Ijodiy izlanish metodi
pedagog boshchiligida qo'yilgan muammo va masalalarni echish yo'llarini faol izlashni tashkil etishga xizmat qiladigan
Teachers have given a way to the solution of problems and questions which serve creation of active search of methods
Izlanishli metod
o'quvchilarni asta-sekin muammolarni hal etishga yaqinlashtirish uchun, tadqiqotning ayrim bosqichlarini bajarishga o'rgatish, ko'nikma hosil qilish metodi
students step by step to approach the solution of problems, a method of studying to teach others to take some steps to abilities to create
Individual o'qitish
o'quvchi shaxsiga alohida yondoshgan holda ta'lim-tarbiya berish
the pupil of the personal focused education and
vocational training
Innovatsion pedagogik loyiha
qabul qilingan va qismlarga ajratilgan innovatsion pedagogik g'oya, fikr
emergence new pedagogical, they accelerate development and deployment
Innovatsion ta'lim
1) ta'lim sohasiga kiritilgan va kiritilayotgan yangiliklar;
2)yangilangan, yangi texnologiyalar asosida tashkil etilgan ta'lim jarayoni
1) education in China, and news; 2) it is updated on the basis of new technologies of
educational process