Ministry of health protection of the republic of uzbekistan

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Exercise 1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
mean v значить, означать, anglatmoq, bildirmoq
meaning n значение, ma’no, mazmun
result [ri'z lt] v (from) быть резуль­татом, …dan kelib chiqmoq
displace [dis'pleis] v перемещать, joyini o’zgartirmoq
believe [bi'li:v] v полагать, считать, hisoblamoq
suffer ['s f ] v (from) страдать, a’ziyat chekmoq
weak а слабый, kuchsiz
weaken v ослаблять, bo’shashtirmoq
rupture [r pt ] n разрыв; v разры­вать, yorilish, torilmoq
haemorrhage [ ] n кровоте­чение; v кровоточить, qon ketish, qonamoq

Exercise 2. Read text В in 10 minutes. 1) Name the symptoms of hypertension 2) Find sentences with the predicates in Perfect (Active and Passive). Define the tense of predicates. 3) Translate these sentences.


Hypertension simply means high blood pressure. As a normal heart pumps blood through the body, a certain degree of pressure is excreted against the blood vessels. With each beat of the left ventricle, a wave ol pressure starts at the heart and travels along the arteries. This wave is called the pulse. The pulse can be felt on any arteries that are close to the surface of the body, such as on the wrist, the sides of the throat and the temple. The pulse results from the blood pressure. The blood pres­sure at the moment of contraction is the systolic pressure; it should normally be sufficient to displace about 120 mm. mercury in a glass tube. The blood pressure at the moment of relaxation of the heart is the diastolic pressure; it normally displaces about 80 mm. of mercury. Blood pressure readings, which have been frequently taken during a general physical examination, are presented as a ratio of the first figure over the second.

Most physiologists have considered a blood pressure reading of 150/90 as excessive. This can be considered a useful definition of high blood pressure.
Hypertension is very common. It is believed that about one out of every five individuals has suffered from it and that about 13 per cent of all deaths have been a direct result of it. Hypertension has become more common with increasing age and affects men about twice as often as women.
In about 90 per cent of the known cases, it has been described as essential hypertension, a hereditary condition. In other cases it may be due to the removal of a kidney, kidney disease, excessive narrowing of the arteries, hormone imbalance, or excessive salt in the diet.
Hypertension is damaging for two reasons: 1) it puts an excess work load on the heart and the left ventricle in particular; 2) the arteries may be damaged by excessive pressure. A hypertensive patient tends to de­velop cardiovascular ailments much sooner than a person who had not suffered from hypertension.
This high blood pressure in the arteries causes a hardening (sclerosis) of blood vessels all over the body. The vessels become weakened; clots tend to form in them much more easily; some vessels rupture and haem­orrhage. Hence haemorrhage in the vessels of the brain (cerebral haem­orrhage) and vessels of the kidneys will have been particularly destruc­tive.

Exercise 3. Read text B and find the sentences expressing the given statements more extensively. Read them aloud.
1. The pulse results from the blood pressure and can be measured. 2. There is systolic and diastolic pressure. 3. Hypertension is very com­mon. 4. The causes of hypertension may be different. 5. Hypertension is damaging for two reasons. 6. Hypertensive patients have tended to de­velop cardiovascular ailments.

Exercise 4. Find the sentences in which predicates are used in Perfect.
1. Cardiomyopathy has been defined as “acute, subacute, or chronic disorder of heart muscle of unknown or obscure etiology”. 2. Apart from discomfort in his chest he had no history suggestive of myocardial inf­arction or angina. 3. A patient with a femoral artery embolus had marked temporary improvement in circulation. 4. The duration of treatment has been increased to a maximum of 16 hours in our patients. 5. The arterial occlusion had recurred by the next morning.

Exercise 5. Find the sentences in which predicates are used in Passive Voice.
1. The patient was admitted to the hospital with essential hypertension. 2. The woman responded slowly to diuretic therapy. 3. A loud heart-sound was audible at the mitral area. 4. The patient has been maintained for a year without further episodes of heart-failure. 5. The left ventricle was grossly dilated with very poor movements of all areas. 6. Gross mitral incompetence had not been suspected clinically previously.


1. Verbs in Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect (Passive Voice)
2. Function and translation of the word one (ones)
3. Nouns in the function of attribute.
Exercise 1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
respiration [resp 'rei n] n дыхание , nafas olish
respiratory [ris'pai r t ri] а дыхатель­ный, nafasga oid
waste products ['weist 'prod kts] про­дукты распада, chiqindi mahsulotlar
remove [ri'mu:v] v удалять, выводить, chiqarib yubormoq
inhale[in'heil]v вдыхать inhalation[inh 'lei n]n вдыхание, nafas olmoq, nafas olish
exhale [eks'heil] v выдыхать, exhalation[eksh 'lei n] n выдыхание, nafas chiqarmoq, nafas chiqarish
breathe [bri: ] v дышать, nafas olmoq
pass [pa:s] v проходить, o’tmoq passage, passage-way ['p sid ], ['p sid wei] n проход, воздухо­носный путь, o’tish joyi, xavo yo’li
windpipe ['windpaip] n дыхательное горло, nafas yo’li
trachea [tr 'ki ] n трахея
bronchus ['bronk s] (pl. bronchi ['bronkai]) n бронх
bronchial [bronki l ] а бронхиальный, bronhga oid
divide [di'vaid] v делить, bo’lmoq
surround [s 'raund] v окружать, o’rab turmoq
involve [in'volv] v вовлекать, затра­гивать, jalb etmoq, zararlamoq
involvement [involvm nt] n вовлече­ние, jalb etish, zararlanish

Exercise 2. Read the following pairs of sentences and translate them.
1. We call three major types of blood vessels arteries, veins and cap­illaries. - Smaller branches of arteries are called arterioles. 2. The heart pumps the blood into the lung by circulatory system. - From the left heart the blood is pumped into the aorta. 3. Pulmonary artery divides into two branches. - The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. 4. The right carotid artery distributes blood to all parts of the right side of the neck, face, head and brain. - The blood from the aorta is distributed throughout the body.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following sentences. Define tense and voice of predicates.
1. These textbooks will be distributed among all the students of our group. 2. Harvey collected ideas of the circulation of blood which until then had been studied but not confirmed by experiments. 3. Lymph passes through the lymphatic glands which act as filters and keep back any poisonous material, such as germs that has been brought to them in the lymph. 4. Those who have been in close contact with the infected patients must be quarantined for a time. 5. The heart muscle is nour­ished by coronary arteries: 6. When the left ventricle is contracting its contained blood is being forced into the aortic artery.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences. Define the function of one (ones).
1. There are four chambers in the heart: two smaller ones, the auri­cles, and two larger ones, the ventricles. 2. One often describes the heart as consisting of a base and an apex. 3. Harvey showed that there was a double channel: in one set of vessels - the arteries, away from the heart; in another set — the veins to the heart. 4. One must remember that air is at all times full of bacteria.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the following sentences. Change the words in bold type into one (ones).
1. Here are some books, which book do you want? 2. This text is very difficult to translate without a dictionary; give me another text. 3. My watch is not working well. I must buy a new watch. 4. These exercises are much easier than the exercises we translated at the last lesson.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the following words.
carbon dioxide ['kа:b n dai'oksaid], waste products ['weist 'prod kts], nitrogen ['naitro ], cilium ['sili m] (pi. cilia ['sili ]), nasapharynx [ ne 'f ri ks], sinuses ['sain siz], pleura ['рluэr ]

Exercise 7. Read and translate the following word combinations.
expiratory centre, respiratory mechanism, waste product, metabolic product, the air conducting passage-ways, to inhale (breathe in) oxy­gen, to exhale carbon dioxide, surrounding tissues

Exercise 8. Read and translate the following:
1. through, throughout, though, although; 2. case, cause, course; 3. some, same, sum; 4. since, science

Exercise 9. Look through text A and give its main idea.

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