Less controlled practice: see practice.
Mind map: see word map.
Picture stories
Stories that are in pictures instead of words.
Controlled practice, restricted practice
When students practise the target language in restricted situations in which they have little or no choice of what language they use. The teacher focuses on accurate use of the target language.
Less controlled, freer practice
When students practise the target language more freely, with more choice of what they say and what language they use.
Prioritising: see rank ordering.
Problem solving
Students work in pairs or groups to find the solution to a problem. Problem-solving activities usually help to develop fluency.
Project work
An activity which focuses on completing a task on a specific topic. Students often work in groups to create something such as a class magazine. Students sometimes have to do some work by themselves, sometimes outside the classroom.
Rank ordering
An activity in which students have to put things into order of importance for a given situation, e.g. they have to decide which four things to take on holiday with them (passport, toothbrush, money etc.) from a list of ten. This is also known as prioritising.