Meals play an important role in human life. To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat biscuits, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste

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3-shart Tarjima21

Meals play an important role in human life. To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat biscuits, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste. For dinner we eat some soup, salad and fowl, fish or meat. Many people have to eat out of home in restaurants or in cafes.

Ovqatlar insoniyat xayotida muhim rol o`ynaydi.Sog`lom odam kuniga 3marotaba ovqatlanishi kerak. Tushlik uchun odamlar odatda pishiriqlar, sendvich, sariyog` yeydi va o`z didiga-xoxishiga mos ravishda shaker va qaymoq bilan kofe yoki choy ichadi. Tushlik (obed) ga biz biroz sho`rva, salat, tovuq , baliq va go`sht yeymiz. Ko`p odamlar uydan tashqarida restoranlarda va kafelarda ovqatlanishiga to`g`ri keladi.

Friendship plays a very important role in our life. People usually make friends when they go to the same school, work together or live nearby. It's difficult to explain how two quite different persons make friends. You can have a lot of acquaintances but only a few true friends. It depends on many things.

Do`stlik xayotimizda muhim rol o`ynaydi. Bir xil maktabga boradigan, birga ishlaydigan va yaqin yashaydigan odamlar odatda do`st bo`ladi. Qanday qilib ikki turli odamning do`st bo`lishini tushunish qiyin. Sizning ko`plab tanishlaringiz bor, lekin faqat ba`zilari xaqiqiy do`st. Bu ko`p narsaga bog`liq.

Now I want to tell you about people whom I consider to be my friends. One of them is Nadir. He is an old friend of mine. We went to the first form together because he lived next door to me. He is a tall young man with dark hair, blue eyes and oval face.

Xozir men do`stim deb hisoblaydigan odamlar xaqida aytishni xoxlayman. Ulardan biri Nodir.U mening eski qadrdonim.Biz birga birinchi sinfga borganmiz. Chunki u bizga qo`shni bo`lib yashagan. U qora sochli, moviy ko`zli, ovalsimon yuzli, baland yosh yigit.

Nadir is rather strong and well-built be­cause he is a sportsman. He played volleyball well in our school team. He is going to enter the Mathematical faculty of the University this year. He was always strong in mathematics and he helped me very often with my home tasks. I think he will be able to pass his entrance examinations and become a student.

Nodir ancha kuchli va kelishgan qomatli, chunki u sportsmen. U bizning maktab jamoamizda voleybolni yaxshi o`ynardi.U bu yil Universitetning Matematika fakultetiga kirmoqchi. U xar doim Matematikada kuchli bo`lgan va menga tez-tez uyga vazifalarni qilishda yordam bergan. Men o`ylaymanki, u kirish imtixonidan o`tadi va talaba bo`ladi.

She will try to enter the Medical Institute next year and I hope her first attempt will be successful. I'm sure she will make a good doctor. I often meet my friends. We talk about our school life and our schoolmates. I like to spend my free time with my friends.

U keying yil Meditsina Institutiga kirishga xarakat qiladi va men umid qilamanki, uning birinchi urinishi muvaffaqqiyatli bo`ladi. Men uning yaxshi shifokor bo`lishiga ishonaman. Men tez-tez do`stlarim bilan ko`rishaman. Biz maktab davrimiz va sinfdoshlarimiz xaqida suhbatlashamiz. Men bo`sh vaqtimni do`stlarim bilan o`tkazishni yoqtiraman.

My grandmother is 76 years old and she is retired. My father is a man of 45 and he is a tall and handsome man with short black hair and brown eyes. He works at a plant as an engineer. He likes his work and spends most of his time at the plant. My mother is a woman of 40. She works at a hospital as a doctor.

Mening buvim 76 yoshda va u xozir nafaqada. Dadam 45 yoshda, u kalta qora sochli, qo`ng`ir ko`zli, baland va chiroyli kishi. U zavodda muhandis bo`lib ishlaydi. U o`z ishini yoqtiradi va ko`p vaqtini zavodda o`tkazadi. Onam 40 yoshda. U kasalxonada shifokor bo`lib ishlaydi.

I have a wide circle of interests. I’m very sociable, so I get away with people. I have many friends; most of them are my class-mates. We spend much time together, going out to the cinema or to the disco party, speaking about lessons and music, discussing our problems. But most of all I like my family.

Mening keng qiziqishlarim bor. Men juda kirishimliman.Shuning uchun men odamlar bilan yaxshi chiqishib ketaman. Mening ko`p do`stlarim bor: ko`pchiligi sinfdoshlarim. Men ko`p diskoteka, bazmlarga boraman, darslar va musiqa xaqida gaplashaman, muammolarni muhokama qilaman. Lekin men ularning barchasidan oilamni yoqtiraman.

Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular.

Hobbi – bu odamning bo`sh vaqtida biror narsa qilishni yoqtirishidir. Eng mashxur xobbi – biror narsa qilish. Bu o`z ichiga bog`dorchilikdan tortib sayohatgacha, shaxmatdan tortib voleybolgacha bo`lgan turli xil keng qamrovli xarakatlarni o`z ichiga oladi. Voyaga yetganlar xam bolalar ham turli xil kompyuter o`yinlarni o`ynashga qiziqadi. Bu hobbi ancha mashxur bo`lib bormoqda.

Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something - coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.

Biror narsa qilish o`z ichiga chizish, bo`yash va qo`lda yasash (hunarmandchilikni) o`z ichiga oladi. Ko`p odamlar tanga, marka, kompakt disklar, o`yinchoqlar, kitoblar yig`adi. Ba`zi kolleksiyalar ancha qimmatli. Boy odamlar tez-tez sur`atlar, noyob narsalar va boshqa san`at asarlarini yig`adilar. Bunday xususiy kolleksiyalar muzeylar va kutubxonalarga beriladi.

As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favorite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on disc booklets.

Menga kelsak, men musiqa tinglashni yoqtiraman. 3 oy oldin ota-onam menga kompakt disk musiqachilarini sotib oldi va men shunda kompakt disk yig`ishga qaror qildim. Men turli musiqalarni yoqtiraman.Bu ancha yaxshi. Men sevimli guruhim va qo`shiqchilarimning disklarini yig`aman. Disk broshyuralaridagi ma`lumotlarni extiyotkorlik bilan o`rganaman.


I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. Summer is a time of holidays. We can go for a walk all day long, watch the clouds, swim, sit down by a river or a lake on fresh, green grass, climb high hills, play different games and ride a bicycle and so on. I spend my summer holidays at my granny. There were many things there to enjoy.

O`ylaymanki, yoz dam olish uchun eng yaxshi fasl. Chunki u ancha iliq, tabiat chiroyli va bizda dam olish uchun zo`r imkoniyatlar bo`ladi. Yoz – ta`til payti. Biz kun bo`yi sayr qila olamiz, bulutlarni tomosha qilamiz, suzamiz, ko`l yoki daryo bo`yida toza havoda yashil o`simliklar bag`rida o`tiramiz, baland cho`qqilarga chiqamiz, turli xil o`yinlar o`ynaymiz, velosipedda uchamiz va boshqalar. Men yozgi ta`tilni buvimnikida o`tkazaman. U yerda rohatlantirishga ko`p narsalar bor.

There were a lot of beautiful fair trees and bushes there. The water was very warm there and I swam in the sea, laid in the sun and did many other things. Sometimes I made a fire with my friends at the seaside and cooked potatoes there. We told anecdotes to each other, and did everything we wanted. I also got used to walk alone in the forest.

U yerda ko`plab chiroyli sarg`ish daraxtlar va butalar bor. Suv juda iliq edi va men dengizda suzdim, quyoshda yotdim va boshqa ko`plab narsalar qildim. Ba`zan men do`stlarim bilan dengiz bo`yida olov yoqdim va biz u yerda kartoshka pishirdik. Biz bir-birimizga latifa aytdik va xoxlagan xamma narsani qildik. Shuningdek, men o`rmonda yolg`iz sayohat qildim.

My favorite English and American writers are Shakespeare, Dickens, Walter Scott, Jack London and Mark Twain. Once at the class of Literature, our teacher told us that, when translated, literary works lose much of their beauty. She said that poetry is very hard to translate. From that day I have a dream. I want to have my favorite books in the original and to know the languages they are written in

Mening sevimli Ingliz va Amerika yozuvchilarim: Shekspir, Dikkens, Volter, Skott, Jek London va Mark Tven. Bir marta adabiyot darsida o`qituvchimiz bizga tarjima qilingan badiiy asarlar o`z chiroyini yo`qotishini aytdi. U she`riyatni tarjima qilish juda qiyinligini aytdi. O`sha kundan menda bir orzu bor edi. Men sevimli kitoblarimni original bo`lishini va ular yozilgan tilni bilishni xoxlayman.

I also like reading books about other countries and cultures. It is so interesting to learn that other people think differently. I want to become an interpreter because of some reasons. It is an interesting profession because an interpreter meets people from different countries and cultures all the time and has an opportunity to learn much about them. Besides, this profession is very useful because it helps people to understand each other.

Men shuningdek boshqa mamlakatlar uning madaniyati xaqida ham kitoblar o`qishni xoxlayman.Bu boshqa odamlarning turlicha fikrlarini o`rganish ancha qiziqarli. Men ba`zi sabablar tufayli tarjimon bo`lishni xoxlayman. Bu ancha qiziqarli kasb, chunki tarjimon xar doim boshqa mamlakat odamlari va madaniyati bilan tanishadi va ular xaqida ko`p narsalar o`rganishga imkon bo`ladi. Bundan tashqari, bu kasb juda foydali.Chunki bu odamlarga bir-birini tushunishda, tushuntirishda yordam beradi.

I decided to be a journalist. I think it is an interesting and useful profession. I like to watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers and magazines and I like everything which connected with mass media. My friends and I are publishing a small newspaper once a month in our school. We write articles about school events, life of young people, jokes and draw pictures.

Men journalist bo`lishga qaror qilgandim. Men bu ancha qiziqarli va foydali kasb deb o`ylayman. Men televizor ko`rishni, radio eshitishni, gazeta va jurnallar o`qishni yoqtiraman. Men OAV bilan bog`liq bo`lgan xamma narsani yoqtiraman. Do`stim va men makatabda oyda bir marta kichkina gazeta nashr qilyapmiz. Biz makatab voqealari, yoshlar xayoti, xazillar va rasm chizish xaqida ,maqolalar yozamiz.

A historian studies and tries to explain events of the past and a journalist do the same about the present. But for me to be a journalist is much more interesting than to be a historian because you deal with real events that are happening right now so you can even influence them. So journalists can influence the history. That is why I want to be a journalist.

Tarixchi qadimgi zamon voqealarini o`rganadi va ularni tushuntirib berishga xarakat qiladi, jurnalist esa xozirgi zamon voqealarini xuddi shunday qiladi. Men uchun jurnalist bo`lish tarixchi bo`lishga qaraganda ancha qiziqarliroq, chunki siz hozirgi kunda sodir bo`lyaotgan xaqiqiy voqealar bilan aloqada bo`lasiz. Shuning ham siz ularga hatto ta`sir ham qila olasiz.Shunday ekan jurnalistlar tarixga xam ta`sir qila oladi. Shuning uchun ham men jurnalist bo`lishni xoxlayman.


I want to become a computer programmer. It is interesting and useful profession. I’m interested in computers. Many people continue careers of their parents but it is not the case with me my mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I don’t want to be neither a teacher nor a doctor.

Men kompyuter programmachisi bo`lishni xohlayman. Bu ancha qiziqarli va foydali kasb. Men kompyuterlarga qiziqaman.Ko`p odamlar ota-onalarining kasbini davom ettiradi, lekin bu mening holatim emas. Onam o`qituvchi, dadm shifokor. Lekin men ikkalasi ham bo`lishni xohlamayman.

My favorite subjects in school are math, physics and of course computer science. I’m not interested in such subjects as geography, biology or chemistry. My hobby is computer games and computer programming. I have computer at home and I can spend hours working at it. It is much easier to do things on computer, for example to write a composition.

Maktabda mening sevimli fanlarim: matematika, fizika va albatta informatika. Men quyidai fanlar: geografiya, biologiya va ximiyaga qiziqmayman. Mening xobbim sevimli mashg`ulotim – kompyuter o`yinlari va kompyuterni programmalashtirish. Mening uyimda kompyuter bor. Men soatlab uning ustida ishlayman.Kompyuterda ish qilish ancha osonroq, masalan insho yozish.

I think that the future is just filled with computers. Today, in our country people can work, go shopping or even go on dates sitting at their computers. So after I finish college I want to enter the university and study computer science. I know that knowledge is power. I want to be high classified and educated person.

O`ylaymanki, kelajak kompyuterlar bilan to`lib keladi. Bugungi kunda mamlakatimizda odamlar o`z kompyuterlarida ishlay oladi, bozorga chiqadi va xattoki uchrashuvga chiqadi. Men kollejni tugatgandan keyin Universitetga kirishni va informatikani o`rganishni xohlayman. Bilim bu kuch ekanligini bilaman. Men yuqori malakali va o`qimishli shaxs bo`lishni xohlayman.

There are many interesting and noble professions. I want to be a doctor. It is an interesting profession. I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has — with his health.

Ko`plab qiziqarli va asl kasblar bor. Men shifokor bo`lishni xohlayman. Bu ancha qiziqarli kasb. Men shifokor bo`lish uchun ko`p o`rganish zaurligini tushunaman. Shuningdek, men bu kasb ko`p ma`suliyat talab qilishini, chunki bu eng qimmatbaho narsa – shaxs sog`lig`I bilan ish ko`rishini ham bilaman.


My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather is working as a surgeon in a hospital. I have been several times at the hospital and spent some time watching him working. His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered.

Mening onam va buvam shifokorlar. Buvam shifoxonada xirurg bo`lib ishlaydi. Men bir necha marta shifoxonada bo`lganman va uning ishini kuzatganman. Uning asosiy vazifasi odamlarni operatsiya qilish. Xar bir opertasiyadan keyin u bemorlar sog`ayguncha g`amxo`rlik qiladi.

My grandfather listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and it makes his work easier. He can also help if somebody catches a cold or has a fever. My grandfather told me a lot of true stories about doctors and their profession.

Buvam bemori nima aytayotganini e`tabor bilan tinglaydi. U xar doim mehribon va bemorlariga e`tiborli. Ular buni his qiladi va unga ishonishadi. Bu uning ishini osonlashtiradi. Agar kimdir shamollagan yoki gripp bo`lsa, u yordam bera oladi. Buvam menga shifokorlar va ularning kasbi xaqida ko`plab xayotiy xikoyalar aytib bergan.

I spent my last week-end at the picnic. I like picnics very much, because there are no table`s manners and that have an excellent opportunity to eat and drink things. And I’ll never forget my last picnic with my close friends. We got everything arranged, cut sandwiches, bought some meat and packed everything including fishing tackles in our knapsacks. We went in a car on the river bank, where we broke up a camp and pitched two tents.

Men so`nggi xafta oxirini tog` sayrida o`tkazdim. Men tog` sayrini juda yoqtiraman. Chunki, stol qoidasi bo`lmaydi va narsalardan yeyish-ichish uchun zo`r imkoniyatlarbo`ladi. Men yaqin do`stlarim bilan o`tkazgan so`nggi tog` sayrini xech qachon unutmayman. Biz xamma belgilangan narsani oldik. Sendvichlarni kesdik, biroz go`sht sotib oldik va xammasini to`rva sumkadagi baliq idishga joylashtirdik. Biz ikki chodir tikkan daryo qirg`og`ida mashinaga mindik.

You see, picnic grounds are usually situated on a body of water at some high altitude. One of these features is essential, for no picnic can be a success unless someone has something to fall into, or fall off. So we were not exception, too. The view over the river from the bank very attractive. We had hot sun shine almost all day long. We bathed in the river, splashed water, tanned.

Siz yuqori tepaliklarda odatda suv bo`ylarida joylashgan sayohat qilish hududlarini ko`rasiz. Bularning muhim xususiyatlaridan biri, biror-kim suvga tushib chiqmasa, bu sayohat muvaffaqqiyatsiz hisoblanadi ( u yerga brogan odam cho`milib chiqadi ). Shuning uchun biz ham bundan istisno emasmiz.Qirg`oqdan daryo manzarasi juda jozibali. Deyarli kun bo`yi birda issiq quyoshli kun bo`ladi. Biz daryoda cho`mildik, suvni shaloplatib, oftobda toblandik.

We distributed all the duties according to our abilities. The girls cooked and washed up the dishes. The boys kept a spark in the fire and caught fish. In the evening our boys cooked delicious barbeque for us. We talked, sang songs, played guitar and It was very interesting and merrily.

O`z qobiliyatimizga ko`ra biz barcha vazifalarni bo`lishib oldik. Qizlar pishirdi va idishlarni yuvdi. O`g`il bolalar olovda cho`g` qilsihdi va baliq tutishdi. Kechqurun bolalar biz uchun ajoyib barbekyu (butunlay qovurilgan qo`y yoki mol go`shti) pishirdi. Biz suhbatlashdik, qo`shiq aytdik, gitara chaldik va bu juda qiziqarli va vaqtichog`lik bo`ldi.

In the morning I usually have porridge. I often start my breakfast with a cereal which is not cooked, it is something dry, ready to be eaten – some grain or porridge which is not cooked with dried fruit, nuts and so on. I also like eggs (cooked in different ways). I don’t practically eat butter, I prefer soft margarine – made of vegetable fat, which is not heavy and creamy. I don’t eat jam at breakfast.

Ertalab men odatda bo`tqa tanovvul qilaman. Men tez-tez nonushtamni pishmagan don ekinlari bilan boshlayman. Bu quruq, yeyishga tayyor, quruq mevalar, yong`oq va boshqalar bilan pishmagan bo`tqa va biroz don. Men shuningdek turli xil usul bilan pishirilgan tuxumlarni yoqtiraman.Men deyarli yog` yemayman. Men kremli va og`ir bo`lmagan sabzavot yog`idan qilingan yumshoq margarinni afzal ko`raman. Men nonushtaga murabbo yemayman.

I usually don’t have substantial breakfast on weekdays but I do it on weekends when I get up late. Very often I have just tea or coffee with sandwiches. I like very strong tea without sugar. Sometimes when I am in hurry I don’t have time to have proper breakfast and I go to the university being hungry. In such case I usually buy something like «Snickers» or «Mars» on my way.

Men odatda ish kunlari katta nonushta qilmayman, lekin dam olish kunlari kech uyg`onaman.Men juda tez sendvich bilan choy va kofe ichaman. Ba`zan menda juda shoshilganimda to`liq nonushta qilishga vaqt bo`lmaydi va men Universitetga och boraman. Bu vaziyatda menda odatda yo`lda “snikers” va “mars” sotib olaman.

Birthday is a very wonderful day so everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives. I was born on the 10th of January. In the morning on my birthday my parents lay the presents near my bed. So the first thing I see when I open my eyes is my presents.

Tug`ilgan kun juda ajoyib kun, shuning uchun xamma buni nishonlashni yoqtiradi. Bu do`stalr bilan ota-onalar va qarindoshlar bilan vaqt o`tkazishga ajoyib imkoniyat. Men 10-yanvarda tug`ilganman. Tug`ilgan kunimda ertalab ota-onam krovatim yoniga sovg`alar qo`yib ketadi.Ko`zimni ochganimda men ko`rgan birinchi narsa sovg`alardir.

My Mam and Daddy and my little brother come to my room to congratulate me and to sing "Happy Birthday". Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate my birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home. We clean the house the day before birthday. In the morning of birthday party day my father goes shopping and buys everything we need.

Mening onam, dadam va kichkina akamlar xonamga meni tabrilash uchun keldi va “Happy Brithday” deya tabrikladi. Odatda biz mening tug`ilgan kunimni kechqurun o`tkazamiz. Bir marta men kafega borganman tug`lgan kunimni nishonlash uchun, lekin odatda biz buni uyda nishonlaymiz. Tug`ilgan kundan oldin kun bo`yi biz uyni tozalaymiz. Ertalab dadam bozor qiladi va biz muxtoj bo`lgan xamma narsani sotib oladi.


We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mam brings in the birthday cake. I blow the candles out. We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell funny stories. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.

Bu kuni bizda ko`p tushlik bo`ladi. Oyim tug`ilgan kun tortini olib keladi. Men shamlarni o`chiraman. Biz raqsga tushamiz va qo`shiq aytamiz, o`yin o`ynaymiz, kulishamiz, xazil qilamiz, qiziqarli xikoyalar aytamiz. O`ylaymanki, tug`ligan kun yilning eng yaxshi kunlaridan biri.

People spend their days off in different ways. Some of them prefer to stay in town and to visit an art exhibition, a museum, a cinema or a sport event. Other people prefer to spend their days off out of town. I prefer to spend my day off sometimes in the country, sometimes in the city. Sometimes I take part in sports events, which usually take place during the weekends.

Odamlar dam olish kunini turli xil o`tkazadilar.Ulardan ba`zilari shaxarda qolishni afzal ko`radi va san`at ko`rgazmasi, muzey, kino yoki sport musobaqalariga boradi.Boshqalar shaxar tashqarisida o`tkazishni afzal ko`radi. Men dam olish kunimni ba`zan qishloqda, ba`zan shaxarda o`tkazishni afzal ko`raman.


I study six days a week. On Sunday I get up later than usual. After breakfast I go to the park with my friends. We are also football fans so we often play football or tennis. In summer I like to swim in the lake or in the river, both of which are not far from my house.

Men xaftada 6 kun o`qiyman. Yakshanba kuni odatdagidan kech uyg`onaman.Nonushtadan keyin do`stlarim bilan parkka boraman.Biz shuningdek futbol ishqibozlarimiz. Shuning uchun tez-tez futbol va tennis o`ynaymiz. Yozda ko`lda va daryoda suzishni yoqtiraman. Ikkalasi ham uyimdan uzoqda emas.

I always help my parents in the yard. I clean my room and iron my clothes myself. On Sunday evening we go either to the theatre or to the cinema. There are many theatres in Tashkent, and sometimes we go to the theatre. Usually, we buy tickets beforehand. Late in the evening I watch TV, and go to bed at 11o’clock.

Men xar doim ota-onamga hovlida (hovli ishlarida) yordam beraman.Xonamni tozalayman, kiyimlarimni tozalayman.Yakshanba kuni kechqurun biz yo teatrga yoki kinoga boramiz. Toshkentda ko`p teatrlar bor va ba`zan biz teatrga boramiz. Odatda biz oldindan chipta sotib olamiz. Kechqurun men televizor tomosha qilaman va 11-00da yotishga boraman.

My favorite actors are Mel Gibson and Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi Goldberg came a long way to her present international success. Her mother was divorced and poor. Whoopi chose a very difficult career for a black woman. She started as a theatre actress and did very well.

Sevimli aktyorlarim Mel Gibson va Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi Goldberg o`zining xalqaro muvaffaqqiyatiga uzoq yo`l bsoib kelgan. Uning onasi nikohdan ajrashgan va kambag`al bo`lgan. Whoopi qora tanli ayol uchun juda qiyin kasbni tanlagan. U teatr aktrisasi sifatida o`z ishini boshlaydi va buni juda yaxshi amalga oshiradi.

Mel Gibson, one of eleven children, was born in New York. But his family moved to Australia when he was twelve. He is a traditional Hollywood man of action in some ways; he is strong and handsome with bright blue eyes. But in his films he can be funny and shy like a little boy. Gibson became famous in the "Mad Max" film, made by the Australian director George Miller.

Mel Gibson 11 farzandning birsi. Nyu – Yorkda tug`ilgan u 12 yosh paytida oilasi Avstraliyaga ko`chadi. U ba`zi jihatlari bilan xalqaro Hollivud kishisidir. U yorqin moviy ko`zlari bilan chiroyli va kuchli. Lekin u o`z filmlarida quvnoq va kichkina boladek uyalchang. Gibson Avstraliya rejissori George Miller tomonidan sur`atga olingan “Mad Max” filmida mashxur bo`ldi.

We all love our native land, beautiful nature with its blue lakes and of rivers, thick forests, with its animal and plant kingdom. We are children of nature and we must be very careful in usage of natural resources. People have lived on our planet for many years. They lived and live on different continents, in different countries. People depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them.
Biz barchamiz o`z mahallliy yerimizni chiroyli tabiatini, moviy ko`lllari va daryolari, qalin o`rmonlari, uning xayvonlari va o`simlik olami bilan birga sevamiz. Biz tabiat bolasimiz va biz tabiat resurslaridan foydalanishda extiyotkor bo`lishimiz kerak. Odamlar sayyoramizda ko`p yillardan beri yashaydi. Ular turli xil qit`alarda va turli xil mamlakatlarda xayot kechiradilar. Odamlar o`z sayyorasiga quyosh, hayvonlar va atrofidagi o`simliklarga bog`liq.
People must take care of Earth. Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day. People destruct wildlife, cut down trees to make furniture. They forget that people can’t leave without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen. And, of course, great problems are population and animal`s destruction and the main reason of pollution is rubbish.
Odamlar yerga g`amxo`rlik qilishi kerak.Bizning ekologiyamiz yomonlashmoqda.Odamlar yovvoyi tabiatni vayron qiladi, mebel qilish uchun daraxtlarni kesadi. Odamlar daraxtlar va o`simliklarsiz yashay olmasliklarini unutishadi, chunki bu narsalar havoni kislorod bilan to`ldiradi. Va albatta muammolar: hayvonlarning vayrongarchiligi va zaxarlanishning asosiy sababi chqindilardir.
There a lot of special organizations, which try to save our nature. One of them is Greenpeace. Greenpeace began its work 20 years ago from saving whales. And now Greenpeace is a world-famous organization, which saves plants, animals and people. These organization, want to rescue animals, to help them to survive and to save jungle rain forests, which are in danger of destruction.

Tabiatni asrashga xarakat qiluvchi ko`plab maxsus tashkilotlar bor. Ulardan birsi Greenpeace (yashil tinchlik). U o`z ishini 20 yil oldin kitlarni qutqarishdan boshlagan.Va xozirgi kunda bu o`simliklarni, hayvonlarni va odamlarni qutqaruvchi jahonning mashxur tashkiloti. Bu tashkilot xayvonlarni qutqarishni, ularga jon saqlashga yordam berishni, vayrongarchilik xavfi ostidagi changalzor o`rmonlarini saqlashni xohlaydi.

Greenpeace also help animals because many of them have already gone as they have nowhere to live. Their homes, the trees, have disappeared. We must save wild animals. And we must find the right way to save land, people and animals. We must take care of nature, because we are part of it.

Yashil Tinchlik shuningdek, hayvonlarning ko`pchiligi allaqachon yo`qolganligini, ularda yashashga joy yo`qligi uchun ham hayvonlarga yordam beradi. Ularning uylari, daraxtlar g`oyib bo`lgan. Biz yovvoyi xayvonlarni saqlashimiz lozim va biz yerni, odamlarni va hayvonlarni qutqarib qolishning to`g`ri yo`lini topishimiz lozim. Biz tabiatga g`amxo`rlik qilishimiz kerak, chunki biz uning bir bo`lagimiz.

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it’s the only place where we can live. People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. Men have polluted the air, water and land; used most of the Earth’s oil, gas and coal; completely killed more than 500 kinds of animals, birds and plants; made and used atomic bombs. It’s a disaster and it’s still happening.

Bizning sayyoramiz Yer borliqning faqat bir kichkina qismi, lekin bugungi kunda bu faqatgina biz yashay oladigan joydir.Odamlar xar doim atrof-muhitni iflos qilgan.Lekin xozirgacha zaxarlanish bunchalik jiddiy muammo emas edi. Erkaklar xavoni, suvni va yerni ifloslaydilar; yerning neft, gaz, ko`mir zaxiralarining ko`p qismidan foydalanishgan; 500 xildan ortiq xayvonlar, qushlar va o`simliklarni nobud qilishgan; atom bombasini yaratishgan va undan foydalanganlar. Bu musibatdir va xali ham sodir bo`lmoqda.

Many animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. This is because man hunts them, destroys and pollutes their habitat. There is only one way to save wild animals and wild habitats – conservation. That means protecting animals in danger by low, opening more national parks, building fewer new roads, planting more new forests, cutting pollution. Today, many scientists and world leaders realize that the Earth is in danger.

Ko`p hayvonlar va qushlar bugungi kunda yo`qolib bormoqda. Buning sababi ularni ovlab, manzillarini vayron qilib, manzillarini ifloslashmoqda. Yovvoyi xayvonlarni va ularning manzillarini saqlab qolishning faqat bir yo`li bor. Bu xavf ostidagi xayvonlarni ximoya qilishni, ko`plab milliy parklar ochishni, yangi yo`llar qurishni, ko`plab yangi o`rmonlarni yashnatishni, zaxarlanishni kamaytirishni nazarda tutadi. Bugungi kunda ko`plab olimlar va dunyo yetakchilari yer sayyorasi xavf ostida ekanini anglab yetmoqda.


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