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Dosti Foundation & Dosti 

Welfare Organization  

Joint Annual Report for Calendar Year 2009 



Page 2 



The Dosti Foundation  & the Dosti Welfare Organization strive to 

make education available in parts of the world where it otherwise 

would not be available, due to economic depression or political op-



The Dosti Welfare Organization is registered in Pakistan and over-

sees Dosti schools through an office in Peshawar, Pakistan 


The Dosti Foundation in the U.S., headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, 

raises funds in the U.S. for Dosti schools, and raises awareness of 

Dosti’s work. Donations to the Dosti Foundation are tax-deductible, 

and are transferred to Pakistan for use for school expenses. As of 

2010, Dosti Foundation also does business as Global Education 


List of Key Board, Staff, and Personnel 

4– 5 

Messages from Leaders 


Key Dosti Programs/Services and Their Sponsors 


Highlighted Beneficiaries 


Financial Records of Dosti USA (Income and Expenses) 


Audited Financial Report of Dosti Welfare Organization, Pakistan 


Important Developments and Events for Dosti Foundation USA 


Contact and Donation Information 

Table of Contents 







Name and Title 

Position within Dosti 

Other Affiliations (for Identifi-

cation Purposes Only) 

Munir Ahmad, MD 


Physician, Reynolds Clinic 

Aijaz Ahmad 

Vice President 

Officer, Ajaz, LLC 

Kuldeep Singh 


Office Manager, Reynolds Clinic 

Bob Higgins 


C.PA., R.A. Higgins & Associ-


Officers –Dosti Foundation 

Staff—Dosti Foundation 


Jessica Weinberg, Communications / PR Coordinator (starting March 09) 

Dosti Welfare Organization (Pakistan) Board: 


Mian Zamarud Shah       President 


Aijaz Ahmad 

Abdul Salam 

Tahira Shaheen 

Ghulam Rafiq




Dosti Welfare Organization Key Staff 

Mr. Imtiaz Khan,     Accountant & Office Manager 



About 100 teachers, principals (most doubling as teachers), office workers, and janitors are em-

ployed at our various schools and our Center. All are residents of the local villages. 




Dr. Munir Ahmad, MD 

Founding of Dosti, presently also known as Global Education Campaign, was for us the moment of rec-

ognition of a need of an organization that is committed to achieving relative parity amongst the inhabi-

tants of the planet that we call Earth.  History teaches us that humans have often taken advantage of 

those who are weak or not as sophisticated or learned.  Or they lack in basic (or advanced) education or 

do not possess developed skills to take advantage of their God-given attributes or precious reserves all 

around them.  Sometimes outsiders come in to take advantage of such reserves and many times they are 

not fair or equitable to the indigenous population. Wealth is transferred outside their land 

At Global Education Campaign we believe that  parity among nations is good for the world peace.  

Those nations, who do not apparently have direct geographical and ethnic relationship with nations that 

are far and away, still are affected by what happens there, the ripple effect.  Thus it becomes essential 

and cost effective for "the developed nations"  to see to it that young in "developing" nations are 

equipped with education and that they grow up with the knowledge that their education was partially 

sponsored by those who are not directly related to them … ethnically, racially or through religion.


It is easy to comprehend but hard to take to heart the fact that it indeed is in the interest of the developed 

nations to contribute towards developing the infrastructure of the nations that are not so developed.  We 

mean infrastructure and not just offer hand-outs on ad-hoc basis. We understand that competition 

amongst individuals and nations is healthy but deliberately keeping others down is disharmonious, lead-

ing to mistrust.  

Dosti Foundation, besides the educational mandate has deep interest in such basic essentials such as 

clean drinking water, care of the young mothers, care of the unborn and the newly born.  We are pleased 

to have established wells and to operate medical clinics. Dosti was one of the many non-governmental 

organizations that assisted in disaster relief after the October, 2005 earthquake in Pakistan.  Currently we 

are assisting victims of unprecedented flooding that has affected more than one-fifth of Pakistan.  

Our thanks go to those who have worked selflessly for the betterment of the humanity and who are af-

filiated with us.  


Respectfully submitted.  


Munir Ahmad, President    

* see the next page 





In Pakistan, our school at Sufaid Dheri was approved as a location where the 10th-grade exam can be 

administered. Subhan Ullah became the first student to earn an advanced degree on a Dosti scholarship. 

And we built new schools, added rooms and equipment to existing schools, and welcomed new fundrais-

ing partners and volunteers. 


DWO now oversees 14 schools, including a few newly started in 2009, in 10 different villages, mostly 

around the Peshawar area, in addition to a skill center in Sufaid Dheri. Between 2009 and 2010, 95% of 

our children qualified to advance from one grade to the next. And Dosti students frequently out-perform 

students of other schools in the same villages. Since, for many of our families, poverty makes education 

a luxury, they throw themselves into it whole-heartedly when it is made available, even accepting co-ed 

primary schools, which are not traditional in Pakistan. 


In the U.S., we have expanded our fundraising operations and our communication with U.S. supporters. 

You may have seen our newsletter, monthly since April of 2009, and other new literature, including a 

web site complete with recent financial information. And you may have noticed that we’ve been out and 

about in Northwest Ohio more than ever, making speeches and hosting booths at international festivals, 

in addition to networking with community leaders, other organizations, and the media. 


To manage all of this, Dosti has hired a Communications Coordinator, and has taken on new volunteers 

and partners, all of whom you will meet in this report. But we will not allow fundraising and communi-

cation swallow up our funds. In this report, you will see that most of our U.S. fundraising expenses are 

donated in-kind by board and staff, and that much of the schools’ overhead is also donated, i.e., a teacher 

or principal donates a room in his or her home to be used for a school. 


I now live mostly in Pakistan and oversee the Pakistan staff and board overseeing the schools, while 

staying in touch with our U.S. office. My foremost goal is to build a good team. Teamwork is very es-

sential to serving the poor, but unfortunately, the team spirit is not always prevalent in Pakistan. 


We hope in the coming years to further build upon our schools;  to use modern technology to better 

communicate among Dosti schools and offices; and  to form even more new partnerships with the U.S. 

and Pakistani governments.


Thank you and God bless those of you who have been supporting us.



Aijaz Ahmad 

Vice President of Dosti Foundation USA;  Member of Board of Dosti Welfare Organization; and liaison 

between the two 

For the United States, helping to alleviate poverty in Pakistan is not only a moral 

issue but also a national security issue.. By ensuring that the people of Pakistan 

have the means of survival in the short-term and the education necessary for 

gainful employment in the long-term, the Dosti Foundation and the Dosti Wel-

fare Organization can be instrumental in preventing people from becoming des-

perate enough to resort to violence. If you have visited our web site, or read our 

newsletter or other literature, you have seen that students of Dosti schools have 

hope because they feel that as long as they stay in our school they have a future – 

and therefore we are welcomed in the communities that are home to our schools. 

2009 was a year of major changes and developments, perhaps even revival, for 

both the Dosti Welfare Organization in Pakistan and the Dosti Foundation in the 

United States.  



Children in Pakistan, performing the kind of work which 

offers no future, but which is their only future if they are 

not educated 

Sanding a chair—50 hours of work 

per week earns $5.00 

Delivering tea 






Dosti School Sufaid Dheri 

15-room primary middle, and high school—nursery 

school through 9th grade. 173 boys; 73 girls. 12 

teachers, plus principal, sweeper, and office worker. 

Dosti School Abdara 

12 – room primary, middle, and high school—

nursery school through 9th grade. 89 boys; 43 girls. 

10 teachers plus principal 

Dosti School Kalu Shah 

10 – room primary, middle, and high school—

nursery school through 9th grade. 109 boys; 60 girls. 

Five teachers plus principal and office worker. 

Dosti School Badazia #1 run by Filhal 


14-room primary, middle, and high school—nursery 

school through 9th grade. 219 boys; 28 girls. 10 

teachers, plus principal. 

Noor Ul Hadi’s school in Badazia 

Six-room primary school—nursery school through 

6th grade. 27 boys; 103 girls. 6 teachers plus princi-


Shaheen Begum’s school in Badazia 

Three-room Primary school and middle school — 

nursery school through 4th grade, plus 6th and 7th. 

36 boys; 66 girls. Three teachers plus principal. 

Shazia Begum’s school in Nasir Bagh 


Two-room primary school—nursery school through 

first grade. 12 boys; 7 girls. Two teachers including 

principal, Shazia. 

Dosti School Chitral 

Three-room primary and middle school—nursery 

school through 8th grade. 57 boys; 27 girls. Six 

teachers plus principal 


14 primary schools in Pakistan plus one skill center; about 1700 students being educated 

About 100 employees—including teachers, principals, office workers, and janitors— in 

Pakistan. All local village residents 

All schools co-ed up to sixth grade; girls make the majority at five schools. 

Four schools have female principals. 

Schools range from offering just early education to offering classes through 9th grade. Higher 

grades are added as the students need them, i.e., when a class finishes the 9th grade, 10th 

grade will be added the following year. 

95% of students qualified to advance to the next grade for the 2010-11 school year 

One paid employee in the U.S. Dosti Foundation office 

The Dosti Foundation in the US was supported in 2009 by approximately 40 individuals, busi-

ness and groups, whose names we are withholding for privacy reasons. 

Over half of all money given to Dosti by outsiders (people not Dosti officers) in 2009 came 

from people not affiliated ethnically or religiously with Pakistan.  

The largest contributor not on the board in 2009 was not affiliated ethnically or religiously 

with Pakistan 



* schools are usually identified by the name of village or tribal area where they are located. When an 

area has multiple Dosti schools, a number is assigned and either a more specific location or the name of 

the principal or school head is given as further means of identification. 



SCHOOLS (cont). 

Dosti School Jamrud. 

One-room primary and middle school —nursery 

school through 7th grade. 41 boys; 51 girls. Two 

teachers plus principal. 

Dosti School Lala Kali 

Three-room primary school—playgroup, nursery 

and prep, and first and second grade. 17 boys; 25 

girls. Four teachers plus principal. 

Dosti School Kagawala Bada Bair  

Six-room primary school (with veranda as addi-

tional classroom)—nursery school through 5th 

grade. 64 boys; 20 girls. Six teachers plus principal 

and two other staff. 

Dosti School Kashmir Kalay 

Five-room primary school — nursery school 

through 5th grade. 30 boys; 41 girls. Two teachers 

plus principal. 

Dosti School Tangi Ghairat Kheley 

8-room primary school—nursery school through 4th 

grade. 47 boys; 32 girls. Three teachers plus princi-


Dosti School Tangi Akhtarabad 

Seven-room primary school—nursery school 

through 5th grade. 133 boys; 60 girls; 8 teachers 

plus principal. 




Dastakari Skill Center at Sufaid Dheri, instructing young women in Tailoring; Hand Embroi-

dery; Machine Embroidery; Hand knitting and Crocheting. In the past, courses have been given 

during the summer vacation from school, with 10 to 15 students at a time. We try to provide 

each woman who completes the course with a sewing machine to use to make household 

clothes or to earn income. 

Field trip to the resort town of Murree—summer 2009. 






School Sponsorships 

(individuals and organizations who either (a) gave funds that originally started 

a school, or (b) give regular pledges, as of 2009 or before, that regularly sup-

port a particular school. You are remembered with gratitude. 




Pan-Pacific South East Asian Women’s Association—Jamrud School 


Dr. Mohammed Kamil Ahmed—Kalu Shah School.  


Dr. Khalid Mahmood — Badazai school number1 


































Here are some significant stories of 2009.)


Masood Khan, retired Pakistani Army solider, wanted so 

much for all of his four sons and five daughters to complete 

their education that he relocated the family from  the vil-

lage of Khaji  Panda, which has no high school, to Sufaid 

Dheri, site of Dosti’s first school. Four of his sons and two 

of his daughters studied at the Dosti Sufaid Dheri school 

last year, including the oldest son, Muhammed Zarshad, 

shown to the left. 


Zohra and Saima, whose father, Zafar Iqbal, lost both his hands in an accident and now has prosthetic 

hands, aspire to become their family’s support when they are adults. And they feel that’s only possible 

because of Dosti! In 2009 they completed the 6th grade at Dosti’s Sufaid Dheri school. Zohra won 

first prize in the Naat Competition, and Saima was honored as the best student in her class. 


(Zohra and Saima shown below, enjoying school and accepting prizes.) 



Subhan Ullah (left) earned his Masters in Computer Science, from the 

City University of Science & IT of Peshawar, becoming the first higher 

education success for Dosti and Dr. Ahmad. A 2004 graduate of the Uni-

versity of Peshawar, Subhan started his Master’s program as a scholarship 

student, but had to drop out when his father became ill. In 2008 he con-

nected with Dosti and received about $1200 to finish three semesters.  




stories of 2009, cont.)


The following 3 pages are financial documents from the 

Dosti Foundation in the United States. Please note: 

Office supplies, printing utilities, travel expenses, and other overhead and fundraising 

not specifically noted as expenses are donated in-kind by board and staff, usually by Dr. 


The other accounts listed under our assets and liabilities indicate donations from Dr. 

Ahmad and his other enterprises 


Pages 15 through 21 contain the Audited 2009 financial 

report of the Dosti Welfare Organization in Pakistan. 

Monetary amounts listed in rupees;   

1 US dollar = 80-84 rupees 

Picture at left: A 

class picnic in 

Kund Park near 

Peshawar, February 









Dosti Foundation (USA) 2009 Expenses and Income Broken Down 

by specific source or use 


Individual, Family, or Small Business Donations  (not Dosti insiders) 


Organizational Fundraiser Donations (Girls, Inc, YWCA of Dayton) 


Kroger Community Rewards Revenue* 


Total income not contributed by officers or officers’ affiliates 



Money contributed by officers or officers’ affiliates (Munir Ahmad and 

Aijaz Ahmad) 


Other—bank account interest 


Other—source unknown 


Total income: 



Kroger customers can register their Kroger Plus cards www.krogercommunityrewards.com, and then 5% of the 

purchase with the card is sent by Kroger to Dosti.



This number represents a 13.5% increase from 2008 

Given to Dosti Welfare Organization in Peshawar, Pakistan  (―Grants, 

Dosti, Pakistan‖ on Profit/Loss sheet, previous page) 


Employee Gross Pay 

(The new Communications Coordinator, hired late in March, at $9/



Employer FICA contribution (7.65% of gross income) 


Miscellaneous expenses later reimbursed by Dr. Munir Ahmad 


Printing, Arrow Print and Copy—June and July newsletter  


Bank fees and service charges 


Total Expenses: 


















Highlights of the Year 

 Dosti hired a staff person to work 

every day exclusively on as manager 

of Dosti communications and public 

relations: the newsletter, the web 

site; other literature; and booths 

and presentations).  


Jessica Weinberg joined Dosti as Pub-

lic Relations Coordinator for the Toledo, Ohio Dosti 

office in March of 2009. 


Ms. Weinberg has a Bachelor’s in Writing and a J.D. 

from Ohio Northern University, in Ada, Ohio. She was 

admitted to practice law in Ohio in 2007, but sees com-

munication and outreach as her real forte and enjoys 

supporting non-profit and activist organizations.  

We assembled a new advisory 

board whose members: 

Assist in the process of editing 

our literature 

Through their contacts, find us 

fundraising, presentation, and 

other outreach opportunities 

Help us plan new initiatives 

Work as volunteers around our 




Member profiles and pictures be-


Originally from Pakistan, 

Dr. Ali has an MD and an 

MBA in Healthcare Man-

agement, and is CEO of a 

clinical research company 

that has been performing 

clinical trials all over the 

world since 2008. 

Dr. Anwer Ali, joined April 2009 

Dr. Conway is Dean Emeritus of the 

University of Toledo College of Business 

and Finance, and President of the Diller 

Foundation, which promotes medical 

missions throughout the world by provid-

ing doctors, nurses, dentists, public 

health personnel, medical supplies, medi-

cal equipment, and medication


Lawrence Conway, Ph.D, joined April 2009 (below right) 

Elizabeth Balint, joined April 2009. Photo not available. 


Project Manager of the Great Lakes Consortium for International Training 

and Development, which develops international exchange programs, Dr. Balint is 

also involved with UT’s Catherine S. Eberly Center for Women and the Accounting 

and Computing Advisory Committee at Bowsher High School. Before the advisory 

board was formed, Dr. Balint, as president of the Toledo chapter of the Pan-Pacific 

Southeast Asia Women’s Association,  led a PPSEAWA initiative to raise funds that 

were used in 2003 to open our school in the village of Jamrud

 Kristie Foell, Ph.D., joined May 2009 (left) 

German Professor and Director of International Stud-

ies at Bowling Green State University, Dr. Foell has 

traveled extensively in Europe and taught or studied in 

Munich, Vienna, Berlin, and Salzburg Austria.  








Global Goods Partners markets in the United States handicrafts and accessories made by women-

led organizations all over the world, under fair labor conditions, at fair wages. You can now pur-

chase GGP products and specify that some of the revenue be sent to Dosti. 


No Sweat sells union or co-op made (―sweatshop free‖) clothing and foot-

wear. You can now purchase this clothing and specify that some of the revenue 

be sent to Dosti.  





Visit the Shop for Dosti page of our web site to learn more about both of these partnerships. 


We continue to participate in the Kroger Community Rewards program, successor to Kroger Ca-

res. By registering their Kroger Plus cards for us at www.krogercommunityrewards.com, supporters 

can now ensure that 5% of the revenue of their Kroger purchases comes to us. 


As their summer camp service project, Girls, Inc of the YWCA of Dayton held a bake sale to raise 

money for Dosti! (picture above right) 


Girls, Inc is a national organization that encourages girls to be ―strong, smart and bold.‖  They affiliate 

with churches, community organizations, and housing projects throughout the U.S. and Canada to pro-

vide girls with activities that build self-esteem and leadership and promote healthy values and relation-

ships and economic self-sufficiency. 

Right: Girls, Inc. of 

YWCA of Dayton sum-

mer camp bake sale (July 

2009). Thanks to the 

YWCA of Dayton for the 


Right: icon for the No Sweat and the link to our No Sweat page. 

George Farah, Esq, joined June 2009 Pictures available at  http://www.cohenmilstein.com/

attorneys_gfarah.php, and www.opendebates.org (these are not affiliated with Dosti)



Activist and international human rights lawyer George Farah is a graduate of Harvard Law School and 

has worked in Ralph Nader’s office in Washington, DC. In 2004, he founded Open Debates, a non-profit 

organization with the mission of reforming the Presidential debate process and format. He currently 

practices law in the Antitrust and Human Rights divisions of Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, a public 

interest law firm headquartered in Washington, DC. 



Sufaid Dheri School Becomes a Certified Exam Site 

The milestone exam for students in Pakistan is a 10th grade exam known as the Matric. Unlike high 

school exams in the U.S., (and more like some professional examinations) the Matric can only be given 

at certain locations certified by the board of education. Our Sufaid Dheri school was certified in early 

2009. as a Matric location. 

Rachel Williams, an active Rotarian currently serving as Lit-

eracy Coordinator of the Rotary District 7930 in the Boston 

area, and as the International Chair of the Ipswich, MA, Ro-

tary Club, brought the Rotary clubs of Salem, NH, Ipswich, 

MA, and Unitown, Peshawar together in 2009 to raise $3300 

between them and then apply for a Matching Grant from Ro-

tary International. The matching grant, which brings the total 

to $12,000, was approved in early 2010, and bought furniture 

and equipment for the Dosti School Kalu Shah.  


Above: Rachel being recognized for 

her work by the Unitown, Peshawar 

Rotary Club 

Rachel works through Rotary for education for peace in Afghanistan and Paki-

stan, on behalf of not only Dosti but many schools and educational organizations. 

More about her work at rachelforpeace.blogspot.com 

Major 2009 School Construction and Improvements 

A science lab was added to the Sufaid Dheri school for the 9th and 10th graders of the Sufaid 

Dheri and Abdara schools to share, studying biology, physics, and chemistry.  


Four middle-school classrooms were added to the Kalu Shah school. Pictures below. 



Ms. Weinberg, Dr. Munir Ahmad, Aijaz Ahmad, and Dr. Anwer Ali traveled to Washington, DC 

in September 2009 and met with the following government officials about U.S. government aid for 



Joseph Lai, Foreign Policy Aide to Senator George Voinovich, who first invited us 


Tanya Somanader, Foreign Policy aide to Senator Sherrod Brown 


Cory Gill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee aide to Senator Richard Lugar, the Ranking Minor-

ity Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 


Kate Byrne, aide to U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur 


Congressman Dennis Kucinich, of the Tenth District of Ohio (Lakewood area), known for his inter-

est in international peace-building. Kucinich subsequently wrote to Secretary of State Clinton urging 

her department to collaborate with Dosti. 


Joseph Truong of the U.S. Agency on International Development 


Dr. Munir Ahmad, Dr. Anwer Ali and Kuldeep Singh met 

with U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (June 1) to discuss U.S. govern-

ment help for Dosti and for schools in Pakistan. (picture below) 

Right: Dosti board, staff, and volunteers on Capitol Hill be-

tween meetings. 



Promoting ‘Dosti’ (Friendship) Between the U.S. and Pakistan 


Dosti director Munir Ahmad has long wanted Toledo to have a Sister City in Pakistan. Dr. Anwer 

Ali (see page 22) visited Pakistan during September 2009, and then invited four Pakistani govern-

ment officials, that he met to visit Toledo to tell us what Toledo and Hyderabad, Pakistan would 

have to offer each other as Sister Cities. Making up the delegation were: 


Dr. Shabab Imam, Executive District Officer of the City of Karachi Pakistan (and medical-school 

friend of Dr. Ali)  


Barrister Farogh Naseem former Advocate General (like Attorney General in the U.S.) for the 

province of Sindh, Pakistan. 


Dr. Khalid Maqbool, former Federal Minister 


Tanvir Ahmed, —  Karachi real estate tycoon 


We introduced the delegation to the board of Toledo Sister Cities and to Lucas County Commis-

sioner Ben Konop at a meeting the morning of October 28, and then introduced them to many 

other public officials, and members of the Pakistani community of Toledo, at a dinner that same 

evening at the Grape Leaf Diner in Holland, Ohio. 


Dr. Ali subsequently assembled members of the Pakistani community into a committee that will 

be responsible for forming and facilitating the relationship. 

Above left: TSCI board president Hans Ersepke presides over the meeting of TSCI board members, Pakistani delegates, and 

Dosti board and staff, at One Government Center. Above right, from left to right: Jessica Weinberg, Dr. Ahmad, John Camp-

bell, Dr. Imam, Barrister Naseem, Mr. Erspeke, Dr. Maqbool, Dr. Ali, William D. Hoover, Eric Bergman. 

Below left: 

Stopping in toward the end of the meeting, Lucas County Commissioner Ben Konop discusses the struc-

ture of Ohio government with the Pakistani visitors and waxes enthusiastic about visiting Pakistan. 


Right: the Pakistani dele-

gation meet community 

leaders and members of 

the Toledo-area Pakistani 




Here in the US, May or June marks the end of a school year 

and the start of summer. But in Pakistan, students move be-

tween grades in March, three months before summer vaca-

tion. Therefore, March is the month of Dosti school Annual 

Days – the celebration of students’ successful completion of a 

grade. It is always a jubilant occasion that students, parents, 

and school staff all work hard to make just right. For the last 

few years, Aijaz Ahmad, Vice President of Dosti USA, and 

some Dosti Welfare Organization officers have attended and 

taken part in the distribution of awards.  


The ceremony typically opens with recitation, by a selected 

student, of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by student-

led prayer; philosophical student speeches; humorous student 

skits; and poetry recitation by a few teachers or the principal. 


Eventually, the school faculty invite Mr. Aijaz on stage and 

he presents trophies, medals, and other honors to the top stu-

dents in each class, as well as to winners of school poetry and 

debate competitions. 


Aijaz also spent time with teachers during his 2009 visit, lis-

tening to their concerns about how the schools and the Dosti 

organization could be improved. Among top concerns: the 

need to use email and modern technology  to improve com-

munication; and the difficulty of providing clean water and 

sanitation for the schools. 












Ninety-five percent of Dosti school children qualified to ad-

vance to the next grade at the conclusion of the 2009-2010 

school year and the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. 

Awards being handed out  

The Biggest Day of the Dosti School Year  in Pakistan 

Above: Aijaz poses with prize winners 

Below: Crowd assembled 



Photos on this page: Children express their appreciation 

Dosti Foundation U.S. Office 

2450 N . Reynolds Road 

Toledo, OH 43615 

419-535-3214 (p) 

419-535-6794 (f) 


Dosti Welfare Organization  

Head Office 

1046-C Canal Road, University Town, 


Phone: + 92-91-5850478-5851381 

Facsimile: +92-915854024 

Email: dostiwelfareorg@hotmail.com 

Ways to Help: 

 Send a check, made out to Dosti Foundation, to the above U.S. address. Or visit 

www.dosti.org to donate through Paypal. You can choose a one-time or recurring donation. 

But please remember that PayPal will take a small percentage of your donation as their fee.  


Contact the U.S. office for volunteer opportunities such as events and booths, or to book us 

for a presentation to your class or club! 


Contact the Peshawar office if you are able to travel to Pakistan to teach or speak at our 

schools or any schools. We can help you with transportation and accommodations. 

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