Millionaire$ books by brian tracy
Develop a Reputation for
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The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires ( PDFDrive )
Develop a
Reputation for Speed and Dependability Do your work; not just your work and no more, but a little bit more for the lavishings sake, that little more which is worth more than all the rest. —D EAN B RIGGS
T IME IS THE currency of the 21st century. Everyone today is in a tremendous hurry. Customers who did not even know that they wanted a product or service now want it yesterday. People are less and less patient for anything. Loyal customers will change suppliers overnight if someone else can serve them faster than ◆ SUCCESS
SECRET 13 46 The 2 1 S u cce s s S e c re t s o f S e l f - M a d e M i l l i o n a i re s the people they are already dealing with. Instant grat- ification is no longer fast enough. Your job is to develop a reputation for speed. De- velop a “sense of urgency.” Develop a bias for action. Move fast on opportunities. Move fast when people want or need something. Move quickly when you see something that needs to be done. When your boss or your customers ask you to do something, drop everything else and do it so fast that they are amazed. You have heard it said that “When- ever you want to get something done, give it to a busy person.” People who have a reputation for moving quickly attract more opportunities and possibilities to them. They get more chances to do more and more things faster than other people who just do a job when they get around to it. When you can combine your ability to select your highest priority task with the commitment to getting it done quickly and well, you will find yourself moving to the front. More doors and opportunities will open for you than you can even imagine today.
ACTION EXERCISE Select just one key task that you have been procrastinating on starting, or bringing to completion, and resolve to take action on it immediately. Keep re- peating to yourself these magic moti- vating words: “Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!” D e ve l o p a R e p u t a t i o n fo r S p e e d a n d D e p e n d a b i l i t y 47 ◆
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