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Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence

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Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

I don't know how many times I have told my daughter to look at ... sides before running across the street.

A) either B) neither C) none D) both

  1. Choose the correct answer.

I couldn't hear … .

  1. what they are saying

  2. what are they say

  3. what are they saying

  4. what they were saying

  1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

It is undoubtedly true that the Watergate scandal was ... of all in U.S. political history.

    1. badly B) worse C) the worst D) bad

  1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

Though she ... dancing, Sonia ... to the disco with her friends the previous night just in order to be with them in a different atmosphere.

    1. doesn't like/went B) hasn't liked/has gone

C) didn't like/is going D) doesn't like/goes

  1. That is the right answer, … ?

    1. has it B) is it

C) wasn’t it D) isn’t it

  1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

Stories about pirates often ... a search for buried treasure.

    1. include B) are included

C) includes D) including

  1. Some people work during the day. … work at night.

    1. others B) every other

C) the others D) another

Read the text.

Then choose the correct answer for the gaps 52-54 in the text.

I'm a smart and, brave pioneer. At least that's what I thought when my family and I set out for our long trip west on the Oregon Trail. But then I learned otherwise.

On the first night on the trail, Ma and my sisters slept in the wagon. I slept next to the fire with Pa. But just as I dropped off to sleep, a cricket crawled across my forehead. I didn't sleep at all for the rest of the night, "We slept fine in the wagon," said my sister in the morning.

I thought I was smart and brave, so on the second night, I slept outside again but wore my hat. Just as I dropped off to sleep, a mouse tickled my big toe. I didn't sleep at all for the rest of the night. "We slept fine in the wagon," said my sister in the morning.

I thought I was smart and brave, so on the third night, I slept outside again but wore my boots. Just as I dropped off to sleep, a snake slithered across my hand. I didn't sleep at all for the rest of the night "We slept fine in the wagon," said my sister-in the morning.

I thought I was smart and brave, so on the fourth night, I slept outside again but wore my gloves. Not a single creature touched my skin. But I was so hot that I didn't sleep at all that night. I decided I'd rather be smart and well-rested than brave and tired.

"Don't worry, son," said Pa. "You'll have plenty of chances to be brave on this trip."

Then he pointed to the map. "See? There are no bridges across any of these rivers."

  1. Where will the storyteller most likely sleep on the fifth night?

    1. in the wagon B) on top of his blankets

C) closer to the fire D) in a puddle

  1. If the storyteller had felt a tickle on his neck, he probably would have ... .

    1. told his sister B) woken up and run

C) worn a scarf to bed D) slept closer to the fire

  1. How will the storyteller be able to prove his bravery later in the story?

    1. by crossing a river without a bridge

    2. by sleeping inside

    3. by guarding his mother and sisters

    4. by building a house

  1. Choose the correct answer.

Those … people are trying to help the drowning man.

    1. run B) ranning C) ran D) running

  1. I take care … my neighbor’s cat when she goes on holiday.

    1. of B) about C) in D) for

  1. Choose the correct answer.

Bring your … half next time you come.

    1. the others B) the other

C) other D) another

  1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

The authorities ... the alligator as it the

safety of the local residents.

    1. have been killing/has threatened

    2. would have to kill threatens

    3. had to kill/was threatening

    4. are killing/had been threatened

  1. He … empty the contents of his suitcases onto the counter.

    1. will be made B) had made to

C) was made to D) was made

  1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence

999981 41 18.01.2020

8. AB – aylanaga urinma, BD=54,

999981 41 18.01.2020

B) diplomatik uslub


  1. Uchburchakli piramidaning yon yoqlari asos tekisligi bilan 60 li burchak tashkil etadi. Piramida asosining yuzi 40 ga teng. Uning to’la sirti yuzini toping.

A) 128 B) 120 C) 72 D) 80

  1. Tengsizliklar sistemasining butun yechimlari yig’indisini toping

  1. Qaysi gapdagi yasama so‘z uchun yasama ot yasashga asos bo‘lib kelgan?

    1. Salima darsni yaxshi tayyorlagani uchun maqtovga sazovor bo‘ldi.

    2. Munkayib qolgan Oyxol momo Akromni quchoqlab bag‘riga bosdi.

    3. O‘qituvchi bo‘lish uchun chidam bilan o‘qiladi.

    4. So‘rashdan uyalma, bilmaslikdan uyal.

  1. Qaysi qatordagi gapda imloviy jihatdan xato qo’llangan so’z berilgan?

    1. Muhim masala yuzasidan majlis

  1. sof tadbirkorlik uslubi

  2. idoraviy devonxona uslubi

  1. Qaysi gapda yuz so’zining eng kuchli salbiy bo’yoqqa ega ma’nodoshi qo’llangan?

    1. Farrux avvaliga g’azabini ichiga yutdi, ammo bu uzoqqa cho’zilmadi, bezorining yoqimsiz basharasiga musht tushirdi.

    2. Aftiga qaragan odam bir seskanib tushadi: qirqqa kirmay chol bo’lib qolibdi.

    3. Yangi rahbar majlislar zaliga kirib kelganda xodimlar shivirlashib olishdi: “Turqi namuncha sovuq bo’lmasa?”

12x2 2x 36x 1 x .

5x 15x 1 25x2 x 6

A) 15 B) 9 C) 6 D) 7

BC=24, AB=?

A) 40 B) 36 C) 42 D) 38


  1. Asad burjining bolalari tug’ma mag’rur bo’ladi.

  2. Sinfdoshlarim bilan maktab bog’iga yangi ko’chatlar o’tqazdik.

  3. Gulnor ikki betiga hovuchlab suv sepgach, va nihoyat, Manzura xola o’ziga keldi.

  1. Nechta so‘zda nuqtalar o‘rniga bo‘g‘iz undoshi yoziladi?

3. a


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