our business partners abroad. There are also a lot of phone calls which I have to answer. I like my job. Mening ish kunim 9da odatda 9ga 10daqiqa qolganda u yerda fax-xatlarni ingloz tilidan rus tiliga tarjima qilaman. Ba`zan mening boshlig`im meni chet davlatlardagi hamkorlarimizga xat yozishimni xohlaydi va men u yerda juda ko`p telefon qo`ng`iroqlarga javob beraman, men kasbimni yaxshi ko`raman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At 1 o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe just round the corner. At 2 o'clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5 o'clock. During the working day we also have several short coffee breaks but sometimes we have no time for them. Soat 11da bizlar tushlik qilamiz.Bizlar odatda muyulishda kichkina kafeda ovqatlanamiz. Soat 2da ishga qaytib kelamiz va soat 5gacha qattiq ishlaymiz. Ish kunlari davrida qisqa tanaffus qilamiz va biror narsa tamaddi qilamiz, ammo ba`zan bizlarga tamaddi uchun vaqt topilmaydi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Occasionally I have to stay at work till 6 or even 7 o'clock in the evening. I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home, waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea and watch TV or just talk. Odatda men ishda 6 yoki 7 gacha ishda qolib ketaman.Men ba`zan kechki 7larda uyga kelaman. Mening ota-onam odatda uyda bo`ladi va meni kutishayotgan bo`ladi. Bizlar birga ovqatlanamiz. Keyin bizlar dam olish xonasida birga choy ichamiz va TV ko`ramiz yoki birga gaplashib o`tiramiz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we have a lot of things to do we go to work on Saturdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on Sundays is to sleep till eleven o'clock, watch television, listen to music and read something in English. And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my job. I think I get a lot of useful experience. Qachonki, ishlarimiz ko`p bo`lsa, shanba kuni ham ishga boramiz. Xaftaning oxirgi kunida bizlar juda charchaymiz. Shuning uchun ham yakshanba kuni soat 11gacha uxlayman, TV ko`raman, musiqa tinglayman va ingliz tilidagi kitoblarni o`qiyman. Shunga qaramay keyingki ish kunimni intizorlik bilan kutaman.Men o`z kasbimni sevaman. O`ylaymanki, juda ko`p foydali tajribalarga ega bo`laman. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nowadays it's very necessary to know a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. The total number of languages in the world is from 2500 to 5000. English is spoken all over the world and very popular. There is a proverb: "Knowledge is Power." I agree with it. Xozirgi kunda xorijiy tillarni bilish juda muhim. Chet tillarni bilish do`stlik aloqalarini rivojlanishiga odamlarning bir-birini tushunishiga yordam beradi. Butun dunyoda 2500dan 5000gacha tillar qayd qilingan. Ingliz tilida deyarli butun dunyo bu tilda gaplasha oladi va bu til juda mashxur. Bilim – bu kuch-qudrat degan maqol bor va men bunga qo`shilaman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I study English, because I want to read English books of great writers in origin. I want to communicate with people from different countries. I want to understand their culture and traditions. I like to travel. Speaking English I can travel anywhere, because more than 1 billion people speak English. Men Ingliz tili bo`limida o`qiyman, chunki men buyuk yozuvchilar tomonidan yozilgan ingliz kitoblarni o`qishni xohlayman. Men chet davlatlardagi insonlar bilan aloqa qilishni xohlayman.Men ularni madaniyatini, an`analrini o`rganishni xohlayman.Men sayohat qilishni yoqtiraman.Ingliz tilida gaplasha olsam, men xohlagan joyimga sayohat qila olaman.Chunki, 1 billiondan ortiq odamlar ingliz tilida gaplashadilar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have a pen-friend abroad and she lives in Sweden. I have much fun writing letters to my Swedish friend. First of all I read a lot. There is always an English book on my desk. I'm trying to learn few new words every day. Mening chet elda yashaydigan xatdosh do`stim bor. U Shvetsiyada yashaydi. Men Shvetsiyadagi do`stim bilan juda ko`p xatlar yozishamiz. Xammasidanam men 1-xatimni ko`p o`qiyman. Menda faqat ingliz kitoblari bor. Men xar kuni bir qancha yangi so`zlar o`rganishga xarakat qilyapman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To remember words better I put them into groups. For example: believe — believer — belief — disbelieve. I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words. I have some tapes and video-tapes in English. I like to watch different satellite TV programs in English. I like studying English. So`zlarni (eslab qolish) guruhlarga bo`lib yodlash yaxshiroq. Masalan; ishonmoq – e`tiqod qiluvchi – ishonch – ishonmaslik. Men ko`pincha ingliz tilidagi qo`shiqlarni tinglayman va so`zlarni eslab qolishga xarakat qilaman. Menda inglizcha video tasmalar va kassetalar bor. Men TV programmalarni (kanallarni) ko`rishni yoqtiraman va men ingliz tilida o`qishni yoqtiraman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My father is working for an international company as a managing director. I have been several times at his office. I like it very much to be there. My father is very busy so he often comes late from work. But I can see that he likes his job and he always finds the time to spend with me and mam. Mening dadam xalqaro kompaniyada director o`rinbosari bo`lib ishlaydi. Men ko`p vaqtimni dadamning kompaniyasida o`tkazaman. Men u yerda ko`p bo`lishni yoqtiraman. Dadam judayam band bo`ladilar. Shuning uchun ham ishdan kech qaytadilar. Ammo, ko`rib turganimdek u o`z kasbini sevadi va u har doim men yoki oyim bilan bo`lishga vaqt topadi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My father is a friendly person and he is easy to talk to. I respect my father and I want to become a businessman too. I think our country needs good businesspeople to strengthen its economy. After I finish school I'm going to enter the university and study marketing or management. I haven't decided yet exactly what will I study. Mening dadam do`stona va ochiqko`nggil, men dadamni xurmat qilaman va men ham dadamga o`xshab biznesmen bo`lishni xohlayman. O`ylaymanki, bizning davlatimiz malakali tadbirkorlarga muxtoj. Maktabni tugatganimdan so`ng iqtisodiyot marketing va menejerlik institutiga kirmoqchiman. Ammo, men hali nimadan o`qib o`rganishni aniq bilamyman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Shakespeare was born in April 1564. His father was a rich citizen whose business was making and selling leather gloves. His mother was the daughter of an important farmer. When he was nineteen, William married a farmer's daughter Anne and she was some years older than him. During that years he may have helped his father in the family business or he may have been a country schoolmaster for a time, we don't know exactly. Villiam Shekspir 1564-yil aprelda tug`ilgan. Uning otasi qo`jo qo`lqop yasash va sotish bilan shug`ullanardi va shuningdek, boy shaharda yashashgan. Uning oyisi esa katta fermerning qizi edi.U 19yoshga to`lganida fermerning qizi Annaga uylanadi.Anna undan bir necha yosh katta edi xolos. U o`sha yillari otasining biznesiga yordam berardi yoki u o`sha shaharning eng zo`r makatb o`qituvchisi bo`lgan bo`lishi mumkin. Bu haqdagi ma`lumotlar aniq emas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shakespeare had three children: Susannah, the eldest, then twins — a son, Hamnet, and another girl, Judith. In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children at home. Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays. The parents did not even guess that their son would be such an important figure in English poetry and drama. His plays would still be acted four hundred years later in England and all over the world. Shekspirning 3ta farzandi bo`lgan: eng kattasi Suzanno, keyingisi egizak bo`lgan – bittasi o`g`il Hamnet, keyingisi qiz Judiz edi. 1587-yil Shekspir Londonga ishlash uchun ketadi. Anna va bolalari uyda qoladi. Bir necha yildan so`ng Shekspir asarlar yozishni boshlaydi. Uning ota-onasi Shekspirni Ingliz she`riyati va dramasida muhim inson bo`lib yetishishini taxmin ham qilmagandilar. Uning asarlari xailgacha 400yildan beri ijro etilib kelinmoqda va keyinchalik ham butun dunyoda namoyish qilib kelinmoqda. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By 1592 Shakespeare was an important member of well-known company. In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed. It was a round building with the stage in the center, open to the sky. If it was raining, the actors got wet; if the weather was too bad, there was no performance at all. 1592-yilgacha Shekspir eng mashxur kompaniyaning muhim a`zosi edi. 1599-yil Tames daryosining janubiy tomonida mashxur “Globe Teatri” qurildi. O`sha teatrda uning ko`p asarlari o`ynalgan binoning markazi sahna bo`lib tepasida ochiq osmon ko`rinib turar edi. Agarda yomg`ir yog`sa aktyorlar shalabbo bo`lar edi. Agar ob-havo yomon bo`lsa teatrda pyesalar qo`yilmas edi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like winter because I have my long winter holidays. The weather is usually fine. Sometimes the sun shines brightly and there is a lot of snow everywhere. During my holidays I spend a lot of time in the open air. It is not necessary to get up early. I have breakfast and then I'm free the whole day. Sometimes my friends ring me up and we go for a walk. Men qish faslini yoqtiraman, chunki qishda bizlarga uzun ta`til berishadi. Ob-havo ham ajoyib bo`ladi. Ba`zan quyosh yorug`lik sochar va hamma yer oppoq qor bilan qoplangan bo`ladi. Ta`til davomida men ko`pincha ko`p vaqtimni ochiq havoda o`tkazaman. Men nonushta qilganimdan so`ng kuni bo`yi bo`sh bo`laman. Ba`zan do`stlarim qo`ng`iroq qilishadi va bizlar tashqariga sayrga chiqamiz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One day my friend Nick and I decided to go shopping. I took my salary and Nick took his father's salary. Nick needed some new clothes badly. There are a lot of shops, supermarkets and department stores in the centre of the city, so we decided to go through some of them. The first shop on our way was a large supermarket. The choice of goods was very impressive. Bir kuni do`stim Nik va men xarid qilishga chiqdik men oylik maoshimni olib chiqdim va Nik esa dadasinikini. Nikga yangi kiyimlar kerak edi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knowing English you can easily travel to The USA, Canada, The Republic of Southern Africa, The Irish Republic, Australia, New Zealand and many others. It is the language of science, trade, culture and computers. I’m sure that every educated man should know English, and not only in order to communicate. Almost one half of periodical literature is issued in English, and in such a way you can read most of the famous newspapers and magazines in original. Ingliz tilini bilish orqali siz AQSH, Kanada, Janubiy Afrika Respublikasi, Avstraliya, Yangi Zelandiya va boshqa mamlakatlarga osonlikcha sayohat qila olasiz. Ingliz tili ilmiy, savdo, madaniy va kompyuter tilidir. Men aminmanki, har bir o`qimishli odam Ingliz tilini bilishi kerak, faqatgina aloqa vositasi sifatida emas. Davriy adabiyotning deyarli birinchi yarmi ingliz tilida chop etiladi va shu orqalisiz ko`pchilik mashxur gazeta va jurnallarni asl holida o`qiy olasiz. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think we have good opportunity to study English thoroughly because we have it six times a week. At our lessons of English language much attention is paid to developing good speaking habits as well as grammar and pronunciation. Holding different discussions and conversations, describing pictures and developing situations we gain experience in using English words and phrases properly and speaking correct English. O`ylashimcha bizlarda Ingliz tilini to`laligicha o`rganishimiz uchun yaxshi imkoniyat bor. Chunki xafta mobaynida 6ta Ingliz tili darsi bor. Bizning ingliz tili darslarimizda ko`proq e`tiborni yaxshi gapirishni rivojlantirishga qaratamiz grammatika va talaffuz kabiturli xil muhokamalar va suhbatlar o`tkazish, rasmlarni tasvirlash va vaziyatlarni rivojlantirish orqali biz Ingliz so`zlari va frazalarini qo`llash va Ingliz tilida mukammal gaplashishga erishishga yordam beradi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At our English lessons we read extracts from the books of by different foreign authors. Our English lessons are held in a special classroom, which is equipped with a tape recorder, a record player and a slide projector. There is no doubt that all this technical devices will be of great value for all those whose aim is mastering English. Because learning songs, reading poems, taking part in different parties and staging plays we can practice our speaking habits. Ingliz darslarida turli xorij mualliflarining kitoblaridan parchalar o`qiymiz.Bizning ingliz tili darslarimiz magnitofon, ovoz yozdirgich va proyektorlar bilan jihozlangan maxsus xonalarda o`tamiz. Bu texnik qurilmalar shubhasiz ingliz tili bo`yicha malakali bo`lishimizga katta yordam beradi. Chunki, qo`shiqlar o`rganish, she`rlar o`qish, sahnalarda turli ijrolar qilish orqali nutqimizni amaliyotda qo`llaymiz. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it is very important for me to learn English because it is a language of international communication, business, science and culture. Besides I’m sure it will be of great value for me in my future career. With the help of English language I can get acquainted with the works of other foreign writers and their works on philosophy and logic. Besides it gives me a unique chance to communicate with my future foreign colleagues and probably exchange experience. Menimcha, ingliz tilini o`rganish men uchun juda muhim. Chunki, u xalqaro aloqalar, biznes ilm va madaniyat tili. Bundan tashqari u kelajakdagi kasbim uchun katta ahamiyatga ega bo`lishiga ishonchim komil. Ingliz tilini yordami bilan men boshqa xorijlik yozuvchilarning asarlari, falsafa va mantiqdagi asarlari bilan tanisha olaman. Bundan tashqari u menga kelgusi xorijiy xamkasblar bilan aloqa qilish va balkim malaka alamshtirishda yagona imkoniyatni beradi. Download 163 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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