Эгамов Бахтиёр Юнусалиевич
11.00.01-Табиий география
Ғуломов Потихкамол Носирович, география фанлари номзоди, доцент, 11.00.01
Ўрта Осиё жадидчилик ҳаракатида табиий географик ғоялар
Илмий мақолалар
1. Egamov B.Y. Ahmad Donish: Geograph and Traveller // International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. Volume 8, Issue 3 March, 2021. p. 534. http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i3.2533
2. Egamov B.Y. Geological and geomorphological views of the central asian jadids // Geography: nature and society) журнали 2-сони, Тошкент 2021. Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2020:4.757 ва CrossRef
3. Egamov, B. Y. (2021). Views of Central Asian Jadids on hydrology and climatology. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (101), 761-764. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-09-101-108 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS
Илмий тезислар:
1. Эгамов Б.Ю. Mahmudkhoja Behbudi’s creativity and scientific activity (Mahmudxoja Behbudiyning ijodi va ilmiy faoliyati) https://doi.org/10.47100/conferences.v1i1.939.
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